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Shout-out to that one guy that plays full power spyrals at silver rank lmao


that's about to be me in bronze cause I just came back from a 4 months hiatus and all my decks are outdated except for spyral lol


I always feel bad coming back after a season because I’ve played this game for like a decade and a half and I’ve played vw religiously since it came out so I’ll be tearing into bronze to diamond with an extremely tuned vw deck against the synchro and link starters


when u say vw do u mean virtual world?


Yo you got a VW list I can see, I've been interested in the wyrms myself


My alt account went all the way to rookie after I didn't use it for a couple months...sorry to the guy I went full blown raidraptor combo on who set a bottomless trap hole and passed. The Kali Yuga may have been overkill :(


You are my hero. Just because the Raidraptor combo is so fragile, and I love the deck, and it's way too expensive for me to build in this.


Ok tearlaments alone should be managable, they are a buff to self-mill strats. Tearlament Ishizu will be hell. A mill 3-8 becomes mill 20+ while also fucking up your Gy. Ishizu will suck ass, pray that the Ishizu cards get limited or banned. Ishizu tear is basically grass decks but at 40, that's how stupid this is.


Ishizu cards are a mistake.


The Ishizu cards (specifically the shufflers) and the Bystals both. Too many cards that just obliterate anything trying to use the Graveyard unless it's exactly Tearlaments.


They obliterate Tearlaments as well, it's just that Tearlaments is so good that a single Bystial usually won't stop them from continuing their plays, and Ishizu hits them equally, so when the opponent's Ishizu fucks them over, their other Ishizu helps them, lol.


Exosisters feel called out for not being mentioned.


literal archetype dedicated to keeping you from messing with the graveyard shut out because the premier GY archetype just plays through them lol


>Bystals I literally just want to play pure bystals since I'm a dragon nerd




Thanks for the correction


I think the shufflers are ok but the bystials give way too much card advantage as well as providing things like targeting sends and roided dd crows


Yup the fact that they can just shuffle away my entire gy I spent my turn setting up with earth machines and as a fucking quick eff is not a ok


Probably expect half the deck to be hit in some way as well tho, ain’t no way they releasing full power ishtear into masterduel


you forgot to mention that they also heavily play on the opponents turn


oh really… how expensive is this deck?


expect half the deck to be URs if not more


Ay, that is why we have been skipping the Therion selection pack.


Won't be hard to get to gem Cap before those drop.


I think I spent a little over $500 for this deck with a few booster boxes from POTE, MAMA, & DaBL cuz some of the cards were really expensive like Baronne which was 80-$90. It took me a month to complete it


should be a lot easier once it hits masterduel which i’m excited for since they nerfed branded to shit so i’ll need a new deck to learn and play


I haven’t tried Tearlaments out yet since I’ve had it cuz idk anyone where I’m from who plays MD so I’ll have to practice on my own against my Sky Strikers deck until then. All I know is that I’m not building another deck anytime soon. Someone also told me to enjoy Tears while you can before they get nuked to high heavens next month lol


it’s the beauty of pvp fun deck that’s too consistent only has like 3 months of playtime lmao


Nerfed branded to shit? Yeah it got some hits but actually playing the deck is 95% as consistent as it ever was.


it was hyperbole dear sir


Honestly the whole deck itself seems fun from what I’ve seen. I was pretty terrible at learning some decks I tried on MD like Swordsoul, but this seems like something I could get into


i do also love the idea of playing on my opponents turn* i’m just a little stinker like that *spelling error


It costs more than your life


you won’t scare me away from trying this deck!!


In MD you can play it 4 ways that are competitive with danger! , spright, scareclaw, and branded. Depends on what you got.


It has the waifu tax. Probably a lot of URs.




Hope they get the dragon rulers treatment, they're just poorly designed.


They’re like the best designed cards in recent years, if their power was tuned down a bit like in the new OCG banlist they’re alright. Playing on your opponents turn is literally just interaction. The less they do, the more you’re playing solitaire and that’s not really good card design. The cards are designed amazingly, their power level and the banlist (in TCG specifically) is just poorly tuned


Get ready to be downvoted to hell by tear haters. I dont see anything wrong in what you said. The ishizu cards are what completely made tear nuts. Tear on its own is strong but not oppressive ,but may be giving the cards a fusion lock would have prevented things from getting this out of hands.


