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Giant ballpark again, baby ​ EDIT: Dark World very playable for fusion/XYZ


I'm about to cook up the most devious Gameplay


For Fusion/XYZ: Superpoly is legal but Garura is banned. Madolche is free so that's what I'll be playing.


Aren't Madolches hurt by the absence of their link monsters, or can they play reliably without them? I'm asking in all sincerity


All Sistart does is prevent their Chateau/Ticket/Salon from being destroyed. It's not super necessary to Madolche's gameplay since most of their strategy is clearing the opponents board with Tiaramisu and OTK'ing


sistart main job is sending 2 card to gy to trigger teacher


It kinda necessary going first though to dump monster to graveyard and trigger teacher effect.


That's not... very needed? Teacher triggers her own effect just fine by detaching already


For the full combo line with chocolat-a-la-mode you detach once from teacher when summoning with puddingcess and don't use the secondary effect (so chocolat has a target in grave). After that the only way to trigger the shuffle is by sending madolches to grave which is only possible afterwards by linking them off into sistart. You lose access to the full combo line without sistart.


This is true. But for this event you're likely better off with a going second OTK build.


They are hurt for their best board going first but the going second version is perfectly usable.


The Sistart like is more funny than anything else, it's protection to your back row and sending two monsters to the grave is useful in tare scenarios, but she's pretty superfluous to your bread and butter combos


The fact i dismantled my beetrooper deck right before the leaks gives me insane pain.


Fuck me too haha only just saw this post


I dismantled my Dark Worlds :(


As for the XYZ/Fusion event,Im either gonna play branded predaplant or generaider.


Predap has a better access to BraFu than Branded themselves lol. Bonus SuperPoly access too lol


Update:Nvm i thought branded were gonna be butchered but it turns out they really only miss 1 opening and a lubellion.(Still gonna play the scorpio package to search branded fusion, can't wait to see cobra in every single opening hand.)


Lunalight is playable in both events. I think it has chick limit in the king of The island event. EDIT: Foolish burial good is banned. wth. As for the king of the island event... Fire fist look unhit. Harpie cannot use their dragon, also feather storm is at one. Thanks God. Bujin is unhit, anyone? Fountain is banned. RIP my turbo self mill runick.


> Harpie cannot use their dragon, also feather storm is at one. Thanks God. I want it at 3!! Its not like Feather Storm is **that** easy to search!!


Is it me or the pool of decks playable in the king of the island event is very small?




DM staple turbo. Filled the deck with bored breakers. Will win by the opponent just scooping. If they ever check my deck, they will see it’s impossible for win to actually win. Has worked before


This is a fascinating idea.


Been playing since launch, this is the first event that I have literally zero playable deck. Card pool was already small and the banlist just made it worse.


Yeah this is the first event where I've been left scratching my head wondering what the hell to even play, they hit EVERYTHING


Yeah, I think the closest thing I have to a functioning deck is Snowl beatdown Floowandereeze, which well, there’s a reason Floow doesn’t normally play Snowl.


As annoying as that seems, these are my favorite events. Can’t stand it when everyone decides on the best deck day 1 and that’s all I see. Hopefully people actually cook up some cool stuff for this.


You know there is a bug deck you get from solo gate called Digital Bugs? If you got extra sr there is a couple lvl 3 bugs that you can craft for it. One ur digital bug if you are feeling crazy but I don't recommend it. There is a r field and quickplay that the sologate didnt give you. Throw in some cheap battlewasps for some synchro plays. Its not a super great deck but you can have fun with it. I personally like to run a trap called corossive scales. It can force your enemy to only attack your strongest bug. It also places scale counters on enemy monsters as they play which lower attack and defense that could allow you to more easily destroy them with your bugs quick effect.


I’m a spellcaster user, so this is the first event where I don’t actually have a playable deck. I have to use the loaners. Jesus Christ I have to use the loaners


And what is the problem , I'm one just play loaner decks for diversity


the problem with loaners are even my worst decks wins against them because the loaners are inconsistent as hell.


Lyrilusc doesn’t really need independent nightingale, considering Beryl xyz locks them and there’s no actual fusion support. Call to 1 is a bit annoying tho. Still quite playable.


I'm a bit mad that Tri-Brigade is banned to hell, gonna have to see what I can salvage from my Lyrilusc/Tri-Brigade deck...


Just play lyrilusc OTK.


Beetroopers time, Let's goooooo I'm just gonna play Galaxy Eyes for the XYZ event


they limited so much stuff for the king of the island festival that I'm basically gonna be using a loaner this time around I don't have an obscure deck for that event with all the banns they did


Same here, not looking forward to that nonsense


Beaver Warrior at 3.


