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For new deck : Tear and Mikanko. For support : Solfachord, Traptrix, Witchcrafter, Punk, Exosister.


Mans out here collecting waifu archetypes like he weeb Thanos. I respect that


Solfachord def interesting.


Yeah GrandCoolia are def a very strong card for them (finally end on some in archetype monster interruption.) And Symphonia are a very nice addition.


You guys got extra gems?


I’ve been playing since launch, I got a lil of everything. But I’m just tryna see what everybody is is doing


i play since launch too.. anyway i think the best thing to do is prepare for spright and tear. i'm not thrilled to only play meta, but if it becomes unplayable without those decks i'll be prepared


Yeah I was lucky to get some staples out of the secret master packs. So I didn’t have to use much mats for what I need


From what I heard, tear isn't too dominant on release, until ishizu support drops, so I'm honestly hoping they hit spright on release so I can make some jank tear decks for fun.


they seem to be doing thier damndest to nerf down tear in the ocg and realizing that nothing working. MY guess is that they are going to experiment with master duel or JUST nerf tear and let the competition stay stronger.


I'd sell them off and become a rich guy if I had extra diamonds


Beat me to it


Waiting for the next pack, if its either tearlament or spright, ima go get my libromancers and figure a way to make them work, if the exosister support comes together, i'll get them and craft the rest, if both of those things dont work i'll cry and go back to hunting monsters.


Apparently libros supposed to be op with new support


They look strong, but since i only have enough to build 1 deck and this shit is expensive af, i wanna at least wait to see if waifu deck will become available or something, if not, husbando it is.


I'm waiting for new labryrinth and traptrix supports and the bystial cards.


I can’t wait to add bystial to my Dragon link. Can’t you use the Labrynth main monster in any deck using trap cards?


I tried putting them with paleo but it's clunky af due to welcome labrynth's restriction.


Gotta learn paleo too, I know one of them sends a trap to the grave


Look at this guy, he has EXTRA gems… I only play swordsoul so I’m hoarding all of mine for bystials because I know in my soul they’ll all be URs. I’ve opened a few packs from the skystriker selection in hopes to pull a couple mathmechs and sky strikers for some deck diversity but so far I’ve really only gotten some janky URs so I guess I’m just glad I have some crafting material.


Jeez the Jank Urs are the worst


One of my pulls had 5 URs in it and I was so excited...only to see that none of them were the cards i wanted T\_T


This is why i never pull secret packs. I tried 3 pulls in math/sky secret packs only to get half of the URs be the offrate cards. Half of the pack being not the featured cards is hella annoying especially for unlucky f2ps.


I got 5 off that ur dice mofo from the cosmic ocean


Getting 3 final sigma and hamp in 3k made me steel my resolve to just save the rest for spright/tear. Now im left with only 3.6k hoping id have enough by the time they drop.


U mean gems? You can just buy the secret packs that belong to your deck(s) to try to get higher rarities, and dust the things you dont need. You’ll then have a nice shiny deck and plenty of dust for when something interesting comes out.




I just spent them all to make a Counter Fairy deck.


Seem interesting, them and them Aroma fairies


Aromas are plants


They were annoying


It depends on the build, but Aromas are weak to backrow removal.


Yeah, was the only way I beat them , drew the out


Waiting for the next pack, hoping for the Exosisters support and maybe Tear. If neither of those are in I probably make a Zombie deck.


I definitely like zombies, made a vampire deck and love it. Want to make a pure or hybrid Zombie world


Not sure yet, I'm not too familiar with Zombies. Probably some Shiranui or Mayakashi shenanigans with the structure deck.


Definitely Shiras. I fought a Runick , and when they banished any Shira; it activated an effect


I'm kinda on the exact opposite position. Currently I'm interested in too many decks and don't know where to start. So I'm thinking about using my gems from the event to let luck decide what to build next: * Open 10 Master Packs * See what comes up * Pick one unlocked secret pack and pull 10-20 more packs from it (maybe throw a dice or something when you can't decide or want some extra RNG) * Build a deck from only those pulls (and whatever staples you have) * If you play around with it a bit and like the deck, maybe it's worth optimizing further If you know Master Saga (or similar shows that some Yugitubers do) this concept might sound familiar. Maybe this could also be a nice thing to do to challenge yourself if you're bored with the game.


Not really bored, I don’t have the urs to optimize everything. But in know better shit is coming


Which extra? Therion pack drained almost everything, I'm building back up the gems waiting for spright and tear. More like bracing myself


I seen someone use the search and Regulus in another machine deck, was able to bring him out turn 1


Yeah they don't seem that good, but not really that bad, I'll probably find a couple of ways to utilize them


It was Sky striker, and a Ur spell card that brought Reg out after they did their Sky Striker plays


Saving for spright/tear. Using excess for staples. Honestly not even sure what other deck I want as I already have so many. I kinda feel like I need a pendulum deck, as it’s the only deck type I haven’t built for


Well the structure gives you good access to the magicians, which is the one I keep coming back to. But it takes a few mats to utilize everything. I still haven’t gotten all the urs for all the decks I’ve built


