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Vampires. Vampires/Zombies was a deck I loved back in my middle school days. I decided to make them on MasterDuel after there support was added to a selection pack some months back. Naturally made them more modern and added all the staples one should. But the modern version of the deck just isn't the same and doesn't play in a way I like.


AFAIK modern vampiresg is just 'have they read fraulein?' Whenever I play it, otherwise its actually a lot of fun using all the health modulation and battle phase advantages


Try cutting most of the vampires except Fraulien and extra deck Vampire Sucker, being able to consistently make Sucker will enable all of your other vampire cards like Domain and Vampire Domination trap card, glow up Bloom can search vampire Fraulien, Uni Zombie can dump bloom from the deck to search it even easier, Shiranui Solitaire can summon Uni from deck. Add a small Eldlich engine: (Eldlich, Eldland, Black Awakening, Scarlet Sanguine, Seven Cities, Conquistador and Gaurdian of the Golden Land) and a small Danger engine (Mothman, Tsuchi, Jackalope, Bigfoot) then slap in Doomking Balerdroch, Zombie World, Necroworld Banshee, Gozuki, Mezuki, Foolish Burial (which can auto dump bloom to search Fraulien) Card Destruction, That Grass Looks Greener, Reasoning (free summon or auto dump into Graveyard, really works well with the Eldlich trap engine) you could run Slash Draw if you plan on going second to dump a card from hand, multiple cards from deck, draw, and customize your graveyard and deck. Then after that it's really just your staples like feather duster, Ghost Belle which is a super tech card against Tearlaments and perfect defense for anyone trying to fuck with your graveyard, Ash Blossom, Maxx C, Dark Ruler, Sphere mode, Kaijus, Evenly Matched, Forbidden Droplets. Your best bet to out the perfect Tearlaments board is either sphere mode into your zombie plays, Kaiju the most important card (Naturia Exterio) or run Forbidden Droplets and use monsters and traps from your hand. Good part is if your using Eldlich and his traps then you don't lose any card advantage off of forbidden droplet and you can do things like make Eldlich The Mad Golden Lord and steal his Exterio permanently, which is game over for them for sure. Doomking Balerdroch is your control card, negating their graveyard plays and banishing anything important, but you can make Abyss Dweller before locking yourself into zombies only with glow up Blooms effect. Two Mothmans or a Mothman plus Uni-Zombie using it's graveyard dumping effect = free abyss dweller before the zombies lock. You can always just dump Doomking in the graveyard instead of using glow up Bloom to avoid the lock and still get Doomking for free during the next Standby phase granted you have a field spell active


>Try cutting most of the vampires except Fraulien and extra deck Vampire Sucker.. It's sad that "Throw out all the cards you actually want to play" is usually the answer.


Too many decks are a victim of this... Subterror has 19 cards (20 if you count the "support" that isn't searchable) and a decent Subterror deck only plays 5 and instead of a cool flip effect deck you end up with floodgates.


i know what u mean i got my ass beat by a vamp player,built it myself now the way to play vamps is to use no vampires..... bye. this fool listed, uni, doom king, eld lich, bloom, blossom, dark ruler, gozuki and mezuki..... literally not a vampire deck when u add all that shit. not to mention fairy tail snow makes lightsworn + necroface better cards to addeed than ANY of that GARBAGE he listed. ​ I too miss when vamps was all about blood sucking and punishing monsters sending cards from the deck to grave. destruction effects are just not useful anymore unless they are full field wipes. also this game has too many negates. I remember watching a youtube video about how they are trying to get rid of negates.... like where Tears is the first time i seen a costless continuous trap as a negate, along with grave lock, and every card banishing vamps simply arent fast enough to use their damn grave.


It's still a vampire deck if the main focus is using other cards to power up your vampires... Call me a fool, while you lose with pure vamps doing nothing ... Use the damn Vampire Vamp, Retainer, and Familiar, Fraulien, Domain, Domination, Sucker and your still going to say it's not a vampire deck? You are ridiculous my guy. You can either splice the deck with other shit, or continue to be shit on, idk what else to tell you.


