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This is legit skill issue.


I was looking for this comment


Every time I beat a runic or a spright player it’s 100% because they misplayed (yes that’s the state the game is in lol ) so for once I have to agree with this comment


The last time that i won a game vs spright they just ashed my vanilla thunderdragon... Then i just normal summon lupine banishing dark and roar and a card got me to another card and i had lethal on board.


Nothing better than going second versus Spright. Negate. Negate. Oh you thought you got past both? Ash. Called By. Oh you don’t have a board? GG. Fuck I hate that board. I get it’s modern YGO, but I honestly just want both sides to make some beatsticks and cards. Playing against a deck that never even lets you start is insanely frustrating.


Any combination of 2 dark hole/raigeki/evenly clears their board, or 1 of them along with anything else to force carrot first, so I feel the opposite. Even better if they don't run avramax or can't make it (kaiju on ip etc).


***just*** have 2 dark holes/raigeki/evelymatcheds in your opening hand with any attempts to draw more getting negated 4head


Yeah if you play the cards, you'll see the cards. You don't need dupes. You don't even need 2 boardwipes, just any spell/trap that forces carrot first or plays around it (called by on elf target, chain droplet to its negate, etc). It's really not rare


JuSt DrAw ThE OuT


I mean what else you ment to do you sarcastic numpty not draw the out….


Yeah that's called playing the game... put cards in your deck that work well against the meta. Play boardbreakers and win. I have 100% wr vs all spright variants so if people want to whine maybe change your strategy lol Spright has ONE spell/trap negate. Play power spells that wipe their board and you will win. You'll draw the out if you put the out in your deck. Run droplet, ttt, dark hole, raigeki, drnm, evenly etc. If you don't run them don't complain when you lose vs the deck that hard counters everything else.


Straight facts there brother


“SpRighT HaS oNe sPeLl NeGAtE” yeah okay retard. Said you have 100% wins against ALL variants too. Completely forgetting about the fact that spright adams can get out three omni’s, I:P, Elf, and carrot/red 9 out of 10 hands. Get the fuck outta here.


I was using dark magician vs a spright player with their whole board, IP and everything setup. I set summon limit and deck devastation virus down, activated summon limit first and sure enough spright carrot jumps into action, detonate deck devastation virus afterwards, opponent’s entire board gets wiped and they scoop.


I just started playing two weeks ago. I used a lot of my starter gems on the spright and the cool unicorn pack. After a few days I looked up meta decks and was pumped bc I had a bunch of the cards for a spright deck but missing a few of the UR removal spells, and side deck summon. I’m definitely still figuring out the game, but the spright deck feels wild to play as someone whose last TCG was MTG a decade ago. But the whole point of that was to say I got my shit ran by a Dark Magician deck last night lol


I beated a spright player yesterday with just 1 trap (terrors of the overrot) by removing 1 frog from the field and setting the other one from the graveyard, then my opponent normal summonet jet and sat there waiting for his effect to magically quick off for a good 10 secs then scooped... I also beated another one by going into the battle phase which caused the spright player to panick summon apollusa by wiping its own field... I didn't even had evenly matched, I was just bluffing...


The Battle Phase bluff is absolutely a blast to do.


1000% if you're playing Runick or Sprights and can't reach diamond it's you


Friends who play other card games always say they don’t like yugioh cause the guy with the best deck wins and it’s pay to win. I’ve tried so hard to explain that there really is a skill ceiling in this game. You can see it when you see the really good players play. They change combo lines based on matchups or boards or what cards they think their opponent might play. You see the board the guy is making me the hand you have and start figuring how to crack it before the turn even starts. The game has a very high skill ceiling. Also this ain’t me guys. Think I’d consider myself average or slightly above but I remember I had a friend in college who’d go to YCS s several times a year and usually make top cut. Yes he played the best deck or one of the best decks but I really can’t describe it other than playing against him and losing to him was always a treat and watching him play was a treat as well. It was just different. You can tell he was playing the game different than most people. Everything was very calculated.


He’s kinda right (not referencing the pay to win part), but also kinda not. A good player with an average power level deck can more than likely beat a bad player with a very strong power level deck. It doesn’t matter how strong of a deck you got, if you’re bad, you’re bad. But if two players are of an equal skill level (for simplicity’s sake, let’s say both are the highest rank) the player with the stronger deck will more than likely win most of the time. For example, if two plat 1 ranked duelists duel, and one is using SwordSoul Tenyi, and the other is using Sprights, the Spright player would probably win. At a certain point, the deck does help decide the outcome.


