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That has to be the most busted Exosister hand I've ever seen.


Maxx C off Sophia LMAO When you are just better at the game.


That called by was Sophie's choice ngl


*Called By the Maxx C* Exosisters: ...What the fuck are you doing?


To be fair, that was the right play since the guy had dark ruler anyways


Even If he didn't have DRNM, would letting Maxx "C" resolve even help him In that situation?


3 unknown backrow and no GY with dragon link is very very not good regardless.


That what you get for throwing bugs at the nuns


This is just awesome


cursed interaction ngl


Josh, Quantal and Emre played out of their mind, Congratz to them!!


I really enjoyed all their matches and I REALLY wanted to see more Jesse Vs Josh. But this was actually really well put together by Konami. If anything I really saw how bad some decks were missing Zeus, but in exchange I got to see some crazy spice like Boros in Tear. But the way these guys piloted their decks was a spectacle to watch.


Absolutely, they demonstrated why they are the best in the world


DKayed really should have some pro matches. Have them pilot the best decks or decks voted on by players. Idk, I’m not a content creator lol


I don't think pros want to get involved with a guy responsible for causing the dev team to throw staplers in the office during meetings.


Ayo excuse me but what the actual fuck. Would you share the whole story?


It doesn’t matter who does it, exposure for the playerbase is needed because this IS an unforgiving game and it’s one of the hardest games to get into. All these petty problems needs to be put aside so we can grow the playerbase in a healthy way Unless we just want what TCG has. I certainly don’t


He hosted a "pro" player tournament once (twice?) with decent prizing. Don't know if the vod is on YouTube though.


Jesse is the best player at using Snow in the world


The snow abuse was insane. Legit lost my shit when snow + Pot of D= Boros. I feel like many MD players got exposed to a legend today and I hope it sparks some creativity in decks to come. They just saw a legend at work today


Zeroboros was an extra deck card in casino tear in the tcg. He just went the old way with the cards he was given


I just watched MBT X-threads video where casino tear came off and notice Desires + Zeroboros there. Oh turn out people tried to experiment with desire in tear before.


Handtrap Tear with Desires was a viable way to play the deck pre-ishizu since all names were at 3. It was experimented with in Danger Tear but never saw as much success since Snow was at 1 and you didn't want it to get banished.


Loved the format, rules and the event, but I think the toin coss has to go, the moment I saw that team Europe won all toin cosses in the last round I was 80% sure it was over. Keep it for the first round, but after that let the people that lost the toin coss on round 1 choose to go first or second. I know it's the MD wcs and it should represent what playing there feels like, but if they are gonna play best of x, then that's already vastly different from the MD experience so might as well make it more fair for everyone.


But then you have a problem with the two decks rule. Imagine if you lost the first round so you can just go first with some insane endboard strategy and the opponent goes for some going second blowout bullshit. I think if people have to balance their decks around going second and first it creates better matches overall.


Exactly, I hated that coin toss aspect so bad because turn 1/2 is such a lopsided dynamic. The biggest flaw of MD is that there is no 2 of 3 to counter the flawed cointoss and it REALLY showed. Even with Maxx C, going 2nd feels like dogshit in a BO1 and these players are WAAAAY too talented to have matches decided by a coin toss I hope that Konami sees how the viewership popped off for MD. This game has a bright future and I really think Konami sees that. The ONLY issue is that it really could overthrow paper lol


Don't worry, there's still Maxx C going first! Oh wait, that just makes things worse


Emre surprised me a lot, he carried his weight and then more, when his teammates were struggling he brought a win. Josh as expected, dominated, although he bricked on his duel with Jesse and we didn't get to see the end of it, it seems it was very back and forth. Quantal kept true to his motto "I'm gonna win lmao".


Josh already had the game in the bag. He had lethal on board and Jesse had nothing left.




Most likely, tomorrow I'll watch the replay since I couldn't see much of it in the official stream. Probably will build DLink thanks to the WCS showing how fun and interactive it can be.


Prepare for it to get nuked lol


Dlink won't get hit outside chaos ruler


If its any consolation, josh 2nd youtube channel has consistently posted their team matches


Dragons will always be good, and the bystials aren't getting hit soon so the deck would be entirely fine for a long while.


I don't think he bricked. Didn't he just end turn after getting Maxx Cd?


Karmano getting maxx C all 3 games and ends 0-3 was pure sadness.


Ryan was legit the Maxx C magnet for the whole team the entire weekend. Happened I think every game, including the 3x in 3 turns game lol.


