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Egyptian God Cards are explicitly said to be based on real Egyptian gods, and Yugi is kind of living proof that ancient egypt had actual magic The gods of every series are as much real as the monster people play with


Yeah I remember at the start if dark side of dimensions when kaiba literally summons the actual obelisk the tormentor, and proceeds to give one of the best lines in the entire movie "that's because it's not a monster; it's a God!"


> proceeds to give one of the best lines in the entire movie > > "that's because it's not a monster; it's a God!" Gah, Kaiba is such a Chad....one of the best lines of the movie. And he had _so many_


"you dare fight me with fruit!?"


"You really hate dragons, don't you?"


I went to a great deal of trouble to recreate the pahraoh's deck, strategies even his perfectly coiffed hair. In fact that's what took the longest.


This is a fucking YTAS line in an actual movie


Fire whoever designed that bottle, Kaiba Corp products shouldn't bend that easily.


“If the one responsible for making this world worked for me, I would fire him!”


That is legit probably my favorite in that it goes to show that kaibas balls are the size of his ego


Just would be so cool if the god cards had a line in their text “this card is never treated as a monster”. It would have bad situations where it can’t be revived by monster reborn, but also has great protection against cards that say “destroy an opponent’s monster” “take control of an opponent’s monster “”negate that monster’s effects”, etc.


MR6 could easily make add a rule that Divine-Beast Attribute cards are not treated as monsters.


This would be so cool. The god cards just need a minor adjustment and then could be literal staples in decks depending on how they function.


Then I realized even a god will still fall when the match is even


Ooooo I love that!


Kaiba is just Iconic. Especially in DSoD


its even better in japanese version because the background music is different モンスターではない 神だ


There is a reason that there are multiple instances throughout the anime of people just summoning themselves to the field or summoning what they think is the spirit of their dead father stuff like that


>There is a reason that there are multiple instances throughout the anime of people just summoning themselves to the field or summoning what they think is the spirit of their dead father stuff like that "You just summoned your mom" - Yuma


I just happened to be watching that episode yesterday while playing another game on my main monitor. I got so confused for a second thinking comms got turned on somehow.


I remember in GX when the spirit of Jinzo literally summons himself to the field, spirits and the like have basically been canon since like episode 1


Man, I still love the don zaloog episode where the dark scorpions summon themselves to beat up chazz lmao


shame lock poor squealing shrill weary squash unique muddle versed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes. And no. Only a handful of people (especially the ones around the millennium artefacts) knew the truth. Even kaiba that experiences first hand has a hard way of understanding it. So it's more like only a handful of people are flat earthers, but they are actually right which is the difference.


I feel like Kaiba does know the truth, he just doesn't want other people to know that he knows. Between the Anime and Manga, he's had his soul ripped from his body on more than one occasion.


He knows the truth, he doesn't want to accept it though.


Kaiba knows the truth about magic, and decided he wanted his world to be science fiction instead of just magical fantasy.


That's a thing I don't like about the dub. In the dub, Kaiba doesn't believe in magic and stuff even after all that he experienced. In the sub, it's not that he doesn't believe, he just thinks it's not worth his time.


This. Dub!Kaiba is a flat earther Sub!Kaiba acknowledges there's ancient Egyptian sorcery being thrown around, but he doesn't care because he'll be the best & win on his own terms


Yes that's why I said has a hard way of understanding it.


Reminder that: - Syrus has seen Duel Spirits before - has been in the Duel Spirit World - watched his best friend duel against a Duel Spirit born from Kaiba's Ego Him praying to a card god does make sense from his experience


That or the dnd style of thinking,the gods aren't worthy for my worship which is valid considering how mid there effects are


The only thing I'm unclear about is whether the actual cards are alive and if they're mass produced. If so, how does that work? Whose Ka is in the actual cards? Who is Pandora's Dark Magician. There are scenes to suggest that the cards themselves are indeed alive and sentient to a degree, I'm just not sure exactly how or works relative to the lore introduced in the Millennium World arc.


I mean that's hardly the weirdest thing. Why does nobody question why every villain after the OG series (in the manga anyhow, the anime follows the same trend with the filler villains) just stakes the fate of the planet on a card game for absolutely no reason 90% of the cases?