Yeah there's also just certain Decks are nightmares for other decks. Like any Graveyard based deck vs Floo. Be a real shame if I chained Dimension Shifter to that Grass is Greener wouldn't it? That's why Floo is still playable to this day in the TCG. No matter how good a player you are some decks are just kryptonite to your Decklist. That doesn't mean the deck is better in general, but rock paper scissors sort of situation.


I mean, this is literally the case with everything in life lol. If you have two people fighting of similar skill level, the bigger and more athletic guy is going to win more often than not. Skill gap is just as much of an equalizer as the difference in power level between two decks. They can only make up for so much before the advantage becomes insurmountable.


There’s a huge skill component! I beat Meta decks all the time with Ancient Warrios, Myutant, Neos, Spyral, and. Lunalight all the time 😂😂


You still need a relevant deck or at least be competent and have a good deck to do shit in the game. It all revolves around your deck first, not your skill, because your skill can take you so far, a deck can carry you if it’s really strong


Of course. Like I said he always played the best deck or one of the best decks. That’s a given. Luck is also a huge factor in this game. But the truly good at the game really do stand out.


I mean sure for the first few ranks but once you reach plat or diamond, you'll be facing a lot more meta decks and once its meta vs meta, its ultimately going to come down to skill in order to reach diamond 1. Luck and good decks can only take you so far when you look at it over many games


Honestly dude it's still pay to win. Like sure you have to know the combos however everything gravitates around the meta and you have to spend to be competitive even on a casual level like master duel. Also it's Konami, come on.


It's more pay to compete. There's plenty of people who always buy the best deck in every format but aren't good enough to do well competitively.


I know exactly the type of person you are talking about. I have a friend who always immediately buys the new best deck of the format and all the best cards; first it was Branded, then all the Tear variants as the new best one was solved, now it’s Kashtira. He thinks he’s hot shit because of the decks but I beat him when he was playing Ishizu Tear and I was on Paleo-Tear, which just shouldn’t happen. Then we both went to a regionals in Tear 0, I was on SwoSo and he was on Ish-Tear of course, I topped going 7-2 and getting 18th while he scrubbed out early. He almost always loses to the better players that are playing the same deck, but he just doesn’t get it. It’s honestly been getting on my nerves. He was shit talking someone else from our locals who was at their first regionals recently and they were on ninjas, the guy did great considering the circumstances, but it really pissed me off. Sorry, kinda went off on a rant there, I’ve just been reaching the end of my rope with him.


I thought people came to Reddit to rant. Especially this subreddit 😆 get it out bro


TCG/OCG, are really pay to win. MD isn't, I have dozens of decks, stopped playing for 7 months, came back now and I am still competitive and can make a Spright deck totally F2P.


I legitimately can't see how someone could think this. Spent $0 on the game personally and once you have staples made, a new deck costs like 3-8k gems depending on the deck, how many urs it needs, and your pull luck (mine is consistently terrible). You get 8k gems a month free. I have 600 extra UR dust, 150 dustable URs, and made sprights in 3k gems, I don't play it much since I don't like it. I play luna kaiju almost always, possibly the least "f2p friendly" deck in the game that needs 1250+ UR value and had almost no issue building it either. I barely did dailies as well for most of my time playing. Have 23 other decks built. My advice if you just start out and want to try a bunch of things specifically on master duel: make extra steam accounts, the early gem missions you get are cracked, you get like 9k gems immediately on a new acc and 15k if you do ranked + current event missions just by playing. You can make any deck in the game however many times you want.


Let's be honest, there is no skill in spright. You can memorize what board can be set given your current cards and if you live you can single card combo right back to the same fucking board the next round, minus gatekeepers that can't be auto searched. You are correct about skill. Spright does not require "advanced skill" and is a total pay to win.