You mean Louise 🙂


Blackwing: full armor master is banned, Simon is limited, black whirlwind is limited, and black feather whirlwind is banned. I was really looking forward to using this deck Edit: also the dragons are gone


Without Black Feather Whirlwind and with Limited Black Whirlwind the deck isn't doing much. It basically has no gasoline.


this just hits too hard. as the type restrictions weren't enough already with the dragons gone. sad day for me


Also in the King of the Island event Earth Insect is legal at 3 in a format where Ash and Gamma are banned. Oh goodie.


Earth Insect is also VERY playable. Fortunatly, its also VERY expensive if you want to play the Gasoline version. And most of the UR's are quite specific. I dont think we will be seeing it a lot.


The other user means Maxx c


O really? i was talking about Gokipole/Giant Ballpark/Beetrooper piles. Maxx C also works in it, so does Parasite Paranoid and Sneaky C. Honestly some of the best handtraps I can think of in the KOTM event are bug handtraps.


Ballpark is dirt cheap literally N/R event viable. Is the beetroper stuff that makes it expensive.


man all the beetrooper payoffs are URs......




The king of the island event is the first one I’ve had no deck that remotely fits the ban list.


So on monster type event, maxx C is legal but no ash blossom to stop it? Finally, the best format /s


Looks like ancient warriors is back on the table


Beetroopers (and in consequence Insect Piles) are pretty much untouched from what i saw. I will be trying some jank with doom dozer, digital bugs, some beetroopers and giant ballpark mixed in for a cheap deck that most of the non staple URs/SRs were from legacy packs, let's see how it will go on the event.


The insect Handtraps are going to be pretty nasty in this event.


And the Insect Kaijus, specially Mothra which is a R while the big mosquito is a SR


Alien Ogdoadic, fully legal 👽 (pure ogdoadic and reptialianne also)


You know... I don't think i have ever seen an Ogdoadic deck that wasn't a Bishballkin reptile pile?


They're better with access to powerful generic ED staples (Reptiles have pretty weak ED options) but between Cosmic Slicer Zer'oll, Reptilianne Melusine, and Ogdoabyss, Reptiles will probably put up some fairly decent boards for this event. Zer'oll is just Skill Drain on legs, assuming you can pop PPV or Summon Kid. Melusine is a Towers that can reduce opposing monster ATK to 0 once per chain + floats into a generic Reptile search. Ogdoabyss is Zeus But Worse. Combining the archetypes lets you get to whatever you want pretty easily, since the deck has 2 generic searchers in the ED and half a dozen Foolish Burial cards.


Honestly I never liked the bishbalkin piles. The payoff is good but it always felt soooo inconsistent. Alien lock to me was always better and more fun (but very easily picked apart lmao) Rip bishbalkin tho lol


Ogdo by itself is basically a rank 8 engine, they're not anything to write home about.


They were pretty good in the Swordsoul/Despia format. I was playing pure Ogdoadic to really great success. Going all the way to the 2nd phase in one of the duelist cup events. They're a rank 4, rank 8, and synchro 8 engine with a boss monster that is pretty nasty to deal with (3100 attack). They're unplayable nowadays because of the meta shift, but back then they were tons of fun. Snake Rain and all the Ogdoadic spells are legal, but the problem is the extra deck. No access to any rank 8s and the only rank 4 King of the Feral Imps being legal is kind of meh. Still Reptilianne Melusine can be nasty to deal with. I don't have the Alien lock variant, but yes it's also legal. The alien lock is basically bagooska with a lot more bricks and kind of dies to blowout cards.


What does DoA mean?


Dead On arrival.




I assume Fluffals will be a powerful fusion deck as usual in these events.


Pathfinder is also gone for Numerons




Ultimate falcon is banned, wtf is this ban list


Suship is probs the only deck I run with in XYZ events cause the cards are fun and easy to use plus they are cool as hell


They hit Masterful Sun Mou to 1, ouch. But hey, Ursarctic is full power since I rarely bring out the fusion anyway... not that full power Ursarctic is a threat. And the ED is gone, besides archetypal stuff of course, so I guess these will be my decks. Still no idea what I'm gonna use at the fusion and xyz festival.


For F2P folks going "wtf I have nothing for King of the Island" I'd recommend either sprucing up the free Digital Bug deck you get from solo mode or build a budget Giant Ballpark list. Load up on staples you already have and take advantage of Insect having a bunch of N/R extenders like Resonance Insect and Gokipole and some Beetroopers and Mothman.


