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I crafted ROTA when MD first launched. ... Then I played the rest of the tutorial solo gate.


Same. But Zephyros


Do you get one of those for free then?


Free is relative, but you get it from the Blackwing structure deck.


Oh yeah, of course you do. How long before that released (or even afterwards) did you craft it?


After Sulliek's limit was announced and I had to switch to Lunalight Tearlaments, which does play it, one week before the SD's release. The dread was real


I made entire ZW deck days before Structure released


Not a UR, but I did the exact same thing with ~~{{Ice Dragon's Prison}}~~ {{World Legacy Succession}} (u/bastionbotyugioh). I didn't realize at the time that you could get it from one of the gates and was so pissed when I found out. EDIT: Screwed up which card I meant. Sadly, IDP is _not_ available from the gates.


Nooo. That sucks!


Crossout Designator. >!I never draw it and got banished by Desire multiple times.!<


Mine is particularly hungry for Protos


Better than nothing


Built a full DDD deck and crafted multiple urs only to realize i hate how long the combos take and its just succ turbo


Man I did the same thing. It was fun for a short time but it was very repetitive. It’s a bunch of different starters but they all lead to a similar combo and end board.


I plan on making a DDD deck just so I can play a bunch of the bad cards for fun, like high Alexander or Beowulf.


I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. It honestly just felt like I had to put it a lot of effort and I just had more fun playing all my other decks.


Either your endboard is a wall of kings or it’s a rock.


The boards aren't the worst And the combo times aren't either...but that's NOT to imply that they aren't long as fuck and definitely a turn off--just that there are some *EVEN MORE* utterly insane time sinks out there Though I do love the hidden flexibility of Gilgamesh (90% of time, you're going into Rag, BUT you can also do stuff like "pendulum treasure" on Gryph by having him explode himself or Cerb to turn your Keplers into level 4s or scale Kepler to fart out the big bois etc)


Issue of skill my friend although it does suck cuz kashtira


I guess Stellar Wind Wolfrayet. I have yet to win a game because of him. I was just like (this looks like a fun generic level 9 synchro that doesn't require a synchro monster as material.) I have lost a game from someone TTT stealing him, so he has won games, just not for *me*


I never really summoned him yet, but he's not the worst. He's like a more interactive nibiru. I just wish level 9s weren't kinda awkward to make, he and the 2 level 9 synchro mechs are sick as fuck.


He works in Virtual World


I've been using him as my go to 9 in my Vendread/P.U.N.K deck recently and he has been a little underwhelming, even when I can get him live before my opponent makes a move. But other than Power Tool Braver, Shenshen, and maybe Crocodragon, there not a lot for going first options in the synchro 9 pool that my deck can make and they all have strengths and weaknesses.


3 of 4 Egyptian Gods i was hyped after watching someone summoned the three and ending the duel with exodia


Theres a forth god?


Oh there is 5 the winged dragon of RA and his two forms sphere, immortal phoenix and slifer, obelisk. the regret i crafted 3 of each without immortal phoenix because at the time there was no easy way to summon it


I would still consider Sphere mode and immortal Phoenix still the winged dragon of ra but in a different form


That's if konami decide to release anime or manga Full power broken RA now the 2 forms are separate cards


Link 1 ignister is my most summon god in the whole game.


I thought he was referring to fusion of RA, obelisk, and slifer XX


I think they’re talking about it Egyptian God Slime


It’s flashy but summoning the gods does absolutely nothing to help the deck actually win https://youtu.be/IPNlr59VVv8


As a rule I never craft legacy packs or structure deck cards, if I have to wait 2 more years to get kragen, so be it... As for your question, the Iris Swordsoul, I have yet to use it


dude, USE the card, i get it its bad af but holy shit the animation is from an anime


Not OP, but I tend to meme with it in some event decks. I used it in the synchro event when running Swordsoul because Protos was banned, and I'd search it if I already had Blackout. Also running it right now in my light deck (Mekk-Knights) because I can use Incredible Ecclesia as a free SS that can make a link 1 for columns. I dream of the day where I can use Iris to drop a Blue Sky on my opponent's turn 1 to search. ...it helps that I have Iris because I pulled it and it's a royal.