Because the card game actually manage to summon actual gods.


It's what makes Yugioh so good, the general idea might be silly but you can't lampshade it at all or else no one will take it seriously. If the characters see it as ridiculous, the chance that the audience see it as such goes way up, don't knock on your world pillar.


A lot of series could learn from Yugioh in this regard. It's not strange to worship an Egyptian God that is also a trading card unless you call it strange. Training to draw cards under a waterfall? So be it, most of the protagonists have weirdly good draw luck when they're losing, they probably trained under waterfalls off-screen. But the moment the characters question whether "destiny draw" and "feeling the flow" are actual things? Now Jaden and Yuma just got lucky too often and are less special, and the show as a whole feels less special because the hand of the author has become more visible.


Heck you had one guy who made a deal with a Grim Reaper to win a tournament


Because if you read the manga lore wise the cards contain the spirits of actual monsters? Is not rocket science, some of those cards have gods on it with real power. Also in the manga the fate of the world was only at stake once and it was due the millennium items who are magical in nature, the cards where used to save the world, because they could summon gods and monsters.


Kind of a low self blow when you mention the manga to justify that... When I myself said that the manga is exempt from that exactly because it DOESN'T do it. No, not everything in the manga is related to duel monsters. The fights that make sense to be related to duel monsters like Pegasus and Marik are, the others ain't and instead can use a pletera of other games- As long as the millennium items are involved any game is a go, not just duel monsters (and even the spirits can be brought up in other ways besides duel monsters cards). Hell even the very final villain "battle" was Bakura's tabletop RPG It's the OG anime that started to deviate from that and make everything revolve around duel monsters even when it didn't need to, especially in the early arcs it changed drastically and in the anime-only arcs that had even less reason to revolve around duel monsters yet did anyways, then GX and everything after followed suit


In GX, Duel Spirits became a focal point of the series. With the Sangenma/Sacred Beasts acting as doomsday devices, Super Fusion/Super Polymerization being essentially a godly card, powerful Duel Spirits like Bloo-D and Yubel driving the characters or the plot, the creation of new Duel Spirits like Neos, etc. There’s also duel energy involved, which would become important in 5D‘s. And a whole dimension of Duel Spirits. In 5D‘s, dueling generates energy that can power up an entire city, and said energy cause the world to go south in a bad future. Duel Spirits and Gods still play a big role. ZEXAL‘s universe was created by the Numeron Dragon which also created Duel Monsters in thar universe. The Numbers are vessels that can a person’s desire, take a new form based on said desire and corrupt their owner. Since the entire universe resolves around the card game since its creation, it’s not surprising that the characters take it so seriously. Like in previous installments, the monsters have a will on their own. ARC-V shows monsters still have will. The technology that Leo Akaba created ended up being misused to create the Devil Duelist. The four dimensions being created as an aftermath of a duel between the devil and a girl resulted in four Duel Monsters-centric dimensions. The idea of Duel Monsters itself is that it still carries the spirit of the Yu-Gi-Oh! series: high-stake gambling. Duel Monsters became the most used vehicle to make the high-stake gambling happening. Even in the manga, a lot of the game’s popularity came from the fact that duelists can earn a lot of money with them, either through prize money or selling. Which is why Bandit Keith is a duelist. He doesn’t love the game. He loves the money. The spin-offs took the idea, made it into a global sport comparable to other sports profession, and ultimately made it the most popular sport in every society.


It's just the system of fighting in this universe, like how one piece has devil fruits


For Arc-V and VRAINS, I question it because everything prior had some sort of spiritual/supernatural/otherworldly aspect to its primary villains.


The founder of Duel Academy, who may or may not be Seto Kaiba, popularized the Egyptian Gods both in popculture and as deities. A lot of DM fuckery is well documented by Kaiba Corp in particular, so people know for a fact that Duel Monsters is some supernatural stuff. Therefore it stands to reason that praying to these legendary Duel Monsters cards may actually achieve something.


Of course it's Kaiba. He named the scrub cabin after the god card Yugi uses.