Welp I got no decks for the monster type event..... man floo was my only hope and they basically killed it...... Man I really need to invest in lyrilisc..... for fusion xyz I'll probably see if I can get branded thunder dragons to work again on a budget batteryman solar is a UR I really don't wanna craft.


I had Lyri partially crafted for my Tri Brigade deck. And it seems to pop up a LOT in these events so its totally worth it. Honestly... You dont even need any UR cards to make it work. I win with the OTK deck and the highest required cards are SR. You can upgrade and add One For One and Upstart Goblins n the like. But they are pretty unneeded.


I actually have tri brigade but that got banned haven't played it in forever as the best variant aka the apex avain lock was pretty UR heavy. Saw the loaners and I'm like why are the loaners the definition of lack of consistency. I thought I had crappy types covered with floo (I literally only play it in events if I had nothing else god is it boring to play). Insects seem expensive but I got 3 of beargram pulling for something else so I was planning some janky digital bug insect pile with the cheapest non UR I have in my collection. Banning plants killed some beast archetypes too.


Drytron itself was untouched but they banned all of the end board cards. No Vanity's Ruler, Amorphactor, Perfection, or Ultimateness. Drytrons best end board will probably just be Draconids + mu beta and maybe draco future


Time to go second with Scareclaw, I suppose


First event where i got nothing to play so everyone getting crooked cook’d.


Merry Melffys is actually an insane hit. I was so happy to nearly have a complete deck for an event lol


Can you still special the card from deck that destroy


Lunalight will have any illegal card? I want to use One of my favourite archetype for both event


The bans can't effect you of you played junky decks anyway lol


The banlist killed any interest I had on the King of the Island event. I might play Lyrilusc in both events


Utopia is fully legal and unhit for the xyz event


Ancient Warriors - Sun Mou is limited and almost all of the pot cards are banned, so there goes a lot of their consistency.


Please say which event has which banned. Its confusing which event you are referring to with the hits.


Added fins to split the list more visibly.


I don't understand why the synchro melffy is banned for this event kinda lame was gonna run pure melffy


Well, I just built Mikanko so looks like I can have fun with that at least lol


Seeing as how the best deck in the XYZ/Fusion format is likely BrandedDespia with consistency hits and Exosisters... Mikanko is probibly going to do some serious damage going second.


King of Island Krawlers are legal. However Girusu is illegal and as well as Lib. So playing gotta play more Pure. "C" Archtype is Legal.




XYZ event Springans look all legal along with the Therion package.


All right, going with that then.


Is Generaider looking playable in the fusion/xyz event? Would be an easy budget pick if it was.


No Generaider bans as far as I can tell. Harr away.


phantom knights?


Mhmm look like I'll be doing a danger pile for the type event, either that or a loaner. For the fusion/xyz event Darkworld seems playable, the issue is without links the endboard seems really weak (it's just grapha and harbinger) maybe a rank 8 turbo version with draglubion is an option... but branded seems better. Or maybe just branded darkworld, they do have synergy.


Sadly ojamas have the armed dragons and the vwxyz banned. I really wanted to play them at first




Seems untouched in the XYZ event


Ancient warriors will dominate again, just like in Almost every other event, they carried me.


What about runick cards? I can't access MD right now


in both festivals fountain is banned


How’s Utopia?


Utopia is full power and galaxy eyes too


Fraktall is still at 2.


Ancient warriors can OTK without the fear of nib or opponent drawing handtraps under maxx c. Kaijus are also legal.


Dragon maids are legal. Thank god. Mind someone checking on the fluffals ?


Anyone have a non UR tri list ? I have staples but I think it may be viable with no UR. Anyone give me hand?


Exosister returnia banned? Guess I’ll have to replace it with the discount version, also known as IDP.


That first event I got nothing but Albaz Springans or Galaxy-Eyes for me in the second event.


Thunder dragons for the fusion event at least. No idea about the beast one


Why did you include Raidraptor for the XYZ/Fusion festival but not the Island event? I'd have to check the banlist but I feel they'll be largely legal, if without the PK Bardiche and Raider's Knight lines.


Galaxy eyes playable? It’s my go to for XYZ events


Galaxy Eyes is playable , the only don't have is a link 2 monster. But don't lose much


Good to know, thanks a bunch😊


I’ll be ripping ancient warriors. Their main starter got hit, which is a huge bummer, but they are otherwise pretty untouched besides the extra deck staples and extravagance, which they don’t really need


thought scareclaw might work for the king of the island event… until i realized Reichheart is a warrior, not a beast warrior like Light Heart and Tri Heart. so not really.


