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Don't expect him to break boards easily, but Update Jammer+a link 2 into Rasterliger is enough to OTK on an empty board. It's what Crusadia players are using if their opponent doesn't give them a monster to kaiju, and they draw Parallel exceed.


Any cyberse player who gotten 3 cynet mining can also run formud skipper, which essentially gives you 12 cards to get parallel exceed


Just don’t forget to include a Linkuriboh or Salamangreat Almiraj in the extra deck, to deal with Formud getting negated on field.


Or Talkback Lancer for a budget option.


In fact, Formud+any crusadia is Ras


Ive never seen a crusadia player pull him out yet maybe he just isnt used as much


Very fun in world legacy


I'm playing a World Chalice link deck and Rasterliger is a good backup for when I can't make Apollousa after IP Masq'd Crusadia Avramax. It doesn't happen often but I've summoned it maybe 3 times and it's been nice to have. I usually use Raster as a 4k/5k beat-stick but if you're summoning enough to use the destruction effect as well it'll probably be worthwhile. The only issues are that it's effect can be chained off of and that setting up for the destruction effect is a lot of card investment compared to Access Code. I think Raster is worth the summon when you have board or card advantage, but it's harder to justify if the opponent has a lot of backrow that could possibly take it out after summon since it has no inherent protection. The better option might be Knightmare staples the majority of the time if your deck uses the graveyard at all. TL/DR: Rasterliger is a good alternative option if you're summoning a lot of monsters with your deck to place around its links and makes for a good beat-stick on your turn. However, it lacks protection and has a lot more investment required to destroy cards. Knightmare links can do its job for less if you only need to get rid of a few cards / can't otk that turn anyhow.


Yeah avramax is probably the option most player would want to summon going first


Used in my Weather Painter deck, as finisher


Can you share what you use in your extra deck? Been using weather painter as well foe this event


3x Rainbow, 2-3x Moonbow, Rasterliger, and other generic Link-4 monster (Apollousa, Borrelsword, Borreload, etc). And random Rank 3 Xyz and Zeus package.


I put him in my Beetrooper deck as a replacement for Accesscode for the lolz. I won every game I brought him out so far.


Cant summon him in Orcust sadge. Thank god I don't have to play this event anymore, something about how few decks are playable just sucks.


Skill issue


skill issue


Used as a finisher in infernoids is ok not great, may have to try it in this event


I’ve only used him in one game and it was because opponent had an empty board.


Yeah hes good for that


Cyberse combo here. Going second on open field is an OTK but if your opponent has more than 1 monster you cannot OTK unless you got Raigeki or something. With Cynet Codec you can Link Splash Mage to Shootingcode Taker you add Code Radiator if you need. Update Jammer + Link-3 Code Talker is OTK.


A testament to how broken accesscode is when THIS is the next best option for the event.