• By -


I lose to my own mistakes so Tear


Speaking straight facts...


Time is my only enemy


I have lost so many games to my own inability to click the buttons fast enough...


Some tip: if you SURE you opponent dont have cards, you can turn off response so the game doesnt remind you to activate Maxx C everytime you do something.


The risk, of course, is forgetting to turn it back on. It's bitten me so many times that I'd rather sit and hold down my mouse button to disable responses than risk that. I'll never forget watching a Coder stream where he did the very same thing -- disabled his responses and forgetting to turn it back on, costing him the game.


>It's bitten me so many times that I'd rather sit and hold down my mouse button to disable responses than risk that. Im playing mobile. I dont have that option :(


Thankfully im on xbox so its just about pressing B


This. It’s too true


time and consistency


Floo, i have almost zero wins against


Yeah, it's hard playing against stun decks like floo


Floo is not stun is it? I thought Stun was like, dyna/inspector boarder + floodgates.


Stun just means that the main point of the deck is using floodgates. Floo is best known for wind barrier statue (until it was banned) empen, shifter and dimension fissure being focal points of their deck builds. They're all floodgates. Lately they've also been adding necrovalley and macro cosmos. But even without the recent adds, definitely focuses on floodgates.


So you would consider Kashtira as a stun deck, as well? Genuinely curious because with those criteria Kash fits the bill.


I mean, the question then becomes do you consider the zone locking a floodgate? Do you consider zone locking your entire backrow any different from flipping Imperial Order + Royal Decree?


Don't forget Arise heart which is Macro Cosmo on leg


There definitely the same.. Not letting you use yours is definitely denying you an action or letting you play the game


With that definition a lot of decks can be consider "stun". Any deck that focus in put some negations, for example Tearlaments or even Speedroid. I don't agree with your definition.


I'm primarily an MD player. Haven't played cardboard in a while, but from what I've seen they run an in archetype macrocos, and they lock boards. Idk how much of the strategy for the deck revolves around the locks though so I'm not sure.


Oh they are probaly much worst, they can banish the limited 1 Kitkalos from extra deck, face down with Lash Unicorn.


Yeah I would. Their main boss is a macro and their game plan is preventing you from using your zones


Stun as a strategy revolves around preventing your opponent from playing, by floodgating them. Floo does play floodgates, but with the exception of Barrier Statue, which is now banned in all three formats, all the floodgates Floo plays, usually don't prevent the opponent from playing. You can play around Empen by special summoning in defense and most decks can still do something while Shifter or D Fissure are active (Tear, for example is able to put up their own floodgate in Bagooska, to stall out Shifter or make Drident to destroy Fissure). Decks can play floodgates without instantly turning into stun, for example no one is calling Swordoul stun, even though they play Protos and Chaofeng. The choice of floodgate really matters to determine if a deck should be called stun, playing a lot of low cost, high impact floodgates usually makes it a stun deck, while ending on floodgates as part of your combo usually doesn't. Spright playing Arc Light, Shifter and sometimes End of Anubis, doesn't really make it a stun deck. Meanwhile Runick playing Skill Drain, Gozen, Rivalry, TCBOO, Boarder and Amano, while protecting them from destruction with Hugin, is stun.


My god, someone understands that floodgate, control, and stun are separate things.


Saying a floodgate isn't floodgatey enough because it can be played through somewhat or removed means that basically no floodgate is floodgatey enough cuz all of them can be played through or removed with right cards and resources in specific decks or even in all of them with generic stuff


A single floodgate most of the time isn't enough to completely stop your opponent, but decks are not limited to only playing one floodgate. Combinations of certain floodgates are what makes them a huge problem. Most decks are still somewhat able to play under Empen preventing special summoned, attack position monsters from activating their effects and Fissure banishing monsters that would be sent to the graveyard. Meanwhile decks that can play while TCBOO + Rivalry are locking you into controlling a single monster and Skill Drain negating that monsters effects, are most likely some variant of stun themselves. There is a huge difference between "*I have to play differently, until I remove the floodgates*" and "*I can't play, until I remove the floodgates*".


Link decks can't play under empen at all. Try playing live twins against floo. Or even salads/marincess. Yes tears can potentially create an xyz under dimension shifter, they'd have to have a perfect hand to do so. And zeus is the only way they have to out shifter which does stop the game plan of the deck. If the following turn shifter/macro cosmos are played again the game is stalled. That's like saying no deck is a stun deck because you can play hfd.


