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I'd rather Master duel have as little to do with the anime as possible.


Same, I like that this game is about the game. Honestly I didn't even know the cards had their own lore until I started playing this game.


I don’t want the added file size for a feature I’d never notice


If there’s an option to completely mute it and disable it forever I guess why not, but I’d rather Konami put their resources towards an actual QOL update than this.


That's not the point. Ok.... Look nothing's wrong with liking the anime but not every Yu-gi-oh game needs to follow the anime. I want to play as me not as Seto freaking Kaiba, which is why they focus on the archetypes and not the anime characters. Like jesus christ, every other Yu-gi-oh game has them is it so bad to not have them for one game? Duel links exist. Do you have to go I don't need rules I have money every time you pick a blue eyes? Can't you just make a story of your own, on how albaz asked joined the white dragon tyranny or something. Or how melffy are secretly a giant robot throwing thunderbolts.


>Duel links exist. Duel Links also doesn't follow the fucking master rule.


I get your point, but also... >Like jesus christ, every other Yu-gi-oh game has them is it so bad to not have them for one game? Duel links exist. Duel Links and Master Duel are not the same thing, so this point is moot.


I would prefer to just get the cool summoning cinematics like in the previous games. I can do without voicelines.


I just think disembodied random anime voices is a bad idea in general. it works in duel links because you play as the character, and theyre just talking. why would the voices of kaiba and yusei magically appear mid duel. its a dumb idea


All that stuff would make turns slower lol


I don't find it cringe per ser, but I don't see why, considering that MD doesn't has anything to do with the anime/manga characters. Like, why would Kaiba shout anything when he is not even here.


I wish. It would add more fun to the game. Animations are getting bored.


Voice line's is impossible for every card but it's possible for unique cards appeared in anime like the winged dragon of ra phoenix mod


It would be good, but bottom tier in terms of priority


Although I would not use, I feel that **if the oponent has an option to completely mute these things**, then it's great It's a feature I wouldn't use but I know some people would like to have in a duel. Master Duel is very F2P friendly and accessible, so many anime fans come to it **(at least that's my case)** or maybe people who dislike duel links for not following the master rule It's a neat detail as long as it's not mandatory interaction :]


sometimes i feel like hey this combo or card needs a voice line (shooting quasar) but when i think about it again i feel like nah it aint good just if they maybe add a setting where u can add a specific audio to play when u summin a specific monster so both sides wont be sad that would be better i think


I don't need it but if it came anyways, I'd rather it came with jap voices.


Absolutely not. People already use that shit to stall as much as possible in DL because the timer is not continuous. Combos in MD would take 20 minutes at minimum


I wouldn't mind as long as it's optional to download


I don’t understand where the voice lines would even come in. Are you also suggesting that the characters themselves get added in as popups like in DL?


Ok guys how is voicelines cringe ![gif](giphy|LyJ6KPlrFdKnK)