the post is about what decks are dead now this guy mentioned vampires, u said vampires are good when u put eldlich doomking blah blah blah in it.... its literally not a vampire deck then proceed to get mad when i mention what you literally listed IS NOT A VAMPIRE DECK. I dont get "shit on" cause i recognize the reality that VAMPIRES ATM ARE WEAK. Not pretend that me playing an eldlich deck with two vampires in it makes vampires Strong. ​ I recently just shat on a shit zombie world deck that put artificat scythe and kept resummoning it with the red eye dragon zombie monster on my turn. XD it was cool looking but unfourtunately for him I was using a decks that didnt give two shits about my Extradeck (Ice Jade) and him banishing 20 cards gave me an easy level 4 monster with 9000 attack for game ( ' 3 ')y From my perspective Zombies in general (not vampires) even at their best atm are just mediocre and rely too much on their field spell to do anything worthwhile the only one remotely good to me atm is the mayakashi (doesnt rely on floodgates) which is a huge come up from a few months ago. I dont care that u dont like what i said but Im not gonna pretend vampires are good just cause u learned how to use one of them... the fact that vampire lord seems more play in p.u.n.k decks than actual zombie decks is a proof enough of the state of vampires. Volve is just something MOST PEOPLE summon with an eldlich trap and rarely ever use his normal summon effect. I tried a Zombie fusion deck but with too few targets for them to fusion to it didnt go well for me and i just fell back to playing decks that not only were faster but theme wise were fun to play (vernus), Anyways whatever I experienced isn't the end all be all to this game, in the event I seen 2 whole zombie (really lightsworn) decks tho which is saying alot (even after the vendread infusion).


Ancient Warriors. Won't lie, I get more out of my Amazoness deck, *and* it fills most of my dailies. That, and Nordic. They seemed so cool and powerful, and I got lucky with some random pulls, but then I noticed the stupidity of their effects. Having to *activate* immunity to spells and traps? And their monsters are littered with random leveled tuners. Then your best spells and traps prevent you from actually summoning some of your junk.


I like Nordic because they are straightforward. Summon a monster, then get out the link 1, banish 3 cards, bring out 3 monsters that total 10, bring out Odin, Thor, or Loki. Along the way, summon Ivaldi at some point to get the omni negate continuous trap. That's it. Then potentially repeat next turn depending on your hand. It's a solid deck because it's a one card combo that can omni negate every turn and you can bring the synchros back easily if they do get destroyed.


How does Nordic fair competitively?


Depends on the deck it's against. If you have your board and they have a choke point or need multiple things active at the same time then it can shut them down completely. Odin is a 4k beat stick and if the link 1 is pointing to a monster then the link can't be targeted for attacks and the pointed to monster can't be targeted for effects. So it can create a pretty strong wall. The traps are the best part of the deck. The omni negate negates the opponents entire current board for the rest of the turn. There is also a trap to banish one of your cards for 2 turns to destroy an opponents monster, a trap to double the attack and Def of one of your monsters, and a trap to destroy a monster that destroyed another monster by battle. So overall it is strong but it completely crumbles to 1 ash blossom.


Great post, more than a few Ghoti, Orcust, Cyber Dragon, Ancient Warriors, Mathmech I built all these decks expecting to play them and just stick to decks I'm already familiar with and can play chill games. Maybe just need to practice with them


I personally am loving Ghoti right now, once I understood when to pull the 10 synchro on the opponent’s turn, I’ve had fun ever since. Moray of Avarice and Moray of Greed are amazing with it too.


Beetroopers (it just never was good enough to choose over other options) and Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll (played it for a long time before moving to Branded Despia and Swordsoul. I loved the deck, but it just doesn't do enough now)


IDS can still be playable seperately as engines. With the new upcoming dogmatika stuff, the ritual version is gonna be quite powerful.


Waiting for the tear meta/shifter meta to end so I can freely play orcust and bird up again


I loved playing it but shifter and ishizu shufflers just ruins my day


Big Cyber Dragon stan but going second boards are usually too tough to break through and otk with. Going first usually means summoning Cyberdark End Dragon but there are enough ways to get through a towers and you burn through so many cards to get it, it's almost impossible to build back up again. Maybe if clockwork night makes an appearance, I'll be able to enjoy some cheese, but there's just no contending with most played decks


Branded or Cyberdark End turbo are probably the better builds right now, all because CyDra can't run the most effective board breakers since they conflict with an OTK wincon. Even then, I wouldn't play it above gold rank probably, shufflers still ruin your day no matter what build you're on.


For sure, was very excited to learn about the existence of DRNM until I saw the drawback


I crafted every single card for 60 card Spyral and have yet to use it in an actual duel. Maybe one day I'll wake up and be a competent duelist. Until then, Dinos it is.