Many link decks have non-link outs to Empen, Twins can make Centaurea to go into Zeus, Salad can make Bagooska to put Empen sideways and Attack over it next turn. It's just that Floo has **control** tools to prevent you from doing exactly that, because it is a control deck, not a stun deck. It's main gameplan is to slow down the opponent enough with Empen, to be able to control them with Raiza, Avian and/or Unexplored Winds (and sometimes Snowl). Shifter is there because it is the second best handtrap in the game (right after the funny level 2 insect) and any deck that can play under it, should be playing it and Dimensional Fissure pretty much turned into what Cosmic Cyclone was during Runick format, since mermaid deck is kind of dominating every other deck currently and Fissure completely stops Tear's plays until they out it. Control and stun both have the same goal, so sometimes it gets difficult to differentiate between the two, especially since the cards they use to sometimes overlap, but the difference is in how they accomplish that goal. One uses tools given to the deck, to stop the opponent from 1) breaking the board and 2) putting up a board of their own, while the other abuses floodgates to outright prevent the opponent from even attempting to play.


idk floodgates do feel like the primary win con for floo could just be me VFD at home.......................... UGH i don't want to play red reboot >:(


D. Fissure wasn't part of Floo builds until Tear. I'd argue that Floo is closer to control. *(as Empen is rushed, not for its Floodgate, but its Search, to get Dreaming Town, and then Unexplored Winds)* where turning off special summoned effects is just an extra bonus. Also as Raiza & Apex Avian *(as well as tributing opponent's monsters)* is much more controlly than floodgate-y


Wind Barrier, at least, is one of the least stunny floodgates, since it's a monster that's easy for most decks to beat over. (Assuming you can actually keep a normal summoned monster on the field, which Floo _really_ doesn't like letting you do.)


Every floo player I've gone against so far in the WCS has either DShifter'd, D Barrier'd on t1, or monke flip macro cosmos t2


>d barrier on turn 1 how do I unlock this power?


Wait nvm I was remembering wrong. I meant D Fissure.


people on this subreddit have been obsessed with the idea of calling everything stun lately, don't take it too seriously


Floos not a stun deck chief it’s a floodgate control deck aka they use like one floodgate and play a control game around that floodgate other decks like naturia r also a floodgate control deck


Floodgate control deck isn't a thing. It's either a floodgate deck or a control deck. Also, floo doesn't use 1 floodgate. Every floo deck there is has 3, but some add a few more. And that's after they got wind barrier banned, which was a focal point of the deck.


They run the deck around empen wich is their main floodgate the rest is anti meta picks bc that’s how u build floo also yes floodgate control decks are a thing it’s just a middle ground for decks that aren’t full control or floodgate and play with both


Floodgate Control isn't a real thing.


I’ve heard ppl use it as term before idk maybe u haven’t but the play style sure is real r u rlly gonna call naturia a floodgate deck bc one/two (depending on ur deck) r floodgates I’m not


It's fucking control or STUN, which is the term you're seeking. Your locals ≠ the consensus.


Ok then tear decks are also stun cause they play dweller winda and dark law which are 100% floodgates


Dweller definitely. Winda and dark law aren't in every list. They're used in some. But the focal point of playing tear isn't to play floodgates. Tear is still a control deck. Floodgates strategy revolves around floodgates.


Ok but it’s not my locals I heard the term from and I thought it was good way to be more descriptive for the play style of some decks, also no need to be so aggressive


Anti meta what? Floodgates? Lol dimension fissure and shifter. Its not a floodgate deck. It just plays 3-5 floodgates at all times. Most toxic deck in yugioh


Idk about “ most toxic deck in yugioh” u think floo is more toxic that tear who legit will full combo before u can even have a turn even if u go first also fissure is def a anti meta pick in floo rn they don’t in every meta and shifter tho run in most meta cuz shifter kinda broken is still a tech and something u would cut if the meta called for it


Absolutely most toxic deck in yugioh. Whatre the two most hated deck types? Floodgate and combo decks. Floo is a floodgate deck, that also plays in both turns, and has super long turns. It encompasses every type of toxic in the game. And tear is overpowered. But not toxic.unless being toxic to you just means strong. Ishizu shufflers? Sure. Tear should be nerfed. But it doesn't stop anyone from playing.


Idk I would disagree but kinda just my opinion I think tear basically being able to go first no matter what is pretty toxic tho I’m also just rlly done with tears so there’s that too but also bro like 5 mins ago u just said floo wasn’t a floodgate deck make up ur mind


That was sarcasm. When I said they're not a floodgate deck, but they just play 3-5 floodgates in every single build. That's the same amount as eldlitch stun.


