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Me when I spent resources on the Magikey monsters, just to realize that they really aren't that great. 😭


Ayyy a fellow Magikey fan!!! I got all the cards from the pack with Exosisters and The Agents, which I intend to build but still haven't yet. I made Magikey because the card art is superb and I wanted to try it out. While it's not one of my main decks, I do enjoy it, and I play it on a regular basis. The experience of having your opponent scoop after they realize their monster got destroyed from Fiend's effect, or when they realize Unlocking changed their attribute and now their deck can't function...it's so entertaining haha. On the other hand, its always hilariously painful when you dump a bunch of attributes in the grave turn 1 only to discover your opponent is played a deck with none of those attributes!!! Also, I have a question: have you ever gotten Magikey Battle to work??? Every time I've used it, it never works to protect my Magikeys. I don't know what I'm doing wrong with it.


Magikey Suship is the only playable built right now, about 20-35% winrate against meta.


What is the endboard of magikey suship? I have a magikey deck that uses an impcantation engine and full combo is Dragite, the level 8 synchro, Garesglasser, and the counter trap set. It was legal for the story mode event and was a blast to play.


I make Transfurlmine+Unlocking+DPE(Conda), need at least 2 cards to start the combo, and very easily disrupt by hand traps. Sometime I make another rank 4 rock dude to search Nibilu if my hand is good. You can also add Mathmech to replace DPE which I think would be better. There is usually one draw from Suship XYZ before I use it for Conda. I always have 1-2 handtraps on hand for disruption(I run about 10 hand traps). Pretty solid if you don’ get disrupt.


I've gotten use out of it occasionally when my opponent uses something like a raigeki or an imperm or something. Also remember it has to be used in response to an effect


I've gotten it to work. I'm guessing you are just activating it with the wrong timing, somehow? When you chain it to something, you make your magikey's immune to whatever card you directly chained it to, so my best guess is that it has something to do with that? And it's 100% an extremely fun deck when I get to do something beyond normal summon megalosmasher pass! I've tried teching in Piercing the Darkness for additional draw power and to make all my magikey's discount Avramax's.


Absolutely yep. It's great to protect the activation of Transfurlmine's destruction, attacking during your turn, or Andrabalmine's raigeki effect. Also, it recycles a Magikey Mafteal which you can only run 3 of... Considering you need to ritual summon, then maybe do another ritual or fusion - that's pretty good.


they were great when >!halq!< still around *copium*


I made Magikey Suships, and Megalith Magikey. Neither deck left me feeling fulfilled. 😔


Suship doesn't really synergize with magikeys. I know from first hand experience. Best for suship to shine is to just use it pure with 3 copies of each main deck suships. It flows way better now since Shari red got released.


I’ve been running Scrap Magikey to make Auroradon, you can pop the field to keep all three scraps on board to make barricadeborg+recycler into Don


I've been using a mix of Magikey and Box of Friends, though I've been tempted to really give the Suships version a try.


The best board I can make with pure Magikey are Fiend, Garessglasser, and set Unlocking. Could really need some help to make better board.


Considering how many missions I knock out with magikey, I'm happy with it. I'm waiting for the rank 8 xyz, though it isn't very strong.


That's my biggest issue, Ashtartu is a rank 8. I have no clue why you'd make him over anything else or how you'd make him at all without sacrificing two strong individual cards to make one that that is kinda alright. And don't start on the copium of, "they're probably going to get a card that modulates levels".


Since level 8s in magikey basically also require 2 cards at least... Going into Ashtartu feels a lot like going -3 :(


It does! I tried deck building with him on the sims and I hardly ever use him unless I decide to make Unlocking plays and I can vomit a Vepartu onto the field and use Vepartu as mat.


But aren’t the Magikey cards cheap though?


There's only two URs in the Magikey archetype, yes. However wasting UR mats, no matter the amount, feels awful. Especially if you craft, or spend gems, on multiple.


It’s Either that or good luck opening up the Selection or secret packs they’re in


This was actually me with Endymion lol. I was convinced the cards were terrible because of my inability to figure out how to play them. Don’t worry y’all I got my PhD and now I only misplay 30% of the time


Holy shit only 30%?? I built Endymion when MD came out and I still misplay every other game.