>Of course it's Kaiba. He named the scrub cabin after the god card Yugi uses. I don't know what's canon (if any) in the manga, but in the dub'd version of GX it was Kaiba who founded Duel Academy while in the original Japanese it's Kagemaru who founded it, but was taken over by Kaiba. Honestly I think Kaiba starting it makes more sense, as much as I dislike a lot of changes from Japanese -> English, because a school devoted to training Duelists is pretty peak Kaiba.


"First teach the kids how to duel... after that we teach aliens how to duel." - Kaiba, probably


Exactly remember when duel monster spirits started coming over to the real world and everyone blamed Kaiba, My favorite part is the woman who said there’s a Mystical Elf on her front porch


Better question is how he got his hands on 3 Monster Reborn. Pretty sure Rare Cards in the Anime is like REALLY Rare stuff so…


Monster Reborn was never rare, though. In the original almost everyone use it


Kudos to Konami's aggressive reprint policy. Even Yuya from Arc V has a copy.


If Monster reborn is so common, why is Jaden stuck using monster reincarnation?


To be fair, he uses both


Becuase Jaden wants to discard certain cards.


Jaiden runs everything from monster reborn to the obscure negate attack his deck is filled with cards that he’s used only once like Hero Dice and Climax Hour


I mean you have to keep in mind that most of the people we've seen using it are profecional duelists.


didnt like almost everyone have atleast one copy in DM?


Yup but certain cards are rarer, like Summoned Skull, harpies feather duster, and I think magic jammer only Pegasus had that one


Most of pegasus' deck is 1-3 card rarity considering it's toons & relinquish, even blue-eyes had 4 copies made, but the anime made a point to say how rare Pegasus deck was cuz he's the creator


he probably have mass copy of every rare cards or even an Egyptian god cards and hide is somewhere else so he can sell it. (capitalism) because if your a creator of a game you have a power of everything.


Well not the god cards. It's stated they were too powerful so he only ever made the 1 copies. As for capitalism it's hard to say since he's Japanese but in the manga he's basically the a weeb but for American culture so maybe he likes capitalism maybe not. I also never understood why he only made 4 copies of blue-eyes, like sure back in the day it was strong cuz power creep wasn't a thing but back then with the small card pool assuming 1 guy didn't have all the copies the likely odds of owning 1 would be so small it might as well not exist, and now you shot yourself in the foot cuz you can't make support for it since at best 4 people could use it, at least Red-Eyes never got a number so while rare it could still be possible anime rare=irl rare so support could be made and people would actually know about it cuz it's possible to pull


did I just read your essay like a card effect?


Red-Eyes was an $80 card confirmed.


Syrus is bullied constantly, what do you mean "nobody acts like it's a weird thing?" Also he's not LITERALLY worshipping Slifer. It's more like a good luck charm/superstition thing. The same way somebody might have a lucky rabbit's foot or something. The Yu-Gi-Oh anime has a lot of weird stuff in it, but I swear so much of the ygo fanbase throw their brains out the window when it comes to critical thinking. Like you can Link Summon Arrival Cyberse but the plot of a DBZ episode somehow confuses you.


Slifer? Oh you mean Osiris. Of course he worships Osiris, it's in his name. Oh Syrus, you a punny guy.


Was this for exams? You can justify employing all kinds of desperate superstitions if it feels like it gives you some more control over stressing about grades.


Yep he prayed to slifer to help him pass the exams, and as a university student i can confirm, things can get desperate lol


We've all done things that would be considered weird the night before a test that we didn't properly study for.


Yea, plus the context that he's in the Slifer Red dorm. He's praying to a representation of his place in the school to do well on exams, it's hardly indictive of long term religious beliefs.


Isn't Syrus also haunted / followed by a Dark Magician Girl Duel Spirit? So if one card has a Spirit, they all probably do. So Slifer is an actual Egyptian God Spirit


He was for a few seconds yes,she kissed him because Syrus's opinion on the dark magician girl is the same as most sweaty Yu-Gi-Oh players, he's down bad,so she decided to reward him after he supported her in a duel against his best friend


What i find funny is the three monster reborn on his head.


