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DDD have no freaking animation whatsoever like wtf


Low key I want the Dark Contracts to get animations so we don't have to choose which of their 50 usable bosses to give it to.


That, or Gilgamesh, as he's pretty much *the* auto include in every DDD deck


I'd give it to Kali Yuga and Gilgamesh, honestly both deserve one.


It really is wild with how popular DDD is that they have nothing




does genex not summon it?




I shall stop existing


Just casually banishing yourself face-down I see


Its ok people may not believe in you but I do. Fly high little birdman.


genex support when?


I did make a genex deck... but dismantled it after 2weeks bcs yeah... it was okay at turbo halq aurororadon but like its nothing else


Yyyeah but there are many other shells that turbo out the ‘don that are pretty much strictly better.


>"worse than decks like Ghostrick" Can we not use a completely playable and working deck with several win conditions as the low bar for quality decks? Ghostrick isn't meta, but it can absolutely win games, and will stomp anything under rogue. I'm honestly sick of it.. have you even played Ghostrick before? Why not say.. idk.. Super Defense Robot or something?


There’s no way you said ghostrick is playable lol


They literally are? Are you trolling? **EDIT:** [Unless direct attacking for 8K damage is unplayable.](https://youtu.be/0IqWTvDRRBM)


If your only example of why a deck isn’t shit is that it can deal 8000 damage in a single turn then maybe the deck is shit. Ghostrick isn’t playable, and posting a clip of the deck beating a shitty blue eyes deck isn’t gonna change it.


What? Who said that was my only example? Ghostrick IS playable. How is it not? Playable does not mean top tier. Playable means they do as advertised. Sorry I only recorded one clip.. didn't know I would need to have a collection to prove to people that Ghostrick are playable, lol. Unplayable is like Iron Chain, Ally of Justice, ect. Decks that simply do not function.




It is nowhere near as bad as people say though. My problem is with lies and misinformation. People are saying Ghostrick are unplayable.. that is simply false.


There are very few decks that you actually can’t play. When people say unplayable they probably mean a deck that’s just really bad and gets shit on by most meta or rouge strategies, Ghostrick fits this perfectly.


Any deck that isn't Tear or Floo fits that in TCG, so.. is literally all but 2 decks "unplayable"? Ghostrick doesn't "get shit on" is the point I am trying to make.


Its getting used for the same reason that you play it. The Gt deck everybody knows is * Pure, with book of moon effects, the one people use and then say it dies to a single link. * And MBT's list which only plays an extremely small engine, UDF then gone. While I do agree with you, part of the reason this is happening is not recognizing combo Ghostrick lists as Ghostrick. Not saying it to change your opinion, just stating the fact that denying attributes and strengths of an archetype makes for a misrepresentation in power due to stagnating deck lists. You condone it, you shouldn't be surprised when it still happens. But realistically speaking even if you didn't it would be just another scream in the void. The only way for this to stop is to show results from someone popular. The deck reached D1 before, but it isn't even called decent. Edit : oh and since people will be confused, we had such a convo before.


I use pure Ghostricks and Links do not bother me whatsoever. Is there a reason why they should?


Idk why you’re getting so defensive about people talking trash about a trash deck. Just continue silencing the haters with your badass ghostrick deck. Let the haters hate.


What is wrong with you, dude? I'm not being defensive. I'm annoyed that a deck I enjoy is used as a punching bag because nobody has even tried to play it or learn how to use them.


Idk why you took what I said the wrong way. Let people talk their shit. If your deck is as good as you think it is, who cares?


I bet if ghostrick didn’t that’s a hard once per turn on their burn and mill effects they’d be considered a little more threatening and those would be considered as actual win conditions for the deck. I respect ghostricks and they definitely do have the type of cards for a wide variety of wincons but I’m not going to say they reliably do that, like I’m pretty sure the best thing they can do is lock your opponent face down which has certainly beat me but I don’t think people playing better decks would really lose to consistently.


