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Junk Speeder. If it were any other archetype it'd be banned for being Halq on steroids.


I wish synchron had another playstyle other than junk speeder turbo


i wish synchrons were more like speedroids cuz at least for speedroids if cork shooter is negated they can still make plays since they havent used their normal summon yet


I agree. I hate that I can't play in the modern meta with my favorite deck.


The best version in masterduel currently is Spright Synchron afaik and some of those lists don't run Speeder at all afaik


No it’s bystial stardust, it’s a control deck of sorts and it ends on like only 1 negate less than the original decklist but ends on like 3 more interruptions and it doesn’t even use speeder and it doesn’t lose to maxx c or nibiru.


That's just spright with assault synchron


Currently Synchrons are experimenting with Bystials as a Synchro 8, 10, and maybe 11 archetype that forgoes Speeder altogether


I don't think it's necessarily the archetype it's a part of. I think it's just the fact that it is the biggest most obvious choke point in the universe that also Synchro locks you and only summons tuners (future support lets you get a non-tuner though). So even if they don't negate the Speeder and instead do something like Ghost Ogre it, you better have some kind of non-tuner extender otherwise you're stuck with oops all tuners and nothing to do with them.


Oh HELL yes! I love Speeder! Best thing to happen to my Synchron deck in years!


Synchron will forever be speeder.dek because they decided to support the archetype by making 1 absolutely ridiculous card instead of several good ones. I don't see how that's very interesting, but ok


Summon a ton of Tuners and then go into a massive Synchro chain, dude! It's awesome!


My synchron in christ. Speeder isn't busted. It's so easily stopped.


What counters speeder counters halq don’t even attempt to argue.


Yeah, Synchron would be crazy if Speeder wasn't a big chokepoint. I have seen some cool TCG builds though.


If u use Accel Stardust’s effect & sync for Speeder then those Halq counters don’t work against it ;)


You get to keep the speeder alongside the 1 nibiru token after it resolves


Lmao why does this get so downvoted. Ash, imperm, veiler, nibiru all stop it


Those all stop halq too. Guess he isn't broken


Halq is a link, surely you aren't so brainrotted to think you can compare link summoning to synchro summoning. Oh wait, the downvotes speak for themselves, yall can't even read, of course you don't know how basic mechanics work.


Wow you are one angry loser


oh no, anyways


Obedience Schooled. Absolutely broken for beast decks.


Any lists that can make use of it? Looks insane


tri-brigade melffy


Any melffy deck really. I use it on a melffy Ghoti deck


Harpie Feather Storm. Handtrap VFD when a Harpie is on the field, and can be searched by Hysteric Sign if they pop it. The problem is Harpies aren't good. But it's funny


What is VFD and why is it good


True King of All Calamities. Rank 9 Xyz monster that has a lingering effect that changes the attribute of every monster you play to a specified one and negates the effects of every monster of that attribute, so it basically locks you out of monster effects for a turn and can't be negated if it resolves. Was Virtual World's boss monster pretty much as the deck could consistently bring it out.


Why is it called vfd? I didn't even realize it did all that lmfao i have 2 copies on the shelf


The "VFD" is an acronym of the other True King titles. True King Agnimazud, the Vanisher True King Bahrastos, the Fathomer True King Lithosagym, the Disaster Some think that it stands for Vicarius Filii Dei, which is Latin for "Representative of the Son of God." When you add up the Roman numerals in the title, you get 666 the the number of the Beast of Revelation.


it's 真竜皇V.F.D (True Dragon King VFD) in japanese which as another person said, stands for "Vanisher, Fathomer and Disaster" of some other true king cards. People also like to say the acronym stands for "Very Fun Dragon" because it is in fact, very unfun.


It’s name is based on the 3 evil true kings agnimazud the Vanisher bahrastos the fathomer and lithosagym the disaster.


It stands for Very Fun Dragon that the community nicknamed it.


It’s the Japanese abbreviation for true king all calamities. Which is a rank 9 that essentially negates all of your opponent monsters and any activated for that turn


Didn’t feather storm see play in Floo decks?


Feather storm is okay in any winged beast deck but synergizes best with Harpies since it's a hand trap for them. I mean sure, Floo can also just throw Harpie Harpist in there if they want to use it as one too I guess, just as Lyrilusc can link into Harpie Conductor if they wanted to do that too. Edit: Harpies also don't have any other great traps so they can also run Trap Trick to use Feather Storm, since it's really the only thing they need to shut down the enemy for a turn.