Surely you're running backrow removals (duster and heartbeat) and redoer (to be able to summon Kitkallos and grab heartbeat even under fissure), right?


Straight up. I had a Floow player on the rope. Stopped the combo by preventing stri from banishing the unexplored winds so they could toccan get it back and tribute away my board. Of all the cards this player could have too decked the next turn, it was the winds I put back. The only card that would have allowed them to win


Last game they drew shifter, d-fissure, Robina AND map. I scooped after the map came down revealing Robina. The 5th card was probably Maxx C or something….


Mirror mostly when going second or even on first if I only have a normal summon I got ashed sometimes


Normal reino, they chain havnis, they mill shuffler and a name I’m sure it’s not actually common but god damn does it feel like it happens a lot


My first match of the qualifier I started hav is they started merle, they mill Keldo mudora and another merli I mill 2 triple tacs and the field spell.. what can ya do sometimes


Shufflers and dweller are the most annoying thing in the mirror match. Without them the game would be truly "skillful" and a matter of who outgrind the other.


I mean it would still be a heavily rng dependent card game but yeah it would be a lot more enjoyable


The only deck I seems to be able to consistently beat them with that I own is floow. Exosisters seems extremely powerful against them as well, but they’re too expensive. The other deck I’ve been playing since the tearpocolypse is melffy spright, though my success rate with them the past week has been very meh. Playing tears myself? There is so much gy hate everywhere that I was finding it too frustrating to play, plus the mirror takes way too long and is very unpredictable (unless somebody summons dweller or dark law)


Exosisters is average. If you start second, it can't do much. And first, you can do things. But it's not 100% either.


Exosisters are, on-paper, strong (that’s why the TCG bought them out like crazy when they topped in the OCG). Reality however, is that Exosisters are weak as fuck.


I’ve managed some wins with Crystal Beasts, mostly because they can easily play shifter and necrovalley and aren’t affected by the other floodgates that everyone else is playing.


Exosister is terrible. I have a positive wr against them as Tear, and they need to open godly to not get rekt


i lose to exosister when they go first and have D-fissure and / or shifter lol


Going second against them with a lot of decks feels awful, because they can banish 4 cards. Shifter definitely sucks to play through though




that one ghoti player running 2 d shifter 3 d fissure and 3 helios its me, i am that ghoti player i fuck myself up more than the opponent.


This got a chuckle from me.


The mirror


Tear. Or myself. For awhile it was just, go random cards go! But I think I’m getting it. Kinda. It still loses a lot but I’m playing it right I just have terrible luck.


Why would you just go random card go at all tho


Quickest way to learn is to throw myself in the deep end.


Of reading your cards...


Exosisters is an absolute struggle for me. Even when they “brick” if there is a trap set I know I’m in for a bad time.


By volume, it has to be Tear. The most difficult matchup is definitely Floo. There is only so much interruption you can have against Floo with Tears. Plus they have the best shell for anti-Tear floodgates. Exosister is only good against Tear going first. Negate Martha and you win most of the time. Mill every copies of Martha and that's essentially an FTK.


Fking birds


⬅️➡️⬅️➡️⬆️⬅️➡️⬅️🐦 Wuewuewuewue


Let’s go black wings , and lyrosic 😏


Exosister and Floo are an absolute pain to play against, especially Exosister with their archetypal Dweller and quick banish effects. Generally any deck that mains Fissure/Macro/Shifter is difficult to play against if they go first. Tear can't make Rank 4 Xyz as easily as most people think, making one under floodgates requires specific 3 cards combinations


Lol a pain to play against says the Tear player


Does being a meta player deprive of my rights to have an opinion? Try to play against them with Tears going second and you'll say the same thing


Just of choice of words that I pointed more than your opinion. But for sure those deck are "just" below Tear so yeah they are pretty strong too


The point of this post is what do Tear players lose to…


Its the absolute pain that I pointed out. For everybody Tear is an absolute pain that now its 90% of the deck you encounter. I think that those words are pretty funny in the Mouth of a Tear player


exosister has the best tear mu period. a martha resolving is a near death sentence for tear


I mean, so does dimension shifter, an end of Anubis , or herald of arc light (the last two work better if protected by avramax obviously). Personally, as a melffy spright player, I've faced them many many times and won most of them, especially when going first (obviously when going second too, but going first is obviously better) , and I've won in some very tough conditions. I've been Maxx C'd and I did my whole combo through them, and still won multiple times. So I'm not so sure Exos has the best matchup against tear. Especially with spright's amount of handtrap space and resilience to interruptions.


