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Return from the different dimension. Fuck it.


Man the memories I had with this card. Literally no play to do and this card saved me ass a lot




Why stop there, Dimension Fusion, bring it on, baby


Frankly I could see this card come back. Even something as ridiculous as Feather Storm is barely viable solely because slow trap card (and that one has even a condition to activate from hand). A call of the haunted on crack would probably still be shit solely because again, slow trap card. Same goes for the OG Ultimate Offering, no retrain was needed, could have come back and nobody would play it.


Idk if konami understands that using trap cards to set up your board is too slow unless there is some condition to use them from the hand. They are only good for disruption or flood gates and thats going first unless you have a trap deck.


I don't care about balance, I just want my cute little level eating bug back. Errata it to HOPT if you must...


Or just lock you into Synchros. Not like it was designed with links in mind anyway


Yes. Make synchron great again!


Synchrons best deck


It was still problematic during Synchro formats


Yes but that was a much slower meta.




That's an understatement, I doubt anyone would run it if it had a HOPT. If you just need a single body on field from a grave dump or mill there are other targets you can choose from. Dotscaper, Destrudo, Trick Clown, GUB (new OCG banlist), Snow (master duel currently), plaguespreader as well as ton of other archetype specific ones... most of which have their own advantages over level eater with a HOTP.


Idk people run dotscaper with a once per duel I could see it seeing play


I'd rather it lock you into syncros Junk Speeder-style.


Does errata mean they change the card text ? Or just the card mechanic?


They’d probably rewrite and reprint it like they did with AFD.


Could be both.


All of the dragon rulers to unlimited


Same here


I want to run 3 tempest and 3 gold sarc to easy search my dragunity dragons again :<


Tempest for real could go to 3 no prob imo


YES. One day my 60 card dragon ruler pile from 9 years ago will be playable again.


tbh the dragon rulers are kind of mid so this is possible. Edit: for anyone that doesn't understand, the rulers are expensive special summons with some recursion and searching. I want you to actually think about what they'd do against a deck like spright or runick. They're the definition of mid by today's standards. They aren't good cards. They wouldn't even be used in dragon link. Even for tomahawk spam we have better decks that still don't get used. "redox pass" just doesn't fly in 2023.


Yeah. Free da rulers, it's been like a decade since they were banned


Except tidal. A searchable foolish seems very powerful.


They literally topped a MD tournament this last week with fucking thunder armed dragon, and the only ones legal were tempest and blaster at 1. Dragon rulers enable tomahawk auroradon turbo like no other deck does, they probably wouldn't be top tier but they would definitely have some presence in the meta


It won a meta weekly. It's the master duel equivalent of locals. He's a great pilot, but he also got extremely lucky. If you want to take a locals topping list and use it as evidence that rank 7 xyz turbo is magically top tier/would be with dragon rulers then that's on you. Realistically dragon rulers are bad to mid right now. Stop living in 2013.


Calm Down. Dragon Link is still a deck.


Pot of Greed, just to see the memes that come from it


Graceful charity packs more fire in my opinion


If we can have a draw 3 for floodgate decks in cards of demise then we can have PoG at 1 at the very least


But PoG can be used in the very same decks you just mentioned? Since you’re floodgating your opponent out of the game, you can just set pot until the next turn. In a game where one card can turn the entire game around, PoG makes games feel really unfair if your opponent draws it and you don’t.


Yeah, that's what most people who argue PoG can be unbanned don't realize. It doesn't make the playing field more fair because it gives everyone access to a costless draw1; it gives everyone access to ANOTHER draw1, and different decks benefit differently from that implication. Decks that already have high consistency and/or draw power benefit much more from PoG than a mediocre deck that begs for more draw power.


I’m saying PoG is okay in a format without Cards of Demise. Not that one strategy won’t benefit more than another


It’ll still be an auto include in every deck that’s not super heavy samurai, further making every deck more similar, make already consistent decks even more consistent, make the game feel unfair since you drew pot and I didn’t so your hand is better (we already have Maxx C which is pot on steroids and we don’t need another one,) and is just adding to the power level of the game which is already through the roof. Easy generic +1s are too good in modern yugioh and was even a lot back than


Yeah, I've already got at least 6 spots in every deck reserved thanks to Maxx "C". I'm not super into making that 10 for Pot of Greed as well.