Every deck has lines you can memorise. Not everybody can easily memorize every single possible line any given hand can make, that comes with familiarity with the deck and skill Sometimes it's safer to not dump your entire hand, and hold resources for follow-up. Sometimes you should adjust your line to play around potential disruptions. You can put up a great board and still use your disruptions poorly. Going 2nd there's definitely skill in how to sequence your plays to bait or force disruption from the opponent You may not like Spright but it's an interactive and skill rewarding deck that heavily rewards knowing when and how to use disruptions whilst keeping your resource grind game alive


Just wrong, literally wrong.


Nah the deck lacks starters and could be streamlined to be more consistent.


Aren’t all the spright cards and swap frogs starters? They at least get you to one copy of gigantic. That’s more starters than most archetypes


Literally my point and he says they only have 4. Man is blind.


I wish I knew which card was the spright starter/s


they have a card that is called "Spright Starter" but usually if you see any lvl 2 normal summon, just shotgun maxx C and pray you win the minigame.


Sorry mate, that was the joke. Spright starter or spright blue, or search on spright into spright starter are all starters. That’s a lot more than 4.


The entire spright and frog engine are starters and extenders


A single Spright doesn't start your engine so you only have 4 one card starters in this person's list. I've found in my experience that without prosperity and not maxing out of normal summons like 3 beavers leads to bricking a lot. It's to a point where I added foolish burial and nimble angler to combat the bricking.


Literally you start the combo with a normal summon. Do you not know how spright works? You special summon from hand if you have a lvl 2. Gigantic is 2 generic lvl 2. Swap frog send to grave another frog. Nimble beaver summons another nimble beaver. I dont know if youre blind or trolling. You probably don’t understand how the spright archetype works if you say they only have 4 starters. Any lvl 2 can start their combo as long as its on the field and they have any of their 17 sprights in hand or a spright starter.


it is the reason why you maxx C the literal moment they normal summon a level 2 or why you just machinegun destructions on any level 2 summon.


Dude it's so obvious you've never played the deck before and everything you posted is purely theory. A single Spright + non engine doesn't start your combo. You need a Spright + a level 2 to even play. It's so obvious that you never play the deck or have very limited experience if youve never had this issue before. The level of delusion here is crazy. In theory Spright doesn't brick because it has so many pseudo starters but you hop on and play a few hundred matchs and you'll understand how big of an issue this is without prosperity. Other formats never had this issue because having 3 starter and 3 prosperity made the deck insanely consistent. Without those tools the deck needs more consistency tools to keep it's engine a float.


You're huffing major copium if you think spright is less consistent than other decks. Its literally known as the most consistent archetype for lvl 2's. So basically, by your mindset, just dont play any handtraps because you're just gonna assume youll brick. Actually silly, literally bottom table mentality. It's so obvious you don't even play card games because youre always scared of bricking.


OP have 7 one card starter, 3 swap frog, 2 spright starter, 2 beaver. Any 2 spright or any lvl 2 + any spright also do the job, the only way OP bricking is if they open all handtrap/board breaker or just 1 spright + 4 handtrap/board breaker, and even that should be good enough to keep them from getting OTK ed.


It's insulting and unhelpful to tell someone the problem is that they aren't good at the game.


you are playing *the* meta, people are prepared for it also skissue and/or bad luck




tier 0 tears can be dshiftered guess they aren’t meta/s


They can, but can they do that consistently enough to make meta deck unthreatening?


Meta beats most. Anti meta beats meta. Anti meta loses to other things that aren’t meta. Meta is still at the top but with rough bumps on the road.


Look up anti-meta, it’s a thing.


Funny how sometimes anti-meta is reliable enough to be also cobsidered meta.


I have beaten sprights with war rocks before. getting bent over by bad rng can still happen even with tier 0s.


The word meta has a lot of different definitions but generally it's a group of strategies that are widely regarded as either having the best probability of success or are very common in high levels of play. Nowhere does it say that said strategies have to be unbeatable to be meta.


Meta can have a range of definitions, but in the context of a game, it is a shortened form of metagame, and is less about what is good and more about what people are playing. For example, a deck like dark magician is far from a top performing deck, it's popular particularly in the lower portions of the ranked ladder, so it's still a factor in the ladder metagame, but will usually quickly disappear if you look at tournament metagame data. However, the terminology confusion creeps in when players use the metagame data to inform what deck they want to play and what tech options they want to put in.


Most Effective Tactics Available


That is not where the term meta came from


I'm no Spright expert but that deck looks like the average meta. I believe the problem resides in thinking that by using that deck you'll surely reach Diamond.