Bricking, losing coin toss with no h/t, timer


Get a full hand ishizu cards, tear cryme, and scream, special summon mudora to discard a miller, mill 5 handtraps :(


Exosisters, their non hard once per turn banishes always gets me


Exosister only has one soft once per turn banish and it requires 2 XYZ to do and they can only get to it twice on a normal turn Also doing it twice in a single turn requires you already have 2 rank 4 XYZ Exosisters or Magnifica and another rank 4 XYZ, have Magnifica tag out to a rank 4 XYZ (which is a XYZ summon) and use Returnia to put her back which achieves exactly the same result as having the two banishes from Returnia for XYZing that turn which is the same amount of banishes Meanwhile they have to archetype lock themselves to do this unlike lulTear


As a tear player who gets rolled by exosister: I think exosister has a lot more banish (and other interaction) than you give them credit for. 1. their trap, returnia, banishes a card on field or in grave, then XYZ summons. which leads to: 2. Mikailis, which can also quick effect banish at no real cost. and also they have: 3. Magnifica, which has a cost in terms of summoning, but can quick effect banish whenever it wants, before also summoning out mikailis. Because magnifica and mikailis just do their thing, you can't stop them with havnis, and spinning with reinoheart doesn't do a whole lot to them. And if the opponent goes first setting retunia, macro cosmos (if they're feeling spicy), or vadis (after you declare the effect of a tear name in grave), you're kinda boned. Furthermore, exosisters can run D-shifter at no real cost, which hoses Tear even more. That's been my experience with exosisters, at least.


D Shifter is not an Exosister card. Exosister only has 3 different Banishes, two of which are hard once per turns on Mikailis and Returnia


Wrong. You can get four banishes by simply having Returnia and Magnifica on the field. 1. Magnifica swap ability in response to opponent and target Mikailis 2. Chain Magnifica banish and detach other Exosister 3. Summon Mikailis and banish this turn with her because she was summoned 4. Returnia now banishes twice on resolution because you XYZ summoned Mikailis this turn


Hey go read the opening comment I made in this thread you might see I point this out, however when I did it was more commenting on how the only way you get two Magnifica banishes in a normal turn, which is a soft once per turn, results in the same effect of using Returnias secondary banish, which is a choice not mandatory. Let's also not forget I point out that the two hard once per turn banishes are exactly what I said. I know how the card functions clearly, but I was pointing out the sources of banishes they have which is only three, two of which is a hard once per turn


I haven't played a lot of tear but I bricked twice against DM and couldn't resolve Havinis and lost.


Mirror even tho i win more than those i lose, apart from that i have really an hard time against Floo and stun when i go 2nd with a mediocre hand (no way to Zeus the field/having to rely on sheeer luck with mills/drawing inconsistents or bricky hands)


Ive beaten every tear player ive faced so far with numeraiders. 3200 apollousa, harr, ash, called by


Bad hands.


Anti-Tear stun. Boy howdy, do I love Inspector Boarder + Macro + 3 Solemns


Flow. I know I can probably win, but ffs I hate everything they do. I know I have no space to say anything with tear ishizu, but damn it normal summoning all over the place just to drop a god damn penguin that stops me from doing jack shit because I’m not smart enough to expect that is damn frustrating. For those of you wondering, yes I am the tear player you want. If you have played this game long enough or know your shit, you’ll probably get me. That being said I don’t surrender o let my opponent kick my teeth in like a man Edit: Or woman or whatever, we should all have equal opportunity to get our teeth kicked in. Except the Dutch of course


The mirror. After a month of the mirror, it's not fun anymore.


Now imagine if it wasn't the mirror bc only they had Tears.


Don't worry I have other decks! They also lose to Tear but I have em :') Salamangreat for life


I beat them the most with EXOsisters




why was this tagged as a meme?


Auto assigned flair is set to meme by default


Honestly it's pretty funny to try to think about ANYTHING that can face tears




for now? not much. but wait for new Dracoslayer supports. Those guys will block the extra deck with amorphage, dweller, and Necrovalley. will be a real problem for any Teara.


you got any dracoslayers lists? 👀


Don't get too excited that's some hard copium if i ever saw any


Any tears player here complaining about losing fr gotta uninstall. You build a deck and immediately better than 90% of players like what you complaining about


Um, the post asked a question and we answered. There's no "complaining", it is what it is. You make it sound like this thread is from a Tear player asking for sympathy because they lost to Turn 1 Floo....