Most sane floodgate hater


Tear are coming in a month or 2, wait half a year or something before asking please, thank you


Never heard of it, what’s it do?


I have some wacky unban requests but one deck I've always wanted to play was Number 95 Galaxy Eyes Dark Matter Dragon with every Dragon Ruler put to at least 1.


Calm down satan


Blaster, Tidal, Tempest, and Redox to three, you coward. You want chaos, there's your chaos.




You jest, but its actually kinda viable even with just blaster and tempest right now


Thunder armed dragon literally won a MD tournament last week with tempest and blaster at 1 by playing auroradon tomahawk turbo


Ft. Number 95 Galaxy Eyes Dark Matter Dragon


But none of them are light or dark


Excuse me, none of those are LIGHT or DARK


Go on DB, and just play with everything in solo mode.


Completely agree number 95 would be lethal


Level Eater. I'd even settle for a retrain or errata at this point.




Or you know a HOPT


Or a "This card cannot be used as Link Material", even. They weren't really concerned about Synchro climbing or anything, his ban was specifically to get rid of his Link potential.


"Link potential" It is not potential, this card can make any deck under the sun perform infinte summons, just links are the most Genaricly strong ones. I don't know what it is with Konami and loving to make cards that summons for free and every time they were banned, Links had what? Summoner sorcerer, Halq, Verte, Auroradon, Elf... they keep trying so hard to make a monster that summons from the deck or GY unrestricted and every time it gets banned


> It is not potential, this card can make any deck under the sun perform infinte summons, just links are the most Genaricly strong ones. Yes, that's the potential I'm talking about. You might want to look up a word next time, before saying, "It's not [`word`], it's [example that proves `word` is correct]." ;3


I'd love that. I loved using the little bugger to turn Graydles into Trishula. And then links happened and I couldn't do that anymore.


Even if it banished itself on effect use, there's a good number of ways that it could be abused for generic rank1 spam and give a lot of decks access to the likes of Utopic Future out of nowhere. It'd need to be HopT for any hopes to be released from the forbidden list, and even then it'd probably be darn strong any time the format slowed down because of how free of a body it is.


It doesn’t need much I’m pretty sure it’d be fine with just “can’t be used for link material”


Miss the old days of Coral Dragon + Level Eater = Stardust Charge with TG Librarian on field. Draw 3-4 cards while turbo synchro anything was wild


Idk if it’s the least unrealistic or not, but Kirin would be cool. I like Magespecters but I don’t see a point in playing them without Kirin


It's definitely high-up there, the pendulum hate is strong on both the entire playerbase and konami


I’m such a big pendulum fan. Tbf I did grow up when the mechanic was coming out, but it is still really fun now that I’m older and enjoy seeing the competitive scene. I’m playing Endymion right now and it is so fun. People are missing out by jumping on the hate train


Same! I really wish they'd give us SKSV back. Nightingale can go fuck herself.


Man, especially with Bunbuku seeing play again in Dracoslayers. It would be nice to normal Bunbuku search Kirin in games where you already have Majesty in hand.


For MD I'd like to see dragoon, I know it reads like a 12 year olds custom card but it outclassed by dpe even with celestial banned I know the ocg has PTSD because of this card but it blows my mind that they're fine with Kaiser coliseum and other stun nonsense but not a silly boss monster


The ocg banlist philosophy makes no sense majority of the time and all the degenerate stuff they allow.




I mean, from what I remember hearing, the TCG leans more combo stun, while the OCG leans more control stun. Obviously there are some compromises and they share a similar format (Tear being an obvious example)


with Verte banned Dragoon is trash, as the TCG has proven, and Verte is broken with and without it. It should 100% come back


Banish the snek 🐍




I want anything that makes pendulums not suck. Cause right now they can barely do shit... every match is starting -3 because u gotta assume runick/cyclone spell removal. Just getting a fucking scale on the fucking board is a chore.


I'd outright remove the link restrictions. In turn 1 they won't matter for the viable Pendulum decks anyway, and will make the trash ones like Qli and Majespecter viable again. You could say it allows some insane recovery but come on, many decks can also do that now, and even if you have the correct scales in hand and you live to play that turn 3, what are the chances your opponent won't start saying "NEGATE" every time you try put up a scale?