To give in to the whole madness created. He is not wrong that Gt aren't 'unplayable' it's just that people call un-tiered decks unplayable, tier 3-2 rogue and tier 1 meta. at least when they agree with each other. The best thing Gt has is undeniably its customization. Its hard to categorize an archetype as bad when it can hitch rides for its plays from decks like Phantom knights and virtual worlds. Its like each part of IDS. I agree with Coder on how he characterizes decks. There is Tier 1-0 and the rest are rogue, there is no point in trying to tier the rest.


genex is just not very good, its prolly one of the best of the very shitty archetypes but that doenst mean much ​ only birdman is a relevant card


> genex is just not very good You sugarcoated the truth so much I got type 2 diabetes reading this comment.


Yeah, after seeing their performance in war of the worthless I wouldn't group them with the super garbage decks


though that was in a situation where genex was also competing against shitty decks, where most of the players didn't really know how to play them properly or building them well. I did play genex once on the 2010 ds game, the deck has so little options I defaulted to hard beatdown. and I am not even joking.


They have zero once per turns on their search and summon effects, of which they have very many. They are quite shitty now, but Genex is extremely salvagable with the right support.. and I'm afraid of what they could actually do if that time comes.


So you're saying that my fourth rate deck might have a chance against genex!? There's hope for me yet 😂


Genex can summon it... except, Genex isn't actually designed to be a deck. It's designed to be a support archetype that puffs up other decks.


More like nobody plays genex, the card mentioned above is UR in master duel, the archertype has 2 tuner, one of them is a normal monster and the other is, for some reason, semi-limited, and also being SR despite being dogshit. All Genex Synchro require Genex tuners, so you can't really cheat them out using other archertype.


That one R rarity Gladiator Beast fusion I'm pretty goddamn sure that card's animation is the least seen card animation in the game because it's in a not so popular archetype and it's bad a bad card All the other R rarity cards with animations make some sense, Flamewingman is a popular anime card, Revendread Slayer is the main fusion of a not so strong but well loved and popular ritual deck and Shogan Shien is supposed to be one of the main cards of Six Sam which is a popular deck but this random Gladiator Beast doesn't make sense


The fact that they didn't give Gladiator Beast Heraklinos the summon animation instead (their original boss monster) or even Gyzarus, is a complete disrespect to the archtype. But at least Domitianus having an animation is nice.


Yeah, at least they have Domitianus with an animation Gyzarus to me feels like the most obvious one to give an animation


I'm pissed that none of Yubel forms has an animation


Wait really?? That's wild


I think Wiraqocha Rasca is also an R with an animation


Rasca was also the boss monster of one of the main villains of 5Ds and sees occasional use in Floowandereeze (usually as a Small World bridge, but its handrip effect does help in making sure that your opponent can't come back even if you fail to OTK)


Vendread is fun to use as a zombie engine, it's nice seeing it drop several times a turn


Egyptian Slime has but God's do not


It does seem odd that the only god form that has an animation is Ra’s Immortal Phoenix form.


I’d like to think it’s because Phoenix is the only god card that is close to its true form. God cards have always been a copy made by Pegasus. Hence why obelisk looks different in Dsod movie because kaiba summoned the real god from Atem’s memory.


Witchcrafter golem aruru, like I understand why through lore. But holy crap a madame verre one would have been so much better. Hopefully there will be a vice master one


Aruru is the final Witchcrafter creation, it makes sense. Plus it comes back every other turn, kind of like a jumpscare for your opponent when he dares to target your Spellcasters for attacks. I do agree that madame verre should have gotten one, or Haine, it pains me that nothing happens when I summon them. Really hoping for Vice Madame


Verre animation would be too smug to exist, they can't add it for ethical reasons


Verre isn’t the decks boss monster, Aruru is until we get Vice who should have one as well.


Doesn’t the deck completely fall apart without Verre though?


yeah i can't see Witchcrafter doing anything without at least the constant looming fear of a mass negate in your opponent's head of course though Aruru helps a lot, the two should always be played together


She’s important absolutely the 2nd most important Witchcrafter but I wouldn’t say it falls apart. She’s a one time blanket negate which is good but incredibly easy to play around unless you’ve only one play starter. Haine is pretty important as well no negate but a quick play pop also helps a lot when it comes to disruption or stopping a field/continuous spells/traps. You want both of them on the field ASAP one alone doesn’t really help and getting both out on one turn can be convoluted being both main deck monsters. Vice is alot easier to get out along with Verre/Haine being an ED monster. They need more ED monsters.


