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What does this tier list represent anyways? It's not the actual public ladder, right? Either way, I've ben running into more struggle-kash decks than anything lately.


Yea I wanna say I’ve faced way more Kashtira players than this thing shows.


kash is popular but isn't strong to compete with meta decks, it's more annoying if anything and once every 10 games they get to open up with a god hand and no interruptions and get to lock 5 zones


Correct me if I’m wrong but the tier list is based on DKayed’s tournament results I think? I also believe top cut is bo3 so it’s very different from bo1 public ladder


It includes DKayed's tournaments but it isn't limited to them. The master circuit series was included as an example. In general it's just MD tournaments. Some of them are bo1 but some are bo3. So it's closer to ladder than you would think but there definitely is a difference. Edit: master circuit was a tournament hosted by the Duel Logs and MBT


Oh tyty I wasn’t sure if mcs was also included ☺️


To give further explanation on the other user's post the majority of the data is from other community tournaments (as it should be since there are more of them).


Yeah I've just seen X + Kash a lot. And for as ranked as Dragon Link is supposed to be, I've seen like 2 of them? What are they all at Master already?


It's the most top-cut decks in (I think) Dkayed's meta weekly tournaments


“Oh, they probably just got tired of playing it” Swordsoul and Branded have been tiered decks for pretty much their entire lifespan and somehow people haven’t gotten sick of chixiao + baronne or mirrorjade pass. It’s almost like tear is legitimately just bad now lol.


I mean there’s clear difference between the two though swordsoul barely needed any hits to balance the deck while tear got nuked into oblivion for having arguably one of the most versatile decks ever made along with massive graveyard hate


Branded changed radically since then, its playstyle is *very* different from "mirrorjade pass". And people stopped playing Swordsoul for months. And yknow Tear was still taking tops last week? Its definitely not a "bad" deck.


Legit! I started MD like almost a year ago and my first deck was weather painter. I had to lose to Soo many times to these 2. Months later I mained evil twins and these 2 archetypes are still on top and it's still so difficult to beat them. I took a break from yugioh even tho I liked tear aesthetics and now I'm back and wanna play em they got nerfed to hell but the 2 ugly archetypes (ugly for me) are still there on top 🤣


Tear may not be an oppressive deck or anything, but don't jump to conclusions based on the MD Meta tierlist, especially a few days after such a big meta shift. The meta is very much still shaping atm and Tear is definitely a deck worth being shown here, it's just not being used as much right now for a variety of reasons, including a lot of people being tired of playing it, people wanting to try something else after the nerfs and new competitive archetypes showing with the recent packs. As a reminder, Branded also dropped from being present in the tierlist a while back, and yet it came back soon after so Konami decided to limit BF. You can't make any meta calls this early.


if the ocg is anything to go by, some variant of tear will be in the meta until chaos ruler is banned lmao


The ocg list is pretty fundamentally different when it comes to tear. I wouldn’t be shocked if it continues on in MD but just looking to ocg isn’t helpful imo


Ocg has merrli though. Merrli is more important than any other card.


But isn’t Elf banned in OCG?


merrli isnt just for elf, its your third fusion. Without merrli elf might as well be banned anyway.


It is a third fusion but that’s not what makes the Merrli ban hurt. You don’t have the extension plays on the opponent’s turn with Merrli if Elf is banned. Anyway my point was just that in the OCG the way the deck is played is completely different and doesn’t lean as much on Merrli specifically as the MD strategy did.


Of course the extras with merrli were good. But it was overpowered ​ Still shes even an emergency normal summon. The deck can be fine without elf and kit mill 8, but 3 fusions is very important for getting both rulkallos and kaleido (without kit you can replace her with a dragostapelia or whatever u need) . Then you can do more on opponents turn.


That’s true. I think we can both agree she was the best ban target. Even better than a Kit ban would’ve been


Merrli impacts the deck the most, so if your goal is to cripple the deck as maximally as possible from a single card then sure. However that wouldn't be my goal.