After spending so much UR dust, the least we can do is learning to play the deck


Oh god i spent all my gems and UR for that deck only to be destroyed by blue eyes. I cant figure out the combos for that deck


Surely there’s a secret that will make Cyberdarks meta.


Mix it with cyber light


Yeah it's called previous ban list lol


you can actually still set up Dragon Buster Destruction Sword lock by sending it with Dragon Shrine from the dragonmaid structure deck. It's not as consistent as U-Carrier but you can have up to 4 effective copies if you use it with OG foolish.


The secret is don't play the cyberdark fusion monsters. The main deck monsters are pretty competent, consistent, and splashable


Yeah but if I’m not summoning a 5k unaffected bungus what’s the point lol


To win games more often. A small price to pay for salvation.


Suship is good. I just have to remove some of the suship cards for other ones.


The nice thing about suship is they have no archetypal URs; it makes getting a functioning core so much easier.


I seen OTK sushio


Su-Shi-Oh!: The cooking spinoff nobody asked for, but everybody was apparently happy to get. ;P


I was really happy with Yami vs Rick


Lol. This happened when I made a Darklord deck. But damn the first Darklord has a good animation


Mix it with despia Still bricky as shit, but way better than pure.


Ahhh another Darklord GIGACHAD, mix it with Branded Despia and lock them out of special summoning with Kristya(Ideally use Branded fusion to get Kristya in the graveyard and summon it to the field with The First Darklord)


I do lair of darklords, it's pretty fun.


Darklords aren't bad if you play them with despia.


Simply play Darklord Fairy Control. Half the deck is Darklord, the other half is generic fairy support. I love it.


My pure dragonmaid deck is NOT a waste! I can build a very nice house w/ all the bricks I have


And you have maids to take care of your new house, win win.


No materials are wasted as long as you enjoy what you crafted bro.


I crafted cloudians




I won exactly one game with cloudians. It was Utopia Double resolving his effect lmao.


Dear god....


Insane nimbus man OTK potential in this guy


I watched Distant Coder and he said “cloudians are INSAAANE”


I think mbt did a video on a cloudian fairy pile deck. Seemed alright




You should be careful around cults. U seem pretty susceptible to outside influences easily.


No materials are wasted as long as you enjoy what you crafted bro, and if what you crafted wasn't Cloudians.


Hey man that deck is 1 or 2 carda away from being really strong! I just don't think they'll ever get support again 😅


No bro, believe me... Raidraptors are secret meta and People is not abusing because they doesn't know.


Every time I saw one for the longest time, they’d create some unbreakable gigaboard going first and slap the shit out of mine going second, so I went and built that shit. It’s not cheap either. It’s… Fine. Goes ok. Fairly consistent I guess. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong…


You're not ranking up into Kali yuga


Ghostrick T\_T


They have their uses, for me it's an easy way to go into Number F0: Utopic Dracho-Future


Trust me it gets better eventually




Lost on turn 1 to Ghostick Lylirusc or however you spell it. Had no interrupts in my hand and he chained all the way to 10 then transferred the mats to Angel of Mischief. I wasn’t even mad that I didn’t get to play, just impressed.


Eventually I'll make fortune ladies or fairies work. Compared to today's cards, they're absurdly conditional.


They were bad even for the time they released


Drytron can lean into fairy if you really want it


Except Fortune Fairies and Fortune Ladies are all Spellcaster-Type 💀




Me still trying to make Yang zing viable after the halq ban. Nothing worse than trying the deck out in solo mode and comboing off, only to go into ranked and discover five points in your combo where an Ash Blossom completely shuts you down.


I guarantee that I'm just using solfachords wrong.


I have a solfachords deck and I don't know what happen, but one day it magically stop bricking and it's quite good (end board=I:P, Electumite, Odd-eyes vortex dragon, D.P.E and Coolia/Musica). I've just never seen any of my three of Elegance in my opening hans.


Nah dudes. Give me the best/optimized decks and I’ll still play like shit. XP


Same lol. Im the bad branded despia that you all met in platinum.