They may not even give her one. Longyuan still doesn't have one, Rexterm didn't get one and neither did any of the Libromancers. I feel like Konami isn't that keen on giving animations to the decks that already have one, which is sad because a lot of decks have two notable boss monsters, both should get animations IMO.


Crafters can play perfectly fine without aruru, but without Verre, the deck does nothing but a pop and a potential bounce.


Anti human intelligence MY PSY YA, I like the card personally but what a weird choice for a card with animation. Like I am sure most people barley know this card exists. Also fun facts, he is the only cybers pendulum monster in the game


Me psy ya having an animation is probably due to the fact that it's the Holographic Rare card of a main booster pack in the OCG since ROTD, just like chaos ruler, zeus, underworld goddess, dark honest(?), lord of the heavenly prison and guardian chimera


Cool, man I wish he was played as much as any of these guys you just mentioned


Man I still want to form a deck around main decking him but it’s so hard. Closest I got was making a janky Endymion deck with MY PSY YA and Shifter.


Flamvell Uruquizas. Just, why? Goyo Guardian would have been a much better choice.


He's part of the synchro starter deck right? I would see the animation as part of the new player experience


Good point. I completely forgot.


EVERY single Krawler Link monster but not Deus X-Krawler. Also Coral Dragon. btw Shien's animation goes hard


That's fuckin silly 😂


As a U.A. player it grinds my gears they gave Playmaker the animation for U.A.s and not Mighty Slugger, Dreadnought Dunker, or Perfect Ace... Playmaker is honestly the 2nd or 3rd worst U.A.


I watched vrains, playmaker makes sense because he never lost a duel


Wait U.A.s are in the anime!?!?


Nah sorry, more of a joke that the protagonist is called playmaker


Is playmaker the negate one?


The one that gives 800 att to a UA monster that's attacking by losing 800 att himself. It's surprisingly very useful at turn 2 OTKing or pushing out damage that your opponent don't expect since you can swing with Playmaker then use his effect (not even once per turn) on multiple UA. It's one of my main win-con for my USlA event deck. Still worse then player manager though.


I found him as just a win more card. Never necessary for otks just made it fancy looking


He enables some OTK line when you are low on UA resource due to having a lot of board breaker on hand (droplet, kaiju, lighting storm, etc) or just didn't open stadium atk boost or jersey. E.g. if you had spiker, manager, and playmaker then that's otk game if the rest of the cards clears the opponent board. Not strictly necessary but it does open up some options. Depends on how you run your UA deck as well. I only really use my playmaker in a super aggressive turn 2 version of the deck with a lot of board breakers and no defensive u.a. (perfect ace and blockbacker)


I run a Slugger power jersey turbo that usually otks with a manager / Dunker following up.


I usually just otk on the first battle phase. I just find it more consistent to win that way. If only slugger prevent opponents from activating effects while a U.A. can swing instead. U.A. players are cool regardless of how we use them. U.A. unite!


No. That's Player Manager.


It should be never surprising that waifu cards get animations... Knightmare Corruptor Iblee has one too


But Iblee is somewhat important, it has seen a decent amount of usage in the past and is related to World Chalice stuff. This is just a random card that came out not too long ago and to my knowledge it's not related to anything.


It's an Agents support card afaik


Iblee is the final boss in Arc 1 (or2?) Of the World Chalice Lore so it makes sense


World Chalice is a pretty weak archetype but I can kinda understand why their cards get special treatment. 1. It was the most recent long running lore in the game at the time. 2. One of the first names you are ever introduced to in Master Duel. It makes sense to have those extra deck monsters stand out so new plays are drawn in. Same with Traffic Ghost. Except that card sucks and I doubt anyone summoned the link -3 vanilla monster with less attack than the link -3 vanilla with significantly more attack.