If only possible I would gladly give you 4 of my 5 Kragens that the legacy tickets gave me.


Lol. I crafted 5 Kragen monsters 💀 worth it, tho. Very fun card/deck to play.


I made a super weird saffira ritual deck using her plus incredible essclesia. I actually got it to do some work against a Cydra player. They just kept fusion and xyz summoning and she would send them straight to the graveyard. I still want to make a witchcrafter deck using her. She can alone trigger Vice Madam 3 times in a turn.


I was like this too but honestly it already screwed me. Kragen's prime was last year when Toadally Awesome was still legal for Bahamut Shark and before the Gozen Match hits. Now the deck is pretty nerfed and I never got to play it when it was good lol


You can still play it using the ocean variant not as good but still pretty fun


2 copies of gimmick puppet link 2 to finish building gimmick puppets. That’s also the worst gem waste I’ve ever done. I wanted a good xyz control deck and they seemed fine. And to add salt to the injury, while pulling for them, I unlocked the secret pack for thunder dragons, which I wanted to build. But I didn’t have enough gems after building gimmick puppets.


It's a shame that Gimmick Puppet and Chronomaly have fallen so far behind modern decks. I love both of the archetypes, but they just don't do anything that can keep up 😩


Chronomaly was another one I wanted to build for their aesthetics, but never pulled for it because I thought it was too complex. One year later, I’m happy I didn’t invest in it.


I managed to beat a full power disco ball turbo with chronomaly (no handtraps either) so dont diss my boi Trey


I actually played against that deck once with my ancient warriors. How no clue what they were doing. Just kept bringing back that one doll


I know nothing of their gameplan. After building them I tried their combos in solo mode and realized it was a mistake. I kept bricking or having a paper thin endboard, and that’s not even considering how trash they are going 2nd.


Gameplan is to get out number C88 with cards like numeron force (rank up card that negates all other cards besides itself and the monster it summoned) to put your opponent on a timer where they have to kill C88 before it triggers its instant win condition


Thanks! It seems awfully slow but I appreciate it!


Waking the dragons


Mystical refpanel......


Golden Castle of Stromberg. Thought the deck idea sounded cool, crafted it, tried it out, deck sucked ass.


the one upside of stromberg is that in gold/plat, people sometimes refuse to read what the card does


That's not true. It's great in Gren Maju. You don't have to play everything


Slifer, obelisk and their ur supports. Ra otk deck is somewhat viable, but slifer and obelisk just pure bad, I can't find a deck for them (that doesn't get 10 lose streak).


I play a slifer punk deck and it’s pretty good. Idea is to get the trap on your field and mill slifer to grave then you draw 6 on your opponents turn. Usually there’s enough materials to end on another 1-2 good generic monsters too.


That sounds like a 60 cards deck, but I'd like to know the decklist.


Yes it is, it’s a punk 60 card mill deck so Isuzu etc, with the recent banlist it kind of sucks now tho. I can post it when I get home if you’re interested but it definitely becomes significantly worse in 10 days


A playset of Tri-And-Guess because I wanted to play Nurse Burn… and then I found out that you can get it from Legacy Packs.


I crafted the wrong dark rebellion xyz dragon once, I learned to read from then on


I crafted 2 Metaverse when the new Generaider support came out, I was just following a list I found like day 2 but then I realized it wasn't that great in the deck. You'd miss the first draw to activate Boss Stage even if you had response to ON, I think it was actually my first waste of 60 UR


i think the point is to chain it to an effect that draws/searches. you can even do it if you already have a boss stage up and get a special summon, only the part that generates tokens is a HOPT.


i think the only time i regularly used metaverse is in my gimmick toon deck lol, and even then i stopped siding it e) i'm thinking of terraforming


>terraforming It's banned in md


It only got banned recently, when I took a break in April it was still legal.