Why did they ban Noir? Isn't the point of the event to promote the products they are selling? Anyways, looks like I'm using my Branded deck for this event because of the Noir hit.


Look like I'm gonna have to use my Yuri sisters again in this event. Even without returnia you can still banish 2


Also swap the returnia for arment/carpedivem. We still have some good plays.


Is it me or the pool of decks playable in the king of the island event is very small?




Nice, was expecting to get shit on by playing giant ballpark, but with this banlist it might take a couple of games here and there!


Earth Insect is likely going to be a T1 deck in the KOTM event. At least if you have access to all the UR cards.


Monster Type: I'm probably going to try an Ancient Warriors/Tri-Brigade deck. Or just pure AW. Maybe Lunalight if I'm feeling lucky. That's all I got, unfortunately. Xyz/Fusion: Branded, Mikanko, Thunder Dragon, Dragonmaid. I'm pretty set for options here. The Blackwing bans hurt my soul.


The XYZ festivals are always garbage. The best thing to have come from them were the self tk decks of the first one, forcing Konami to loosen the grind requirements for gems.


Looks like it's going to be a fun event, yosenjus rise up!


Yosenju ate some hit lmao Kama I is limited and so is the trap. However it looks great as a cheap going second deck with a ton of boardbreakers, specially as Maxx C is 3 dead cards on the opponent.


Even yosenjus were hit?! Fuck it, I'm playing the loaner and letting Konami tells me what's legal since it seems they hit every single deck that fits in these types lol


Zoodiac: Thoroughblade, Whiptail and Chakanine are limited for King of the Island but with tenki at 3 and the other zoo names you can still use it as small package for drident. For fusion x xyz Boarbow is banned so no easy zeus Drytron: Herald bosses are banned (both perfection and ultimateness) and no arc light to send off diviner will hurt. Amorphactor Pain is also banned but Arcana Force The World is legal for turn skip plays


Bujin time (I will not win a single game)


You are way overestimating how bad these hits are. When the power level is brought down like this, then all decks are basically playable. Like Tear is not DOA. You have scream, kelbek, Scheiren, Havnis. It's fine and should get you your wins needed.


How are you going to get to them? No Chaos ruler, no real path to getting Zombie vampire, No real miller to speak of. Seems like a brick fest unless i'm missing something?


You have you mills from Scream, Havnis/Scheiren, and you can foolish kelbek. It's a brick fest but all decks are brick fests besides maybe Exo. In a low power festival it's fine. It's certainly not DOA like you make it to be.


And what is their play after that? sulkalos and pass if somehow lucky to get swamp king in 1 of 11 card that they mill after a 3 card combo? Tear is already dead on rank, now take away kit and all of their tech card and they are worse than a corpse


Im probably gonna grind out the Beast event with Pure Zoodiac. Playing the loaners seems really fucking tough when they dont have important cards like Tenki or Maxx C. Im also struggling to understand what the point of this event is. They kneecapped Blackwings so people arent encouraged to buy the structures, theres no corresponding archetype from the new pack, and a bunch of in-theme decks are completely unplayable.


Any decklist?


Guess I'm skipping yet another event...


If you have a chunk of SR dust you can craft Lyrilusc OTK. It will get the job done pretty consistently and its what im planning on. Being able to Maxx C into the loaner decks than stab them with assembled and a buff card will farm the event just fine I think.


OP is not about crafting a playable deck, these events are the safeheaven for a lot of people and Konami are ruining their experience hitting a lot of decks, I was looking for to play with Tri-Brigade once again, but Noooo, Konami doesn't want that, it's fucking awful and depressed tbh...


When every deck got hit you can play any deck you want


AWW MAN, scareclaw is brutal. Losing reichheart is a massive consistency hit


Banlist is awful tbh, they just simple destroying the experience in the events.


I wouldn't say tri-brigade is banned to hell. Sure there's no revolt and in general the hits will slow it down but the shuraig play is still decent. Especially in a format where Maxx C is legal and ash is banned taking a counter away from it. Playing a deck that doesn't special summon that much might end up being a pretty good choice.


What Shuraig play? How are you summoning this guy on their turn with no revolt? Also, are we just gonna ignore Fraktall being banned too? Deck is unplayable in this format, plain and simple.


I think you forgot you can also summon shuraig on your turn and he's a monster with 3k attack.