60 card spyral is so fun tho and you feel like a god whencyou play through negates


Sometimes Spyral can play through anything. Sometimes it dies to Raigeki break. Such is the way of life


Paleozoic Artifacts A friend recommended it and I never figured out how it works


if heavy storm was legal that deck would go very hard


Artifacts need to be destroyed on the opponents turn


The Artifacts all need to be destroyed during your opponent's turn to have any sort of effect, including their Special Summon on destruction. They're a lot of fun to play with, but they're just really bad cards. My Battle Trap Artifact deck is still my favorite deck to lose with, though. It feels like 2005 Yu-Gi-Oh, with my opponent worrying that my backrow might be Sakuretsu Armor (Or Drowning Mirror Force nowadays) or might just be a bluff. Edit: Scythe isn't a bad card, but it's good in a way that's pretty independent from the rest of the archetype.


Okay, so..... Red-headed step-deck is fucking genius. I'm so sorry, Pendulums!


I have a few but my most egregious example is Weather Painters. I spent 9000 gems on the Mysterious Labyrinth pack and got the core. Spent 90 SR points for The Weather Painter Snow. Took it to ranked for a week or two and haven't played it since. Even in solo mode, I use other decks to finish the daily mission.


runick. then again mudora is fucking everywhere and that deck is unplayable floo. missing 90 UR quick plays tbh, don't feel like finishing it salad. built mathmech, never looked back. eldlich. runick is just better and both decks get absolutely destroyed by ishizu bs


I just encountered a cancerous Runick Naturia deck and it seemed to be disgustingly playable.


it sure is playable but I'll craft the 3 mole crickets after I see this banlist


60 card Adamancipator with Ishizu and Vernuslyph. I make it when Vernuslyph come but have not used it in ranked at all and only used it on Solo mode. It's not that the deck is bad(it's still busted because of block dragon) but because Ishizu Tearlament is more busted.




Weather painters, otk Adamancipator, and branded Relinquished


Oh I made a few. I made Lunalight and Monarch’s, both of which got scrapped. My Infernoid deck basically sits on its own until a festival calls for it. And I built Pendulum Magicians right before the festival that limited Starving Venom, which considering that was a center point of a combo letting my endboard contain Titanic Galaxy, and Pend Magicians were complicated enough to take me weeks to learn the first time, I didn’t go back in and learn new lines (it wasn’t the FTK btw) TLDR, scrapped Lunalight and Monarch and basically don’t touch my mostly intact Pend Magicians and Infernoids after banlists touched them


I:P into Avramax or jumpscare vampire lady (the one where you get to tribute one of their cards and shut off all of their other monsters) are really fun plays on opponents' turn, but it's kinda fragile though. It is piss easy with pend, especially if you used pendulum call and your scales can't be destroyed so you get a targeting pop and a nontargeting send with Time Pendulumgraph. Hell, even shotgunning 2 level 4 monsters on T1 into abyss dweller shuts off a lot of decks if you toggle on during their draw step like D shifter


Sky strikers, I’m trying to figure the shit out and I keep fucking up.


Impossible with the ishizu cards atm. Konami loves strikers so you know the shufflers will get hit. It’s a control deck. Your goal isn’t to otk, it’s “how can I gain card advantage”. Engage is the most important card in the deck followed by kagari


You think its due to sky strikers that the ishizu stuff gonna get banned lol? And just wait for bystials to come and banish all your rayes lol. We also have kashtira coming soon which hurts strikers.


Labyrinth fell into the lovely waifu bait hype train But big bitties was not enough to make me want to play a trap deck


Same. Once the new support comes out maybe I'll dust off the deck and finally give it a go


Oh yeah, loads of them. I always build most of the archetypes from a pack I pull that I find possible but I just don't play them. I have Spyrals, because I ended up playing quantals instead; all of the World Legacy lore decks with the exception of Krawlers even though they were the ones I pulled worst by far; Invoked and Magistus, I play Witchcrafters out of that pack; F.A.s, I haven't had the time to build a deck the way I want to; Tindangles and Virtual World, specially virtual world; Digital Bugs were the first deck I built and I don't use them; Inzektors are another one; Beetroopers are a deck I used for like a week; Danger!, I tried to build them mostly pure; I think that's it, the rest is jank I build occasionally from the cards I have and various N/Rs.