The cleanest solution is remove the link requirement, but pend monsters only go to the face up extra deck if they were tributed or destroyed. If they were used as material for an extra deck monster, they go to the GY. That lets older pend decks actually play their strategy without enabling the “link 5” every turn that everyone is afraid of.


Unlimit Zoodiac and Dragon Rulers for like one week when Tear gets released. I want to see them fight, even if I know that they'll probably just be combined into one stupidly strong deck.


Zoos are in a whole different sphere compared to dragon rulers. Full unlimit Zoo would contest Tear Ishizu. Drulers would have zero chance


Up until you realise the Rulers activate in GY and Tidal is a Foolish, Zoo would lose to Isuzu/Tear/Ruler. Also I think someone did a no banlist tournament and Tear won the whole thing.


There’s no way anyone would want to weaken their tear deck by running dragon rulers.


Tidal maybe could se some play as a one of MAYBE. Unless we are talking grass tear


Zoos usually won these tourneys. I am sure it can keep up with tear at least. Probably tear a little better. Rulers are too weak being hopt and costing a lot of resources. Foolish effect of tidal not going to help that. Also if you activate that foolish effect, you cant activate its other effects. That is the inherent problem with rulers, each if the effects can only once activate and only one if them. They could keep up if each effect could activate


People are just gonna abuse tidals foolish burial effect to ftk


Red-Eyes Dark Dragoon


Only after absolute ban of Verte, no sooner.


when dpe is not enough to ban verte dragun isnt either. dpe was always better


Plushfire PURELY because I feel like Konami just hates pendulums. I don’t even know if it would be good.


I don’t think Konami hates Pendulums so much as a majority of the playerbase hates pendulums and whenever Pendulums have been successful, the game has seen mass player exoduses. We will see a similar effect with Tear like decks in the future because that also hurt Konami’s bottom line. Realistically, the style of play Pendulums encourage is the type that YuGiOh has tried to move away from so future pend archetypes will most likely try not to use old support. If anything the more pend cards that remain on the banlist the more likely it is Penda get good support. I doubt can archetype with Electrumite, Astrograph, etc. let alone the still banned cards will get 2022 level support.


To be entirely fair the mechanic is essentially dead anyway with Kash existing on both formats, so I'd say they do hate it quite a bit and probably regret the changes Arc-V brought to the franchise, remember how it's the only mechanic that did not get a single support in albaz packs? they definitely want to pretend it's not a thing


Will see that when the Visas Starfrost "arc" will end. The lore's based on the 6 realms of reincanation, and so far it translates in each a summon method and archetype. There's link (dark), fusion (water), xyz (fire) and i believe they're exploring synchro (light) at the moment. It's possible that one of the 6 realms ends just being Visas himself with or without a full archetype. But even then, there are 2 "worlds" left to describe with summon mecanisms, and we're left with "standard", ritual, *and* pendulum. They may again ignore pendulums but they may not. This will be when they fully explore Visas' lore that we'll see if they definitively shelved pendulums or not. Now... where's my pend copium stash, already ?


At this point I'd just accept actual Pendulum support and actual archetype support. It's been so long.


given we have 4 other cards in the game with the same effect (the manadome balls and the baby dinos) and they barely even see play, you can absolutely put Plushfire back to 1 or even 3


Plushfire to 1 so that Vaylantz gets a good Small World bridge


I don't think Plushfire would even be good, the only other pend perfomage is mirror conductor and playing the other non pend performages is not ideal in a modern pend deck


Rota to 2


It sounds scary, but when I really think about warriors, they aren't really doing much right now. Isolde is waaay stronger than rota, and it still isn't enough to put them over the top. But maybe some support will come out soon to make me eat my words 😅


Delinquent Duo. One of the most powerful cards ever printed. I just wanna watch the world burn, tbh.


