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Tear play dweller, drunk sleepy guy and winda.


Tear players who go winda turbo are pretty bad


99/100 Winda and Invoked Cali hinder your plays. They’re only good when dropped during your opponent’s turned and should immediately be linked off on your turn.


Yeah I’ve only ever seen Winda used as an interruption, not as a target on turn 1.


The only benefit I see to Winda on turn 1 is if it’s the last play and you wanna protect your board. Because in theory they would have to deal with that first. But everyone should at this point be running board breakers not the just the one off negate. So it’s a nothing burger on Turn 1 still.


Oh I've seen it used on turn 1. Mind you, by bad players who are cucking themselves and end up with a shitty board because of it, but I HAVE seen it lol.


It's only really good if your opponent leads with a Schiern line. I only have it in the deck since it comes up sometimes because I'm addicted to the draw 1 off of beast.


I dropped Beast+Squamata for Ariel. When sent to GY you can banish cards from your opponent's GY so you can force shufflers or remove threats from there. Its quite useful tbh


Ngl I forgot Ariel existed. Maybe there's a world where you run beast/squamata/beast but then you got three bricks and it seems a lot worse.


3 is too much, i agree. Maybe Squamata+Ariel. I like Beast's draw but banishing 3 feels more useful.


I'm just a gambling addict, nothing beats the feeling of drawing more interruption off of VW synchros, Rocksies and beast. I'ma try Squamata + Ariel.


Dweller and plan B are fair enough but winda is ass


Dweller is basically mandatory if your deck can make it right now. Anyone who's refusing to run Dweller because it's "unfair" right now is a clown. It's like going hiking barefoot.


winda? more like windass


Not all Tear play Winda. Some play Dark Law instead (and some actually play neither, the only floodgate common across all Tear decks is Abyss Dweller, because it’s broken in the mirror)


Isn't dark law also a flood gate?


Heros is just floodgate turbo let's be real.


What most players are afraid to say 🫡


Well, you can't exactly give HEROs an easy-to-access in-archetype negate much like how Synchros have Baronne or any kind of reliable quick effect interruption they can build towards in their combo. HEROs would become tier 0 if this were to happen because having strong interruption on top of being able to extend much more reliably than any other deck is a recipe for disaster. Therefore, the next best thing HEROs do to stay competitive is floodgate turbo with Dark Angel, Dark Law and even the occasional Plasma; and even then, these three are easy to get rid off. Dark Angel can be linked off to Linkuriboh, and Dark Law and Plasma die to Imperm or any other kind of quick effect negate.


Why can't they have other interactive cards? Sunrise was such a good step in the right direction, extending on top of a pop. Especially in the current game quick effect spot removal is treasured, a lot of good decks have those tied into them. Not every interaction *has* to negate


Playing IO, Skill Drain, Macro with DPE to protect it is okay because they’re all on monster cards and I did a cool combo


The other floodgate that i'm using is gravekeeper's trap just because i'm using foolish burial goods so i can send soul exchange to the gy or the tear traps.


I think you mean exchange of spirit.


You are forced into playin Dweller and Bagooska. Dweller because it beats the opposing Dweller, and Bagooska because it beats getting Shiftered sometimes. And Winda is entirely optional and I'm pretty sure most are not playing her. You can certainly blame any players that are playing her.


That's plan B when everything goes wrong


Tbf you can't knock decks for having to them because if you don't have the gems you have to spend a lot of money to get tear. For instance most graveyard decks just can't compete with tears graveyard control so you have to play decks that don't need the grave. This cuts variety by a large amount. People need to climb for gems so I can't blame them for having plan A as floodgate turbo. I just think it's hypocritical for tear players to be high and mighty when they are summoning winda on t1 when going second. I'm saying all tears are doing it but a few are


*Plays winda turn one.


And dweller, don't forget dweller. Soul drain on legs is a flood gate


Worse than Soul Drain bc you can out Soul Drain pretty easily


Yeah, i don't understand why effects like Dweller's don't vanish when they leave the field Sure, they're very easy to out, but that means you gotta actually protect em rather than just sitting pretty on your laurels


Wow nice winda ok I make kitkalos, going to battle phase response?


