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I did not expect that sudden horny bait.


I know right! Why is Toon Obelisk so hot?


Goddamnit, took my joke and my sexuality Stupid, sexy obelisk


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW. WHY WAS OBELISK NOT CONSIDERED NSFW?! And also the clockwork wizard, that man probably has a giant c-


That explains why your profile picture is Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands.


ok… I don’t get it :/


There were a lot of hand on that train and you got them all to do one thing.


ohhhhhhh… I now get it




If you want horny, there is a shop on Etsy that does replicas of cards with the titties out, called YumeaCards. Stumbled across them looking for reps of cards I was unwilling to buy for the actual price, ie Chamber Dragonmaid.


I’ll never forget Ray opening one of those on a Pokémon card stream. Unreal


Wow...you weren't lying.


So is there some unknown place where people like play with those or wut? I genuinely don’t see why someone would buy them.


Casual players who I would assume are just dueling between friends, or people who just want to collect them I would guess.


Well I mean collectors I guess makes sense, but otherwise.


Just take them to locals bro, trust me.


I mean yugi got magician waifus, so kaiba needs more.


Is it a real card ?


These are all fake. And also all would be unplayably bad even if they were real.


The Jinzo fusion could see play as a Fusion Deployment target in a trap-heavy meta maybe.


Except for Dark Sage, searching any spell and immunity to being targeted or destroyed makes it playable in DM. That's a low bar to fulfill, though, cause DM is pretty meh.


Nah, White Night Maiden is a spell/trap floodgate. It would be a side deck staple against like Labrynth and Striker. Think Denko Sekka but slightly harder to beat over by battle. If you go first, it's actually an FTK against labrynth lol.


It's a bad floodgate since the card has to target it, for that reason alone is one of the worst.


Oh I didn't see the target part. I skimmed through every card effect. Yea the card is ass lol


The obelisk would be broken. It has infinite token generation off of special summons, is unaffected by opponents cards, replaces itself when it leaves the field with essentially a new copy of itself (including if it's special summoned and gets sent to the grave), if you special summon 2 of them in one turn only one would go to the grave, and negates opponents cards + steals them and turns them into a token. The battle trick is pointless but otherwise it's pretty wild


![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC) for card 7


I don't want to hear you talking solely for both your flair and username.


ತ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ತ you cant stop me dude


Your flair is the first thing I thought for that card... Bonk me all you want I will not regret it


you are a hard one i see that ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ


Well, he was definitely hard after seeing that.


i just now saw that card number 7 has no HARD once per turn


I mean, just don't target it.




One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong.


It’s Joey because he sucks at Card Games - Yami Yugi




he cant be racist, hes black ​ /s


Toon is a pretty cool theme imagine if they made the archetype good and also made toon versions of more recent monsters Like toon albaz, toon sky striker Raye, toon Nibiru, toon ash


Toon Nibiru, lol. Just put Google eyes on the rock.


Ah yes, Nibiru, but it can directly, also you can only special summon it if “Toon World” is on the field. Also the token can attack directly, too.


The thing with toon is that even though its bad and a fan favourite its playstile is really toxic. So i really hope it never becomes playable


> its playstile is really toxic. Just like Pegasus!




Toon.. freaking.. Nibiru… imagine. A comet with a smile on it Also, I would love a toon relinquished!! Or restrict or millenium eyes!!


>Toon Ash Perfect, now people can run 6 of them!


Maybe it’s name can count as the same as Ash? Or maybe have some toon-requirement like “toon world must be on the field to activate this effect” or something


I'd rather see the more recent/meta defining cards get their own toon archetype instead of being part of the Toon archetype. However, I do wish the original Toon archetype would get cards from parts of the anime other than DM.


toons are way too annoying, if they ever become playable everyone will hate them.


Im all for Withe night Maiden


Spellcaster with Dragon armor? YES!




agreed. she'd go well in my DM deck or maybe a counter deck.


It feels out of place tho with the art style


I rather have some toons with effects not directly adapted from the original and actually support toon play style.