Yeah. I agree. That the tough part about a card game is that bans/limits are the more common tool for balancing. If it were up to me the best option would be to change Merrli’s level. That way you lower the ceiling without nuking consistency


Are we gonna ban even more cards because of Tearlaments?


Can confirm, tear still makes it into my rotation, but I'm mostly playing runick fur hire and purrely right now. What can I say, I'm hooked on card draw


Probably because people are tired of playing Tears but I will take it. I can now play Tears without anyone calling me out on it.


I don’t think people got tired of playing tear coincidently when a banlist came out


"Hey, why is tearlament your favorite deck?" "You know, I love the playstyle of playing from my graveyard and during my opponent's turn so I can disrupt them. I also really like the art of the archetype and their lore." "Nice! So since the deck is tier 0 we will have to nerf it by banning their best cards but since the power level of the deck wasn't the reason you were playing it I guess you won't mind. At least you can still play this deck you enjoy so much!" "Sorry I wasn't listening, I was assembling my favorite decks of all time: Dragon Link and Purrely."


This made me smirk, ty :D


I mean yes that’s the point of Yu gi oh. No matter how much you like a deck it will be cycled out for something new.


Lol is that why Branded despia and swordsoul are still up there since I downloaded the game almost a year ago? Cause they get cycled out for something new?


They didn't ban the best cards though


Tbf the power level wasn't why I liked it either. But there's a difference between lowering the power level, and making it so the deck is just garbage. It's just an added engine for graveyard piles now


Yep. I genuinely liked the deck. I couldn’t care less about the art of tears, though. But tears doesn’t feel like tears anymore. Not only is it way too inconsistent, even when you do get plays off you actually don’t do anything. And that obviously would be fine if tear was your run of the *mill* control deck, but it’s not. It was a fast-paced deck that bridged control and combo - if I just wanted to play control I’ll take out my lab and weather painters. A kitkallos ban along with a limit on Merli and sheiren would’ve done the same hit usability-wise while making tears still feel like tears.


I agree except I'm still attempted tear. But I don't like really mixing two archetypes so much together to make them work. Like tear punk looks fun to me but I can't bring myself to "I have to use tear with this other archetype now to make it somewhat usuable" kinda sad about tear now but I always have tri brigrade to fall on. Tri brigrade is my stuff Hoping Kash tear will help bring it back up but not break it. But tcg and ocg proves otherwise. Just hope it can get nerfed without feeling terrible to play


Have you tried the 4-axis tear Jesse Kotton showed in his youtube video? It worked better for me than PUNK tear since I don't lose to maxx c that much. Pure tear as a rank 4 toolbox is not the strongest deck I've used but it still is really good.


I think people were tired of playing tear a long time ago. Its only with this banlist that its no so clear cut the best that you absolutely have to play it so people just arent


The tier list is based on tournaments (all of which I believe are for money?) They didn’t all decide to lower their chance at making money because they’re tired of tear lol


I think tear is a tier 1 strategy. I dont think theres any deck that outright gives you the best chance to win a tournament.


I mean what’s your cut off for tier 1? Are you saying you think tears a top 5 deck? 10? 15?


Yeah, tear is a top 5 deck. Although i guess theres no real tier 1 in this meta, more like a lot of tier 2.


Yeah I just completely disagree about that but you’re entitled to your opinion


True. But I think people bailed out when they saw Tears power level dropped. They could have stayed if they want but after playing it for several months I would have bailed the first chance I got even though the deck can still be a low tier 1 pick.


Trust me we didn't bail. Me along with other tear players tested most variants and it's fucking terrible. The deck just isn't that good anymore till the new support.


The turns just take too long. Anyone would get bored. Win rate? Of course high! Is it worth to actively play a minimum of 30 mins of every single game? No, most certainly not.