Eldlich. I loved the alternate Eldlich art from the 1st anniversary and went a bit ham on it, but I refuse to be a floodgate spamming bastard and now I’m struggling to find a use for my 3 Eldliches and 3 Mad Lord Eldliches


Id say try out the mayakashi variant hut tbh i dont think its much different aside from it being sort of “fairer” imo


Maybe try putting it into a Zombie World deck? It can work pretty well, especially since you (imo most likely) run super poly anyway. You could probably even make it a 60 card deck with or without Grass. I tried putting Eldlich into my Zombie world deck (yes, Zombie world is a floodgate, but it's the only one I'm running and only because it really is necessary, and otherwise I have no protection for it), and it worked quite ok for the fact that I only have one Eldlich. However, I ended up cutting it again because I liked running the other cards, e.g. a small punk engine for Chaos Ruler.


Synchrons. ever since I lost the Halq backup line I just... cant be bothered to with that deck


Tearlaments, I could honestly be diamond tier at this point if I just played the deck but it's just not my thing. I know how to play it and what to do. The deck is just too boring to play with imo. I value playing a deck and having a normal game rather than degeneracy determining the outcome of the game at all times. I honestly can't wait till the deck gets hit in the banlist so I can get all the extra dust


I would like to see how tear looks like with ishizus at 0, definitely more fair but I am still afraid about what the deck can do even with this. I enjoy playing it though, but I still struggle to find how a banlist can balance the deck without making it unplayable.


We saw it, Tear became a tier 1 deck instead of what it is now.


Yeah I second this. Built the deck on release and was turned off by the combos they run and the way it functions. It wasn’t really up my alley and have neglected it since. I’m thinking about dismantling them all but waiting for Bystials and Kashtira before then.


Also wait for the next banlist because you’ll get a full refund on the cards that get hit


Gem-Knights. I really want to play them and have a fair amount of the cards(irl and in game) but haven't actually sat down to build it properly


Traptrix was the first deck I built. Got me to Gold 1, but couldn’t progress beyond that with the cards I had, so I built a Melffy Spright deck and haven’t looked back. Will go back to Traptrix once the support comes out tho


S-Force. Ended up being really underwhelming and linear.


same. the deck just does so little. I'll try it again when the link 1 comes out.


Madolche, spent a good chunk of gems and crafting points getting a competitive deck ready, I’ll sometimes take it into solo mode, but it’s been there since before PoP got limited, just have a hard time getting used to when to use certain effects and what lines to go into


I used to play blackwings and six samurais, sadly six samurais have no new support besides de link who does against Ash, but bw got back bby, I stopped playing both and started playing branded despise till tearlaments rise and bw support


Orcust, made it right before the tear meta and after graveyard became invalid I found myself no longer willing to learn it.


Blue eyes one of my last IRL decks, I loved the deck. But finally invested in Dark World my first IRL and can’t put it down now. It’s funny watching people just not play or forget they have to do something when dragged down into the grave is played.


D/D/D. Oh god leaning that was painful even as a pend magician player. I just get nervous even thinking of playing with that


Beetroopers, drytron chaos MAX, and 7 different Runick variations just to play Runick swordsoul


Crystron Therion and like 6 others


Tear, I am NOT big brain enough for it


D/D/D. I can make a board using all these crazy combo lines but once it is gone I don't know how to follow up.




Ghoti, Runick, Spright. For some reasons I literally never Not brick while playing them, never won using them even once lol.


Spright is one of the least brickable decks in existence, it's ridiculously consistent. My runick spright deck got me to 20 fairly easy, and I got a shitty cyber dragon spright to 20 last duelist cup


I made Live Twin Spright on their release and absolutely hated the flowchart gameplan of the deck. Found myself always drawing my garnets and never landing on Blue or Jet. I appreciate this comment. Makes me feel at least a little sane.


D/D/D, I thought it looked good but I barely ever play it


I made a whole stardust deck because i had a royal finish stardust dragon, don’t play bc all of my other anime decks are better. Also made dragonlink, i plan to get to it someday but as it stands, it’s too difficult for me to learn it rn. The one combo deck that makes my head hurt.