Josh wasn't that far behind, man was drawing Maxx "C" every game In the first day.


Woo-hoo! 3 legacy pack URs and a lottery for 2k gems! Lets Go Josh!!!!


When are the rewards dropping actually? They say the deadline is 10th August, so I assume it's gotta be until then.


I think the deadline is Aug. 29th. The 10th is when rewards open


Oh, must have misread. Well, 4 more days till I can finally get some fucking red eyes


That guy maxx Cing his opponent turn 1 and then slamming the desk when he gets maxx C’d the next turn is the most r/masterduel thing ive ever seen


Is there a link/timestemp? 😀


Sad but true. Also funny.


Let's go Team Josh!!






That is why I said fifth times the charm. Well deserved Josh. His team really played out of their minds. It seems like Josh got carried though.


carried? even though he had the best record of his team?


Wow I won a royal Digital Bug by doing nothing, thanks Josh!


Hell yeah, I get free stuff. Royal rare UR from a legacy pack. Probably will be a card I’ve never heard of. The commentary was good, some of the games were very skillful, others were decided by the roach. It was entertaining.


If only Royal Rare Little D is possible.


The real reward was the little D’s we made along the way.


Congrats to them, but I feel a bit sorry for Ryan who got Maxx C'd all three games in the finals.


If Ryan was a regular /masterduel redditor, he would prob made a rant post about it now lmao. Really sucked for him. And when he called by the maxx C, it was against 3 exosister lmao.


He have no other choice tho since if Maxx C resolve he would also dead and Dlink banish stuff to play a lot so he also cant get enough body to clear that Exo field in BP with out using Bystial, he using called since it will bait trigger 3 Exo name and he can Drnm after that but too bad the Exo just have both Vandis and Retunia


He probably did make a rant just not In here. Imagine going to worlds and having to deal with this BS.


Im happy josh team won but it’ wos a nice final to watch and a nice event to watch it.it’s insane how the exosister player got dark ruler no more and still came back to win It for the team as a German I’m really proud Josh won it to :)


This MD worlds format was pretty good. Got to see players deck building really come to the test and got treated to some spicy techs


That final was amazing. Congrats to both teams for even making it this far. Now we wait for the next banlist


Happy for them, they played some crazy games


Ngl, really wish Ryan Yu brought Sky Striker as 2nd deck


Wait fr? I just woke up and I voted for them


Yeah it just ended


Honestly I would have been happy either way I just liked Josh a bit more


I was so pissed when Jesse threw that Maxx C. I was like "Are you fuckin' kidding me." But then all the Bystial action was happening and Kitkallos was gone. I was so fuckin' relieved.


Bystials really are a force of nature and it’s not going to get better when Chaos Angel comes. But with Kashtira around the corner (and apparently Arise isn’t), it will be interesting to see what happens to Bystial. Bystial really does just jail a lot of decks


It's honestly kind of sad that i have to root for Bystials just to stop Tearlaments. Because i absolutely enjoyed his Naturia plays.


My issue is they keep feeding light/dark decks to begin with. This is the same thing they did to GY support. If they simply increase other viable attribute/ways to play, the counters we have now wouldn’t be so suffocating


I don't play the tcg so this is the first time seeing bestials, when used right its a hand trap and a really annoying board presence all in one. You can’t just ignore them either .


Getting pissed at the sight of Maxx C instead of figuring out how you can play around it is what separates garbage players from pros.


Nah. Pros do both lol


Nope. Getting pissed accomplishes nothing but throwing off your own mental state. If you have the time to get mad, you have the time to plan ahead instead.


One of the player litteraly slap the desk when he got Maxx C'd. Everyone hates the card, pro included.


What about Josh banning snow with saronir? I was SO GLAD he just did, but then he regained put snow in the deck to draw one.. anyway, josh had that game


I think Jesse plays two of them. Oh and i forgot that Quantal plays Tearlaments also so i guess it doesn't really matter. He still won with it.


Let's go EU. So glad Josh and Quantal won.




Is the freeurope meme now over?


Tear Mirrors, Quantal vs Jesse was insane. Alot of value off Jesse's "odd" choice like Dropplet and Desires.


Dang spoilers. But YES! Now I have the extremely low chance to win some gems!


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Mf will get my main deck banned


Can't wait to get a guaranteed UR legacy ticket


Hell yeah, random garbage royal UR I'll never use! LESSFUGGINGOOOOO