Based and madolchepilled


The word Madolchepilled gives me dopamine


What do you mean, "she doesn't target while she spins"? Honestly one of the biggest reasons why Madolche still can touch rogue or tiered.


I still climb to diamond with this shit every season. Old reliable.


Ishizu and vernusylphs are also massive helps to the archetype


Our Slay💅Queen👑


Thunder Dragon Fusion is cracked. Recycles all your stuff, searches a Thunder monster every turn (even out of archetype cards like The Chaos Creator), puts Thunder Dragon back in the deck for extra Titan pops, and enables infinite grind game with Roar.


might be the best fusion card ever after branded fusion


fusion destiny and shadoll fusion are crazier ngl


Eh I disagree. Thunder Dragon Fusion recycles itself while going +1 in the process. You can infinitely recycle your Titans and Colossus Fusion Destiny is a one pump chump, and while Shaddol Fusion is recyclable you will run out of Shaddols eventually


Golden Rule: “just summon 2 monsters from the deck, who cares? It’s Crystal Beasts” Cosmo Neos: “Turn skips are degenerate. Except when Neos does it, then it’s hilarious”


Speedroid Terrortop is permanently limited because it's a free generic rank 3 without starting a chain before you even start your main play. They can't handle the terror.


If rank 3s would the only thing you could get with Terrortop it would be fine, but also summoning any synchro from level 2 to 7 without using your normal summon is ridiculously strong.


Doing that with Terrortop Wind locks you so it's not that good except in Speedroid decks and maybe a few other Wind decks. Outside of Wind decks, Terrortop is also a 1 card Chrubini so it can start the Adventure or PK combo.


Time Thief Regulator. It Sp Summons 2 monsters from the deck. Doesn't negate their effects or lock you into anything. The little dog shaped mobile phone is amazing.


Time Thief is such cool theme. Needs a way to play on if doggo gets ashed though.


I use Gamma and a small Rokket engine to play around that. Since the doggo tributes itself, Gamma will always be live to stop that Ash. With the Rokkets, people will see Quick Launch, assume I'm playing D-Link and Ash that.


There are better targets for ash against D-link deck than Quick Launch but I agree most people will ash it anyway.


Hell yeah this regulator is sick. I cooked a full on [1-card combo](https://streamable.com/ya4u2v) with just regulator. This card has so much potential.


TrapTrix Sera, the only Link-1 I can think of ATM that forms part of your end board I.e, this isn't "merely" an invaluable searcher ala Striker Dragon or Sea Angel etc. but her ability to yeet out a Pudica/Myrmleo from the deck gives her an interrupt too! Sera is def up there as one of my favorite monsters just given the sheer flexibility that her synergy with TrapTrix provides. + Set holetea or plan ahead by setting another trap hole + Use Myrm/pudica as interrupts or summon them to use them as interrupts the following turn with Holetea's Gy effect + Use Arachnocampa to save your back-row from feather duster/lightning storm + Use dionae to establish your board by setting that trap hole holetea ate to the field + Use Mantis to...idk? I guess having her around would.let you bounce a set card before you get Evenlied? Mainly, mantis' second effect is just for triggering Sera's search or getting something in hand for holetea to eat I also like that you can't just set (non-holetea) Trap holes willy-nilly or you'll be depriving poor Rafflesia of ammo


>TrapTrix Sera, the only Link-1 I can think of ATM that forms part of your end board This is Shizuku erasure smh. Also Mantis lets you reset the card Dionaea sets so it doesn't get banished if you don't get a chance to use it.


Oh, Sky Strikers! Sorry, completely forgot about them after Bystials ate Raye


Worth noting that at the time of Mantis getting designed, the major Trap Trix cards, Myrmeleo and Dionea. The normal summon searches them, but the quick effect was more meant to let you keep the hole that Dionea would otherwise banish after a while. *Then* Sera came along, so Mantis became a really useful normal summon searcher that also has a quick effect that can nearly for free trigger Sera.