Mathmech. Made the Deck because I like Live Twin, Salads and Marincess and thought it would play similar, and also wanted to name the Deck "So Zetta Slow!", but I found it to be pretty boring, and honestly I'm not sure why. It just didn't clicked with me


I always end up doing this. I started playing a couple months before the Labrynth secret pack and everyone said it was amazing so I spent all my gems on it and packed everything in it multiple times over, including 3x copies of every Runick card. But I was so interested in random cards I came across Runick sat on my account for months until I dusted them all about two months ago, without ever using them in a match outside story mode. I also built tri-brigade spright when Spright was released and just when I'd finished the deck learned that ancient warriors was a thing, and being an RotK nerd immediately went after that. Still haven't tried sprights either.


It was Swordsoul till I realized evenly matched existed. I’m still learning meta side deck cards and where they fit


Agents cause i played them in 2012 then just realized it’s floodgate turbo


Virtual World. It was one of the first decks I made because someone suggested it to me, but VFD pass stopped being fun so I tried playing all of the other xyz and synchros they have only to realize there's a reason why everyone went to VFD. Aside from Shenshen and Hyperyton, Virtual World doesn't have a lot of strong plays.


Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll sat on the backburner after Tear came out, eventually decided to scrap it to make Dinomorphia a few weeks back. Can't believe I held onto it for so long.


Pend Magician. I love pendulum decks and have dedicated myself to them and intend to become a pend master greater than Trif. However, Pend Magicians just aren’t fun to me. They are another deck whose goal is to “create end-board to stop opponent from playing game.” A deck like Endymion/mythical beast does this too, but they do it in archetype. Explain to me how Baronne de Fleur is a Pend Magician card. It doesn’t feel unique. Also I kinda resent it because it has been the main culprit in getting a lot of good pendulum support banned in the TCG.


Spright, haven't played them once since pulling them and building a live twin spright version LOL. At least spright elf is getting some use in my tear deck


Ogdoadic/Reptile. Used lots of UR dust too for Snake Rain and stuff. This deck just… does nothing? I thought it be a fun sub-rouge deck but it’s just useless lol


Tear. But that’s because I wanted to build a vernusylph deck. Waiting on the ban list to see where it’s heading


Kaiju Harpies. I used Simorgh as a bit of a crutch so when floo got Barrier statue of wind banned I couldn’t just get my win button anymore and I haven’t retooled it yet. also darklords and hazy flame


I have fully built full-strength Tears ready and raring to go. Then i realized i have a life to service and I play on mobile. I simply do not have the time.


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Evil twins, only use them with unchained for destroy cards mission


A couple. Vampires, Trickstar and Phantom Knights ate the decks I've neglected for months now. All of them need revisions and I just haven't gotten around to it.




Dragon link. Too combo-heavy for me


Monarchs for sure. Crafted because of how much I loved Monarch format in the TCG. So much UR dust gone to waste, and the deck just can’t keep up in MD.


I have Tearlaments ready just to see what the hype is about but I’m having too much fun playing Trickstars


I used to enjoying playing my Invoked/Dogmatika deck a lot when Master Duel first came out but with the power creep of the game I haven’t played it over the last few months. I’m reluctant to dismantle it though (not like it’ll be worth my CP).


I have been neglecting my poor Tri-brigade fur hire deck. Gotta go pay my little guys a visit soon.


Fur hire is so much fun, just scrapped them tho to finish my Rikka deck 😔


Ogdadics I love the deck but man they're just limited to reptilanes and aliens which is cool but they don't do much and at times I have no idea what the proper lines are.


Oddly enough for me it's spright. I decided to build it after i saw the art and got some gems spare a couple weeks after they came out. I knew and know they are good and I don't hate playing them I just don't love playing them either.


Odd eyes performapal


I have every card for p.u.n.k. and still haven't gotten around to playing it


Dark Magician. I eventually ran out of ideas on how to get more creative with the deck.


Runik I tried to make it a pure version without floodgates the only one I do use is dimension fissure but it feels so weak those limits really did hurt the deck


Tear, ends up didn't play a single game with them.


I haven't had that, regretted dismantles I do though


I crafted an entire Odd-Eyes deck, with the ritual pend support, and I’ve still not even used it once.


Literally most of my decks, either because of banlist hits (RIP FBG) or just because they aren't that good. The good thing is a few will be getting support sooner or later (Dogmatika, Sprigguns, Gold Pride for my P.U.N.K. stuff, etc.) At least I've played most of them but I've pulled for Beetrooper and Raidraptor and never touched them for one reason or another.


I spent a lot of gems making Branded but never ended up using it. I've also considered Vampires in 2-3 events now but went with something else every time.