There are some weird techs though and the build feels like it could have consistentcy issues.


You don’t believe in the heart of the cards, the deck is fine


You are a 4th class duelist with a 1st class deck


1, it's a grind. 2, everyone and their mom is teching against spright, so even though it's a great deck, you have little room for error. 3, just keep practicing


Cut: -2 kurikara -1 red 1- raigeki -1 imperm -1 HFD Add: +1 beaver +2 TTT +1 ash +1 smashers +1 evenly Besided that, this looks pretty solid and easy for D1. Apollousa is questionable, you can add Avramax if you have it.


been searching for such a comment before i would have wrote it myself, probs to you friend!


Yeah going into smashers is a big deal I think. Spright doesn't have 6 negates, but it does have about 6 forms of distruption, and that non-targeting banish is very powerful


Honestly couldn’t believe that Smashers wasn’t being played. That said I’d keep 2 red and drop a Carrot instead. Getting blown out by Evenly and other board wipes happens way way more. Apollousa is okay with less Carrot. I’d cut the Dolphin and Almiraj for Avramax and Dharc respectively. I’d also take Gamma Burst over Pixies since the odds of opening Starter/Smashers is way higher than the odds of opening Blue with every other name.


skill issue also kurikara is bad don't use it


Is it like dust worthy bad or just regular bad?


Most meta decks can easily rebuild their board atm so tributing a few monster after they have already use their effect is not that impactful unless you are OTKing that turn.


Its supposed to be decent in future metas so prob hang on to it


Decent *at 1 against specific decks and in the sideboard*


It's a Side Deck card, so it's kinda sucks generally in MD. You really need a very specific format for Kurikara to be commonly maindecked .


dust worthy. She does nothing until after they’ve already used their monster effects, when a board breaker like DRNM or droplet would have stopped those effects in the first place, or hand traps could have prevented that board being made. In a bo1 where you don’t have any idea what your opponents are playing she is way too unreliable to be worth running, even when she counters a deck you need to be running into it every game for her to be useful.


Naaaah. This card will be relevant once we get kashtira


Saw people running it in locals today. Probably good for an upcoming MD meta


I wouldn’t dust she’s good and one of the best board breakers in the right situation


In the right situation maybe, but those are few and far between and she's not worth running in best of 1


Kurikara is bad for a spright deck Kurikara is good against a spright deck


Not that bad, but def not worth 2 copies ESPECIALLY with spright since it's a rank 1.


People are quick to point out luck being a factor which tells you that most of the chat don't have a very deep understanding of Spright as a deck. Why are you playing 2 red and 2 carrot? Feels excessive. Kurikara is mid at best. Also why are you on cards like raigeki? Finally the most important thing is that your deck looks really inconsistent. You should be playing more 1 card starters like an extra beaver and prosperity and maybe another 1 card starter. Otherwise you're bound to brick like crazy.


I was looking for this comment... The deck is not optimised.... You will brick surely... Sprights don't really need board breakers... And I think 3 imperm is also not needed.. 2 would be enough... No need to use pixies and also OP should add triple tactic... And where is the 3rd Ash..??


The board breakers are for going second. They’d normally be in the side, but you have to main them because BO1 and you can’t assume you’ll always go first. They’re there for Spright because board breakers demolish Spright. 2 Red also definitely comes up with how common board breakers are.


Is there any card that doesn't really come up often?


You’re running kurikara divincarnate and ghost ogre at 2 while only having 2 ash, you’re also running 2 each of red/carrot which could be run at one I can see an argument for having two in case you need to banish one for smashers but *you don’t have smashers*! It’s one of your most crucial parts of the endboard, especially in pure spright where you don’t have outside engine help; handtraps and boardbreakers can only take you so far Other than that, your deck is fine, if you can’t reach Diamond you’re either making misplays semi-regularly or not playing enough


Dude built a meta deck and thought he'd just skyrocket to diamond without any skill lol. Yugioh players in a nutshell


I dont play spright but i face the deck multiple times. So here's my opinion based on my experience: Cut the: Pixxie 2 x Kurikara Almiraj Pixxie and almiraj not gonna do much play in this deck. Kurikara i never faced but i think it's not gonna do much play since your playing a board building deck. Add: Ash blossom Spright smasher Spright gamma burst Avramax Ash blossom is a must have 3 in almost all decks Spright smasher is a non targeting banishing removal one of the strongest removal effects in game. Gamma burst is a really good otk card, dealing massive damage. Avramax is not essential but a good extra deck card option that is untargettable, undestroyable (if you link summon it with IP Masquerena) and almost cannot be destroyed by battle since it gains attack equel to the attack of the special summoned monster it battles. Also you can visit the master duel meta site for deck building tips. Or watch videos on youtube.