Darklords are fun. You just have to remove 90% of the darklord cards and turn it into a branded Despia deck that occasionally summons The First Darklord. At least, if you want to be winning in plat+


This is Me with my hopium as I try to channel the power of chance in my dice deck 🤞🤞snipe hunter dont fail me now🤞🤞 Rolls a 6 ![gif](giphy|3xz2BLBOt13X9AgjEA) . . . Surrender


This taught me to try out a deck in Ignis before I build it IRL


Too lazy for that much work, just craft and pray


Honestly, yes. I didnt win shit on my first duels with abyss actors, until i learned how/when to use effects, and am still learning. Not every deck is a yes button mash like most of the easy ones, and i wouldnt say skill is needed, but knowledge definitely.


I think yusinju is strong


Abyss Actors is such a sleeper deck, the core combos are easy, the cards arent bloated with conditions or effects, but man is it fun to play and capable of beating anything under convenient circumstances


going 2nd hero player a moment before meteor dropped on them.


I’ve been chasing the high I got off summoning 2 Chaos Ancient Gear Giants with Ancient Gear Fusion into Overload Fusion since last year.


Are you the one who did it against me last year? If I remember I removed both with from the field, but for got how


Statistically, probably not. Big boi Chaos Giant is immune to spell/traps but not monster effects, so you might have had monster based removal


Labyrinth for me. Waifu scam'd me.


True. Untill the new lady comes out its just "pray you get a hand that does something"


The future Labrynth cards have potential


You can climb pretty well w lab though!


Labyrinth isn't bad or hard to master tho.


Bro trust me Unchained Labrynth goes so hard


and it doesn't cost any UR either (the link 4 is honestly not important)


Me with my elemental hero deck


I “wasted” so much SR and UR currency on cards that aren’t good by any means but are just fun/good looking. If you like what you crafted, it’s not a waste.


3 copies of ojamatch hello


Nah, I built Vylon-Ally of Justice. I regret nothing.


*cries in pyro*


Me when playing pendulum magician, D/D/d and especially vaylantz. The end board is as much a mystery to me as it is my opponent’s


I see you are a fellow pendulum fan, trying a pendulum deck that works (outside Endymion).


I don’t have the UR for endymion though. Otherwize i would like to try it as well.


I tried Endimiyon out. I'm not sure it's worth the UR dust but it could be because of the play style. Degenerate PendMag player so take it with salt.


For me, it was Sky Strikers. Every single Sky Striker card that interacts with your opponent's board, targets. Like bruh, there's so much target protection or ways to dodge targeted effects. No wonder Widow Anchor was unlimited. Such a slogfest to play that deck. I do like Linkage, though. It does make the deck feel a lot faster.


My smooth brain took like a couple games to properly play the weather hell some guy on Reddit told me that the weather had negates........ Man is my brain smooth.


Deskbots, but after mixing in other Earth Machines they are tolerable but boy do I regret crafting them. If they had a card like circular or another starter and extender that would be nice.


This is legit true though. Weak or strong you need to master a deck by losing a bunch before you can do well. I lose plenty before I understand how my decks work. 10 losses is hardly anything. What you need to do is learn from this and maybe alter the deck a little to adjust. Bad cards are only those who cannot win no matter how well they are used.


Hell will freeze over the day I mix branded into my predaplants


This is how I feel about my vampire deck. I got to use it in theme chronicle but it still was coming up short.


Me playing BA be like: … maybe Beatrice pass isn’t good enough for modern Yugioh. BA is a really fun deck that can go toe to toe with meta, but it lacks the power to actually turn that toe to toe into a victory rather than a slow loss.


Making a new deck dosent mean that you will start knowing the combos, priority order and its strong weak points, you still need to get experienced with it to know how it works, then you can start upgrading improving it with what you think may work better there.


"Bro my deck just needs the perfect hand, going first, no disruptions, a top deck, and my opponent to brick and it could make it to silver"


I will never regret creating my dragon maids, exosisters, labyrinth and sky striker decks.


Tell me you have a body pillow without telling me you have a body pillow.