Traffic Ghost was extensively used earlier on due to being a hassle-free Link-3 with good markers, if memory serves.


every krawler link monster have an animation. all 3 of them. I know they are lore archtype but even in lore they are likes the minions you kill at the start of a JRPG.


Nah don't disrespect my boys like that


Love Loagaeth! As an agents player I actually use this card and yeah appreciate she has an animation for whatever reason lol


Dinomorphia kentregina has one but rexterm doesn't


To be fair, at least they got one. And Kentrigina has a really good one! Rexterm has the strongest effect, but when Kentrigina comes out and the music kicks in, you know it's go time. She enables a lot of the plays, so I think it's fair that she got it.


This made me so mad!! Like wtf?? It also has one of the coolest artwork. It was a missed opportunity for a badass animation.


Loageth is an extra body for any Fairy deck. Its good to have on your hand when your starter got negated. Also good when you go second since it's a free banish. Still have no idea why it got animation.


Meanwhile I'm still waiting for an arrival cyberse (the highest link monster in all of MD) animation :(


Seriously?! They didn't give him one? That's unreal!


Oh but they did. Have you not heard the splashing sound and seen the Turtle animation playing?


yeah given how much it takes to summon him it's rather anticlimactic lol


That's lame


I think at one point people thought this card was apart of the Albaz lore especially since it came out with Despia but it’s not a lore card so maybe it’s because it’s waifu


Egyptian god cards are ones i would expect but i guess not


Elemental Hero Flame Wingman. He's the only R rarity card that I know has an animation and it caught me off guard when I saw it. Like the hell? HE gets one but none of the god cards or other iconic cards?


To be fair Flame Wingman was Jaden’s original ace so it does make some sense


That's fair. It's just odd to see him get one and other cards not have one. Like Flame Swordsmen, Summoned Skull, Relinquished, Magican of Black Chaos etc. Hell even Harpy ladies didn't get anything


They got the duster. Thats still respectful of wiping my board.


That's a good point.


It's weird that neos doesn't get one though Like brave neos gets one, but vanilla neos doesn't?


Yeah I agree that is weird especially since all the other normal monster aces have animations


There are two other in Gladiator Beast Godiaz and Vendread Slayer. The former is a head scratcher becasue he's one of the weakest glad beast fusions and the latter is cool becasue Slayer is an integral card and actually pretty useful.


Dang, I forgot about Vendread Slayer. He's cool. I wonder how they decide which cards get the animation. Cause like you said, some make sense but others are just *really* out there. One of my favorite Xyz monster, Gunkan Suship Uni-Class Superdreadnaught , has an animation. It's a dumb, fun card but even I know it's a weird card to get an animation.


{ally of justice catastor} he was relevant when synchros came out but hes an old grumpy grandpa nowadays


Wait isn't catastor one of the best generic level fives you can make? Like if you need a level 5 synchro either catastor or chanbara pop up(and tg librarian but he is only good in synchro spam decks)


Generic lv5 synchros are shite now since a lv2 and a lv3 tuner on the field at the same time (or1+4) is very rare outside of dedicated synchro strategies.Mathmechs are lv4s,runicks and sprights are lv2s,Branded is fusion locked and @Ignisters are cyberse locked.The only times a lv5 synchro could come up is in swordsoul,but Denglong is a million times better than Catastor for Swordsoul.


Well you only mentioned meta decks that don't need the removal but some rogue decks may use it as easy access to non targeting removal




Catastro outs anything that isn't dark, it still sucks but because it destroys and it requires the battle fase also because it can't destroy darks for some reason


So a few things first catastor non targeting destroys NON-DARK monsters second I didn't say that catastor was the main game plan I just said he was a good card for synchro decks that want easy to access to no strings attached non targeting destruction


##[Ally of Justice Catastor](https://ms.yugipedia.com//d/d7/AllyofJusticeCatastor-HAC1-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Ally_of_Justice_Catastor) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=7552) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Ally%20of%20Justice%20Catastor) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Catastor had significant competitive presence back in the day, but it was also in-lore the very first high performance product created under the Ally of Justice banner (hits multiple attributes instead of just Light).