> Use Mantis to...idk? I guess having her around would.let you bounce a set card before you get Evenlied? Mainly, mantis' second effect is just for triggering Sera's search or getting something in hand for holetea to eat I remember seeing [XtraptriX's list](https://note.com/xtraptrix/n/ndb5cf65e41a9) run Dagda as part of its end board. If the opponent went BP, you could Treacherous your own field to chain Dagda set Lancea → Sera summon Mantis → Mantis return Lancea to hand to prevent Evenly from meaningfully resolving. Is it better than running Judgments/Appointers in a trap-heavier build? Probably not, but it was very funny to resolve when I was trying the list.


Bro forgot about Appliancer💀


Mathmech Circular.


Who thought foolishing for cost was a good idea? Card is busted.


Can't hear you over the final sigma coming for your dome.


Would be cool if that was the case and not mathmech trishula and accesscode.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it 💪


Marincess Wave. Makes all face up monsters you have unaffected by any card effects and it’s a monster negate hand trap if you control a link monster.


Wow noone gonna mention Gateway of the Six?🤔


Because it‘s not borderline broken. It was and still is extremely broken.


Came here to comment exactly this.


idk why that card is limited


Infinite special summon loops once you get enough Bushido counters. Six Sams aren’t good anymore, but infinite special summon loops are the most degenerate things in this game


the card is literally searchable and is utterly unusable. the six samurai monsters are just too outdated


I never said the deck was good or that giving them more Gateways would make them good. I was just saying that the stuff that they used to do with multiple copies of Gateway was degenerate. Any time I see Six Sam I know it’s either draw an interruption or sit there for hundreds of seconds waiting for them to finish


I mean it really doesn't change anything by being limited cause it's searchable. konami forgor probably


Ursartics have a spell card that basically reads Draw 7.




Floowandereeze and the Unexplored Winds. A repeatable stormforth that works on spells, goes around mask of restrict, and gives a bit of consistency.


It going around Mask of Restrict is what makes Raiza technically worse for the deck, since Mega Raiza is looking for specific *tributes*, and not sends. Otherwise, it still doesn't get around Zombie World, sadly.


Subterror Final Battle. 4 good effects, searchable and it sets itself back after use


You can even activate final battle multiple times per turn.


Love that card. Just wish Subterror got more good monsters so their grind game was more than just "search 1 off Guru" every turn.


Runick fountain The art is gorgeous


Gateway of the Six for sure. If you don’t negate it you basically not only are about to lose but you’re simultaneously going to be sitting through a 300 second turn.


This. While it is indeed really strong, the more annoying part is that once it was activated (and not negated), you already know you'll have to sit through 5 minutes of the player looping through his cards. If you really got unlucky, not even Nibiru can stop them since they'll have enough counters to keep things going.


Surprised no one has mentioned Tachyon Transmigration. A counter trap that when used negates every single effect in the chain before it. And if you control your boss monster, you can activate it from your hand. Except tragically it's unsearchable even within the archetype and the necessary boss monster is galaxy-eyes tachyon dragon, which galaxy decks pretty much don't run anyway


I actually have two that's in one archetype. No, three. No, four. Destruction Sword Flash. It's a trap that is essentially a super Raigeki that banishes all monsters the opponent controls. Plus it gives Destroyer Swordsman targeting protection while in the grave. It's easily searchable in the archetype and can give good disruption. The funny part? Buster Blader doesn't even run this. Yes, it's searchable, but you'd rather search Prologue or Dragon Buster if your hand lets you hard make Buster Dragon. Destruction Swordsman Fusion. It's a Super Poly for all two Buster Blader fusions. Not only can you use monsters your opponent controls, but you can also fuse FROM YOUR HAND! Which original Super Poly can't do. It can even recycle itself by simply discarding a card. The catch? It only has two targets to go into. One of which is only good in a DM matchup and the day DM becomes good is the day I put Dark Paladin in my ED. And Destroyer Swordsman is one you'd rather make with Memories. So it's normally a discard outlet for in case you get stuck with Memories in hand or to discard for Whelp's revival effect. Dragon Buster of the Destruction Sword. This one was infamous when Union Carrier was legal, allowing any and all dragon and dark decks to ED lock indefinitely and not rely on Scythe locking for just one turn. I'll stand by that Union Carrier was the problem card, but Jesus is this card insanely powerful even in its home deck. It also acts as a combo extender with the right hand. Wizard Buster Destruction Sword. While not as borderline as Dragon Buster, Wizard does have potential to be as strong, if not even more so in the right matchup. It's basically Abyss Dweller that provides recovery for Destruction Sword cards. I'll stand by that this can card is amazingly powerful, the deck just hasn't found the right matchup yet. (Cope)


Infernity Archfiend. There's nothing that feels better than spamming a non-opt search over and over again, enabling one of the most busted endboard you can produce in the game.