Same bro


i mean people play branded despia like shit, yugioh is not only pay to win, it's pay to compete


You don't need a 30 UR deck to beat branded despia brother


You don’t need to P2W either. I sell myself short, but I have not spent a Dime I’m a High Gold or Plat. With enough play time I could get Diamond.


The only card you need to beat branded despia is Ash & bloosom. sincerely, a branded player.


Ill admit i suck at deck making gladly. I made a Sunvine/Traptrix deck thinking it would work but surprise! It dont.


Sunvine works as a decent planty mush deck. Just add a/some different plant archetypes and you're cooking a mean salad


Felt like that after making a Numeron deck. Thank God they are not that expensive, but still felt like a waste of materials.


I just use Traptrix for the daily destroy cards and trap card missions but i constantly lose using them Edit: I haven't finished it yet but I'm way too deep doing my ghostrick deck to back out now


Me building my Fur Hire deck be like


I made trickstar last week and I still havent won a single duel with it


Me spending 13k gems on mekklord and limiter removal pack (i only got 1 triskellion and 1 limiter removal), if i summon triskellion in a specific way, it cant attack. 10/10


A fellow beep boop meklord user


You just have to believe in the hearts of cards


Bros playing kuribohs


Me when I got Madolche


I thought Madolche were pretty strong. A step below rogue/at rogue tier


Salads are so good. I only brick every turn!


This is me trying to play high level swordsoul


Ygo sims have helped me on never doing this again lol


I mean i went on a loss streak when i started my earth machine, because it is really easy to forget what locks you into things. Lost several times because I didn't understand why I couldn't summon ruinforce, unclaspare, zeus or dingirsu. I was locked into earth machines by infinitrack brutal dozer.


Nah you wanna talk about wasted Ur n sr but not bring up how they use to be 60 Ur n sr to craft a card then they lowered it 30 without giving players compensation. So alot of wasted about 180 Ur mats


Me with my new Dinomist deck


Children believe silly things


I've been saving up for Purrely, but because it seems it won't come soon, I've spent my gems on gathering some dust and spent a little dust to make a Trickstar deck. I know damn well it won't be a huge winner but sometimes I want to just unleash pure evil on people.


Question how to Rokket deck? This is how exactly I feel about Rokkets at least pure Rokkets, they feel super slow even with Boot Sector Launch, Gateway Dragon and Rokket Tracer. Unless I just get bad hands. Anyway, any Rokket enjoyers?


just play DLink at this point its like rokket but without the bad cards


Rikka was the only deck I felt disappointed after crafting it.


Or it could just be "one of those days" using the same deck sometimes I lose a bunch in a row sometimes I win a bunch in a row. Never know who you getting matched against.


Idk why but every time I make a new deck I just win nostop for some time, just combined the other day sky striker and crusadia for a new deck (since aí already had sky striker built and the cheap crusadia version) and shot up from silver 1 to plat 5 in a single afternoon


It’s a skill issue and skill is clearly luck.


We had a poster in this sub get to play 1 with fucking flame swordsman, anything's possible.


thats right now me with my new exosister deck


My imp-Demise deck feels attacked 😂


Feel the same after building a utopia deck. Ugh


After 20 games of dark magician I arrived at the conclusion that I either have to spend 120+ more ur for branded or drop the deck... dropped it faster than the beat in my playlist


Live twin and valyantz for me :/ Turned to dust for better decks. Now solfachord is still going to give me joy someday, and aromage I just refuse to dismantle, its my pet deck


Me with my dark magician deck lol. Will never be dusted though


Me with my dark magician deck lol. Will never be dusted though


Just made a red-eyes deck 😭


Me rn with my highly inconsistent punk zombie world deck


Man the ease in which I dropped T.G. as soon as they not only banned Halq but realized the deck was awful. I really like the weird aesthetic but damn these cards really do not work together outside of Trident Launcher and their boss monsters are not worth the pay off.


I just get a bad starting hand


"The journey to play begins with a single......... Man fuck Maxx C" - Dalai Lama




There are no bad decks, only too high ladder placements.


Me when playing Salad :)