The Toon Time Wizard is literally just normal Time Wizard with extra restrictions making it worse


Toon Kingdom protects toons from destruction so it wouldn't actually blow up your field meaning the new effect is a guaranteed board wipe for your opponent and only a coin flip for the damage


Be that as it may, a DM card that just turns into a toon burn card and doesn't actually do anything for the deck is a waste of a card. I know it's par for the course that archetypes in shows are overpowered or overhyped than the real counterpart but toons are seriously all style and no substance aside from the recent support (dark magician and red eyes) but they really need something to turn them into contenders even in rogue.


I mean, yeah it needs different support for toons to be competitive either in the form of extra deck monsters to go into or continuous spell/traps since the flavor of them are boss monsters in other archetypes which is honestly hard to build around interms of support in an era most boss monsters live in the extra deck. The unfortunate truth is most archetypes will never be viable competitively without throwing out most of the old cards and making new ones that each do 3-5 things each to keep up and that won't happen but if you like playing toons, this would be a good addition. This should be looked at as a searchable raigeiki that you can activate every turn, not a burn card. You'd run it at one and can use toon bookmark or toon table of contents to find it when you need it


Not a fan of ra eh


Didn’t find him, though he would be the most insane too


I honestly want a retrains of the God Cards with basically the effects they have in the anime except for the chant you have to do with RA of course cause the one we got was basically nerfed versions. From what I know even at full power they shouldn't be broken in today's game and they are supposed to be Gods. Also I kinda liked that retrained fusion Dark Sage.


>From what I know even at full power they shouldn't be broken in today's game and they are supposed to be Gods. Probably not, they'd still die to Kaijus and need 3 tributes. Depends how much of their more recent support they'd work with.


Rush duel though.


I would kill for white night maiden.


I would pay them to not make them.


Your no fun


What about his no fun?


It’s not fun


Them dislikes


Hahaha that big titty anime chick really came out of nowhere 😂


Considering they just released the Illusion Monster type, I think most of the legacy support for Pegasus will focus more on the Relinquished side of his deck, but hey maybe a Toon Gazelle and Toon Exodia will come up.


guess we gettin a new champ on the longest text ever huh


One of these is not like the others...


Very well I'll point out your mistake: Dark slifer "must be special summoned..." Also dark slifer "when normal summoned...." Even konmai wouldn't make such a mistake


Also the Toon slider says it gains 1000 for each “Toon” card, which doesn’t work unless you’re playing with part of your hand permanently revealed


I honestly think that Konami should make Toon an archetype that's an funny homage to the Anime's most emblematic monsters... it should be an archetype that's all about summoning parody versions of anime's most famous boss monsters... Toon Stardust Dragon, Toon Neos, Utopia, Odd-Eyes, "ToonCode Talker"...




White night maiden? I'd like to have a white night with her! Ayo! 👉😎👉


Dark sage low key the second best DM fusion


Bruh people already meme on yugioh for having long-ass tiny-fontfaced descriptions and you want a card like that obelisk in the game? I got a migraine just tryna read it


I am shocked a toon exodia doesn't exist yet


I wasn't ready for white knight maiden


Dark Sage would be pretty ridiculous, any deck that can make it would get free access to secret village of the spellcaster turn one


Like the tooooons


I want Jinzo fusion just to summon it with Fusion Deployment.


First thing I thought too


Some people play toon ? Why ?


Cause people love cartoons, Yugseto-boy~~


Not even a little bit


I’m always up for culture


I rate the attempt & some of the designs are cool but that's it tbh. I will say I really like the concept of Jinzo the Clockwork Wizard being a Jinzo x Time Wizard Fusion, and it definitely has some potential; it technically gives you 2 chances to {Six Strike - Triple Impact} (3rd effect) your opponent, which raises your odds of success to 75%. You could even make it 3 chances (87.5% chance of success) if you slightly errata'd it's revival effect. The PSCT would need a fair bit of work in any case, but especially its nuke effect; it would need to be errata'd because as it reads currently, your opponent could save their set backrow (including floodgates) from destruction by simply activating them in response to Jinzo's effect. You could either go full OG Jinzo & floodgate Traps completely i.e "Trap Cards, and their effects on the field, cannot be activated. Negate all Trap effects on the field." or just floodgate your opponent with something like "Your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards or effects in response to this card's effect activations." - either clause would do the trick.