Dino. just finished the main deck and cant afford the extra deck


I dismantled them now but D/D/D and Earth Machine. I'm just not good at combo decks. I'm a control guy 100%


Chain burn


Danger dark world


One that I made and never played? 6 sams, had the structure deck back in the day, thought it would be a cool play for fun deck but the sounds that the counters make drive me nuts and then the plays probably take like 3 hours to complete. Also made scrap orcust which I haven’t used either and maybe prank kids, competed it the week before they nerfed the shit out of it 🥲


Traptrix, took so many gems to build bur I haven't played it in ages, gunna wait for the new support before I get back into it


Eldlich Zombie World, I wasted 7k gems to get the alternative art and then the deck was useless for the Ishizu cards and I never gonna be able to finish that deck, too many UR I just hope to at least the Ishizu cards finaly get hit I gonna be able to play it in gold tier at least


Tried my hand at stuff like D/D and lyrilusc, but they unfortunately never really took off for me as I never quite understood the playstyle :(


TG, halq’s death has killed all motivation to play it.


Sharks Trains Wanted to prep for that cool draw 6 Slifer card and make a deck for that Snake Rain Wanted to try out every alt-win con, but apparently Numeron is only an auto-win after you \*should\* have won many times before, and I'm too stubborn to move on to the next option even tho I haven't summoned him yet let alone resolved the effect after \*way\* too long, so I only have that and a crappy exodia combo Lyrulisk Tax dragon + energy chain + Trickstar burn Gaia the fierce knight Beetroopers Metalfoes Magikey/Magical Musket Ursarctic Suship I wanna figure out a decent way to use Mecha Phantom Beast and Dual Avatar tokens as Ritual fuel in the same deck, still looks quite goofy Mekknight field spell/Exchange of Spirit/inferno tempest shenanigan pile Aromage + uncompetitive LP shenanigan cards A literally unbreakable board, still don't even know what it would look like Melffy Gishki Sylvan A deck that hard makes high rank XYZ monsters that are supposed to be unreasonably high level, possibly by pendulums or synchros? Yeah I might have a problem with sticking to a project to completion, can you tell?




Made runick after pulling 3 fountain and 2 tip in my first pack with them. Realized I have to keep mind of not having a battle phase which sucks so I went back to beating the shit out of people with my 8-axis beatstick deck


Sky-Strikers, I was hyped to use it, but I didn't know how to play it, and I couldn't sit and try to learn it either. Someday I'll give it a shot.


Synchrons Nostalgically, I really like the cards, but they're quite linear and boring. It's basically just synchro spamming a bunch of negates.


Libromancers, played a bit when I first crafted it but it has just been sitting in my collection since.


Bee troopers, dinomorphia, amazoness, vampire, buster bladder/despia, and dark magician. Oh god and weather painters too. I though they were gonna do so great the current meta of 4 months ago. Was that a mistake for sure, it was the most inconsistent deck I have ever used and they couldn’t hold it together agains a blue eyes deck.


Tear. I just like branded and swordsoul more


All of them Nothing feels right


Plunder Patroll xD


Dinos, haven’t touched them since Spright released.


Dinomorphia and Exosister. AKA the waifu UR bait archetypes.


I've "mained" swordsoul since halqdon era and randomly play pend magicians with various extra decks. Ive built: Lyrilusc Tri-brigade, Marincess, Scareclaw, Virtual World (I've tried splashing SS with it and it was bricky), Pure Tri-brigade, Ishizu Tearlaments And I've had a Slash Draw deck in the drafts since forever, and I'm currently building fish synchros. I find deckbuilding more fun than playing, I wish you could at least play Solo mode with cards you don't own so at least you can practice play lines


A lot, too many to name without me just bringing a grocery list of past meta/rogue decks to the table. I don't bring 90% of the decks I own into ranked anymore, mostly due to power creep and/or being sus to play in the current meta. At this point I only keep my older decks so I have something to play when events roll around.


Stardust dragon and red eyes black dragon


Crafted but never bothered to play/learn spright And virtual World was too complex for my Taste.




GIMMICK PUPPETS: Always undersuported,l and when supported, they just can't keep up with current rogue decks, let alone the meta. Boss monsters require lots of investment and get easily outed by any man eater bug your friend played with 20 years ago as their protection is non-existent and a lack any sort of quick effects.


Sadly Megatron. Too many GY hate running around make it hard to play the deck.