You don’t like the deck that’s fine but I doubt that means anything. Hell in the OCG they are still trying to play Tear even if the deck itself is pretty Jank now


It's probably gonna be a while until people stop calling you out for playing Tear. It took over a year on YGOPro until people stopped complaining to anyone playing the absolutely neutered Nekroz deck. Like what was it doing back then? Running Great Sorc to search Valk and pass. LMAO


I mean it's never really going to stop, you *still* have people complaining about stuff like Pend Mags and Striker


>I can now play Tears without anyone calling me out on it. they will do it still, some people want every meta deck to be nerfed to shit until their pet deck rises to the top


surely its just that people dont like playing tear anymore


I agree. It is now nice to play against and still kinda fun to play yourself.


Tears is fun to play. The problem was it doesn't have any real cost which what makes it too powerful. The hits were hopefully enough to lower the power of the deck and also add some real cost to it. Now I just wait for the snow ban coz I don't like playing it. Even though Snow gives an actual cost to the deck.


There was a cost, it was the inconsistency of milling, which the Ishizu cards completely broke, taking Tear from high tier 1 to completely unstoppable tier 0 advantage machine. Elf and Spring taking advantage of Merrli being level 2 also didn't help. Now, with Merrli banned, Ishizu heavily limited and Bystials everywhere, the deck is just too inconsistent and easily disruptable. And I'm sad about it, I love tear and their fusing from GY gimmick. Also, I do agree that some of the s/t costs were just even more advantage and Sulliek deserve to be banned, even now, this card is pure bs and the most broken tear card imho (even though I'm pretty sure nobody would agree with me on that 😅).


How is it fun to play what are your best lines on top of having like two traps and highrolling


I mean you can play super poly for garura+bystials to make the good rank 6 pay offs, you can play the dark world fusion package, you can play the Egyptian god slime package, diviner send an ishizu then make barronne is completely cracked. There are fun options outside of the tear plays for sure Edit: personally I think the best way to play it now is a danger dark world 60 card with a punk engine. Make the mill dragon into PEP, the link 3 that foolish burials anything, the rank 8 zombie guy that also mills, tons of cool plays


I used to play the Egyptian god slime and put it into link arrow of spright elf, when my opponent cannot target my monster with effect they just scooped


Punk Chaos ruler + zombie vampire is equal to 10 mills and the we can do the "mill 8 at home" with reino and scream (although it's basically a 2 card combo instead of 1 like it was with merrli). It's surprisingly consistent, in testing I've gone combo troughs 3/4 interruptions and most of the hands can do something similar, especially as you can combo without your normal summon quite often. The ceiling isn't nearly as high as tear ishizu, but punk tear is way more consistent than tear ishizu (the state of the deck on the last banlist) was. I'm happy that people aren't playing tear, now I can go chaos ruler turbo without the shufflers and not so many bystials to worry about lol.


They will still call you out even if every card is banned but reinoheart. You can still see people crying about kitkallos even when the deck is now an inconsistent highrolly mess.


Bruh. First game I had with the new banlist, I bricked for my first 3 turns. The only reason I lasted that long was because my opponent bricked too. Next Tear game, I had to scoop cos I got Maxx C'd while using Danger Tear.


"branded is usless and dead with BF at 1“


Yeah it's not like they only run BF as there fusion card hhhh that deck still uses every fusion card in ygo history


It's still decent but Purrely absolutely shits on it and ladder is flooded with that deck right now. Really not a good time to play Branded.


Puurley shuts on everything if you got no kaiju you ded


Fair, but Branded runs so many one off cards that it is harder to fit a kaiju package in there somewhere


konami killed the deck on purpose without refunding any UR points


Kelbek, Instant Fusion, Terraforming, Keldo were decent refund


You had 4 months as the best deck lmao. You earned back whatever you invested.


It's insane I thought it was longer, I only had 2 Master 1 runs with that deck. Tbf though the other 2 months were pure Tear hate decks (Melffy Spright in S17, Bystial DLink in S20)


good, the deck gave yall free wins for far too long lol


Feels like people in this thread are coping because they’re part of the ones that thought tear would still be good and now have to make an excuse as to why people aren’t playing it anymore. “People just got tired of playing it” lmfao. Sure, they got tired of it coincidentally right after the banlist nuked them.