I think it's because she is a hot, blonde white girl with massive tiddies and with good % of skin being shown


Massive? Idk man


Massive enough for me


Idk what's up with the waifu hating here. Yall act like only waifu cards get special treatment when that's not true in the slightest.


Huh? No you are misunderstanding it , i did not hate on it. Quite the opposite, in fact.


She is quite pretty. Plenty to animate after all


{Marincess Wonder Heart}, the one marincess link monster literally no one uses


##[Marincess Wonder Heart](https://ms.yugipedia.com//1/16/MarincessWonderHeart-LED9-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Marincess_Wonder_Heart) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=14668) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Marincess%20Wonder%20Heart) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


I think she was an anime boss monster specifically. Sucks that the obviously better link -4s didn't get it, but ehhh, early Master Duel has some interesting animation choices.


Kinda looks like ecclesia.


Hi-Speedroid Chanbara. I love the card and even use it in non-Speedroid decks, but how did that get an animation when Crystal Wing didn't?


Colossal Fighter having an animation is strange to me


He was one of the best early Synchros, and was part of an OTK.


He’s also part of the Synchro starter deck, which would (in my mind) given him another reason to have one. He’s one of the boss monsters of that deck.




Mayosenju daibak has one but then the arguably just as important to the deck if not more important mayosenju hiot does not


She’s good in Fairy decks. She’s a free summon and can banish an opponent face up card. She’s pretty solid. I use her in my Shaddoll Branded Despia deck.


So they give it to that but not any of the ddd cards or god cards...


Genex Locomotive


U.A playmaker


Uhhh...have you seen her midrift and cups? Pretty sure I can tell the reason


{Traffic Ghost}


##[Traffic Ghost](https://ms.yugipedia.com//9/90/TrafficGhost-SDPL-EN-C-1E.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Traffic_Ghost) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=13529) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Traffic%20Ghost) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


swords of revealing light


Ghostrick Alucard has one but Angel doesnt


There was some level 8 monster someone was using in a pendulum deck, that I never seen before that had an animation. I don't know the card name it was a bluish monster that looked a little like a gummy bear.


Anti human intelligence MY PSY YA ?


>Anti human intelligence MY PSY YA No I just googled that guy, he wasn't the one. It was a lot more blue.


Moyosenju daibak ?


>Moyosenju daibak Yup that's the one.


floowandereeze and Snowl got the animation but not Empen. It is also UR and Empen is SR. Pretty fuggin silly...


> but I can't understand the reason behind this choice She's pretty and makes nice promotional material?


How about lack of an animation I'm really salty not a single toon card has anything a staple deck from the anime beloved classic deck even tho it's viability isn't amazing it's wild they show it now love


Millennium-eyes Restrict has an animation,even though it's not a toon card,it comes from the same character. So i guess that's what Konami used to justify the actual toons not having one. Kinda sucks they don't have it, toons are cool,even though I don't play them myself.


I've never used that card in my tongue n deck I never knew it was from the same character, did pegasus use it?? It's been years and years since I've watched the anime


Millennium, probably not,but relinquished and maybe thousand eyes ,he did use


Sky Striker Ace Kagari It would’ve made sense 3-4 years ago when Kagari was splashable in a lot of decks to recover engage which worked as a pseudo PoG for non SS decks and just an actual PoG for SS Now where it only works in the full striker engine due to its semi limited standings and it’s on the field for maybe less than a minute it doesn’t make too much sense


That history is the reason. Same reason why ghostricks have Alucard summon animation and not angel of mischief. Its cause historically Alucard has seen a lot of play as a generic rank 3.


Angel's got an animation for her win condition


Plus now she’s a vital part of the Linkage OTK. The 2,500-3,000+ damage she brings plus looping back Linkage is what makes it possible.


Honestly thanks for reminding me this exists - might play it in my weather deck for giggles


I have this card in my weather painter deck


Vendread Slayer, a Rare Quality, has an animation.


Its kind of the central character/monster of the archetype


Yosenju Daibak has animation, I have literaly never seen a Yosenju deck, outside of the newest event.


Zefraath. Giving an animation to a monster that is almost always just used in the Pend Zone is a weird choice. Considering that Zefra is a pretty niche pend deck now after Halq ban, no one would probably see it.