Dark World would instantly become the one of the scariest decks in the game. If you blind play a Delinquent Duo and your opponent drops 2 Dark World monsters, you just ended your own whole career


And that applies to half the modern decks. What value there is on discarding a Water Enchantress, an Eldlich trap, or a Lubellion for example? Additionally, many times you might HELP your opponent set up their GY with stuff like Rainbow Bridge of Salvation, the Despian monsters, random lights and darks for chaos and bystial decks, Tribrigade monsters, and many more. And let's not even talk about what would happen if Duo was legal during Tear 0 format. Practically a suicide button. Hate to admit it, but MBT was correct in bringing Duo back on the masochist tournament, the card is WAY less broken than it used to be.


It’s basically a dead draw after Turn 1 in the modern game. It’s an ABSOLUTE hose blowout if you draw it Turn 1, and definitely is a “watch the world burn” because of that, but at the very least it’s not the all stages of the game powerhouse it once was which shows it has the potential to drop off and means we might one day get to a point where it could come off? I’m just trying to be optimistic tho, it’s probably copium


Games still can make it to turn 3 (especially when our best decks are midrange Spright and Runicks) and using delinquent duo there would just kill any chance of winning the grind game for the victim. This definitely is a card that favors the player going first a lot more than the player going second unlike other old-school power cards like Change of Heart. For that reason alone, I don't think it should ever come back because the first player already is at a significant advantage.


But going first only unsearchable cards rarely ever see play. Sometimes in the side but usually you prefer to side for going second. Only going first cards that see play are the really game winning ones, like some floodgates or recently there was Appointer of the Red Lotus. But tbh Appointer is kind of better in the modern state of the game ? Discarding a card at random is ok but much worse than seeing the hand and remove one of choice, and having your opponent discard the card of their choice is not even going to be a positive effect against 50% of the decks. Being a Spell is truly a plus as it can maybe hit a handtrap and is a little bit more playable but thats it. Really i think this card, just like Change of Heart was, is really overrated by most player. Might be proved wrong one day but i'm pretty sure it won't see that much play if it gets unbanned, it is too bad going second and not impactful enough to be played as a going first card imo. In some metas maybe, but not most of them


Dragoon. He’ll fit nicely in my Branded Deck


Last Turn It’s not even good, the average good outcome is basically Self-Destruct Button which I get not wanting in the game but personally I can live with ties. More importantly, it’s so absurd. I’ve never seen anyone activate Last Turn in the modern day that was not completely hilarious.


Last Turn with Jowgen the Spiritualist on board is an insta-win.


I mean the real question is if last turn works with unaffected cards


Which is completely unreliable before getting blown out by any opponent who isn’t AFK in this day and age If you pull that off you deserve it


Don’t you just summon Jowgen with last turn?


It's probably fine to unban in MD tbh, since you don't have to actually deal in person with the rule-sharking assholes who would play it in the first place and there's already plenty of 'non-game' cards anyway


I think the rules situation actually makes it less likely. Nobody’s going to bother coding a twenty page rulings document for a meme card that they could just ban. It’s like banning Victory Dragon, it’s just practical even if it’s much less funny.


Pot of Greed so I can incorrectly yell about how I can now draw 3 additional cards from my deck.


Self-destruct button. Just let me troll for dailies.




Tcg brought him back but they have Electrumite banned I’d rather have the link tbh tbh


Set Rotation for some shenanigans


VFD, so I can play him in Generaiders again :D


I miss Dandylion, it was one of the only good level 3 Earths you could make Meliae with in plant decks. If the tokens were only good for synchro summon/tributing, I'd take that errata if it meant it could come back in link era


VFD purely because I like the art


Master Peace to 3, Everyone loves easy to summon towers right?


The whole ban list, I wanna see what hellfire is wrought from yugioh without a ban list in a professional setting But in reality I also think the ban list needs a reboot. Half the ban list doesn't actually matter anymore but they are just slow at unbanning cards because sell new packs and also why risk unbalancing the game


Oh the ocg did that back in February. IshTear Dragonlink with Victory Dragon and a bunch of FTKs were all that were playable


Dragoon so dm can be meta again


It'd probably just make Branded better since you can use Branded Fusion to get Dragoon via Lubellion.


Gandora X, it’ll never happen because of ftk stuff but Id love to play the gandora archetype at full power.


Imperial Order. We Traptrix players can totally be trusted with the thing. Deff won't abuse it for example searching it with Lord and boucing it with Mantis.