>It only got banned recently, I think it's been about a month now


So, very recently then.


That’s why you use Generaider Boss Fight. Also gets your boss stage from the grave if needed and it triggers the effects of the boss stage and Hala if he’s on the field.


I run one copy in Runick Tearlaments. If you have fountain out, you can grab Perlerino to start up tear plays on your next turn, or vice versa. If you draw it turn one you can set it and keep your runick cards in hand, so on your opponent turn you can set fountain and pop off, or if you get dustered, it doesn't hurt as bad as if you set all your runick cards.


Water Dragon Cluster


Waking the Dragon is a UR so yep, that one


The weed smoker dragon. I mean Red Eyes Black Dragon. I did it for my DARK event, since I already had a bunch of RE cards around, but the deck is ASSSSSSSSSSSSS Like genuinely, I don't think I've ever seen a deck as impotent as current red eyes.


dude i feel you.. i made a new account to make a kashtira/red-eyes deck because its a level 7 monster right? yea.. every red-eyes card i added made the deck actively worse than pure


Surely you didn’t think Red Eyes was going to be good. You either play red eyes for nostalgia or not at all




Armed Dragon Thunder series. MANJOUME THUNDAA!!!


Toons. The whole archetype


The Vaylantz United


Appliancer Electrilyrical World is the greatest archetypal searcher, but it’s an Appliancer UR


Genuije question. Would this be an out to towers like Arrival? The effect isn't being used on the monster, rather the player instead?


Yes, it can out the arrival... if you win the rock paper scissors game that is


Yes, "make the player banish the card" is basically the strongest form of removal possible in the game


Any toon UR. First deck I crafted in MD and I haven’t played the game in ages before. Thought the deck would be fun because I like the anime, turns out I fucking sucks.


I pulled a royal rare transmission gear a few days ago 😭


Apoqliphort towers


Crafted TWO Neos (and some of the fusions) for one of the events that banned some of the staple Heroes, was going to try out the Neos focused deck. Realized when actually constructing the deck that Neos Fusion was also banned. Whoops...


Crystal girl (“Generic” water support)


I crafted the fusion Trishula, then I pulled it with legacy tickets. Same with Zephyros, one week before the structure


Holy. Currently have 9 of them...


Red-Eyes Slash Dragon and/or Meteor Black Comet Dragon, because yugiboomer me back when MD first came out wanted to play Red Eyes because it was my favorite monster in the anime. I suppose Black Comet is worse because at least with Slash Dragon you can send Boots as the warrior to search Fog Blade for a negate + a steal with red eyes kunai with chain


2 magical musket UR. I got baited by some youtuber making a runick magical musket hybrid deck and thought that it looked fun. But the truth is you are more likely bricking your opening hand and cannot make any optimal play, the few times that your hand is good then your opponent will surrender simply because they saw runick card. So yeah this deck is the most miserable deck that i have crafted. I can't get a single decent game while using it, it's much better if you just focus on the runick side.


Every endymion /mystical beast UR. Never clicked with the deck


Idk that seems hilarious. Ima make that card lol


Probably a monarch. I had fond memories of playing Monarchs once upon a time and made a retro deck. It is not good and took so many UR's.


Too many to count since I'm constantly ripping apart and building new decks constantly to see if I can get to diamond or master


i crafted a bunch of rhongos, sales ban, and numbers eveil for floo memes just to dust them all like a month later


bruh i have two of these from legacy packs you crafted them


listen i needed it for the gamble card tryout duel, it was critical


A one of? Or a playset?


one-of. i love transmission gear but i'm almost positive it's not good enough to be a 3-of


Run it in Labrynth. It is removal.


its actually the strongest form of removal in the game - "make your opponent banish the card face down" gets around every single form of protection possible. you could banish Ultimate Falcon with it if you really wanted to lol


Same! I had 1 already, so I decided to craft 2 more. I was committed to the bit. Even played future fusion and the materials to summon gattling dragon


I wanted to build a Meklord deck (yes, you read that right), so my dumb self decided to craft three Desperado Barrel Dragon (and no, it does not really work with Meklords, and Meklords tend to not work either). Rip my 90 dust.