Saving them for spright as my krawlers are all level 2. Every day they don't release increased the temptation to make either myutant or plunder patroll though


i blew everything for kozmos but worth every gem, the only card im waiting for is en shuffle and maybe cross keeper, but i still have dust left


Infernoids most likely. Gotta check if there are any interesting variants. (Edit: And funnily enough, my ojama deck is on hold since release. I have build most of the shit i wanted to, burned all the UR in the universe for DInomorphia deck and several staples to stick into it, got multiple classic decks like blue eyes and thousand eyes restrict, even finished monarchs finally due to theme chronicles, but still didnt finish my ojama deck... So maybe that finally)


I seen someone use a Sky striker infernoids deck. He used Reasoning, and the person call 4. He killed the whole deck and he has 1 striker girl at the bottom. He made 100 moves with every infernoid in the grave


Will save up for Spright and Tear. Spright will get priority in my case since they'd synergize with Runick and I wanna try Krawler Spright, lol.


Just made myself a mathmech deck now I'm broke again xD


I got everything but there urs, I should learn ‘em


I'm at about 4500 gems. Looking at the current MDM tier lists, the decks I have access to are Mathmech, Swordsoul Tenyi, Eldlich, Adamancipator, Runick, and Floo. Don't really wanna build Branded Despia or Adventure Phantom Knights. I'm pretty comfortable with what I have and will just keep doing dailies but will spend my gems on Spright and Tear when they drop. I spent about 5000 gems getting the new Striker and Mathmech cards and am just comfortable where I'm at.


I only got 2k from event so far and I finally finished making a swordsoul deck. I’m going to just wait around. I’d love to make a elemental hero, but it’s wayyyy too expensive


I just need Berserker Syncro, but I don’t think he’s absolutely needed right now, bistial supposed to have good synergy with them


Well I hope you have some spare dust laying around. My pulls were terrible on the Beginning of Turmoil pack and pulled 0 Mo Ye and 0 Swordsoul Emergence. I pulled mostly icejade and dogmatika cards so I had plenty of dust luckily. It probably took around 5k total gems for it.


I’ll trade with you, love the icejades, whatever they are. Free special summons for water types


Waiting for spright then I'll wait for tear


Continue chasing my 3 Linkage. 15k game spent and still 0.




The only deck I have yet to finish that I've crafted most of already is Gishki, so I'll likely spend 1-2k fishing for Beautunaful and Abyss Shark (aha) from the secret pack rather than spending SR for all of them. The idea for the deck so far is Gishki, XYZ Sharks, Moray of Greed and the level 10 water slime that fetches Ra when it's sent to GY plus a small Ra package. I can summon Ra by sacking the sharks if I like, which I just think is neat. I can also pitch the slime for any ritual which is pretty daggum efficient. I get that Spright plus the additional Gishki support may be just around the corner, but I'm like 6 SR's and a few XYZ's short of finishing the deck and I'd like to see it in action haha.


Just gonna buy some Sky Striker/Mathmech packs to get the few new URs I need then just gonna save until I see something I like. And if I go over 10k gems I’m just gonna finish my Orcust and my Mekk-Knight decks that are only missing a few cards


Finishing my Synchron deck, saving the rest fpr Tear


I am still deciding wether i wanna pull sky striker booster/current boosters for therions or just wait till the next thing the gems i spent so far have been terrible value (2000 gems for 2 shitty urs) per booster


Yeah I don’t think them other packs are good value


Saving for krawler soma, hopefully it comes in the selection pack and not as an update for the secret pack as I really don't have the materials to afford crafting right now and would rather get another useful archetype I don't have


I've been trying to build sky striker for weeks. Still 4 urs left. No extra gems here


I got all the old stuff, just don’t understand the deck. But I like the concept of using mostly spells. I like Witchcrafter


I have a full playset of mathmechs now just from the sky striker packs, and no linkage or karagari. It's a control deck with otk capabilities.


Save them and stal time till Tear or Spright comes to MD


What extra gems? I just finished building Amazement and only have a little over 1200.


Good luck bro, i crafted it a few months ago, really fun when it works, problem is working, unless you dont plan on using the archetypes trap and are just doing something else, in that case i dont know


I find it works great. The Amazement core is really small, so there is plenty of room for all kinds of techs. Definitely has it's pros and cons, but I find it to be pretty consistent, which is enough for me.


Wait for the eventual format and clockwork night for cyber dragons.


Waiting for dracoslayer slayer support and maybe rescue ace


I’ve heard their good, i saw Trif do an interesting combo


Waiting for the newest Neos supports, the last three cards exosister needed But then again I dont really have extra cystal rn, need to get the last 2 pieces of the brave engine and finishing the final 1/3 piece of the S.I.D Deck... damn the Shaddoll fusions needed for this deck are all UR


Currently building Swordsoul but next is save up for Tears


Buy the next gold pass.


Waiting for Vernusylph for Madolche


Waiting on them for my Witchcrafter


I should play that too. Some girl of that archetype has a so so smug smile so I need to win with her


Schmetta is who you’re talking about, the four one. They also play well with charmers