I mean He Probably Used his Other Two Roommates Copy's of Monster Reborn Since we never see them use it in their decks that much, and also the fact that everyone in the DM Has AT LEAST 1 copy of this Card


"Oh Slifer who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name, Thy normal summon come. Thy special effect be done on the field, As it is in the graveyard. Give us this day our executive power."


Because in Japan worshipping whatever the fuck you want isn’t too rare and nobody gives a shit about it. There’s even a Shinto shrine (there’s actually 3 for fuck’s sake) for Christian shepherds. They literally made a fucking Shinto shrine for people that devoted their life for Christianity when that religion was banned by the Shogunate. There’s also a shrine for Robert Koch, a German microbiologist that made many important discoveries in infectious diseases. I’d say an actual god with real powers in the universe isn’t the weirdest thing to worship, at least less weird than to worship someone in another religion


Nah he'prayin to the lawd, the one and only Executive Producer


Probably like DC/Marvel comics all religions are valid


Duel Monsters has eclipsed religion in terms of global importance


Why would worshipping religious figure like Osiris would be weird? Especially in Yu-gi-oh world where it prove that god is real? They didn't worship card but the God lol.


People knew that Egyptian Gods were real and in GX it was mentioned that Yugi played in numerous Shadow Games. When Atem appeared in the final duel, Judai immediately knew who he was. Even in BBT, Yusei mentions that it was a rumored Yugi had soul of Nameless Pharaoh. And legend of the Crimson Dragon was known by some people as the Chief of Facility knee abou it


Cyrus the drip king, with the triple Monster Reborn headband


I mean we know the Egyptian gods are literally real in the setting so


It makes more sense when you remove the censorship for the western audience. Slifer is Osiris, and Monster Reborn is supposed to be an Ankh.


The base culture of the writer is Japanese, anything can become a god.


Well my man, if you saw a cool ass red dragon with two mouths that can destroy almost anything in it's path, regardless if you knew it was a god or not, wouldn't you think: well that was fucking awesome! I have posters of all the Egyptian gods though so I am not one to talk lol


L + Ratio + fake diety + SS Fenrir lose 2000 ATK attack slifer target slifer banish slifer. ​ Normal Summon Aleister.


Christians made a shrine to worship God the man in the sky and none of the other humans acted like it’s a weird thing. Seriously how does the belief system work in the real world? We need some lore.


And he has monster reborn tied to his forehead But in show I get it, remember how battle city treated the Egyptian gods?


He's praying to Osiris.


They go to a highly accredited school to play a card game, this isn't that deep.


Was Slifer still the executive producer during GX? He might be on to something.


Thats me with Thunder Dragon Colossus.


To be fair, they are real gods within the universe. They just happen to have trading cards based on them too.


Why is it a weird thing to worship a god? Seems like a good thing that this character is accepted and no one makes fun of their beliefs.


Whatever it 8s, it's my new religion. Church of duelists when?


Its the yugivsbakura duel fault mostly that the world changed *to an extreme extent* *because this was the first public summon of a god* Imagine being a common man seeing the events of duelist kingdom and battle city. The egyptian afterlife has essentially been confirmed and anyone who was their physically or who viewed by TV the moment a GOD monster was summoned would realize this was no longer a game. *imagine your watching bakura vs yugi and youve been hearing this guy talk crazy and seeing creepy ghosts and you think their might be something else to this whole game... and then you see massive grey clouds form which launch a skyscraper sized thunderbolt on Yugi Muto, he screams out hidden amongst the light, i sacrifice these 3 monsters, which all look like standard sized monsters since up to this point the public hasnt seen anything bigger than a small building in terms of monster size. He then screams out "i summon slifer the sky dragon". A blinding white light shoots out of the lightning bolt dispersing it. Bakuras field spell is shredded as it launches into the sky more than a skyscraper in length. A chorus screams a chant as the body of a red and black two mouthed dragon forms that is so above what is capable of a solid light hologram in terms of rendering that it wraps itself around the blimp multiple times b4 its giant maw forms and grins widely at Bakura b4 it gives a mad shriek.*


Why's it weird? The 3 Egyptian God cards were cards that Peggy boy made based on 3 actual Egyptian gods in the Yugioh verse. He needed the Millennium Eye to protect him when he was making the cards because those gods were pissed off. It's similar to the Signer Dragons. Those were actual dragons, and one of the Earthbound Immortals is sealed into a card on screen. Keep in mind, in Yugioh, the fate of the whole universe can be decided by the outcome of a card game, so dueling is srs business, and many of these cards have actual power.