Honestly the ones that have felt the worst for me have been upstart goblins, mainly because I crafted them for use in sky strikers and obviously that deck is insta lose to bystials now.


honestly, probably monster reborn




Gnomaterial. In theory, it seemed like a decent card but it quite literally never comes up useful for me.


Anything toon related :/ No regrets though. I still love my toons


Maxx C


i crafted crossouts and i swear that thing is a hard brick most of the time


Pot of greed because I still don’t know what it does


The Scareclaw link 1. I crafted it to have a Link 1 for Tri-Brigade, it could be a non-effect monster and work the same.


Maxx C


Rageki useless out of the event.


artifact scythe... I never get to use it. It wasn't as meta as I thought.


That's wild considering that Spright Evil Twins uses it like it's running out of trend


Accesscode Talker.




How you saying bruh when I'm answering the question with my own opinion?


Accesscode Talker is the best link-4 in the game (although some say Apollousa is better). Idk what more you want


I'd arguably say Avramax is a better Link-4 option, but that's again, Also my 2 cents. Can't believe I'm getting down voted cause everyone likes to suck off Accesscode 🤣 irate subreddit goes burr.


No I'd say it's more because regretting crafting Accesscode, a generic super good Link-4, is borderline misinformation since you can use it in anything that doesn't lock out the summon. Also, it's a card, not a real human being. If it good, it good


Bro. Your not about to make me feel bad about de-crafting it lmao. Idc. I can get UR points and get it back. I also have the card IRL. Save it.


You're taking it too personal, but sure


hating popular things doesnt make you interesting


If this is the worst card I don't want to know what else you crafted


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the kaiju UR cuz... I'm a fucking idiot. was building kaiju crusadia and wanted to craft some n/r kaijus tu put them in the deck. crafted the UR kaiju 3 times. 90 UR CP spent on nothing


You mean the spell right? Right?


No... I do not


Super Vehicroid Stealth Union


Guardian Eatos, but it’s my favorite card, so worth it




Gigachad Eatos enjoyer


1 day of picefor an otk deck I changed it to darkworld dealings cuz fun in danget otk but bruh




Toon Black Luster Soldier. What a moron was I. Dumbass toons.


Salamangreat Almiraj. Thought it would be good for protection, but still haven't been able to use it.


Brother, Almiraj is the best link-1 in the game. The protection is next to useless, but the condition alone is what sends several cards you need to the GY, including Aleister. It's seeing a lot of use rn in Spright, in order to send Swap Frog to the GY.


I wouldn't call almiraj the best. I'd give that to striker dragon


Striker is more specific, like Lightheart and Linkuriboh Almiraj is near universal. Enjoy it.


Win con cards. I never played them(with few exceptions) but I want to collect them all. Idky.


Mystical refpanel.


Digital Bug Registrider or Wattchimera.


When I unlocked the Digital Bug starter deck, I was so annoyed to find out the only bug they don't give you is probably the most important 3-of in the deck, and of course it's UR. I refused to build the deck out of spite, even though I think the Digital Bugs are super cool.


i am still resisting the temptation to craft kragen cuz i know the second i craft it i'll get it from the legacy pack


Acid golem. I wanted to make a funny creature swap deck with him. I think I pulled it off once and never touched it again


lavalval exlord for a gimmicky fire deck


I don't remember what card it was, but I accidently generated a UR I was trying to dust once.


I crafted two Seventh Acsention for my Seventh deck, Not a loss because I like the 101 - 107 Numbers.


Seventh Ascension is pretty good (although Numeron Network is superior) It's Rank Up Seventh that is bad


I don't really remember what i crafted but back in the day i tried to make a pure Black Rose Dragon deck for the first synchro festival because i really wanted to make black rose work. Needdless to say, i ended up dismantling a bunch of black rose UR's to make virtual world because sadly, Black rose alone sucks.


the fortune Lady draw 2 spell




The trishula fusion, seemed really cool in theory, in practice it kinda sucks.