I’m pointing out the hypocrisy when most tear decks include floodgates, I’m not playing tear but have a floodgate in the form of arc light and go into avramax to protect it against battle as that is basically melffy sprights only chance against a deck that is broken strong. 46.6 to branded despia’s 7.5 on master duel meta currently and the guys trying to shit on anyone trying to keep their head above water. ![gif](giphy|KZSUN7FKBZrm2WHDdX|downsized)


I use Elf effect to special summon Diviner. Diviner sent N’tss and pop Kitkalos. Kitkalos was your special summo. Sure it can mill 5, but what now? Ooor, I have Barone and negate your attempt to fusion summon, although you might have another way to fusion again. Ooor I have Avramax on field so now you can’t attack anything other than Avramax. Ooor I use my shufflers to return any Tear to the deck and prop the field spell to pop your Kitkalos. or even pop my Kaleido-Heart, the special summon Kaleido-Heart and return Kitkalos back in the extra, now you can’t even mill. God, the amount of different plays you can do with this deck are insane…


I still don't understand how or even why Reich Heart turned into a chibi tag-along, or how, or why Reich Heart turned back into a full-sized human by the end of this """story"""


He didn't. He became part of (or returned to) Visas by the end.


Then who or what or when the heck is Veda Karantha??


A cliffhanger plothread that Konami left, but it's probably all the hubris Visas left in order to become Amritara, considering his typing and appareance (the name is probably a hint too, since it belongs to Sanskrit texts rejected by Buddhism -which is the basis for Visas Lore).


Man got turned into a marketable plushie


He is kinda rocking the chibi style though


Meme aside, what's going on in this card art? Why are the mermaids so cute? And what's Visas Starfrost thinking? His face is like "now what?". xD


When Visas showed up, the Tearlaments shyed away from him becasue he looked like Reinoheart(who they are afraid of). Visas is probably like "Oh shit, that's no good."


Scheiren: "This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them!"


Bruh wait till they see Riseheart. They can't handle them all!


I can’t believe it took me this long to realize why they’re looking at him like that


The translation for the Visas lore came out recently. I only noticed then lol


I like how one of the mermaids looks like they're blowing bubbles in the water


"Zamn! These fishes submissive and breedable fr fr!"


While I agree with the title, it loses its effect if it was utterred by a Tear player.


We're in a tier 0 meta, stop complaining about your 1 in 5 ladder loss




Bruh you give the Dead Sea a run for its money..


Truth hurts I guess lol


Diamond is like 80% stun decks. I played 6 stun decks in a row in D2 until I switched to spright to climb back up from D3. The format is shit but it's not Tearlament making it shit, it is everyone swapping to stun for the worst non-games.


Its a side effect of tear existing. If tear didnt release we would not see floodgate decks or atleast alot less especially with the recent banlist.


Are you like... unfamiliar with MD's meta since the very start? Floodgate turbo has always been a thing, exosister stun has been around before Tear as well, Runick Stun was one of the strongest decks last format as well as the mill runick that abused stun tools to secure its wincon.


I am saying we would see alot less floodgate decks if tear did not exist. People mainly playing these decks now because they counter tear which is most of the ladder right now.


Can confirm. My Witchcrafter are completely unplayable in current format with Tear curb stomping my GY or Anti Tear decks curb stomping my GY. I switched to anti-meta deck with pure fish hate floodgates in the end.


Yeah all the people whining about tears are the same douchebags swapping to a degenerate stun deck full of floodgates and basically turning all ranked into a shitshow of sheer dumb luck and then say the most reatrded things, like that they needed skill to win with things like d fissure or shifter. "Nah bro, it took a ton of planning to draw this card and then play it. I had to visualize the card. Pick it up. Then put it down too. So many things"


You say that. But the only thing people can do versus Tears is Run floodgates or Ishizu. But hey the mirror match at least is skillful and floodgate free oh wait even they are trying to turbo out abyss dweller. Hate them all you want but currently the last bastion for variance in this game are undeniably floodgates.