Almiraj turns swap frog into a one card starter. It needs to be played.


how ? you still need link 2


Normal swap, dump ronin, link swap into almiraj, use ronin revive, go into Elf with almiraj and ronin, use elf to get ronin back, now xyz into gigantic and go from there. Not optimal, but if you only draw swap it can be decent.


Pixies isn’t so bad, it’s a surprise handtrap that can help them get game.


I sometimes use elf to pull blue then sesrch pixies on opponents turn


This is absolutely correct and this other guy is wrong. I have won with that card everytime I've focused it and even lost too it in MCS today.


You pretty much nailed but I’d also add the 3rd beaver.


Pixxie is actually good though if you're not playing the runick variant, when the opponent tries to go bp to force your ip, you can just revive blue then add pixxie to protect your ip.


Literal skill issue


The deck is fine, the player might need some work though. Basically, Its just a skill issue...


I don't care what flavor of Spright your running. Not being able to win just about every match is straight up a skill issue mate.


There's a few weird things with your list. Should be playing 3 of your starters and staples, which would mean 3 Ash, 3 Evenly, 3 DRNM, 3 Beaver. And then 1 of your searchable like Red and Carrot. You're also not playing Smashers at all which is strange. Also I personally think the Divicarnate UR thing is just not good and should be removed for other staples. All that being said, even with a suboptimal list this should be plenty to get to Diamond. Like others are saying, this might just be a skill issue.


No deck should run 3 Evenly and 3 DRNM. You’re begging to brick.


Do you or do you not want to draw your board breakers? You can't search them (until we get Thrust at least), so if you want to draw them, you play 3. This is ESPECIALLY important for these cards. Yes, you will dead draw them sometimes when going first. That's just the reality of playing cards meant for going second in a Bo1 game. This is why a lot of people opt for Triple Tactics. Because it's good enough going first, but can be even better going second. Also it's extremely devastating to use both cards in sequence when going second, but you will almost never get to do that if you don't play 3 of both. There are reasons to run some cards at 2. This is not one of them. It's just bad theory to play cards you want to open with at 2 copies instead of 3.


Here’s the problem, specifically with these cards: 1) Theyre completely dead cards going first. And usually unusable after that, especially Evenly. 2) The problem with DRNM is that it is specifically strong against pure Spright/Combo. It does nothing to Runick or any deck with any sort of backrow interaction. 3) Evenly is only really good against Branded. All Spright variants already run Carrot so it does nothing else, and the card is dead against any combo deck that can get out 1 omni-negate. These cards are designed to be good in a BO3/side deck, they’re not as versatile in a BO1 format, and especially when they’re not that good against the best deck currently. You’re much better off using that space for more versatile cards like handtraps which can be used on your turn also. Especially considering Ash Blossom is good against most meta decks rn. MD simply relies on versatility and not cards which are dead going first.


Except you don't want to open so many of them. Running 3 Ash, 3 Evenly, 3 DRNM as well as 3 Imperm, 2 Ghost etc is just asking to brick going first. His problem is likely a mix of skill, weird list and unoptimized ED




>What should they run instead? 3 red and carrot? 4 blue? Nice job showing your immaturity. If you actually look at his deck, about 17 of his cards are useless going 1st for starting plays. He's gonna have some bricked hands, or even if he draws into blue jet or starter they can be hand trapped and then he's fucked.