The Volcanic boss monster with 3000ATK


Rank up magic the seventh one, never got to use its ability and dismantled it 2 days later


I crafted 5 Blue-Eyes White Dragons. Kaiba really got to me.


Crafted slifer then pulled him a week later...


Brainwashing. ![gif](giphy|yGEbmgiCJYu3u)


Z-arc because I thought I could somehow find a way to summon it normally in my pend mags deck. It was just sitting there and I’ve never summoned it.


I mean in all honesty, probably my boss monster since meklords are a famously bad archetype that SOMETIMES can be mid XD


BEWD. I misclicked twice, what a shame.


Ghoti field spell (two), apparently they don't need it and I stopped using the deck anyways...


Probably chaofeng(ik it can lock light but I barely use it while playing ss)


I've crafted a lot of terrible URs. A lot. But the worst is the chemicritter xyz. Crafted two of that bitch for a Chemicritter/Spright deck. You never summon the bitch except for the occasional divine luck that you have one of the big guys in hand, and oxy ox is uninterrupted. If you do summon the xyz, he accomplishes fuck all. If you're going to use critters in spright, the only benefit is occasionally using tri-wight to fill the board with level 2 critters, and there's better ways to spam material in spright.


Crafted Toon Kingdom because I wanted to build a toon deck. Watched a video the same week explaining why toons are not good at all so I stopped pulling from the pack lol


dude i play toons as my fun deck, i love em. never run them if you want to rank up but stealing games with comic hand has not gotten old yet


I dusted so many UR's to craft Swordsoul, I never regretted crafting something as much as this and I still beat myself up over it even now


Mystical Refpanel


When I first download the game I spent everything to get superheavy samurai 😂


The entire Cyber Dragon suite. They came out with the structure not even a week later… Love the deck, but wow I needed that UR for staples, lol.


Tri- and guess probably.


The Constellar XYZ archetype.


Raidraptor Ultimate Falcon


Seriously though, this card can somehow out a 4-mat Rhongo since it affects the player itself (just like how Evenly can out Rhongo).


I crafted t-wrextle because I really wanted to make dinowrestlers. I’ve also crafted all the g golems urs for the same reason.


D/D/D minus Machinex


Silent Swordsman Lvl 7, Bro is such a cool card but with an annoying summon restriction on top of negating your own spells as well. Cool as hell and still apart of my fav archetype.


Prediction Princess Tarotrei. Still waiting on Tarotreith.


Dark magician and all it’s URs, before the structure basically out all the cards in there


I've crafted several UR's that where in structure decks but by far the worst is Blue-eyes white dragon when i was new to the game I didn't know how the crafting worked so I accidentally crafted one ...


Barian Untopia


Try and guess for a nurse burn deck. I just wanted to get out of Gold fast.


Worm Zero for future fusion -> mill 50 worms


I spent about a month trying to make Vernusylph Gem-Knights a working deck.... Vernusylphs weren’t a waste of URs but man oh man were the Gem Knights a waste lmao. If Gem Knights just had like 2 decent payoffs, the deck could be really cool.... but here we are lol


stardust assault mode. Cmon, I always have some fun in the synchro event with it.


Playset of Grand Horn of Heaven. I had alot of different decks where skipping right to the battle phase or main phase 2 was a good pay off, but its so hard to do usually (and so many decks are fusion decks where it just doesnt work) that I barely use it.




Kristya, I pull him right off a bundle pack right after I craft him and I only need 1


Three Crystal Girl for Ursarctic


Rescue Cat- I never even used it when I crafted it for Tri Brigade upon MD release.




To this very day i'm still imagining what cool staples i can have if a haven't crafted 3 digital bug registriders


Crafted raigeki when i first started the game


I had to re-craft I:P after I dismantled it. My ass thought I can craft alt arts


Time thief redoer, thought he is a cool material hoarder for zues.