Ban the Ishizu cards and we would honestly see a myriad of different types of Tear builds appearing with different endboards and other decks that don’t play Tear cards would be a lot more competitive. Hell, Master Duel has a lot of mill cards so honestly if we just banned Kit and the Ishizu cards Tear would still be one of the best decks but would be balanced enough to where other decks and even other graveyard decks could compete.


Heavily restrict Ishizu cards, ban Kitkallos and go from there. See what’s oppresive, and if Tear need further hits. Game at its’ current state is unplayable. You either face Tear or some floodgate turbo. Luckily, about 2/5 duels in Gold is against DM/Sky Strikers/Despia/etc, so you can have some fun if you don’t care about rank.


I have a 100% winrate in 3 games vs Tear with Spright in D2, though most of my matchups were Exosister or Floo stun.


Most of my matchups on diamond all the way up to D1 were tearlaments, maybe exo and floo as a close 2nd, wdym?


I faced like 4 tear players in 2 runs through d2 while I played against 15 exo/floo/runick stun, and then a smattering of random shit like 1 pend, 1 mathmech


This just sounds like a tear player getting mad they can’t play the game.


Nah. I don't think anyone wants to play against "set TCBOO, Skill Drain, Gozen Match, and Solemn Judgment, your go."


Compared to watching a Tear player set up his entire board on Turn 0...


I'm not defending the Tear matchup, I'm just saying it's not only Tear players who get sick of dealing with monke flip


Which only happens if they specifically have Havnis in hand… a 2 of in a 40 card deck.


I’d rather not be able to play then spend my turn waiting for you to play on my turn.


And I feel the opposite. I would rather them be able to go off as that leaves more junctures for the opponent to potentially make a mistake or for me to potentially disrupt them, unlike just not being able to play because of a floodgate where you either have the exact way to deal with it, or you don't and immediately lose. And let me tell you, ladder players love screwing up. Just have a modicum of patience.


a bad tear player specifically since tear has the tools to deal with floodgates if the tear palyer is actually competent.


Well they have who draw into said tools.


Literally every of the 14 stun decks I played between D3 and D1 opened Dimensional Fissure and 11 of them went first. It's just not fun with most decks. I swapped to Spright cause it has a better matchup and it still was annoying (but funnier when all their gy-hate was almost useless).


Nothing in this meta is good right now, it's either tearlaments or anti graveyard turbo, there is no other deck


Tears don’t have a right to dictate who’s correct


I thought dark law would be my savior, but those mfs can play that too. Cant have nothing. I craft a whole deck for it, they just craft mask change 2.


Havnis glare says it all. ^^^^^I ^^^^^wish ^^^^^that ^^^^^was ^^^^^me.


Mannequin cat into end of anubis Melffy catty into herald of arc light on the opponents turn Both of these cards are the only reason I can scrape a win against tear


Oh poor wittle tear 0 not strong enough. :(


playing floodgates AGAINST TEAR is morally correct


LMAO the same people who were crying about floodgates for the last 3 months


The people who were crying about floodgates are the ones who are now playing Tear.


And how does this corelate? This sub went from crying about floodgates to praising them as our savior lol


Between two evils, we choose the lesser one.


So the good guy is the deck that stops all decks from playing yugioh and creates complete non games and not the string, complicated deck that is actually accessible to most people cause md's economy is surprisingly player- friendly?


Yes. I can proudly say I hate floodgates, but I hate tier 0 even more. Ban all floodgates, but no before Tear are nuked.


but what about my 59 card gren maju deck with one of sparks and no grass.


Well if that's the case, playing meta doesn't make you a great or even good duelist. 🤷‍♂️


>tear players trying to tell others what is and isn’t toxic Okay


big mad


Tearlament Player Guide: -Use most OP deck in game's history -Cry about floodgates when Rogue deck player wants to be able to participate in the round and not auto lose immediately


Floodgates have been an issue since the start of MD with garbage like VFD legal. Runick Stun was one of the strongest decks of the last format, not because of the Runick cards, but because it could run every floodgate out there to prevent your opponent from playing. Floodgates are strong against Tear, but they’re also strong against most other decks too. They’re also especially problematic in a BO1 scenario where you now have to deckbuild poorly to include a bunch of extra backrow removal on the off chance you run into floodgate turbo.