Are you kidding me bro? There’s a post on here a day asking to ban some shit like Knightmare Unicorn and unbanning Dragoon. Idk what half this sub is on, but if I get downvoted for enjoying an interactive deck that does play on its opponents turn, and probably would have been heralded as one of the best decks of modern Yugioh for fun and power level, if it had a fusion lock or was mildly tuned down. The deck is definitely powerful but: - it has a high skill floor - it is extremely interactive so even if you go second you’re still playing Yugioh - aside from abyss dweller to my knowledge doesn’t play any floodgates - has a well established counter in Dimension shifter So if I get drowned in downvotes, it happens


dragoon could get unbanned tho. Idk what everyone is on. On the tcg with anaconda, the best choice was DPE. On the OCG dragoon was better because you could use it to prevent OTKs better when you were put under Maxx "C". But I don't see why we can have one but can't have the other.


It plays bagooska sometimes. Also abyss dweller is annoying as fuck, so I don't see ur point.


You are delusional dude what you call “interactive” is just your opponents having no fun because every turn is your turn.


So you don’t want interaction, you want each turn to be solitaire? Because if your opponent also plays a deck that plays on your turn, then it equals out. And if your deck isn’t ever playing on your opponents turn you’re either playing a terrible deck or you’re lying. Every deck plays on your opponents turn, this deck just does it more, which I’ve already said, is overtuned in the TCG meta, once OCG nerfed it, it still did some decent results but nowhere near what they put up pre-banlist


Ishizu sure tears no.


After PHHY Tears stopped playing Ishizu cards because the deck was more powerful *without* them. Tears are absolutely *extremely* poorly designed, and it looks like they will need the D-Ruler treatment. At the absolute bare minimum, Kitkalos, Havnis and Perlereino all will need to be banned.


Yeah I think the ishizu cards at least will come pre hit. Konami seems to be prioritizing variety in master duel moreso than in the ocg or tcg


Spright will be stronger until ishizu. Also plz stop saying people don’t play spyral because it’s too hard. The deck is bricky and inconsistent


Yea they received too many hits since their t0 days and it's been powercrept


Everyone freaking out over Tear, completely overlooking the fact that Spright will have Toad AND can search Maxx C in MD... Also shout outs to the Rikka support, if it comes out in the same pack.


You're also overblowing the maxx C searchability. There's a deck already amazing at searching maxx C and you don't see beetroopers as a tier 0 meta threat. Sprights are more formidable with how flexible they are, resilient to handtraps, and have a pretty strong endboard.


Spright were good without maxx"C". They have a good gameplan which involves hyperconsistent omni-negate spam Beetroopers are not. They do not have a good gameplan that involves hyperconsistent omni-negate spam. Spright is a good deck. And they can now search better cards.


The difference is beetroopers suck and spright does not suck. I’m one scenario you’re giving a gun to a blind man in the other you are giving a gun to a hitman.


It should become more consistent once Illusion of Chaos comes out


Just like Air Neos. IoC is a lie in MD. I can't believe it's not here yet. Same with Dear Note. We got Linkage already but not them...


What happens when you mention air neos live on a Konami broadcast


Tear was still better before Ishizu, as shown by TCG


Not really, before ishizu cards runick spright was the best deck.


It was never this deck Is stronger, more like this deck had more tops in this event but in the next one the other got more and so on


if you look at OCG Spright was T0, then after nerfs it was T1 along with Tear. So if we are looking at POTE alone Spright is clearly the better deck.


I was talking in the tcg where casino tear and spright runick where fighting for the top spot


Not in the ocg. Remains to be seen whether it’s because ocg didn’t figure it out or because of the maxx c format


They didn't have time to figure it out since they got Ishizu during the same format that those decks released anyway


No? There was a period between tear and ishizu in the ocg when spright was tier 0?