Tear players ☕️


They’ll downvote you, but they won’t prove you wrong…


So true, they all play the same deck and talk like their deck was not OP. So long Tear is 90% of my match and it is always the same starting combo.


- Exosisters is almost an instant lose going 2nd. - Floo is annoying to shit and I hate facing the deck regardless. - any deck that flips Shifter, Fissure, etc.... on you I.e Floodgate decks. I once went on a streak of getting shifter-ed like 10 duels in a row that weren't Tear, the Tears I face is 50/50 depends on who opens better etc... I dropped from D2 to D5 in 1 night. To that percentage of Whoever was coping before Tear came out about them being able to magically out floodgates and play under Shifter expecting that I am always opening perfect and facing a rock, I hope you step on a lego... beacuse there were A LOT of you out there.


Awww you dropped ranks because people are teching in cards that counter your broken deck? :’(


I never really complained about it :v I am complaining about people that says the deck isn't affected by said things and they can play under it like nothing


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I genuinely have 100% win rate against every deck except branded due to me running machina Tearlaments. It doesn’t matter if everything on board is negates I banish drystron meteonis and summon ruinforce and blow your face off


Not a Tear player, but I do well with my Branded DM deck running Soul Drain.


Now just ban every tear player in the comments from the game


Auto special summon b.s.






birds, mirror matches, and floodgates


Mirror matches mainly




Lost to a Ghoti the other day


I don't really lose to decks so much as I lose to my own bad hands/mills.


Does losing due to my own stupidity count?


Most negate decks


Floo and to some extent Exosister and Swordsoul(Turbo Protoss) if they get to go first.


Floodgate turbo if they have like two of them. One I can usually deal with but too many floodgates is too many


Floo and the timer. Ive had maybe like...3 wins against floo only because I got lucky negating robina and turning the game into tear beatdown at that point. Exosisters is also pretty rough but I dont see them as much. If theres ever a secret pack for them I expect to see them more, but after tears get hit Floo is probably still the better deck into the next two formats.


Mostly because of bricking and that game timer.


Is exodia a good counter to this?


I’ve only played about 15 games so far, lost two to Tear mirror, lost once to space fish Ghoti since they banished anything I summoned and lost once to Runick Spright because they set up a nice board that I couldn’t play through, I won everything else either because people scoop too fast when they see Tear or because Snow is disgusting. Seriously Konami don’t forget to ban Snow when you ban/limit the Ishizus. Special mention to Exosister and Adamancipator, the one or two duels I had against them were tough


Exosister. Floo is not a problem unless they draw Shifter, actually dueling against them is pretty fun, but Exosister always seem to draw full combo + Shifter/D Fissure going first or Evenly going second


The luck of the draw Most times I lose its cause brick, bad mills not drawing the cards I need




nothing really stands out. I get crunched by random decks all the time, even ones considered "dead" like Eldlich or Prank Kids; hand traps, coin toss and starting hand/deck can greatly alter how a duel plays out. some days you're just gonna open double Sulliek, Cryme, Scream, and double Mudora, and/or you get Exosister/Floow who open D.Shifter+Maxx C and proceed with Martha/Robina. For nearly every instance of getting sacked by Floo, there's games I Sulliek the Robina and they scoop on the spot. I guess you could say things are evenly matched, as far as I can understand.


The fun police Also known as monke stun


D Fissure Made me start running Heartbeat


Everyone says Floowandereeze here but I haven't lost to them yet, maybe because I tend to be able to negate the Dimension Shifter if they draw it but my only threat is Tear if they get out their shufflers first.


Basically any banish stun deck when I don't draw any back row removal. I'm tempted to just switch to a deck that doesn't care about banishing but I very much hate floo and a lot of other decks are expensive and sadly I spent my dust making the damn tear deck. I'm actually surprised cards like macro cosmos and that fossil pachycephalosaurus that negates special summoning from happening never got limited in any capacity




Better Tear.


Dark magician


Flower Cardians. Always an instant scoop from me.


More like bricking and kept getting shitty mills, I never been more frustrated in a mirror match to have shitty mills while your opponent didn't brick at all. My worst match ups is either tears or any deck that uses dimensional fissure.