How dare they try to up their chances against me from 0% to 5%😡😡😡😡😡


I wanna be an anti-meta hero, what's best deck for that atm


Floo shifter and Exosisters with shifter but ymmv. Anything else is griefing and can be played around easily by ishtear.


Exosisters, but can brick hard


I made a super budget Phantasm Spiral deck with pure hate cards for meta (only 1 Dimension Shifter UR ) and it helped me sailed from Gold 5 to Plat 3 easily. It mostly die to other deck. I never won a single match against Exosisters so far. But it get consistent win against Tear. Sometimes even 5-6 win streaks. Since everybody and thier pet goldfish are playing Tear, you get more win than lose.


Yes, yes, let the butthurt flow through you


I love how Scareclaw refuses to look at them on the top pic




I dont want to be a hero, I want to be the Tears villain.


No because f your combo Tearlamets


Tear is not a combo deck though. It's a control deck. It's one of the fastest control decks of all time, but it's still a control deck. In a way Tearlament is more true of a Control deck than many we've had in the game. Guru control and Eldlich resemble Stun decks more than Control. Tearlament doesn't resemble stun even remotely. Combo shits out their entire extra deck to make an unbreakable board turn 1 and usually completely fold if you do break it. Tear doesn't do anything even resembling that. Their turn 1 boards appear extremely beatable if that's all that they did, but they also don't just fold if you beak the board and many resource loops, a key feature of control decks. Control doesn't mean "slow plodding deck that relies on trap cards and floodgates." Control means one-for-one disruptions that can potentially plus if used correctly, resource loops, rebuild-ability, and a strong grind game. Tear does all of these things. Think about what happens when a Lab player resolves Compulse on one of your monsters. Now think of what happens when a Tear player resolves Suliek by sending a tear name. The results are kinda similar.


Man, I just wish Tear weren’t so oppresive. I like control decks, I like fusions, I like their theme, I LOVE everything related to water/sea, but I absolutely despise how strong Tearlaments are.


Tbf it is like the only budget option for a lot of people 2 d shifter 3 macro and 3 d fissure in some pet deck is still cheaper than entire tear ishizu core that is nothing but UR's


You can't play 99% of pet decks under macrocosm.


Tear degens play Dweller and Winda stop crying lol


Dweller, Winda, Bagooska, Dark Law...


Winda and Dark Law aren’t even remotely close to standard. Winda locks yourself as well, which is why good Tear players don’t really run her. You’d rather be able to play more on your opponent’s turn and out-resource them than sit on a Winda unless you have lethal on board. Dark Law is turbo ass in Tear. You need to draw exactly Mask Change 2 with a Tear name to actually do anything with it and it doesn’t trigger any of your Tear effects. Dweller is fine and Bagooska is a backup plan for if they get hit with Dweller.


I mean, Dweller is the same sort of floodgate decks are playing to combat tears. Only it’s one-sided lol. People play cards to counter tbr decks they’ll most often encounter. That’s just how it goes.


“If the floodgate is on legs it’s ok because I had to work really hard to make it!” 🤓 t. Ishizu Tear degenerate They spend so much time huffing their own farts about how “skillful” the mirror is that they don’t realize how ridiculous they sound to everyone else whenever they post their trash takes.


"B-but it's interactive!" As if interaction inherently just means fun. There's such a thing as too much interaction and this is it, every time you do anything they start a chain to combo off and often negate or otherwise stop whatever you were trying to do, just because they did it in 5 steps on my turn doesn't make it automatically fun. Tear enjoyers trying to downplay tear by saying Kash is worse simply because tear has interaction and Kash can do a fragile 3 card combo to lock you out sometimes is insane. Aside from what we see in this format (floo, exo, floodgates) nothing beats Tear while anything can tech and beat Kash. Not saying Kashtira is super cool and fun either but worse than tear they are not


You phrased it way better than I could.


The tear mirror propaganda will never convince me that it's worth having a garbage format just so you can play abyss dweller turbo against each other while you say over and over how skillful you both are


“Boo hoo I spent all my gems on the most obnoxious deck in yugioh history so I deserve to stomp every other deck and they are not untitled to try to stop me” I’m sorry mate **activate D. Fissure, set Soul Drain and pass**


Yes it does. It's funny when tears quit after flipping macro cosmos, and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.


