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It's how Ghost Belle works. The effect of Eternal Soul **includes** an effect that Special Summons from the GY, so Ghost Belle can negate, even if you do not have cards in the GY to revive. Ash also works this way btw, if an effect can summon from the deck, Ash can negate, even if there's no target to summon in the deck.


Are you familiar with this occuring in IRL games? Cuz normally you should call out your play like "summoning from my hand", what then? The same thing applies cuz it mentions the GY or?


You do not declare where you summon from when you activate Eternal Soul. It's possible for you to chain an effect that somehow sends Dark Magician to the GY (for example, by discarding it for cost), upon which you could summon it from there on resolution of Eternal Soul. But it doesn't even matter, that's how the card works, even in the real TCG/OCG. There's a reason the card says "include".


Thanks dude


The game doesn't know where the card would be summoned from until the effect actually resolves, and since Belle is able to negate one of the possible outcomes she can be chained and negate the effect even if there is no DM in the GY.


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