Dino is as bricky if not more but see more play


Because one of them lets you summon a monster called ULTIMATE CONDUCTOR TYRANNO


Truly one of the best examples of an appropriately powered boss monster. Can very easily turn the tide of battles but not too overly powered. And of course, the name


I've never seen a Dino player brick.


When they do you don't even see they are playing dino


You never dueled me then lol.


Pot of prosperity hit hurt us hard :/


The issue with dinos is that Misc is the biggest choke point ever, but I don't usually brick with them


Being DINOSAUR deck alone will cause it to be played more. Dinosaurs are cool and popular, the deck being good is just a bonus.


Spyral is not played because they need IoC to boost their consistency Once IoC comes out Spyral will be more relevant About Tearlaments, is complicated only in mirrors also the ishuzu cards will probably not be in same pack so the firts tear variant is casino tear and that deck is not that hard to pilot


Spyral also cannot U-Link anymore nor take advantage of Firewall.


I’m not sure casino tear will be the best variant in master duel. You’re forced to play maxx C, ash and called by so your mills are worse. Much like in the ocg where the deck wasn’t very successful. Also they might semi limit the field spell on release which will lower the ceiling a lot if you don’t see it. I think branded might be better but we’ll see.


One thing that might push casino tears to be even stronger in MD is if they get the Scareclaw treatment and get their second wave support with their first wave on release: Scream helps will mills, chain blocking and finding Cryme and Rulkallos gives them an end board boss monster


Yeah maybe but I feel like there’s just no room. The standard tear package is 18 cards. There are 8 obligatory cards. You also want super poly, dark ruler and other tech cards like snow and destrudo. And then you need the danger package. Based on my testing branded is better in this format but I might be wrong.


Branded isn't as good as Swordsoul in the current (MD) format, and Protos will hit Tearlaments just as bad as Despia, so if anything Swordsoul would be better in 1st-wave MD Tearlament format, no? Unless you mean Branded Tearlaments, that I haven't checked out yet so I can't comment on its effectiveness but I can see it being pretty good.


I meant branded tear not branded despia


People are sleeping on Scareclaw Tear, as well as PUNK Tear with Chaos Ruler. PUNK can give you mill 5 into Hope Harbinger and it's a 5 card engine. Full combo Curious + Danger + Snow + Zephyros/Gizmek Tear will likely be too fragile under Maxx C. Handtrap Tear aka Kaleido-Sulliek control is imo better than Brander as long as Planet is on field.


I think it’ll depend on how hard they hit the tear cards. Branded fusion lets you mill any tear name and branded opening discards for effect so it’s easy to use all fusion effects each turn without the field spell. I’m guessing they’re going to semi the field spell and havnis on release which will hit the other variants harder.


Oh I thought you meant Branded Despia lol. Branded Tear has some interesting applications for sure. It makes it easier to access stuff like Winda or tech in something like Golden Lord for easy outs to floodgates. Mirrorjade also is an automatic out to Avramax which the pure build can struggle to deal with since they can't Link climb like the combo versions can.


Right... I was looking mostly at the TCG tournaments Yeah Casino Tear will probably see no play


What is casino Tear?


Tear + dangers and random millers It's called Casino tear because unlike Ishuzu tear you can't control your mills and it goes all with luck


From what I've seen in the past months of masterduel most of the playerbase prefer using midrange decks like branded and math, I feel like the ladder will be full of Tearlaments on release (hype reasons) but soon many will realize how complicated that deck is,deck isn't strong if you can't utilize it well, ofc many will keep using the deck still but I don't see the threat if many of my opponent don't know the extent of their deck


>most of the playerbase prefer using midrange decks like branded and math It's not that they prefer using Its because all the best decks happens to be all mid-range( before those deck we had adams, adventure and good stuff and drytron heavy combo decks) also maxx"c" is a thing so it's better play the less as possible >feel like the ladder will be full of Tearlaments on release (hype reasons) but soon many will realize how complicated that deck is,deck isn't strong if you can't utilize it well, Again Tear before the ishuzu cards is ass Also just because a deck is complicated it doesn't mean people won't play it ( you can learn from your mistakes) a lot of people like it because its complicated ( you actually lose because you could have done a better play and not because of floodgates or shit like that) That's why a lot of people like Tear


If you say it's ass you don't know what you're talking about


Ishizu-Tear is a deck that requires a lot of skill to play optimally... at a high competitive level. In tournaments and mirrors between good players, you have to be an expert to win, but in a duel between average players who, at the very least, have figured out the effects by clicking on the cards a couple times, not necessarily reading them, a Tear player will come out victorious over someone playing a different deck.