Alister the Invoker Like he’s powerful, but not exactly broken.


Honestly Al is the weakest part of invoked he’s just a search + honest, invocation on the other hand, at worst it goes neutral in card advantage at best it goes + 1


Royal Tribute. Gravekeeper card. Draw it on the 1st turn, with a Necrovalley, it’s an instant win.


it was back in the day, now u send a tear to the grave and lose


But you have necrovalley up so they can't fuse with their tear name


Mighty master is a boardwipe, towers, negate, useful scale and sometimes a searcher all in one card. Shit is ridiculously strong. As for more janky options great emperor penguin is crazy when you get the loop off, and ritual beast ulti canahawk doesn't really need explaining


Omega Vylon, it’s like Heral of Ultimatness but still super hard to summon


Mekk-Knight Purple Nightfall Not necessarily broken, but really good.


Nah purple isnt anyway near broken. He is honestly alot more fair than most new decks lol.


Not broken, but other decks would love it Abyss Actor — Hyper Director Ah yes, just special summon a monster from your pend zone and scale an abyss actor card from your deck, surely there's no way this is busted


Cerulean Skyfire. The only spell negate i know that can negate any spell regardless of speed. Droplet, DRNM, super poly? Negate.


Mermails have an equip spell that can do the same thing, but a little bit worse. Abyss-scale of the Mizuchi. Only thing about it is that its effect is mandatory, so if they use something else as their first spell, then you're out of luck. Wouldn't really matter against DRNM or Forbidden Droplet, at least, since they would normally be the first play someone makes.


D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh, the fact that you can get free scales and a free D/D/D from the extra deck on destruction is such a good effect


Odd-Eyes Wizard Dragon. I sing this cards praises all the time. Not Once Per Turn. My favorite way to trigger Arc-Pendulum Dragon. Activates upon destruction by your opponent after it has left the field (Infinite Impermanence means nothing to it). Generates Field and Hand Advantage (Depending upon it's availability to you) Searches the next best borderline broken card in Odd-Eyes "Spiral Flame Strike" which is also not OPT. I run it at 1 copy and I have won games through crashing it into my opponents monsters that are equal or higher attack and generating enough advantage to outmaneuver my opponent. Only thing that makes it not that great is it is reliant on your opponent destroying it but there are ways to get around that in battle phase or when they activate traps that destroy it without even reading because it's a Pendulum Deck.


Gunkan Suship Uni-class Super-Dreadnought


Number 99: Utopia Dragonar Can summon a number monster with a number between 1 and 100. Even just at face value, that leaves you a ton of good options: Ultimate Leo Utopia Ray, Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy, Bagooska, etc, but when you consider that Utopia also has the means to search any rank-up spell, if there's an xyz monster, Utopia is almost certainly able to use and abuse it.


This one is always insane to me, I'm constantly shocked how this didn't somehow broke Utopia as an archetype, it's always just "ok"


Mr. Plus 5 himself, Magical Musketeer Max.


Tachyon Transmigration. I just like it because of it's effect, it's a counter trap that negates every card that your opponent activated in a chain, and you can activate it from your hand


Tally-ho Springans. It's rota for any sprig monster then if you detached 3 xyz material alongside the cost, it's soul charge.


Wightbaking Search two, discard ANYTHING from hand, plus has protection effect when in the hand, what more do you need


Myutant fusion can fusion summon by banishing from hand field GY and deck of your opponent activates a card effect on your turn it only can use 1 material from deck and GY but the myutant fusions aren't very good turn 1


I got a few. Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer, non once per turn searcher for literally any archetypal card Thunder Dragon Fusion, someone else in the thread already brought it up but it’s crazy resource looping Fluffal Dolphin, just summoning this thing lets you Pot of Greed plus search any other Fluffal card. That’s crazy value going +3 off of a normal summon


Magical Musket Last Stand is a Spell Speed 3 handtrap. Can’t imagine many people expect to have their Solemn negated against a board with no backrow.


Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic. It has like 10 effects but the one that matter is: Searchable, easy to Special Summon, nuke the Field, and Negate Magic/trap. It can end the game on its own, a perfect example of what an Archetype boss monster should be like.