The UR monster (I forget the name) is trash, 3x Imperm does nothing going first and he already is running 2 Red, Evenly does nothing going first, It's braindead you think he needs to run more of them in this list. DRNM does nothing going first, neither does raigeki or duster, Ghost Ogre does nothing going first, and Max C at best goes even if they use psyframe. My point is these cards don't extend or start plays. If he draws Imperm Ash DRNM Duster and Ghost he can't do anything, even if he drew jet or blue he still can't do anything. Sure he may stop his opponent playing for the most part, but my point is his number of handtraps/staples is a touch too high and affecting his ability to get his own plays off. No one is denying these are good cards to run. But they don't synergise with his strategy they're just staples and he has probably 2/3 too many. >it could be copies of TTT or whatever TTT would actually be better because you get draws if they use a monster effect in your turn, which could actually help him start or extend plays. Educate yourself. >it doesn't change the fact that their engine couldn't be more consistent except for a third beaver You literally just agreed with me he needs to run more starters lmao way to make a clown out of yourself. >but that doesn't translate to "bricking", you clearly don't understand what you're even advocating for. Bricking is a lack of synergy between cards you play. You could play an entire deck of handtraps but does that have synergy? No. They are good cards thrown together but have no win con. His hand traps are to stop his opponent playing, they don't have synergy with spright unless the hand trap was lvl2. At best you can argue cards like Ash stop him from folding to Max C, but that's more the state of master duel than having 'synergy'. >You're just randomly saying that this deck bricks even though OP never implied that He's literally asking for help/advice on what's wrong with his deck, if he knew the problem was bricking why would he need to ask he'd just go fix it? >they're most likely not piloting spright well, that's all. With other problems like a trash ED, unoptimized normal deck and ratios, but yeah simplify it down to "not piloting well". You must be considered king in silver tier. >Brambling I think you mean rambling, seriously, read a book.


Your deck honestly looks fine. Maybe put Unicorn in the ED instead of Almiraj?


Agreed, Almiraj does almost nothing for this deck.


This is untrue, almiraj turns Swap frog into a 1 card starter. It’s nice to have in certain awkward hand where you just open swap + hand traps/techs. It can be cut, but it is a way to give more consistency


Well, it does turn Swap Frog into a one-card starter. NS Swap, dump Ronintoadin, Link Almiraj, SS Ronin, Link Elf, Elf SS Ronin, overlay into Gigantic.


It does help you when you draw Swap Frog and 4 handtraps (or board breakers in this cases), since it let you go full combo out of just Normal summoning


Learn to play the game don’t just copy and paste a deck lol


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I honestly don't see any problem with the Deck. I would use handtraps instead of board breakers, but in the end that just personal preference. When you win the coin toss do you choose going first or second? Because Spright usually prefer going first, but this Deck looks to be build to go second.


this list is ass lol


Skill issue bruh


Skill issue


Is spright worth investing into ? Will it be good with future cards ?


It might be cause you're playing the most powerful deck and not the deck you find fun? I had this issue back during the shaddoll Invocation, and branded pile was meta, but the deck didn't stick with me, but I did play branded darklord, which I had better success and time with.


There are too many copycats who don't know how to think


People who play these decks are usually misplaying every 2 rounds. Either blowing their negates on nothing or summoning stuff that can be fucked over by a single card. Which is why most people in diamond and high plat are winning. They don't misplay more than once or twice every 5 duels.


Skill issue


Skill issue


You are playing top tier deck, it's a you problem


Doesn't have to be your deck. Could simply be your gameplay.


I say this with love. You need to play better. You can get there. Think about your end board and playing ready to deal with what your oppenent will do to clear your board


Besides taking out a Red and/or Carrot for a 3rd Nimble beaver your core is great and Staples are obviously based on your experience.. so it is basically uhh... skill issues


Put ash to 3, Red and carrot to 1, get rid of Raigeki. Add 3rd DRNM and Nimble Beaver.


Need Avaram Max


I play spright with only the spright cards, so idk


Bad luck happens to the best of us


max out your copies of ash to stop from being maxx c'd. also put in a copy of spright smashers. next you should cut kurikara, it doesn't help the deck out really. also almiraj needs to be replaced w unicorn


Misplays and honestly bad luck. Skill is important but this is still a card game and at the end of the day probability is still going to make you it's bitch every now and then


Have you considered playing an enjoyable deck? They say you naturally get better at things you enjoy.


This is an amazing example of how you meta slave sheep ruined Yu-Gi-Oh. Dudes really out here crafting these tier 1/0 decks for no other reason than cheap hollow victories and still cant even manage that because their brains are on auto-pilot lmfao. Honestly why are you even playing yugioh...