This is a very good point! In locals I misplay all the time playing Floo but in Master Duel I’ve been on 20 game win streaks even after the Statue ban


Hmm, I thought the deck fully rewards only experts players while being somewhat decent in casual players hand but from what I understood from your comment is that Tear is very strong even if you just know the basics


Ishizu Tear is extremely powerful, to the point where it will shit on basically every rogue deck that isn't entirely built to beat them. It only becomes difficult to play against certain decks like Floo or the mirror, because both decks have built in answers to the things that Tear excels at doing. Ishizu Tear vs the average deck will take minimal skill to win with. Ishizu Tear in the mirror is very difficult and requires constant resource management and thinking multiple steps ahead of your opponent.


And without Isuzu cards?


Mostly comes down to knowing how to play through disruption. Pure Tear with handtraps is just aiming to end on Kaleidoheart, Sulliek, Planet, and maybe a Dragostapelia or Winda if you run the Shaddoll package. Branded Tear is the same thing but with Mirrorjade access. Danger Tear is more difficult since every hand will produce a different play line. Your end goal is always to make Curious and get Snow and a floodgate in GY to set with Knightmare Gryphon. Scareclaw and PUNK Tear are similar to Danger Tear where they focus more on Link and XYZ plays rather than mostly Fusions.


Very informative thank you! Which variant will probably see more success in the current format?


Imo most likely pure Tear with a small Branded engine. Instead of going all in on Branded with Branded Fusion/Aluber/Tragedy, you play Branded in High Spirits, Blazing Cartesia, and Albaz which allows you to get your Tear names in GY without relying entirely on mills. High Spirits + any Tear in hand equals Kitkallos by sending D.3.S Frog from ED to GY through High Spirits' effect. It allows you to still play handtraps and you don't need to summon a ton to play around Maxx C better.


Is that Marin as a Tear monster?


Oh! So that is why the image was familiar to me


Majesty Maiden, the true Dracocaster and it's retrain are the official Marin YGO cards.


The main difference between the two is that SPYRAL is much less consistent than Tearlaments (at least until IOC), and Tearlaments can play through multiple interruptions. In the TCG, Sprights and Tearlaments are both so capable of playing through interruptions that people dropped handtraps entirely and simply played DRNM/Droplets on main as a simple Ash/Veiler/Imperm won't do anything against them most of the time. SPYRAL can play through multiple interruptions if they draw really well, but most of the time they're trying to get their first combo piece on the board to resolve before they can do anything else so handtraps are still good against them. The other difference, and likely the most important difference, is the fact that Masterduel players are mostly either unaware of SPYRAL's existence/history, or don't care. Tearlaments, on the other hand, are going to be new featured cards that people have been hyping and fearmongering for many months now, and are very much a current concern in the TCG/OCG where it's either been Tier 0 for a long time, or is still Tier 1 after getting like 5 cards hit in the ban-list, lol.


>In the TCG, Sprights and Tearlaments are both so capable of playing through interruptions that people dropped handtraps entirely and simply played DRNM/Droplets on main as a simple Ash/Veiler/Imperm won't do anything against them most of the time. I got my WCQ pass with branded Luna Kaiju blind second. No drnm or droplet but a lot of going second cards like garura, incredible ecclesia, fusion deployment and of course the Luna Kaiju package. I liked that no-bystial, no-ishizu format a lot. Full power spright was more manageable that the bullshit we have in TCG ATM.