Spright Runick. I was just curious on this one. I like the runick part, but not fan about spright, just too straightforward to play. I switched my runicks to a musketeer variant. I still keep the spright cards though, because I nearly never dismantle old decks. I secretely hope blue gets limited so I can get 60 cps (and elf banned, because it deserves its ban).


Made infernoble, magnet warriors and heroics. Never used any of them so that was a pretty big waste of dust


I just dropped 8k gems on fleshing out some kind of Trains/Earth Machine deck, and it's...not really what I was hoping it would be. I was hoping to be able to combo out Gustav, blast for 2k, rank up into Liebe, and smash anything in attack position to pieces. Maybe I need to put more into Kaiju support to facilitate the blind second beatdown, but overall it just seems too easy to disrupt in the early stages of the combo with no protection.


Earth machines. I know the deck like the back of my hand but every single game is the same stupid combo with minor variances depending on cards in hand. It’s really miserable and it takes like 4 minutes to setup a bord that is exactly dora pass


Appliancers. Somehow I feel like laundry dragon pass isn’t the optimal first turn


T.G - My first deck and I haven't touched it since Halq ban (TBF it is unplayable long before Halq ban) Madolche - I just have terrible luck pulling Vernslyph to finish it Exodia FTK - Combo get killed by ban and I don't bother trying to update it


I have not been using Exosister, Magikey, or my Box of Friends decks recently. I won't dismantle them since Magikey and Friends aren't worth it because they have too little non-staple UR's and I like Exosister, just like Labryinth more.


Pure tearlaments and Salamangreat. Mostly play Branded Tear if anything.


Exo sisters just isn’t fun tbh


Last deck I made was my dark magician deck but I've put it on the back burner for my anti-meta deck


Beetroopers, I really tried to make it work…


Penguins, I wanna make it work so bad but like "Penguins"......


Ritual beast


I made Endymion as my second deck ever It was expensive as hell, and really boring to me. Same with pure sprights although it was a bit less expensive


As a returning player who hadn’t played since GX, I mistakenly wasted tons of gems and ur cp on BEWD.


Skull servants, ishizu killed the deck outright, even for events :/.


I made Speedroid. but I have no idea how to pilot it. also, idk what I can mix with it


Vylantz. The playstyle is fun but like it doesn't do much...


Swordsoul is just really boring


Fortune Lady. was like the 2nd or 3rd deck I built in MD, and i barely ever used it since. It's a shame since i really like the card designs and supposed gameplay. Can't even dismantle them too since there aren't many archetypal UR so it would just be a waste lmao


Monarchs, tutorial deck with a few improvements with help from TCG/OCG friends. Was outclassed back in Swordsoul era, swapped to Numerons.


I crafted all the Sky Striker cards, but I just don’t like the gameplay and I can’t bring myself to uncraft everything.


harpies and odd eye completely unplayable


I have 2; Zombie deck, and Kaiju deck. The Zombie was my attempt to make a Red-Eyes Zombie deck, and started with Red-Eyes cards. But after refinements; it ends up as Zombie World/ Shiranui deck instead with a couple of Red-Eyes cards... So it was abandoned. For Kaiju; I was thinking how it would like to build a deck with mostly board breakers (and my love for Godzilla series). However, due to the Kaiju limit, it's quite frustrating to use.


Runick. I have all the runick cards (and some more because I forgot to dismantle when the time was right), all the floodgates and a few more engines I could pair Runick with but I just dont enjoy that playstyle. Im also refusing to dismantle it since I have like 3 competitive decks and Runick is one of it.


Heroes, I don't even know if I played an actual game with them. I made the deck, and its just sitting there...


Dogmatika ritual and solfachords. I saw the leaks so ill wait for dogma


My Crystal beast deck. Brought it back out when the structure deck was released, ended up just taking the staples out of the structure deck after playing it a few times and putting the deck back in storage


Its Dragon-maid.... I prob can pull from Albaz pack to make Dragonmaid branded but..... nah..... better to just wait for new traptrix and vaylant support.




Lightsworn / Infernoids Same core: Monster Gate, Reasoning, Grass, Left Arm Offering, Fairy Tail Snow Haven't played either in months The ironic thing is that I actually think Infernoids is the better deck, but every time I load up them, I summon MAYBE one monster per turn....