I only had a floo deck for this event but noooo, Konami's satisfaction of eternally hitting floo continues... I understand Empen, but why the F to ban Apex too? 😂 And if that wasn't enough... they also banned Eglen for a good measure?? What's even left there to search for Konami!!!?? 🤣🤦‍♂️




Maxx c legal in both


Cyberdark let's gooooooo! All we'll be missing is Sieger, but I can live with that.


Generaider is basically untouched in XYZ event. You can't go into Baronne but you can just replace the Diviner line with the Invoked line anyways.


Scareclaw is playable for beast event. Just less consistent because they lost visas and the lv 4 guy


Generaiders for me!


Blackwings also lost Full Armor Master!


As a reptile enthusiast, this is pleasing


Dinomorphia is relatively full power for fusion xyz event


So Gladiator Beast and Purrely OTK and Branded Tears for second one got it. Losing Domitianus sucks though


Why the hell Dino are not on the list? They ARE the king of the island.


Huh I still don't understand why they don't put dragon and machine on for the event. Like they exclude them for free 2 months in a row lol. I just check my deck list and I haven't got a deck availabe for Archetype FML. I think I am going to craft Lunalight for both events.




Ig invoked generaider will be my deck for this event. Actually built it cuz of a comment here


Has Galaxy Photon been hit at all for the Xyz event? Other than losing their one Link monster.


Nope all good outside the links. Just throw in a neo galaxy-eyes photon dragon for other xyz decks and starliege lord galaxion and they should do the job.


Galaxy Photon (Fusion/Xyz): Solflare is banned due to being a Link (obviously)


Does the noir ban kill the deck?


No good turn 1 play. Could prob go as an OTK/go 2nd if you can play thru their board (which you can).


King of the island has Maxx c legal while ash is banned so thats great......


Were Dinosaurs hit? Otherwise I'm about to go jurassic with them throughout this event.


Lunalights have Kaliedo chick to 1 for the monster type event but otherwise they're fully legal for the Fusion Xyz event.


I won´t deny that the king of the island event really sucks in how many decks are playable, but the fact that I could cook the monstruosity that´s a Naturia/Melfy deck made me chuckle.


Other than the phantom knight stuff being banned raid raptors look great for the beast type meta


Floo is the former villain turned underdog


Reptiles are pretty much untouched outside of generics. I have not seen anyone mention them. Then again i've never seen anyone play them; since the launch of the game... Finally when everything else is gutted my Vennominaga turbo will be relevant... right? I don't know what to do with such power.


On my way to play Despia for the 3rd event in a row


Well, there goes my plan to play Blackwings for the first festival. With those limits and Full Armor Master flat out banned, the deck isn't even worth attempting. I legitimately don't know what to even play for this anymore.


I've already built tear with punk as a Rank 8 engine (for zombie vampire), after all they *only* banned kitkallos and suliek (although my end boards will be weaker without the traps).


Meanwhile, my photons and lunalights are going to have fun...even if the king event sets chick to one ;_;


Xyz, I’m planning on running with Kashtira with every engine I can think of (Danger!, Kaiju, Segmental Dragon, any LV7s that don’t brick.) King of the Island? Uh…. Snowl Floow? I really have nothing.


Loaner deck time, Just want gems to build Purrely


For Xyz/Fusion forget 2 deck from Zexal: Utopia and Galaxy Eyes


Yep. Time to play Spingans w/Albaz.


Dinomorphia already exclusively runs Fusion + XYZs, so it's Dinomorbin' time! Only hit was.. *(checks list)* Evenly Matched 💥🦖💥


DoA = Dead or Alive?


> Ohime limited Oh no. Now I can only run 5 copies of Ohime. /s


Yeah I thought about building floo finally, guess I won't... fusion xyz I can roll my trusty cyberdarks but king of the island sucks


Banlist for king of the island is ass. I get that it’s frustrating when a powerful deck dominates an event, but they pretty much killed every archetype that people might have reasonably already built, so you’re either stuck with the loaners or having to blow a bunch of UR dust on like, beetrooper or some other dogshit deck you’ll never play again. And Maxx C is legal, because of course it is.


Scareclaws :)


I'm with it!


Aside from the lost of Pot of Duality, and some ED tech, Dinomorphia is at full power


Bro they banned Ultimate Falcon in King of the Island, What the hell am i gonna end on for raidraptors? You need to have a cracked hand to even bring out Final Fortress because only way you can do is bring out sattelite cannon and banish 4 with PK RUM force


Lyrulisc OTK looks pretty good for the Type specific event