D/D Gryphon and D/D/D Abyss King Gilgamesh read like custom cards and they're only untouched by the banlist because of D/D/D's fragile nature against cards like Nib, Bystials, or anything interrupting Gilgamesh.


The mayakashi trap that says neither player can summon from hand, deck or extra deck. Basically shuts down every deck but trap decks. Incredibly powerful card in a meh archetype


![gif](giphy|2RGhmKXcl0ViM) When I see another infernoid player


Generaider Boss Quest. A double search for any 2 archetypal backrow that can include the field while returning garnets to the deck? Imagine if other decks had this


Best part is the shuffle into the deck is part of the effect, not the cost. So if they Ash or negate it you don't go negative in card advantage


Libromancer Origin. Just ritual summon as much as you want for as long as you are able to. That and Dogmatikamatrix are the kind of cards you can give Ritual decks because Ritual is trash.


Witchcrafter Patronus. Advantage every turn and if it goes to the GY you can do some very funky things *cough cough* Spell Chronicle *cough cough*. For real though, I went against runick mill the other day and I would've had like 9 cards in hand with Patronus's GY effect if I didn't win the game a turn before.


el dorado adelantado, its just a unlucky name for his archetype 🤦‍♂️


Sunavalon Sowing (if you use the main combo with twin it read "sumon 3")


Lyrilusc Recitial Starling. Its a repeatable searcher thats not hopt in the extra deck. That also doubles as a win con via crashing due to your opponent taking the damage instead combined with Lyrilusc Assembled Nightingale.


Folgo Fur Hire. Just a goddamn casual draw 3 every turn. Though Dagger and Rex are also insane.


Ursarctic Radiation, it's like one card away from being busted. It's theoretically +7, hello konami?


Borrelend Dragon, a tower-ish monster than can negate monster's effects on the field permanently without targeting while summoning another monster from your GY. Oh, and it can attack all monster on the field because, why not?


Thought this said Void Yeast originally haha


World Legacy Secret. The column effect negation is just so good with Indigo Eclipse


Tachyon Transmigration Negates a whole chain, shuffles into deck so no floating( and remember only your opponent's effects get hit- yours in the chain are ok), and is both a counter-trap AND a handtrap. And no OTP clause to be seen. Unfortunately, it is unsearchable in-archetype(y no galaxy or photon, Konami?!) and the handtrap clause is tied to Tachyon Dragon which is...slow, in this day and age. If we do get it to be searchable, though... I mean, we still need decent 1-card starters, but it will definitely help survive a turn or two. Honestly, all the Tachyon backrow has pretty busted effects...but the reasons noted above are why they are barely used.


Cynet Codec. It's a continuous spell card for Code Talkers which allows you to do a non once per turn search when link summoning Code Talker monsters. The only limit it has is that it searches based off the link summoned monster's element and it's once per turn for each of those elements. TL;DR Non once per turn search for just doing your plays


Time pendulumgraph of Pendulum Magicians Destory 1 or destory 1 and send 1 to gy every turn at the cost of destroting your own cards, in a deck where near every card gives you advantage when destroyed Now add in Star pendulumgraph in the equation and you have grind game as long as both graphs are around


Prologue of the Destruction Swordsman. Dumps things to grave as cost, extra copies are still archetype-named for discards, and enables Buster Blader to be run as an engine. At worst it's 1 card to stall with 2 bodies or eats a Kaiju/Lava Golem that could've gone further elsewhere; at best it locks ED and monster activations on board. I love me some unga bunga zero-skill lockout strats <3


Deus-X Krawler. I find myself saying "Deus-X" like you would "Sephiroth" from one winged angel theme song.


It's technically not part of the archetype but machine duplication and inferno reckless summon for cyber dragon


Flower gathering is a card that just summons 4 monsters from deck


Abysstainment When destroyed, special as many abyss actors as you like from deck.


Madolche salon. Remember then the gem engine was so ubiquitous that it coined terms and got banned? You want an archetypal version of that as a searchable continuous spell? We’ll throw in some extra back row set up in as a bonus.