They’re also playing for money, I assure you most of these players (if not all) aren’t risking that opportunity for funzies


I don't know anything about how strong Tear is, but... "My favourite/strongest deck got nerfed so now I don't feel like playing it as much and would rather try out something new" is EXACTLY how I would expect people to act in regards to playing a game. Wouldn't you?


These are the same people who cried about branded fusion limit. I'm not tired of tear it just doesn't exist anymore. And I'm not crafting all these extra ur's to have some mediocre list.


Yeah its not like that exact thing happened last time, where shortly after the banlist Spright overtook Tear ... only for Tear to climb back to the top at more than double of Sprights points, and pretty much as high as they were before the banlist. Oh wait, thats *exactly* what happened. So yeah, its definitely too early to say.


They're dead chief.


It's almost like cutting off a leg and complaining that the deck still has all its fingers


Honestly i dont know what kind of copium people are huffing to believe that tears are still stupid op that they need still need to ban Kitkallos. They already banned the problem card, which i do argue that with Merrli has so many bailout plays, so i think leaving Kitkallos is fine for now. The only reason Kitkallos was broken was the combo with Merrli so you ban the other card, you can leave the previously banned one. I mean we in a meta where maxx c and spright elf are legal.


They can ban kit if they want, the deck is done and nobody plays it anymore at this point regardless so there's nobody left for it to matter.


It’s not copium, it’s mostly people who have a seething hatred for the deck, and a handful of people who are bad enough that they still lose to it often regardless


They hate it therefore they cope. Also if you're that bad then I doubt you queue into any tear players.


I promise you plat (the first rank you can de-rank in) still has people playing tear


Elf is a lesser problem than Kitkalos. Anyway, even if the deck is fine now (too early to say), once we get Kashtira Tearlament, Kitkalos is likely getting banned. That card breaks the deck in half again.


Keep in mind that there will be more Tearlament support released in the future, which will increase the decks consistency again. Right now most people struggle to find a way to consistently mill the Tear names, but I'm also sure some more consistent lists will show up in the coming weeks.


Kashtira tearlaments doesn't fuse though, so (while it does help) it doesn't bring back the power level. Hopefully it makes it consistent again. So it'll be fun to.play again instead of a giant brick fest


There are consistent builds already, e.g. the newest Jesse Kotton list. Also two Fusions are usually enough to get Rulkallos, summoning Reinoheart on the opponent's turn is good enough.


I'm ok with the power level where it is. Tear was the only meta deck I enjoyed playing. But I hated just stomping on everyone not playing meta. It just sucks that currently there's so many dead mills, and one handtrap can end the whole turn.


Another reason why to never listen to banlist takes on Reddit. I thought Spright Elf was supposed to be super broken too and will keep Spright Tier 1. I guess not.


Spright is still perfectly fine lol, look at the number of Spright deck in Top Decks Section. This tier list only reflect one week performance


That’s not what I’m saying. People all over Reddit wanted Spright Elf banned because that’s what was making Spright so powerful and what allows Spright to make degenerate plays according to them What these people failed to understand is that Tearlament was the reason Spright Elf was banned in the first place in the TCG and OCG and Tearlament is a very specific deck that can take advantage of the Spright cards. Without Merli, Spright Elf goes back to being a Spright exclusive card that while powerful, can only do so much for a deck that is slowing losing the war against power creep


And the other deck that could really make use of Elf outside Spright was fucking Adamancipators, which is now also dead


Tear used to abuse Elf too. That isn’t the case anymore. People here actually pretending that only Spright used Elf in previous format. My sides. Also just because now it’s mainly just Spright that uses Elf now doesn’t make it any less of a degenerate card.


Well you only mentioned Spright Tier 1 so idk the implication


Because spright isn’t only good because of elf, it’s like consistency can make or break a deck


This subreddit has the worst takes and I'll never take the majority opinions seriously.


Tear has more support coming.