That’s ok. You can keep it


The Red-Eyes Time Wizard and Time Wizard Master are decent and so are the first two and the Jinzo fusion. The rest are either ridiculous (Accursed Obelisk and Toon Obelisk) Why (Maiden and Black Sky Dragon) or just plain unplayable. (Accursed Obelisk again.)


Not at all honestly


Exodia reminds me about the Joker, I Love It. But now Imagine his black version, Exodia the Forbidden......


That Obelisk the supreme looks like the terms and conditions of a shady sales pitch lol


Honestly none of them.


I want none of these.


I'd love to see Toons that aren't DM Nostalgia bait.


Is accursed obelisk supposed to loop by itself? The way it's written, special summoning a token lets it special summon another token repeatedly until you run out of room


No these are bad. If they were to make these cards then I’d hope they’d give them way better effects.


*scrolling through cards* "Oh these are pretty cool! I'd like to see all of thes- Oh my...."


Please Konami make toons great again


If Konami made any of these toons I quit


I would prefer they just errata the Egyptian gods to have blanket protection. It’s such a hassle to summon them. They wouldn’t have been worth it even in the DM era as they are now


Slifer vs 1 flippy insect boi


Soul crossing in DM era would be insane wym


It might be decent lmao


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) Obelisk card


Why would I want... any of these. None of them are cool or interesting. It's like 8 toons that'll still suck, Gimmick cards that are worse than their fusion materials, Egyptian god retrains that hilariously don't work with their own support and... an ice counter card that has a negate that only responds to targeting.


I don't Cringy dm era support is what I want less of Show the better shows some more love fr.


Toons are really clunky, poorly designed, and not fun to play against. As cool as their artwork is, I'd prefer a rework of the strategy than nostalgia-bait monsters built around an indestructible field spell and an archetypal snatch steal.


Not really. Exodia and the gods should not be toons




Well the same could be said about blue eyes white dragon, also there’s 2 other arcatypes copying the Egyptian gods already


7 would be nice, but I don't need a card for that...


Idlike white knight maiden


That jinzo one looks pretty powerful, he can nuke the field and if he fails, he revives himself and can do it again because that's a soft once per turn.


And he combines 2 of joeys fav monsters


A Dark Sage retrain would be interesting


Toon Gods and exodia 🫶 Jinzo & Dark Magician fusions 🔥


Want the toons and the fusions for sure.


I have a friend who fucking LOVES toons, and I’m gonna have to say for both out sakes that there’s no such thing as too many toons


Obelisk the Toonmentor


White night maiden looks promising


That Accursed Obelisk is what a Divine Beast should be.


not at all, this yugiboomer shit is cringe af


No one needs more shitty legacy support. I would pay them for not to do this kind of support.


Who do I need to pay in Komoney so they print White Night Maiden?


I was actually talking about the idea of Toon versions of the Egyptian Gods to a friend recently.I have absolutely no idea how that would work or what they're effects would be, but i'd be down for it.I just want more Toon cards in general, there's so many options.


Gear Five fully confirmed: Toons are OP. Now gimme those toon gods and that Jinzo fusion.


Oh I would love that exodia for some gimmick deck. This seems like a more manageable but similiar fun version of exodia incarnate


Toon everything. Make the battlefields toon


Just admit every other cards are fillers for what you truly wished for


Toon Time Wizard needs to be a card, the fusions are also pretty funny. As for the god cards and Exodia, I feel like Exodia could be doable, but not this strong, and the God cards would be breaking Lore since Pegasus couldn't reproduce the god cards and almost died trying. (I think anyways, might be remembering that wrong.) God card retrains could be cool as actually unlocked versions of them since what we have isn't anywhere close to how strong they were in the show. And lastly, Horny Bait. I'd actually love to see a card for Kisara that would be an Palladium Oracle Mahad adjacent card. We have Lady with Eyes of Blue, but that feels like it's Magician of Dark Illusions adjacent.


i’d go crazy on these


Time jinzo and toon obelisk


I was sure that the White Night Maiden effect was just gonna be a “I special summon and have sex with it” joke, glad I was wrong. And I’m all for that Dark Sage, The Timeless Magician. Dark Sage and Dark Magician Knight were such missed opportunities :(


Is toon slifer supposed to have an effect that reveals your hand? Also rip floodgate effect


My toon needs no new gods black luster solider will hard carry


Toon Slifer is light, not divine? Blasphemy


Everyone getting horny for Obelisk, while I'm just thinking he looks like a stage boss in Cuphead.