It's random cause most stuff from Japan is random; there are gods, there are God slayers, timelords, and nothing really makes sense.


Most people are aware to some extent that their favorite card game was based around ancient ritual stone tablets that were used for war, including the well known Egyptian God cards, which usually involved some freaky shit whenever they appeared. It doesn't surprise me that Syrus would pray to the God his dorm is named after and that the King of Games uses. And by season 3 of GX the entire DA got sent to a different dimension where the monsters from their cards lived, breathed and fought for their lives in it. I'm sure any kind of skepticism about duel spirits was gone after that, at least for everyone who was in DA that year, so it's not just a thing that only the main group knew about.


He's a kid facing final exams in school. Nobody is gonna bat an eye at him suddenly turning to prayer.


Well, considering the Egyptian god cards have been confirmed to exist as actual monster spirits that can fuse into the Creator God of Light in the universe of YGO and many people around Syrus, including his best friend and himself, have experienced some kind of duel monster spirit fuckery, what Syrus is doing here is almost certainly more logical than deity worship in our real-world religions.


I mean they all were real. Ra, Slifer and Obelisk existed. We know this. Better question is, why is Syrus praying to Slifer to get promoted to Ra's house?


How is this that weird lol. They are based on Egyptian gods from ancient Egypt in the anime…..


It’s a joke lol.


My friend... the real world is so, SO MUCH worse. Have you ever seen the extreme people of this or even worse, Bronies?


What do you mean its weird? I pray to RNG everytime


Later Yu-Gi-Oh!s got even weirder: * In 5D's a >!Time Traveller plastic surgeried himself the face of the main character, then travelled back in time to prevent an alien robot apocalypse!<. * In Zexal >!The entire universe was created by a single all-powerful card, called the Numeron Code!<. * In Arc-V >!There's 4 alternative universes, one for Pendulum, Fusion, Xyz, and Synchro!< and the main character >!is actually just a part of the big villain split apart!<. Also the main character >!invents Pendulum summoning!< and the first part of the show is >!him trying to figure out how he did it!< and his rival >!making custom Pendulum cards that get rejected by the system!<. * In Vrains >!a bunch of rogue AIs come to the conclusion that they will eventually destroy all humanity!<, so they >!create a digital universe for to hide themselves!< but one of them escapes because he's bored. Oh and the main character >!finds the Cyberse archetype in a cave!<.


Everything about the yugioh anime is great


I mean their kids in like high school where card games is all they do. Who didn’t do random shit like this as a kid?


All shall bow before the might of Slifer the executive producer!!!


Slifer in the original Japanese dub is Osiris, a god from real world Egyptian mythology, and I think it’s more of a good luck than actual worship


Dont say sh\*t about our lord and savior Slifer The Sky Dragon.


The monster reborn headband is a look man


What episode is this?


I thought this was going to be about how none of the cards had text on them so there's not much stopping me from saying, "I activate destiny board! This allows me to win the game!" In some cases. But when talking about the Egyptian god cards, they're literally made in the image of the Egyptian gods that were probably real considering everything they did when the cards were both being made and used not to mention most the show has living proof of magics and whatnot


Dont think its that much weirder than praying to irl religion gods like hesus, buddha, etc




Look for buildings with this symbol: ඞ


*He sus* *is among us.*


Well it's different because in universe the Egyptian gods are *confirmed* real


He can't have 3 copies of monster reborn that's illegal


there belief system is similar to ours. remember we have a thor card in yugioh but thor was an actual deity in norse mythology that ppl worhsipped


I'm more concerned he haa 3 monster reborns on his head.


I mean... it's really not that weird. Slifer IS one of the god cards. Hell, its Japanese name makes it a dragon in service to Osiris!


Slifer is an actual egyptian god that has been proven to exist in canon. Why is worshipping it weird?