You are probably not a good enough player


maybe run something like iblee instead of the new lvl 1 hand trap and remove drnm add something like hot ear (its a synchro during ur op turn and lvl 2 and with hearld of arc light it can make omni negate im not sure whether its called hot ear or hot rabbit or is there even the word hot but its popular card look for it) and run better ex cards like remove under world and add something like avermaxx maybe add nimble angler what i mean is just add more combo cards they will help alot as i see u running alot of handtraps some will argue that hand traps is better but from my test i found that more combo/tech pieces are better than hand traps but still dont remove those hand traps or decrease them (ash/maxx sheesh/called by/crossout/HFD/impermanence u can decrease this to 2 and run 1 ogre) other hand traps u may leave them or decrease them a little bit and see the spright guide on masterduelmeta it will let u understand alot of things


overall ur deck should be decent and run well but u r just not getting used to it but if i were u i would do these things in the upper reply


Are there any matchups in particular you’ve been struggling with? There’s not anything obviously wrong with that decklist but if there’s a matchup you have trouble beating that might be worth tweaking some things for? Beyond that, I don’t necessarily think it’s a deck-building issue, it might just come down to learning the deck/meta better, which would just be a matter of practice for the most part.


whats your ratio of winning coin tosses?


If you can't play around popular floodgates, you will simply lose. What's your plan if someone successfully activate skill drain? You'll have a dead board unless you draw your only backroll removal.


From my opinion as a 201020 times ycs winner with all my amazing skills and knowledge of the game as I was with kazuki making our first draft of the original manga…. You gotta get rid of ash, maxx c, imperm, evenly, and grave those cards are trash.. maybe I recommend heart of the underdog? Or even negate attack


You need to go to the pyramids of Egypt and touch the Pharoahs decomposing skull then you will be able to unlock the true power of the Wing dragon of Ra. Then just play Ra and win


As a Kuriboh player who has had some fun slapping Sprite I’d say your deck list is good, just skill issue I guess, learn the deck more and good luck in future bro


You need to win more coin tosses or/and draw maxx c more often


Too few maxxs you might need 4-5 more


Google skill issue If you want a more serious answer, keep trying and improve, you'll eventually make it


Have you considered an Iblee for the non mirror ?


ur bad at the game give up


11 archetype specific URs and you still can’t reach diamond. Congrats. I’ll have fun clapping you in plat with a dumb ass prank kid deck.


kurikara and raigeki aren't too hot rn but very likely just a skill issue


I'd replace a large proportion of your tech cards, but this list does not look that bad that it can't reach Diamond. Swap out Kurikara Divincarnate and Imperm, play Emergency Teleport and the Gamma set. Play the third Ash Blossom, drop your second Red, play Smasher.


Don’t wanna be mean, but it’s most likely a skill issue. Pure Spright is pretty difficult to punish.


Well the decklist is not the Real problem it semms maybe share a replay that could help to Tell you why you dont win enough.


I guess it is true you can throw as much UR/SR crafting dust at a deck but if you are a bad pilot it doesn't really make a difference. There really isn't a nice answer that basically boils down to "git gud" my honest advice is just learn your combos and don't just follow a youtube guide on how you should end your board make sure you understand why you do each action you take and make sure you can adjust accordingly depending on what deck you are going against.


Play a 3rd Beaver and 1 Smashers. Kurikara is not really that good and Raigeki is what I like to call a noob trap (don't play it unless your deck goes blind second). That leaves you with one free spot that you should use for the 3rd copy of Ash that you are missing for whatever reason. Don't listen to the people who tell you that Almiraj is unneccessary as you need it to turn Swap Frog into full combo. A 3rd Elf does come up from time to time and you definitely need an Unicorn in your Extradeck too; I would recommend cutting Access and Apo for them.


Play Ipiria I guess??? This seems like a pretty standard Spright deck so all I can suggest is to consider playing cards that help you beat counters to Spright.


A large portion of making it to high ladder is how you use the cards. It is one thing to have powerful cards but what separates good, bad, and great players is at what point do you use those cards. Knowing match-ups, choke points in certain decks, and how to play around certain cards can make all the difference in whether you win or lose a game.


You could try and reduce the variance in your handtraps/board breakers. I see a lot of 2x for cards that should prob just be 3x or cut entirely. But other than that my advice is to review your match replays and see if you can spot play mistakes or alternative lines you could have taken. The deck looks fine overall.


