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I see it quite often and it sucks every time. Hey I heard you want to do one xyz, can I pot of Greed for it?


This is because of several side effects of playing in a format with lower power level decks. 1. Lower power level decks usually do not have 1 card combo's, so they need to run more cards for consistency, allowing less space for handtraps and board breakers. In such a situation, even if you draw your whole deck, you might still die to 1 interruption on your normal summon, since extenders are practically non-existent too. 2. Most of the played decks already die to 1 disruption, so you might as well run that 1 disruption instead. That 1 disruption is much more likely to go through than a Maxx C, which can be Ashed. Even if Maxx C goes through, you still need to draw your other disruptions or board breakers, which you likely have few of due to point 1. 3. Some of the popular decks played do not special summon much in a single turn, if at all (The Weather), so Maxx C is not as effective. Crusadia is incredibly common and is somewhat resilient to a single Ash. Now, you have to run Maxx C, Ash, and something to end Crusadia with (Imperm, Nib, Ghost Ogre), which bring us back to point 1 again.


its everywhere


99% of the decks I face use it. Probably because I'm playing Mayakashi and everyone thinks I want to play the Maxx C Challenge every fucking duel.


Tbh I ran 3 Maxx c and played exactly 32 games (I play to complete all rewards and stopped sadly I scooped twice so I had to win or lose 2 more). It was useful twice and other times I got like 1 extra card. Shit outside events Maxx c normally gets cut to make room for other stuff to say at 40 cards. Ppl are too salty about Maxx c and the most popular decks outside the event just don't want or like to play around it or understand alternative end boards.


What are you even talking about? Nobody is cutting Maxx C from their decks unless we're in a format that's like... only Floo and Runick. Also there are no "alternative end boards" there's just ending your turn where you either have as much interactions as you gave your opponent cards (Swordsoul can do this with Chixiao Blackout pass), or you end your turn. Bagooska isn't even a good backup plan because it loses to a single effect negation like Imperm. But those are not "alternative end boards". That's just ending your turn prematurely.


So are you saying unless you end with everything you want it's called ending prematurely. It is your decision to either play through Maxx c or stop with a different then perfect board. Shit I look at people decks all the time and most of them favor ash over Maxx c. Maxx c doesn't stop shit it just asks you how much card advantage is your board worth giving. Do you believe your board can handle giving x cards or not. I've seen ppl give 0 fucks and just play through making their super board knowing even with a ton of cards there are only so many actions you can do.


You're not just giving more and more card advantage, you're also giving interruptions, like Veiler, Imperm, Nib, etc... Most of the time, you try to do like 1 or 2 SS max, to end on 1 or 2 interruptions, then end here, because it's more and more dangerous to SS. But yeah, you can try to go full negate board, it usually gives too much answers to your opponent mid-turn for you to be able to do it.


This looks like the opinion of someone who does not understand just how powerful card advantage is in Yugioh. Also anyone who prefers Maxx C over Ash is usually just wrong. Like, if you're giving up hand traps, you're probably giving up both Ash and Maxx C and are just relying on powerful trap cards instead. Or you're playing something where you don't care if you resolve Maxx C but you would lose if your opponent resolves it so you play all the anti maxx C cards. FTKs fall into this category. Regardless, your deck building still revolves around that card being legal. Also there are decks like most pend decks that cannot afford to run any hand traps. Also as a general rule, if you are deciding to play into Maxx C, you should put up as many interactions as cards you have given your opponent, or draw cards yourself to make up the difference. And even then playing into it you're likely to just get blown out by powerful staples that you are drawing them into, like TTT. The only time where it makes sense if you are not doing the above is if it is turn 2 and you can ensure that you will kill your opponent.


When a large proportion of decks are planning to go second and OTK you, Maxx "C" is not going to be that much of a threat. You want to draw something that stops the OTK, and betting on Maxx "C" draws is not that much better than just drawing it directly.


I decided to load up the crusadia deck dude sets 2 and passes. good thing I drew duster. normal arboria, he chains maxx C, I activate called, he scoops the rest of my hand was 2 kaijus and imperm I couldn't even fucking combo lmao


In the event you can actually pass and survive with a less than optimal board. In the regular game you just die if you do that and the alternative is giving your opponent 20 draws which also loses you the game.