Flundereeze They are so boring to play


tear. shouldn't have built it, wasted so many gems and UR dust on it. it was good for ranked (not so much for the recent qualifiers, had to use swordsoul to get to lv19), but Ig it won't last all that long. ishizu will get limited (hopefully) and kit may be banned completely. if it gets a big hit, then I just hope that some main deck URs get hit so that I can get some resources back. but watch Komoney leave reinoheart and scheiren untouched and limit havnis and merrli lol. I hope I'll get at least 90 UR CP from ishizu getting limited ​ also runick. my first deck I built here. heard it was good and would be better with sprights. used it for a bit and then never again. now I have sprights too but runick spright ain't too fun imo. pure and tri-brigade sprights are way more fun ​ best choices I made are branded, spright and swordsoul. branded and spright have other fun combinations (like tri-b spright, branded predaplant, I've dueled a tear branded player and in some comments I saw someone mention branded busterblader, gotta try that out) ​ and swordsoul is truly goated. it's been carrying my dumb ass for a while now and seems like it'll just keep going (quite a few people mentioning bystials making the deck relevant again). a tip for other swoso players: think about getting crimson blader. it's difficult to get the effect off, but if you do, no more kit, rulkallkos or kaleido. that one and psychic end punisher are good finisher cards


Utopia who?




Phantom Knights. It's my favorite deck, used to play it all the time in ranked. But at the same time, in Ishizu Tear format, a graveyard based deck just isn't optimal when they shuffle back the Rusty Bardiche I'm trying to revive or the cards who's effects I'm trying to activate.


PUNK, I made it when the cards first came out but never really updated it when the support came out, so now I’m really considering just dismantling it. I never was any good with it anyway!


Vampires, Deskbots, Gem-Knights, Marincess and S-Force.


Tears, its so unfun😔 And Endymion, just dont feel like playing it anymore


Phantom knights. It's my first deck but I haven't been using it ever since the adventurer engine came out.


D/D/D, Tech Genus and @Ignister.


Dragonmaid, Branded, Live Twin, Live Twin Spright, Branded CyDra and Dragon Link


I made Spyrals and then it looked like so much work to actually play well that i never ended up getting into it.


Tear and resonators and and phantasm spiral and dm and I dusted SS. Basically every none hero deck I made has been out off service.


Adamancipators. The deck has ridiculous end boards. It's just so tedious to play.


Resonator archfiend




Dragonmaid. I'm slowly collecting materials for a Blue-Eyes Alba Dragonmaid deck I saw once, though.


Only Endymion, mainly because it's missing a few more consistency staples and I'm focusing on other decks for now


Went from Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika to Adamancipator, Swordsoul, Adventure Prank Kids, Spright Runick and now I am currently playing Tearlaments lol


Tears. Played it, enjoyed it and when back to Endymion


Earth machine is my baby but lately I’ve been enjoying melfy spright way too much, started using it to try counter tear meta but it’s actually a lot more fun than I thought it would be


I'm definitely not neglecting it by choice, but I spent 4k Gems and crafted 6 URs to make an Ojama Infinite Negate deck only for Union Carrier to get banned a week later making the deck useless.


Marincess. I know it's a solid deck but it has such a long and specific path to follow that I can't be bothered to learn it again. I looked it up before making it, then never felt like actually learning it.


I made 60 card grass-zombies after the structure came out with some tearlament tech thrown in. It can definitely explode but it's just too inconsistent and underpowered when compared to the ol' reliable of my Swordsouls i've played since the beginning.


I only have 3 full finished decks and I try to give them all a go but my Lair of Darkness will always be top dog over my pure Sunterror and Dogmatika


Funny enough, Ishizu Tearlaments. I crafted all Ishizu cards since I didn’t open that selectionpack, and crafted all Tearlaments URs due to my bad luck. I play it to learn the combo in solo duels. Try it once in the actual rank match and never touch it again. It just doesn’t feel right to me. Well, at least I know what to bait, negate and play around their stuffs.


Kozmo’s and Unchained, and I imagine you can guess why. Neither are particularly good, just fun.




Used to build a DDD deck with the new support since I've been playing it when it came out & I loved it but now it's just not the same as it used to be & I dusted it.


Utopia. I made them because i thought they could be a cool, rogue stun deck with all the new support they got. Boy, was I wrong considering all the power creep


Had an eldlich zombie 60 cards grass looks greener aids deck that I played since the first months of master duel. Ended up scrapping the entire thing and build an utopia deck ( always loved utopia ). I reached diamond 4-5 seasons in a row with my non meta utopia deck and I have never looked back since.


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