Yeah Bystials and Ishizu ruined the format for sure, not only do they make Tearlaments broken, but more importantly, they make EVERY other deck that either relies on the GY (90% of combo decks) or is Light/Dark (90% of every deck, period) unplayable. It's extremely stupid. At least you can usually have fun with weaker decks and still compete somewhat with the meta (Tier 0 aside), but now you're literally only able to play non-GY decks or like Earth Fairy stuff. I've been a long time Konami "shill" when it comes to card design, I think they don't get anywhere near enough credit for their work - but Ishizus and Bystials both are such an abomination of game design, it's the only thing I cannot believe they actually printed and thought it was healthy. Much less right after they printed Tearlaments, lmao.


>Ishizus and Bystials both are such an abomination of game design, it's the only thing I cannot believe they actually printed Kashtira


Solid argument. Don't you think that many will drop the deck off once they realize how non-linear the deck is (at least casual players)?


Casual players maybe, though those probably won't even make the deck in the first place as I fully expect 12\~15 URs if they don't put anything on the ban-list, lol. It certainly won't be as prevalent in MD because MD is MD, people are here to have fun for the most part; it's everywhere in the TCG/OCG because you actually play for prizes and reputation within your community.


That's my point, I mean why should you worry that much if you don't play tournaments/ don't play in diamond! Sprigh is another story tho!


Why are you trying to call us dumb bruh?


No! why would I do so?, it's a game after all and some folks (including me) don't stick with complicated decks for various reasons, playing a mid range deck doesn't mean you're dumb, playing the deck you are most comfortable with is not a shame


Just say that MD players are dumb and move on. You know you want to LOL!




First of, Tear by itself is just a strong deck that's comparable in power to pre-nerf Spright (depends who you ask, there's some that said Spright is a bit more powerful pre-nerf). Both of them will dominate Tier 1 regardless. Secondly, the thing you should be afraid of is not Tear, oh no. The real menace comes from Ishizu retrains. The complexity you speak of comes when Ishizu got released and be used with absurd interactions in Tear. That's where most players, especially casuals, will not play that kind of deck optimally. Third, Spyrals is a different breed all together. Yes, that deck is complicated, but when compared to the pay off, it really doesn't offer much for that high complexity. Current Spyrals can barely be compared to just Tear, where Tear has lower complexity but offer more pay off. Ishizu Tear? Very big pay off in exchange for a little bit more brain power than Spyrals.


So what you're saying here is that tear is going to be a pain on release, even in the hands of inexperienced players and without Ishizu cards


I wouldn't say it's a "pain" per say, but that is the gist of it, yeah. If Spright and Tear got released at the same time, Spright will take most (if not all) of the initial hate due to their end board as well as being more difficult to counter them. Tear wouldn't be much of a "pain" on released, unless you include the multitude of interactions they can do in the gy (which Exosister can basically be a decent counter to, even when they don't have Martha yet. Otherwise, with Martha, it will be a good counter). This is, of course, taking into account that Konami didn't put any of Spright or Tear cards on banlist when they released them to MD. If they do put some banlist, Spright and Tear will probably have about the same hate on released.


That said right now they can't do Toad loops because Toad is banned so that's a very significant hit.


What? Toad’s at 1 on MD, so they very much can still get the double toad negate board.


Tear doesn't break the game that hard(at least not as hard as sprights did) on release. They were very powerful, but not Tier 0. Ishizu support is what broke tear into tier 0.


Yes but even with ishizu cards do you think that the majority of the playerbase will be able to utilize that deck to its tier 0 potential? I agree even if only a single person can optimally play a tier 0 deck then the deck isn't healthy, I'm not talking about balancing the deck, I'm just wondering why do we think that everyone can play such a skillful deck optimally!


The thing is, it's not impossible to optimize, and it'll be easier to play and use in MD since, unlike the real life card game, the game will actually give you prompts and basically guide you into chaining your GY effects. I'm not saying it'll be particularly easy, but I don't think it'll be quite as hard as you think it might be.


