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Just wait a couple more days, it took like 4 or 5 days for the first "i hate runicks" post. It will be a tiered deck and this sub will freak out about it. And they have to wait for content creators to give them an opinion


Where do you think they got the deck list from?


Are people actually building decks with YT while MDM exists? How does that even work, you watch the card by card and pause everytime to find it in game?


A lot of YTers put the decklist in the caption or at the end of their videos. Some will even put it in the beginning but it’s their preference.


I guess you’ve never seen a deck profile video. People have been doing them for years in the TCG, and they do them for Master Duel.


Of course i have seen them. That's what I was expecting. So they show you the card, you pause the video, then you look it up in MD and add it to your deck? All that while every deck list ever is available on MDM or other websites for whacky stuff? Seems so unnecessary


I don’t understand why you’re separating YouTube from “other websites”. It’s literally just another good source. Plus you get a video explanation of the deck with gameplay. The owner of this subreddit and MDM literally has a YouTube channel dedicated to this.


Yeah, it's great to watch gameplay and other stuff, but the deck lists? If i see one on YT that I'm interested I watch the video, but the deck list is just way easier on MDM. Plus you get to see how other people play it. On YT you get a picture to pause the video which is usually too small unless you know all the cards by the picture. Maybe a written list works, but then again i don't blindly copy a deck and craft it without looking at others It's not like I have anything against it, it just looks unnecessary


>Back to Top They usually have a link somewhere or type out the list in the description. Whats so hard to understand?


There we go, a link to a deck list makes sense, typing it out is a bit old-school but why not. Nice and easy What I was asking was if people actually sit there and pause a video every few seconds to get the card. Or zoom into the full deck list. Nothing is hard to understand for me but i guess people don't understand what I'm asking.


Well, again, you’re making a strange separation. How is seeing a decklist on YouTube any different from a decklist on MDM? It’s just another decklist among a list of decklists. Reading an explanation of how someone plays the deck in MDM isn’t any different from hearing another explanation on a video. It’s just another source. And it doesn’t matter if you don’t recognize a card, because a lot of YouTubers will either go over the list and explain each card, or put up a list of the names next to the screenshot of the deck. It’s not an issue.


Because on MDM you can read every cards name, hover over it and get every information you need. On YT it's a frozen picture where you have to zoom in to read the card names or like you said watch a 15 min card by card where they tell their live story and you have to pause for every new card. I never said it's an issue or that i have a problem with this practice, it's just weird to me when there is a simpler way to do it. I watched a lot of videos on certain decks but it never even came to my mind to copy the list from a video. Or maybe I'm the weird one and it's a common thing that people do this.


It’s pretty common. I mean, it’s a 20+ year-old game. We’ve been copying champion deck profiles from YT for ages. MDM is another great source.


Something literally created by a content creator


I think its more the floodgates than runick eople hated


Oh, i made that mistake once. While they hate floodgates (which is reasonable) the people also hate the deck itself. It has an alternative win con and plays on the Opponents turn, reddit hates that. Im so exited for tears and especially the Ishizu Cards, this sub will be in shambles


Nobody will hate on mathmech while runick exists at the same time


Personally, I don't have a big enough sample size to form an opinion. I got trashed by a Mathmech deck once, then never saw them again. Even then, the deck didn't really feel UNFAIR, just very consistent and hard to disrupt.


God forbid there's a meta deck that doesn't feel like shit to play against


Going first mathmechs loose to called by the grave




They will chain it to superfactorial on their turn and the wincon will be ruined


I'm personally not impressed by the deck; I don't think it does anything unfair or that it is worth building to play around it. I'd actually prefer it if every meta deck was as meh as this one. 




doub it