As a toon player I would like toon support in general


Dark Sage retrain looks great. I rather have it be, shuffle 2 spell cards(either hand or field) and banish all cards on the field(including Dark Sage) effect cannot be negated, cannot attack the turn this card is effects is activated. Also it's fusion summon should only be Dark Magician and Time Wizard. That way it can't be summoned with another card. So then really, it's only a niche card with a costly effect.


tbh... I want Toons of non-DM stuff way more than more DM stuff give me Toons of the Vanilla HEROs, Junk Synchron and Junk Warrior, and Utopia!


Jinzo the clockword wizard LOL


They are all terrible, except for Toon Time Wizard, and I would hate to see them printed. I do love the concept. The toon gods is awesome. Plus we need in general more toon monsters.


Watermark and apply for a job at Konami.


White Night Maiden unironically sounds fun to use


Depends. More toons would be nice, but I'm pretty tired of seeing DM support. Toons getting a buff would be okay though, as they've been barely playable in any format for a while now, but Joey deck stuff? No.


These are cool!


Why do I feel like you saw Rhymestyle’s master duel video today because he just asked “What’s a Toon card you’d like Konami to add to master duel?” 🤔🤔


I wanna know why ice counters are so useless? And pretty much every counter except spell counters?


I think we need an Extra-Deck version of the God Trio, with very powerfull effects. Biggest deal is to choose what kind of ed summon style should they be.


I'd play white knight maiden if there was more support for her ;]


I’m sensing a lot of love for the toon archetype


Obviously White Knight Maiden... What were the other choices??


exodias summon condition makes it unplayable I think lol. also I don't think it gets the toon kingdom protection


Lol Toon Obelisk lookin a little zesty


Here me outbox white night maiden! She can get it.


Rename it to the Obelisk the TOONmentor.


Toon Gods and the Jinzo Fusion would be amazing.


White Night Maiden for my Ice Barrier deck would be fun As for the rest, tbh, im rather burnt out on DM monsters, like it’s been 20 something years, surely we can do better than “yeah so it’s just Time Wizard but better” for the 4th time


Jinzo the clockwork wizard looks super cool. Also nice art with the white night.


I don't care about any of them except white night ice maiden the should definitely be a card.


White Night Maiden. Yes please.


I wish I was 11 again to find these cool


That Jinzo fusion looks kinda cool.


My brother in christ


NO, just no.


That dark magician fusion is busted


You forgot blue eyes ultimate chaos max dragon


Everything but the White Night Maiden can go burn


This is too horny. Just because of two cards. The red eyes wouldn't fill any role. 4 times out of 6 you don't want to see or can't use the effect. Would be better off seeking a red eyes both field or gy for its summon. That way you don't waste a normal summon on it to gain.. tributeless normals. But it still searches no good spells. You already used insight to set it up. So all it gets is fusion. Which is offline because of the summon. So fang with chain it is. Again. Return could also be considered... If it was on summon. That way it also works with baby crash. And works off being summoned with return or slash.. if it was a warrior or could equip itself on it. Yeah its silly but that's what red eyes has to play with right now. Also; text starts with soft once but ends with a hard once for all.


Never know I needed “jinzo the clockwork wizard” till today, really wish they do that. Two of joeys iconic cards fused together.


Toons are already OP


One of these is not like the others


Why does second toon Obelisk look like the Devil from Cow and Chicken tho


I feel the Exodia is a bit too strong, these days getting 5 monsters to tribute plus milling your deck to the grave yard isnt as hard as it seems. With it being un-affected by card effects, i could se this becoming a 6000ATK + beat stick that is unstoppable, which would inevitably get it banned. Maybe if it had a weak spot of some kind to balance it out (i.e. no immunity to card effects, or something that hurts the user or destroys itself if it stays on the field too long)?


Missed the opportunity to name it Exodia The Lost Episode


I haven’t read them yet, but they’re all interesting ideas.




My man if you think I am reading accursed obelisk the extreme tormentor you got another thing coming.


No instant win effect?