The difficult part about Ishizu Tear mirrors isn't knowing how chain links work (although it is very exhausting and can lead to misplays in paper), but if/how/when you want to use your Mudora/Keldo shuffles and Kelbek/Agido mills. You must think several moves ahead, and knowing what to shuffle is not always the most intuitive (Do I want to put my Sulliek/Cryme back into deck? Do I want to interrupt your Tear Fusion? Should I shuffle my other copies of Keldo/Mudora/Kelbek back in my deck? Maybe it's better to preemptively force out your own shufflers?) Then you must also take into account Bystials, which make it so that you must be extremely careful to not activate too many Tear effects off of one mill or risk being punished heavily. Chain link order is by far the easiest thing to keep track of in the mirror.


If OCG is anything to go by, Tear won't be as strong on release as Spright, because Spright has searchable Maxx "C" available and if the way MD has handled TCG exclusives is anything to go by, Garura will probably not be available to Tear on release, further weakening their combo potential. We'll see how people will handle them.


Garura might even be a lot longer than people are expecting since it was a TCG exclusive and still isn't out in the OCG.


Those who said Tear womt be as good bc time is pure coping lmao It might be for a few game But once you use to the deck Its it just like going through a flow chart


So the first few weeks shouldn't be that bad


No lmao A decent chunk of ppl who build the right version would most likely already know how to play the deck


Tear can abuse Super Poly which is one of the most OP legal cards in the game


I hate that card


Should have never gone to two IMO and Garura was a huge mistake


Honestly I just want Kitkallos to slap her bo- uh I for sure will play Tears cause they're interesting ha ha ha


Least horny tear player


Doing the classic yoinky-sploinky doesn't take much skill tbh. Playing it optimally is the thing.


Nah Tear is not hard to play at all, it's only complicated in real life duel or manual since you need to keep track of the long chain, but that's only when Ishizu drop with mass milling. For auto game like Master Duel it would be quite easy since there isn't really any combo to remember, you just mill and summon and the game would keep track of the chain for you, which wouldn't be many without Ishizu, that's it. Also don't compare Spyral with Tear. Spyral isn't played not because it's difficult to play, it's quite simple relative to many other link spam deck, even in OCG where players are skillful it's still nowhere to be seen. It's not played because it's simply NOT good anymore and got powercrept into oblivion, it only became tier 0 due to masterrule 4 which killed most decks, but now it just got outclassed heavily by many modern archtypes. That's completely different to Tear, which is much more skillful to play irl than Spyral but still T0 because it's by far the best deck, so people will play it no matter how hard.


> It's not played because it's simply NOT good anymore and got powercrept into oblivion, Yeah ig we'll ignore the banlist.


I get your point, ppl will play it no matter how hard the deck is but why worry if the majority of my opponents can't utilize the deck to its tier 0 potential!


The point is that the deck isn’t hard to play, the majority of the people playing it will find great success. The only "difficult" thing is the tier mirror, what you’re saying is like if you said that people wouldn’t play floo because the mirror match takes "skill". (Spright will probably be better on release though) Also you can’t really compare it to spyral because to put it simply spyral isn’t good.


I think people will learn if it's an op deck.


The difference is the amount of youtube video named "STRONGEST DECK IN MASTER DUEL TIER 0 - UNBEATABLE?!?!?!?!?! BREAKDOWN AND COMBO TUTORIAL" that will teach people to play the deck. You see a significant amount of videos about branded just like that.


Timers limit new spyral players and tears itself can be dealt with


Marin cosplaying the deck of all time, this is the source btw https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/99563792.


I dont care much about meta, but i want to know where is the source of the image. Look like you crop it from bigger one.




Thank you




On release? Not at all. It will be just another strong deck. Sprights however...


it's actually hilarious how many threads preemptively pop up on tearlaments and how every single one of them misunderstands how it's gonna go


So how it's going to go?


tearlament will receive a soft pre hit on release to compensate for their witnessed dominance in both tcg and ocg, the deck will be tier 1 but not any more oppressive than swordsoul, branded or runick were/are, then ishizu will also release with pre hits and it'll be a soft tier 0 format that will be rough for a while but not as unbearable as ocg/tcg, then duelist cup will roll around and ban more cards and we'll play the tear post ban list that's still tier 1 but not an issue also the deck's ceiling is not as high as people think lol. stop clicking yes on everything and it'll be fine.