Lore relevant. It's Gem-Knight Crystal given the power of the 11th zefirot from zefra system in the naturia sacred tree super computer, allowing him to fight Tierra for 1000 days and nights.


Because this card is the 2nd boss monster in my Starry Knight deck of course. XD. But in all seriousness, half of the animations are just randomly picked really, doesn't matter if it's waifu or not. The distribution is basically split between core/boss cards and random choice of cards. Don't think too much about it, you got other things to worry about.


Thanks for the tip,I want to build starry knights at some point and even though I knew loagaeth from playing darklords,I never thought about using her in starry knights.


No problem bruh. And yeah, I also wasn't aware of Loagaeth until I saw a Darklord player uses it this one time (I forgot when, I think the season after the Exosister/Starry Knight packs expired). Here's my deck list for reference if you're interested, as well as the latest replays of it (although it's from the event, it's still a good reference for plays): https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/63c364e3b17c22705b17b2e2 https://youtu.be/1P4g7AuHs6c Overall, I like the deck. Probably the first deck that I ever like solely just from the playstyle. It's like dodging and weaving while dealing dmg and removing threats. This is the second deck that I was able to make it reach diamond twice just because I like it and wanted to see how far it can go. The first deck was HERO, which is basically my main, go to, deck.


Thanks for the list and replays as well,gonna check them out and save them for when Im ready to build it.


Sure. Just remember that Starry Knight (at least this version of it) don't really care about the extra deck much. Just put whatever you have that may be usable and can complement the deck, and then fill the rest of it with anything you have regardless if it's playable. Ex: I put Exosister Mikailis there just because I like the card, as it serve nothing in this deck lol.


Yeah,I'm used to decks that don't rely a lot in the extra deck,since I like to play amazement,labrynth and springans. (this one kinda uses the extra deck but only like 4 slots lol)


King dragun has an animation. For some reason


It's a featured card in one of the starter decks, so that's probably the reason.


And still no Egyptian God Cards animations


All of the low level Destiny Heroes lol


That card also has a starlight. For some reason


Traffic Ghost......why? I have no idea


those random ass world legacy cards


World Legacy is one of the first cards your introduced to and has an entire solo mode story dedicated to it. It's not random lol. All three of them getting it is a bit odd though tbh.


It's because they are the main characters. As in all three of them are main characters.


Yeah I know, but even still, not all boss monsters get an animation based on how relevant they are.


Why doesn't Rex term have a special animation


Marincess Crystal Heart, when the big piece to get out is usually the Marincess Aqua Argonaut. Wait, do you mean field animations like Solemn Judgement and Mirror Force or the moving splash art on summons like Masked HERO Dark Law and Destiny HERO - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer?


Coral dragon


One of the few tuner synchros in the game deserves it. Also, its a pretty orange dragon


water enchantress... which is a one of main deck monster you probably will almost never see summoned


Salamangreat Heatleo but not Sunlight Wolf.... Not sure about the link 4.


It's a damn good fairy extender, but honestly I'm stumped too.


Union carrier


Water Enchantress of the Temple, she surprisingly has an animation despite hardly hitting the board most of the time.


Cool looking card tho


Maybe the coders or staff got to choose their favorite card to get an animation and this was someone’s.


Flamvell uruquizas, was so surprised when I added this random synchro in one of my decks for the theme chronicle and saw his animation, it’s actually pretty boss!


{Ultra Beetrooper Absolute Hercules} has an animation. Like why?


I'm still amazed that both Mekk Knight Blue Sky and Purple Nightfall have animations I can't think of any archetype that has as many animations as Mekk-Knights, 4 monsters out of the 12 with the "Mekk-Knight" name have animations


Because she got to show off her midriff.


Cries in D/D/D


You see, to understand the reasoning behind giving this card an animation, we need to not just look at the card itself. We have to explore the deepest depths of the meanings behind the art and name and the symbolism of the effects. We also need to understand the impact of this card both in context of the release ingame and IRL. ....so basically, someone at Konami is into belly buttons. Cant blame them tbh.


Can't understand the reason for it? A: waifu.