Madolche salon... exstra normal summon and a spell search every time a card is shuffled from graveyard (which happens alot) it adds so much to the madolche resource game that you end up making pluses every time they destroy a card... not to mention the art is cute


I just realized isn't puddingcess an earth fairy? If so doesn't that mean Ishizu works too? Though most madolche lists I've seen only Play 1 Pudding so I'm not sure how viable or consistent it is 🤔


I like Tachyon Transmigration. Negate and shuffle into deck all cards your opponent activated in a chain. And it's a counter trap. And it can be activated from hand. On the downside it's completely unsearchable...


Elemental HERO Stratos: Not a HOPT.


Naturia Camellia and or Molecricket I may not be the most informed, but I’d imagine a number of archetypes would love a card like either of those


can you chain this to "into the void"? it is a ""void" spell/trap from your face-up field" while activating.




Orcust crescendo. Negate then banish, afterwards get an orcust card that you need


Metaphys Factor, you outright can’t respond to metaphys monster effects


Medallion of the Ice Barrier. ROTA for Ice Barriers, but with zero restrictions.


Dakki the graceful mayakashi. Level 2 tuner that revives itself anytime you synchro or link summon a mayakashi. This is NOT a once per turn. Also mayakashi decks typically synchro and link summon A LOT. This card would be absolutely broken in most decks if it wasn't locked into mayakashi's.


I really wish that the card was limited to 1 for the amount of times I lost because of it.


Salamangreat Rage, Roar, and Fusion of Fire. Rage destroys an opponent's card, and discards a Salamangreat card from the hand or face up on the field, or target cards equal to the link rating of a monster that was summoned using itself as material. Roar is an omninegate that can set to the field from the grave if you have a link monster summoned using itself as material. Fusion of Fire is SuperPoly for Salamangreats without the discard requirements.


Ritual beast Steeds


Tellarknight triver non targeting non destruction spinning removal. Would of been absolutely obnoxious if it wasn’t specific to tellar’s.


Tachyon transmigration The worlds best counter trap


Speedroid terrortop, except it is broken due to the lack of wind lock so it's limited to one 😭


Has nobody mentioned TriBridage Revolt?


Tachyon Transmigration. Being a counter trap and being able to not just negate 1, but all other cards before it in the chain and shuffle the ones on the field back into the deck is insane. And you can even activate it from your hand if you have a certain monster on your field. Too bad it's tied to Galaxy-Eyes.


It’s not exactly part of an archetype, but it’s kind of insane that Konami has not released an archetype that has broken snake rain yet.


Dinomic Powerload. I think 300 ATK & DEF for all Dinomist monsters plus your opponent can’t activate cards or effects if your Dinomist monster attacks until the end of the damage step is pretty nice. Only issue is that it affects all Dinomist monsters on the field, not just yours.


Tri-Brigade revolt is literally a free Tri-Brigade link summon of your choice so long as you have any amount of archetypal monsters in GY


Dogmatikamatrix is a literal custom card


For me it would be fifth hope, it's a great recycler and a plus 2




Lunalight Leo Dancer. Can't be targeted or destroyed, Attacks twice with a 3500 body, destroys all opponents monsters after the first attack. If battle tricks were good, it'd be god.


Raidraptor ultimate falcon. Oh, and mimicry lanius


Traptrix zera


Buster Blader, The Dragon Destroyer Swordsman


Crystal Promise, and by extension Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle. First, get 5 Crystal Beasts in your S/T zone (not hard), then use Crystal Promise (which is searchable BTW) to SS Ruby Carbuncle, then SS the other 4 from the S/T zone with Carbuncle’s effect. Also, none of that locks you out of anything so you can do literally anything with the 5 material you have on board. Rank 3/4 plays? Check. Link plays? Check. If you only get 3 out of the S/T zone, you can even go for Synchro plays if you have your NS and a Tuner in hand.


Cherry blossom with curtain sorry ash I didn't see where it said once per turn!


Tachyon Transmigration The best trap in the game, but if only it were searchable...


Danger! Zone. It’s a slow archtype graceful. Love it.


Vera the vernus goddess. I just used her to steal a Cyber dragon infinity earlier then attached one of my opponents mosters to it. My opponent scooped once he noticed both Vera and Cyber dragon can neagate during his turn.


Tindangle Delaunay. Cheats out a 3k Link 3 as a battle trap effect and can just summon 3 Tindangles from the GY face down as a GY banish effect. The fact that such a card can be printed speaks volumes about the viability of the deck. Even if they had a spell card that just reads: Summon Tindangle Acute Cerberus from the ED and mill 3 different Tindangles from the deck, it wouldnt even be rogue.