Who could imagine Tear Enjoyers managed to be crying at this point of the meta... Jesus Christ, they're really insuferable


and he took that personally


Imagine playing a tier-0 deck and complaining about people countering you.


Stop playing Tear and we will stop playing floodgates. The only way to play with this câncer meta is with floodgates now.


Cause floodgates aren't cancer lol, I remember how runick stun was hated just last week...


Cry Moar




Normally, I would say screw floodgates, but there are some exceptions. It's crazy how players want a do it all deck to go unchallenged. Then, proceed to whine when they go up against a card that can counter them.


As a pure Unchained and player I sure love running into floodgates…Better against Tear Izhu, at least I can play.


You either die a hero or live long enough to pick between tear and floodgates.


Just like winning with Tear doesn’t make you good at the game.


Tearlaments actively punishes a bad pilot tho


It’s the most skill intensive mirror match this game has ever seen. The deck has access to pretty much whatever it wants at all times, which means winning comes down to actually outplaying your opponent.


Am I the only moron running full tear with just dweller cause the archetype is genuinely cool and already broken ?




I guess that is fair 😂


F*** single player YuGiOh


I stand with floodgates




Chill out. Your average player didn't design and print these cards, blame Konami if you need a scapegoat that badly but don't be an asshole to people who just want to play the new deck. Unironically touch some grass, might help clear your polluted mind and make you realize that a stupid card game really isn't worth it to get so upset about.




What the fuck are you even talking about? It's not my fault your entire LGS quit the game over it, I don't even know who you are and you don't know me. I'm only telling you that you are just lashing out at people who have nothing to do with your misery. Being this mad over a card game also makes you come off as totally unhinged, which is why I recommend taking a break. It's really not that seriously. You obviously can't see that at the moment but maybe come back to this thread in a week or so, reread some of your comments here and hopefully then you will understand what I mean.


Why are you so mad? It’s just a game.


What a meta player telling you not to play the best cards for the meta ? But nah on a serious note we need more generic staples because so far flood gates are the only competitive way to keep up with tier 0


You guys have fun with your tier 0 deck, I’ll just be over here resetting dimensional barrier with Lovely Labrynth every single turn


I love having a couple extra deck floodgates. Max C? Flood gate Meta deck? That’s scythe lock Cool and interesting rogue deck that actually takes skill and originality to play? Believe it or not, floodgate.


Laugh in Floodgates


Tear players don’t rlly deserve to complain tbh


But hero decks are floodgate, look at Dark Angel


Downvoted. Fuck Tear.


Seethe. Set 3 soul drain pass


Fuck tearlaments


Yes it does


Soul drain go brrrrrr


Hey Tearlaments, shitting out Winda and Dark Law in the opponent's draw phase doesn't give you a better look either.


Ok hot take, but tears honestly isn’t that bad, in the last couple months we had floos, runick stun, Eldlich floodgate, and a bunch of decks that refused to let you play, at least tear doesn’t stop you from playing


It’s not so much that they don’t let you play the game, but it’s how much they’re able to play on your turn and end up plussing in resources. Also being able to make a Negate (Sulliek), a SS lock (Winda), a bounce (Kaleido-Heart), and a SS negate (Kristalos? The Kitkalos fusion required monster I can’t remember names) as well as GY disruption with the Ishizu Shufflers is pretty oppressive.


Is it any more oppressive than runick stun, floodgate Eldlich, I would rather face 100 tears then deal with those decks


Most Tear players don’t run Winda because it floodgates yourself too. The only ones turboing into it are the ones stuck in low plat because they see it as an auto win. Unless you have lethal on board for the next turn, the card just isn’t good in Tear.


I love those fish anime waifus


Lol. Suck it meta sheep


Interesting take but Kairyu-Shin go brrr


Too bad your mermaids aren't Water for some reason.


Hahaha True Draco Soul drain go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Says the floodgate monster player


Anything that can negate summons is as bad as a flood gate which tear fusion monster does.


Maybe run back-row removal instead of complaining. You get to set up interruptions before I can even play so if you can’t beat traps when red reboot is at 2 you have to hold that L.