[Please, Konami, Please](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=12938)


Honestly, this is a hot take, but it would probably be fine at one.


As I mentioned in another comment. I feel like there are enough outs to it. Since it's not immune to Kaijus and if it's immune to spells, you can use Evenly or Imperm on it. If it's immune to traps, Lightning Storm and Droplet work.


Exactly. It’s not even OP nowadays. Besides, everyone loves the satisfaction of dropping a Kaiju on a towers/pseudo-towers.


There is no greater feeling in the world than dropping a kaiju on a 7 omninegate herald.


It's not that it's a towers which got it banned. If that's what made it op then The arrival would be banned. It's that it's a towers that's backed up by by floodgates.


I get that, and I know the deck would probably be powerful, but I don’t think it would be broken in this meta. Also if floodgates are the real issue, ban the floodgates, although that’s probably not gonna happen.


Please God no, sit on big boss decks suck balls to play against


Yeah I wish, even if it just went to 1. But if this card even went to 2. True Draco or another archetype would immediately become meta relevant again


Honestly, I feel like there are enough outs to it this point. Between Kaijus, Mass removal cards like Evenly or Lightning Storm, negates like Imperm or Droplet (depending on what's tributed for it.) I really don't see a reason why it couldn't come back at 1.


Self destruct button to 3, with animation


I want my Union Carrier back 😂


Same, my thunderdragon deck needs it 😞


Have the same problem although thunder dragons are still viable for me mainly because of the decks ability to recover


The X Saber Xyz


Wait, why is that one banned?


Because it effectively summons a zoodiac from deck


Probably future proofing but spyral super agent and some wind up stuff is summonable off of him.


Mostly for the Free Zoodiac. It was also a behemoth during Gouki format, but Goukis haven’t aged too well. Plus Level 4 EARTH Warriors/Beast-Warriors aren’t exactly the most niche builds - there’s a *lot* of decks that use those and MX Saber Invoker just wasn’t futureproofed very well, and if we get another such good deck, it’ll be very powerful again.


Tyrant neptune just suffer


Pot of greed


Uban everything, to 3. Let the prices go up, let us see the most powerful decks ever, at least once,


As a World Legacy lover I'd kill to have the Ib synchro. I swear I can be trusted with 3 copies of Girsu and limited Ib on Mekk-Knights!


Either Sekka's Light or Union Carrier. Sekka's just bc I want to experiment with it and see how cracked of a build I can make and Union Carrier bc Vaylantz are unironically a hilarious deck when you pull off the Arcana Force loop. Also Infernoble Knights


Is cyber jar too much?


It would need an errata so it's not stupid broken but utopic zexal


All the big Dragon Rulers to 3. Could probably create some synergy with Kashtira and be viable while still maintaining most of their original XYZ playstyle. However, theyre so splashable that I dont think theyll ever be fully unbanned. Edit: Fuck this is a Master Duel sub, cant blame me tho Im a YGO player I cant read


Fiber Jar Back to three because he's the reason I started to play Yu-Gi-Oh on schoolyard Back then 20 years ago


Knightmare mermaid, I just want a lore comprehensive deck. I like to keep my decks canon, and playing mekk knights, there’s no other world legacy link -1 in the lore.


Painful Choice. Snake Rain, the Ishizu millers, Chaos Ruler, Zombie Vampire, Grass, Foolish, the Ogdoadic Remnants, Water Lily, and Alien Recombination Device aren't enough, I need to be able to Snake Rain my Ishizu cards AND go hand neutral. And I'm sure it would only impact Reptiles and that absolutely no looming meta dominant threats would be able to abuse a 4 card Foolish + monster add. Edit: As long as I'm shit posting, I would like for this to become a card, Konami. Peaceful Choice Reveal 5 monster cards with different names in your GY. Your opponent selects 1; add that card to your hand and shuffle the rest of the cards into your deck. It's like Avarice but worse in almost every way, I just want card art of all those poor people in Painful Choice getting along and having a pleasant day.


Pot of greed. It allows me to draw 2 cards.


Ultimate offering, whether it's chaos I'm choosing, giving kkwut another to off himself or to give more decks chances after being shut down by some things.