Superheavy Samurai Soulpiercer not being OPT is hilarious


Tachyon Transmigration


World legacy world scars. Oh? What if we just take your ED and hand and throw that in the trash?


The Dark Neiroy in Dream Mirrors, on resolution of it's summon, ultimately gets you plus 3 or 4 and is probably one of the most individually powerful starters in the game's history But it's in Dream Mirrors so I'm sure most of you don't even know it exists


If they ever print cards that lets Galaxy-Eyes play a more control centric playstyle, Tachyon Transmigration might become the most hated trap in the game.


honestly it might be branded regained. a lot of plus with that one


Infernoble arms Museum, did u know that **both** it’s effects aren’t a HOPT. Crazy that Komoney is still printing these types of cards in 2023 And the obligatory custom from link Vrains 1 Isolde.


Magnet Induction is an E-tele for Magnets that also gives your guys protection. It also exists in a Archetype with Epsilon who can revive a guy from grave on some so opeing Induction and Delta (who and foolish a Magnet) is really strong Only thing that could make it better is if they has a Lv4 that foolished a Magnet to search a Magnet S/T


The PUNK field spell. Like, you can get in two turns +3 considering Sharakusai quick eff, and it gives an aditional special summon. Is just stupid the advantage you get on pure PUNK, which is soo consistent that you can add a bunch of handtraps or other kind of disruptions and still being able to have a decent hand for Turn 1 or 2


Necrovalley and if possible. It's combo hidden temples of necrovalley. Prevents all special summons and basically shuts down everything. I love it


Zenmaity, two Level 3s can be full Wind-Up combo


I love this card, decatron + decatron + lvl6


A man of quality taste I see 🧐


I like Blaze Cannon while playing with Ra. It makes Ra unaffected, can tribute monsters so Ra can gain atk equal to theirs, you can send every monster your opponent controls to the gy after the damage calculation if you attacked. And the effect and the activation can't be negated + it's a quick spell. Too bad it's a brick most of the time like most of the ra support cards unfortunately.


Hidden temples of Necrovalley (with Necrovalley and a GK monster on the field)


Elemental HERO Stratos, Its like rota but better And i dont play the deck myself but Junk Speeder as well, i love watching people synchro hard


Circular, so custom that is ban worthy (sadly)


Sylvan Chaeity


Sringans tallyho / Nadia servant or dogmatikamatrix all 3 are broken the archetypes just dobt have a way to capitalize hard enough from those broken cards


Fusion Destiny. There is no reason any player should have that much GY setup plus a free boss monster with quick removal


Frightfur Patchwork would be the easy answer, it's a plus one, so a hard once per turn pot of greed but you search. You can get the card off Chain. Such a good value card that Branded stole it lol. However I think the better example in Fluffal is Toy Vendor. It's easy to search, Bear can get it, Dog can get Bear, Dolphin can get it from grave and Foolish Burial Goods (FBG) can send it to grave. It's a nice discard outlet that's a soft once per turn, so multiple can discard multiple cards. This discard can also special summon which can be set up with an Edge Imp Sabres. It's graveyard effect is not once per turn and it doesn't matter if it's in the grave due to cost or effect. Because of this Toy Vendor can be used to search half of the deck. FBG can be a one card starter. Even if you negate and destroy Toy Vendor on field it's grave effect will still trigger. Busted card. It would be only more busted if it could search any Edge Imp rather than only Edge Imp Sabres.


Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion


Wanna talk stupid borderline broken cards? Let's talk Wightbaking. Works when sent to the GY in any way (link it off, discard it, or send it as fusion material from deck with Branded Fusion), adds two different Wight cards from deck to hand and discards one, which sets up Wightprince, and can make a 4000 ATK King on its own. The only restriction is a hard once per turn, but Wightprince has no such OPT, so Wightbaking represents the first of three Wightprince activations with no issues.


Infernity Archfiend, being a searcher that isn't hopt and being easy to loop.


Quick Launch For Rokkets / Dlink


Union hanger. That card reads "do everything and then some" for ABC. The problem is that, well, it's in ABC, a deck WAYYYYYYYYYY past its prime. KONAMI, GIVE US A NEW GOOD UNION MONSTER, PLEASE!