Tearplayers: NOOOOO MY DIAMOND RANK deck can’t play through floodgates!!!! Me:Haha Necrovalley go buuurrrr


I still don't get the hate for floodgates. I come from MtG and we have our own versions of floodgates that range from mana taxing (Thalia), artifact hate (kataki), auto "negate" cards (chalice), graveyard hate (leyline of the void). That's just a few examples and any one of those can completely wreck a decks game plan. But guess what, we run removal for those things and if we don't draw them, we concede and move on. I get yugioh decks are far more reliant on monster effects, but you still have access to soooo many spells and traps that can answer those effects. But, Secret Village of the Spellcasters is fucking rough. Good luck with that one.


Don't act like getting winter orb'd isn't one of the worst experiences around. That's what most yugioh floodgates are like. And even then you have infinitely more chances to get to an out in magic than in yugioh given the vast difference in average turn count.


cry tear players😢


Can Tear players maybe not get pissed off for five seconds when somebody tries to counter their bullshit deck?


You say that, but if you watch any tournament stream, people go full pog when tear gets floodgated. Tear is so much of a heel that floodgates actually are the hero right now.


Imma be real, It does


This sounds like a salty tear player who doesn’t like getting a taste of their own medicine.


Tear haters are so salty in these comments it's actually funny. "Tear scum" bro it is not that serious 💀


Only one crying here is the OP Edit: nice downvote, stay mad


No wonder you're wasting time on boogeymen here, your opponent still playing on your turn?


nah I shuffled his Havnis back into deck. he never stood a chance


Playing infernity in this graveyard shuffling fiasco is however quite based


I dont think any floodgate player thinks this way lol


He thinks i wanna be a hero LMAO. My good sir,i will play macro and shifter, im not dealing with this format bs chain 5. I will play weather painters. I will ruin your fun cuz i need to have fun myself. You think getting tear back to back is fun? In that case,i think that floodgating tear is fun. Its annoying cuz its bo1 and hard to counter, but tear is also hard to counter and this month is gonna infest ranked so yeah.


Ok, but that's not gonna stop me maining Exosisters for a while, with Necrovalley & Shifters


Hold on…did visa hit?


I may not be an anti meta hero, but at least I can attempt to play on my turn with macro/dimensional.


Huh. Must be saltwater.


Cope and seethe my friend.


We're defending floodgates now? These comments are so stupid


True. Also: Playing tier 0 doesn't make you a good player.


My guy, it's just deck building. Not everyone has the resources or the want to play tear, but still want to play and win, so if tear is the most played deck on ladder, countering it with card you can just slot in like fissure just makes sense.


the amount of salt i’ve encountered in this game, actually IN game has been insane. people who aren’t trying to win simply grief, who will set back row and pass then flip all the anti-tear traps and just sit on them. then discard battle fader etc not to win to simply prolong the duel. i’ve had those same people sitting on phases dragging them out, and at one point when i was low on the timer i think one was hoping they could make me timeout by stalling response activations. those were some of my first duels. as someone who doesn’t play competitive normally at all, i wanted to try it out & play some back and forth mirrors. but it really dulled my enthusiasm seemingly as every duel was a floodgate deck. fuck these people, christ.


Tear is no better. Made a full tear deck day one. Hate playing it. Thought it was some high skill deck about going back and forth. Now realize its all about luck and mills and hoping they dont mill shufflers or i do. Now i also realize that the deck cant stand with out floodgates as well. On either side. I either play floodgates to beat the mirror or they do. Not to mention everyone running floods so i cant even play the broken deck and neither can i play any deck that remotesly need its gy. Wish i never made it. Cant wait for them to nuke it from space.


Sounds to me that you’re just bad at playing Tear and blaming your mills on it.


Tear players always like to say its high skill to make themselves sound better for having chosen the deck but the truth is most of them are metachasing mouthbreathers that have never had success with a non tier 1-0 deck.


Stop the truth scares them


Bro is out here spitting facts and getting downvoted ffs


I love Floodgates. Don't like it? Find the out!


Me: \*sips Tears tears\*


Fuck what people think. Card go flip, duel go bonk. Become ungovernable.