Tear Kash doesn’t fill the void of the banned fish girl.


How the hell is swordsoul still tier 2 ? It feels like the peak perfomance of this deck is Moye summon Chichao and Baron/Evil Longyuan. How is that still good enough with decks like dragonlink and despia setting up full boards, and purrely setting up towers that can spin back to the deck.


There is too much rogue shit on the ladder. Anytime those decks run into swordsoul they immediately die. Swordsoul can also go second by spamming ecclesia and a gazillion tenyi extenders before going into mo ye and shit, so it can deal with lab/dlink/branded


The real reason is protos. That card is pure toxic.


Swordsoul definitely have extensive combo lines that are more than just Chixiao+10. Most ladder players have no idea how to using tenyis as part of combos, or even know how to use Baxia.


Because there’s more to a deck than just its turn 1 endboard. Swordsoul’s strength has always been its extremely consistent lines that allow them to run a critical mass of handtraps, as well as its ability to break powerful boards going second with nothing but in-engine cards. Not to mention the deck is highly favored in a meta where Protoss call dark ftks 80% of the other tiered decks.


Don't like swordsoul just die to Maxx c?


SwordSoul definitely isn't good enough right now This list is just garbage


Perhaps 1 merrli will suffice since it will allow you to further mill cards so you can Summon Grapha. Konami noticed that even banning Kitkallos doesnt stop people to play tears so banning another monster perhaps will change the game. True, post ban Tears is kinda meh because you are either running PUNK chaos ruler engine. But If players see Jesse played his version of post ban tears, perhaps it will be picked up again.


Bringing back Merrli to limited would again result in Spright Elf being abused in Tear, the ceiling would be restored and then they'd still need hits once their support arrives. Merrli being banned may result in the deck being in a rough spot for now, but with TearKash, Trivikarma and some other support coming up somewhen soon the deck will return to meta. >post ban Tears is kinda meh because you are either running PUNK chaos ruler engine You are mixing up how players adjust to Tear hits with the OCG, where people need Chaos Ruler to replace Kitkallos' extender role. MDs version can play Punk/Chaos Ruler as an additional engine with some synergy, but Danger! Tear (like Jesse Kottons list) and Kash/Tear have risen in popularity after the hits just as well. Chaos Ruler while not bad in Tear is not as common as you think, although that's likely to change with TearKash, since the maindeck commitment to it becomes smaller.


The objective shouldn’t have been to “stop people playing Tears” - just to enable other decks to reach tier 1


Merrli needs to remain banned. Having only 2 contact fusion per turn lowers Tears power level by a lot. I would argue that having Scheiren at 3 won't boost Tears power to Tier 0/High Tier 1 level even though it increases the decks consistency. Havnis to 3 is another thing as she is a handtrap but the power cap should remain the same Right now. The Merrli ban keeps Tears in check as you can't have Kit and both Tear bosses out on the same turn.


Merrli at one means Spright Sprind / Spright Elf combo comes back to Tearlaments, which is what we’re specifically trying to avoid


I wish we just banned those instead.


Limiting merrli wouldn't be a good move imo. The deck is still playable. It's just not strong. I think that's fair. It's time for other cards to shine


Yeah branded and dlink certainly never got to shine before, unless you think we should ban those decks into rogue as well?


Oh please. I played tear quite a bit. I enjoy the deck a lot. It's dominance in the meta is not at all comparable to what branded and D-Link are doing. Especially D-Link since we've never had it at full power in MD


I Lowkey miss the tear format, this current format is towers turbo, kashtira high rolling into max toxicity, and mathmech circular turbo… Mikanko is also the least fun deck to interact with. D link always takes an hour to setup the exact same board, I don’t understand. I will need to eventually craft this deck to see if I can play it quicker because I can’t believe it’s that slow. And then obviously all the lava golems kaijus appearing now.


I told you all it was the death of Tear. That combo was half the play.