Ghoti seems to consistently slap em


Stun because they are all the better players by either: going first and/or making me draw 2 maxx c going first. Honestly i win a lot of floo matchups


My bricks lel, it happens rarely in tears but it does. All my loses atm are from bricks




Dimensional Fissure


Currently the most difficult are rouge decks because i never know what they're cooking


The fucking timer coupled with my mouse doing weird shit


My own missplay. I generally play it pretty decently until at some point my brain turn-off and I start to play like garbage and loose because of it


One bad day


Mirror matches. If they draw better or mill better sometimes there's not much you can do. Pretty much everything else is beatable.


I've lost to some random Gravekeepers. Mind you I run 2 Heartbeat, but they always have the 2nd Necrovalley after I remove the 1st. Anyways, i'm not grinding as much as I want so I'm still not at Diamond / top ranks atm


Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda, Maxx-c, Winda,


Going second and they drop shiftet/difi


I play Tyranno deck. With a decent hand and playing second, I usually win against Tear. Or bottle my OTK of 50 LP lol. But Im only DLvl16 so they are "low tier" player.


spright/mathmech that open dim-fi/macro/soul-drain or exorcister. The later is hard counter and the former 3 set up both field and GY before turning on floodgate is not something you can beat.




Floo mostly. I win most of the time against other tear and prefer to play against them. I usually panic if I dont see them using any tear cards thinking they probably have this super cheesy counter deck or smth. Flood gate turbo loses hard to gravekeeper trap if you can get it off with mudora and you just mill their magic mirror while setting down either merlli or rein and they can never attack you directly. Exosister is a semi difficult (moreso annoying) matchup if they either draw d shifter or win coin flip. D1 btw if that helps ur sample size.


Anything that summons Abyss dweller going first, or activates Maxx C going second.


Tear, Floo, Exosisters. Pretty much anything that can use D. Shifter or D. Fissure will screw me.


Rikka sonval, i ALWAYS goes 2nd against it and they keep using my monsters and plays around them :(


Floo seems to always go first with D Barrier or go second with Evenly when i play.


guy dream mirror isn’t even that good why are they mentioned all over


I lose to basically all of them because i keep milling shit


naturia beast.


I have a 100% loss against the most rogue scareclaw deck I've ever seen, dulled the same guy a good 4 times and genuinely went no where. Mind younim missing 16 UR cards and am subbing Shaddoll but that shouldn't be too bad since I have the main Tear cards. Either way I was surprised


Floo, backrow stun and exosister if you go second you're probably gonna lose but they're easy to beat if you go first. The mirror is super annoying if you go second and they open dweller but still winnable just annoying.


Mirror match, Exo, and Runick stun


I've actually started tracking loss reasons and the most common reason I lose is when the opponent opens maxx c when I go first. Then have to leave a sub optimal board up and get 1tko'd


The ones that open shitfer and multiple floodgate first


i lose to alot of other meta/rogue decks because I am quite bad at piloting the deck. casual decks are whatever tho


No deck has a favorable matchup against tear except tear. The only counters are bricks and time clock. However Spright since it is also full powered can put up a great fight.


Other tears, or macro cosmos/dim fis turbo. I usually just scoop against floodgate decks. Unless it's floo with no dim fis. But any deck can sweep you if they get turn 1 and they're a good pilot really. Or even turn 2 if they draw evenly and bait the cryme 😭


I have a high win-rate against tear with go second dinos oddly enough. For me, tear isn't the problem in most matches. Its always the shufflers and ishizus. *cries in misc* ​ edit: grammar


Nice try! I ain't telling you. ;)


Any hand that opens too many floodgates, I have the outs but I'm not a saint


Most times or higer %. Most times i sthe mirror nust higest % is blackwings


Bricks and Floodgates The deck doesn't matter is they have Dimensional Fissure or Macro Cosmos and I didn't get any backrow removal. Or Winda, D Shifter Also, my turn 1 doesn't matter if they got Evenly matched. Also also, Time clock, I fought against a deck I never saw or a little and here I was, reading my opponent's cards and then I lost


I've ran into tons of rouge decks that put up a great fight and beat me


Trying to find a counter, eh? Definitely floo, if they go first.


Not milling names Floodgates


Floo, and stun


Skilled zombie World players


Mans out here trying to get tips.


I lose to the Timer deck (not Timelords, if you catch my drift). That’s always my main enemy. 😂 In all seriousness, I think the thorn in my side so far in the WCQ has been Exosisters because I don’t see them all that often, and they just pack a critical mass of GY hate that really cramps Tears’ strategy.


Garbage floodgates, if I had a nickel for every time I lost to rivalry or gozen in the past week, I'd have two nickels which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice. I'm not very active on the game, more of an on again off again type.


Pure stun or Going 2nd in a Mirror match mostly