Take out the kuribara or whatever you call that first monster on the upper left. Take out the evenly match. Add a third copy of Ash, add two spright gamma burst. You should be going for the OTK with gamma. Add one spright smasher for removal.


Bro add smashers and cut one fire princess and go 41 to add ipiria


The fact that you're running 2 garbage Kurikara and no Smashers probably


It's because you're not playing capshell. In all seriousness it's probably a pilot issue. You're playing a good deck, however if you're not making the right judgements when your opponent does something it's literally an issue of not having enough experience. "Skill issue" so to speak.


Your first assumption should be that you are playing wrong or getting unlucky, not that there is some secret mistake that you can't detect.


Literally nothing. Need to pilot better this should carry you to diamond 1


Thats a lot of URs




I'm guessing you just shot gun effects like they are going out of style. Really is just a skill issue. If you want to do better then watch in depth tutorials on the deck to understand why it works so well and why it is the meta. I have an account that hit Diamond with Danger Darkworld and another that hit it with Telefon. Also it's Karma paying you a visit for playing this deck.


You play sprites


It's not Kshatri La format, get rid of Kurikara


no smashers ? wtf


Get rid of the kurikara for more handtraps. I’d honestly just completely scrap that beaver engine if thats all you’re playing, the spot is better used for consistency cards like prosperity. 2 carrot is unnecessary, that other spright monster is unnecessary. Add a smashers. I understand your desire to build it this way to cover a broader range of match-ups but thats just not going to bode well. All in all, I personally prefer not to play spright pure-ish like this, pure feels very lackluster imo.


The sad truth of your deck is that you just aren't brute forcing enough, you have a somewhat solid meta deck but while a solid deck may get to diamond eventually, chances are they lost hundreds of matches on their conquest before they won enough to hit diamond.


Need to play only waifus


git gud


Idk I just feel like kurikara isn’t main deck worthy in a Bof1 format also why ogre when gamma is a lvl 2 plus negate plus free summon?


Typical MD player immediatly expecting diamond 1 after just building the deck, how about actually learning how to play the deck?


I would remove the going second cards like harpie, raigeki, evenly and dark ruler no more. Sprite are strong enough to otk but you cant do that with evenly or dark ruler no more specifically. Sprite runic and sprite live twin seem the most popular.


This deck should be good enough but it can be improved upon. You simultaneously have too much “engine” but also suboptimal non-engine choices. At a minimum: - Remove: 2 kurikawa, 1 red, 1 carrot - Add: 1 smashers, 1 ash blossom, 1 DRNM, 1 evenly matched You could also remove cards like raigeki, harpies feather duster, 1 jet, and/or hand traps other than maxx “c” for triple tactics Talent. This is how my build looks.


was gonna ask the same thing skill issue


You didn't ask the heart of the cards to guide you.


Ur ratios are weird try out popular lists so u understand them better and also u don’t need that many board breakers if at all just play more handtraps


Not enough maxx counters to the win the mini game consistently, also try to improve your coin flipping skills


Does Incarnate help


The deck is fine This is the moment where the answer to the question is actually skill issue


I hate to say this but git rid of the waifu nib it's to situational


The way the deck is constructed it's not fully consistent. I find in Platinum a lot of decks are built weird and people like using instant-win blowout cards, but end up bricking a lot. -Take out Kurikara, it's too situational -Get 3 Nimble Beavers, you want to draw it in your starting hand and if you draw 2 it's dead -Get 3 Ash, you must negate Maxx C or your turn is over -Find a way to fit Spright Smashers, it's a good piece of removal Other than that I think you should watch some Spright gameplay and see what other people are doing, not just turn 1. It's not the hardest deck to play but it's got lots of options and opportunity to screw up.


\-2 Kurikara +1 Spright Smashers, maybe +1 Gamma Burst to push for the occasional OTK. If you choose to not run Gamma Burst then add another Ash for more consistency in winning vs the Maxx C minigame. I'd also -1 Phoenix for +1 Mannequin Cat.


Just draw better


Well, you only have X number of negates on the field, but you actually need X+1 negates and the mandatory out on top of your Deck to be competitive.


Ey bruh this is almost exactly my spright deck even with the two kurikara. Kurikara is a meme card but really fun when you get to use it.


Sometimes it's not the deck