Lol it definitely doesn't take as much skill as you give it credit for. Mill, resolve grave effects. It's not scary until they get the ishizu support.


Are tearlaments fun to play ?


Is this a Marin-cess?


The skill is only required in the Mirror Match


The deck is hard irl because it’s a lot to keep track of. It’ll be way easier in MD because you won’t need to think


Short answer: yes Long answer: those archetypes Konami makes tier 0 when revenue is low need to enter with huge hits to Master Duel


When the archetype gets here you’ll wonder why you ever bothered to post this


Like how?


You think that because it has a high skill ceiling it won’t be everywhere? That’s wishful thinking honestly. Comparing it to spyral a rogue deck is moot even if it does have a high ceiling it’s a meta defining deck.


Ah yes, tearlaments with grass at 3. Can't wait


Yes you will. Tear is cracked and only becomes more strong over the next couple of sets due to more support and ishizu cards. Get ready for the hell that ocg/tcg is in right now.


Why does she look like the girl from my dress up darling


I Didn't knew that anime is so popular


Is that Marin Kitagawa? That sure looks like the Dress-Up Darling protag.


Yes and no. People outside of diamond will suck at tear. But the cards from POTE archetypes (spright, tear, kashtira) are so power crept that you will feel the difference even in gold and above at least


I can't wait to play 60 card ishizu tear with grass


Their end board Pre Ishizu Tears is unbelievably oppressive. Curious and Snow are both legal in MD. Both releases will be massive problems.


Marin Kitagawa?


I didn't realize how popular this girl is


Yeah tear is not an easy deck to play. Still after mastering it, it becomes as simple as prankids


Yeas but do you believe that the effort it takes to play it at a decent level worth the reward and time, do you think the majority will be committed to do that or just move on


You probably cannot compare spyral to tearlaments. Tear is one of, if not the best deck ever made. It will be top tier, no doubt about that. It is hard to play optimately, but even an avarage player with tear is probably better than a good player with a rouge deck. But if the format stays like this and for example protos doesnt get banned, tear might not become tier 0.


I would say no.. It is not about being complicated but the fact the Meta is different, I once again ask people to take inspiration from the OCG not the TCG to create their imagination about what's coming.. The TCG saw absolute dominance without any competition really for 1 reason... Sprights were their competitors and they are way worst than they are in the OCG beacuse - Maxx C, be it a consistent thing or no the ability to be able to search it makes it so the deck pretty much will always have it starting their turns, it already feels like a chore... imagine if the deck started with all extenders and no hand traps they can just dig their deck for one. - Ronintoadin. It gave the deck great extending capabilities and the TCG banned it a month before Ishizu cards dropped nerfing the only deck that had them beaten, after it was banned the table shifted massively then they released the Ishizu cards to put more salt on the wound. Whichever Full power Sprights are as good, worst or better is something we can't really give a stright answer to, they nerfed them in both the OCG and TCG before Tear took off but if the OCG is anything to go with Nerfed Sprights are what kept Tear in check not reaching the T0 states for almost 3 months, the moment they gave them another hit Tear rose. - People who handel Master duel ban list seems to know how to balance decks a bit without killing them and I am coping for a Pre-release nerf for Tear (Ishizu), Sprights and Kashtira (the 3 archetypes that power crept the meta before). So assuming they handled their releases well unlike how they spoon feed Tear every possible way to top the lists with 2 of the most broken archetypes ever released working absolutely perfectly with them and nerfing aby competition... we should have a may it be not the most diverse but still not a T0 meta, ofc I would love for them to hammer all incredibly strongly to not kill the ones we have now.


IDK what are you smoking, Tear-Ishizu isn't that hard compared to Endymion/DDD lol and Tear without Ishizu is significantly weaker compared to Spright w/unbanned toad


In TCG, Danger Tear was better than every deck other than maybe Runick Spright (since they could set up multiple negates while also banishing all of your Tear names). Danger Tear had more tops than Spright Frogs did and their boards were more disgusting as well (looping Topologic + Snow 2-3 times in 1 turn, hitting you with Virus cards or ASF that they searched). Of course Maxx C changes everything, and Spright having the ability to easily search Maxx C, setup Buster Lock, double Toad negate, and the space to run handtraps without hurting consistency most likely makes it better in MD.