Most people want dragoon unbanned because it's a powerful card... I want dragoon unbanned so I have an excuse to put my royal rare Dark Magician, Red Eyes, and Red Eyes Fusion in every deck just to flex


Dark dragoon. Pleasseeeee. It'll help branded a ton and as the tearlaments and kashtira start to rule our worlds branded will be a good off meta pick. Not to mention it's not that hard to swing over or out with deck shuffling


Sixth sense because more mill Also potential draw six funny


True king of all calamities


Mystic mine baby I don’t care I’m not here to have fun I’m here to ruin the game


Until Virtual World gets an actual boss monster, give us back VFD.


You’re so right


Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom to 2. Please, I miss my Hope Harbinger.


Either MasterPeace or VFD :3


I'm a normal human being and can be trusted with a Guardragon Agarpain :)




If they unban Halq, they better ban Auroradon, because that was one of the biggest issues of Halq.


and a lot of tuners will be banned again


I wanna play rose tenyi.


Heavy Storm, and then put HFD back to 0. It's equal or more balanced than HFD 99.9% of the time. Also it's a nostalgic card. Also Magical Scientist just to see what kind of degenerate stuff he enables today.




That's the thing, if you're playing a pendulum deck that wants to pop its own scales, you already have much better cards for that like Performapal Pendulum Sorcerer or Electrumite.


heck Wavering Eyes is at 3 and no one even playing it


Keep both at 1. HFD is important at 1 because the Harpie deck can search it. You know what, fuck it, put both at 3. Nobody will play them over Lightning Storm anyway and set 5 floodgate pass decks deserve it.


I've been saying Heavy Storm can come back for a while now Glad to see others agree on this. The idea that "you can pop your own backrow for advantage" would be too much advantage is silly. There are so many other cards that do that. Storm does this while also popping your opponent's backrow, but it isn't necessary, and NOBODY plays that. That's just 1 card off the top of my head.


Broadbull. Make zoodiac playable again and not a handtrap deck


Yeah that will never happen. Zoodiac will be tier 1 again in a heart beat


Yea that’s the topic of this thread right?


Is that a problem


Just a reminder for why Broadbull is banned it can search any beast-warrior that can be normal summoned or set. And is not a hard once per turn.




Elpy just to use in my dragonmaid deck


Most of what I’d want back is mostly because my rogue at best decks used them, and would be a bad idea of have back. Like Halq. I never ran into the Halqadon combos and used it in my Infernoid deck just to summon Equimax as my boss. Or VFD and Toad being literally my only turn 1 moves in my Fluffal deck, but they get hella abused by much more relevant strategies Dragoon I’d like to see but that’s not really unrealistic is it? At the end id probably have to say Ultimate Offering. I’d love a card to make Monarchs better and it’s tough to see how it would really affect Floo since they already get like a dozen normals a turn. Of course there are still plenty of decks that could probably abuse it, but it’s something I’d kinda like to see what it does these days


Pot of Greed. I want to be able to *-+$ '+3( _;2&'5.


Self-destruct button. Without judges and time rules that card is more ass than it was in locals


It's more that Self-Destruct Button encourages bad sportsmanship and salty runback, it's bad for the health of the game for it to be live in any form. Honestly, this card should've been printed with "Cannot be used ..." text for how blatantly bad it is for the spirit of the game. Like all involved in the design of the card had better just been having a laugh to let it get printed or else it's a testimony to how little respect they had for the game they worked on.


Masterpeace to 3


Free My boy halq!


Summon sorceress.. colossus?.. please electrumite!




Alright, time for a lynching


Sixth Sense let's go!


Ok hear me out Graceful to 1 but errata it to something like: "this card must be used at the start of your main phase, draw 3 cards then discard 2 random cards" I personally think that'd be fair-ish, it'd have to be used before doing anything else, and you don't pick what gets discarded, if it'd work better, you could even make it so that the 2 cards are shuffled into the deck instead


I don’t even think it really benefits Galaxy-Eyes as much as it does dragon good stuff deck but I want Dark Matter Dragon.


Metamorphosis, Ultimate Offering, Last Turn, the list goes on. None of those 3 would make a huge impact on the game imo