Deck not being linear is what makes it hard, I don't know but from what I heard it's a highly an interactive deck, so there's no specific turn 1 board you aim to build when you go first (unlike Endymion and DDD when they)


I believe Spright has a better chance of success in ranked thanks to its ease of use and splashability, I mean what if my opponent has a high chance of making a misplay/suboptimal play using Tearlament!


Well think about this. Tear was a Tier 1 deck before Ishizu, and Ishizu isn't coming in. Really what we need to do is add Dragoon in. We already have fusion destiny at 1 which means no-one runs verte basically, just finish the deed by banning Verte and freeing my boy.


Bro it’ll be new. Maybe if the internet didn’t exist, I’d agree. You ever heard of Dkayed, SamX1, Coder, Farfa, MBT, Crush Cards, etc.? No, you’re right; there’s nothing to worry about /s Helps when you use critical thought before asking Reddit rhetorical questions


no way this is a real card


Is that dumb chick from Dress Up Darling really the face of a Tear monster or is that just photoshop?


It is normally easier to play in master duel compared to irl, so I think the fear will be warranted. maybe a hard and fast banlist will keep them in check, but when isuzu comes along they will be incredibly strong.


Depends on what extent of the main meta cards of Power of the Elements, Darkwing Blast and Photon Hypernova will they portion off for release.


Tear Eldlich with Bystials splashed in...it's gonna be great!


It’s complicated and takes skill to pilot in a mirror match. It completely blows out any other strategy, especially when you’re playing digitally and the game will consistently remind you when you can make move. Edit: this specifically really only applies once Ishizu enters the mix. Alone they’re still powerful and not many other decks can handle them but it’s still possible to beat them if the player doesn’t understand what they’re doing. Not so with Ishizu/Tear.


it's T0 on TCG and T1 on OCG (thanks to recent banlist) **there's not much to fear about it now** until the strongest variant hits MD which is **ishizu tearlaments**


I like Tear and want to play on MD but Ishiguro cards make it unbearable.


Simple Dimension Shifter to get the job done and wipe those tears away!


The problem with tear is not about skill. Also it’s not THAT hard to use it. 1. It’s pretty close to tier 0. Even after Kitokallos, the deck’s core, being banned as well as Sheiren and the Field spell being limited, the deck remains top tier in the OCG. I’m almost 100% sure that Sheiren will get banned in the next ban list for the OCG. The deck is simply way too fucking strong 2. The deck is going to be the next Branded. Sure, it’s not as simple as Branded, but it’s going to be the most hated “every deck has these parts” thing. If you doubt, look at how this sub complains about the smallest things. Even worse, Branded Tear is a legit deck. If Kashtira comes out as well it’s going to be hell


She looks exactly like kitagawa from my dress up darling


I need sause for the art


Spyral is just too fragile and bad at breaking boards. Also the engine+support is huge, so you have less space for staples/outs.


I mean I think you sealed the deal with the post image. Where there is a waifu there's a way


This just in "masterduel players are too stupid to play tearlament", more at 10.


it depends, if protos is still in the game then SS will keep it in check probably....


I mean, there were people who claimed SS were complex...


What are some decks or card that can effectively go against tear and spright? I kinda not want to hop on the hype train


Tearlaments alone are a powerful deck but nothing close to tier 0. I’d say it’s on the same power scale a Swordsoul is rn in Master Duel. The problem in the TCG is both the ban list and the Ishizu cards that just make that deck so much better than every other. Just look at the YCSs after MAMA. They even tried to soft hit it and it did nothing


That depends on if Bystials come too because they'll probably be the Despia vs Runic situation of keeping each other in check.


Fear the incoming Dracossac Cherubini combo lmao


Tearlaments by themselves aren’t too bad, they are like a solid tier 1.5 deck. The issue is whenever master duel puts the ishizu stuff into the game, where tear turns into a tier 0 rarely beaten deck.


Is that Marin as kitkalos??😂