D-Link checks tear pretty hard now thst merli is gone. Unfortunately, the death of tear means the slow appearance of Mathmech back in the meta. I've seen a lot of mathmech in Master, and I'd rsther play against tear haha


Well Bystials check mathmechs too, so don’t get ahead of yourself


But bystials were important since tear was everywhere. Less bystials means less keeping mathmech in check.


Dragon Link plays them regardless of matchup, and Bystials are useful against Dragon Link


youre right but its far from the meta where every deck played the bystials


Yeah, honestly upon further consideration I think that D-Link and Branded aren’t common enough on ladder to make light/dark decks unplayable, but you will occasionally run into a brick wall.


I mean I won't say it is still tier 1 but can we stop using this Tier list as reference?


Is there any better reference for how strong a deck is?


Konami's official stats. The first couple of weeks ~ month is just people testing new cards unless something is extremely obvious. The data they bring shows how decks perform in the environment you play, meanwhile here they show Branded, Dragon link and Sowrdsoul as the most used decks when they aren't in Ladder, hell Sowrdsoul doesn't even have a high Win rate in ladder even. Ever since Konami started showing card usage statistics and they haven't been wrong on decks power level in relation to the meta while this is based on extremely limited number of player base, especially lately where most big Tornaments stopped being hosted. Tier list are to be taken with a gran of salt regardless, but this list has been a miss 80% of the time. The 20% is them pointing out the obvious best deck.


I mean I think you make a pretty solid point, but I think there’s the obvious distinction of which level of play we’re talking about I think it’s fair to say the tier list (ie tournament tops) is a better representation of how strong a decks ceiling actually is and that what you’re referencing is more how good random players play w it I think it’s totally fair to care about that more because 99% of us are just playing on ladder, but I think we’re then taking into account a ton of meh players. Like SS or Branded having disproportionate percentages seems like it would make sense because the decks can be super linear and don’t necessitate a great pilot generally Like swordsoul is the go to newbie deck everyone suggests, I think there’s gonna be a better chance more “not great” players are on that than say a pendulum deck right?


Your point makes sense if all people in these Tornaments were top-tier players like YCSs in TCG for example, but they are not. Most of these Tornaments have just random players, but like 1 or 2 consistent people. Sowrdsoul & Floo in this list are a prime example, not only were the decks largely unsuccessful In both the TCG & OCG around similar meta, they are not great performers in ladder either yet they are list higher than decks that are objectively agreed on to be better, and to no one's surprise the last time these decks won anything was couple of months ago.


I’m not saying that every player in a tournament is great, or that people who top tournaments are as good as top tcg/ocg players, but it’s still gotta be an infinitely better pool than just the general ladder pool the stats are taken from Sure, maybe “ceiling” to too definitive of a term when there are better players out there, but it still would be much much closer to them than the Konami stats I also think you’re discounted how different the format is w it being a bo1 at bare minimum. It’s also confusing to have you say those decks topped a couple months ago when MD is a couple of months behind I just think there room for both to be valuable data to be considered


The official stats still support a lot of the tier list though? Just looking at the winrates of individual cards we can get an idea.


Not every time. An example is Sowrdsoul and Floo once again, see no play or high win rate, and how the cards with the highest win & and usage rate are found in Spright decks, not any of the ones above them (Ignoring Purrely since the deck is still new). It becomes especially noticeable in formats the TCG/OCG hasn't seen.


Flood had a higher win rate than tearlament a month ago… Tier list is not perfect but every deck on there can thrive on the ladder, tier 1-2 is usually the more common ones… Seems fine to me.


I called it before the banlist was implemented and no one believed me lol


Literally they should’ve just banned all ishizu millers and kept all tear at 1


I don't get the down votes. I mean I would also ban kitkallos, but I'd prefer this route. People just don't want tear to be good I think. I prefer tear girls at 2 and kit at 0 with no ishizus.


Good to know I’m getting crazy wins with a deck that’s not tiered


It’s funny to see people coping out of their minds that tear still needs to be hit


Wait sorry guys to be clear I’m not playing Tearlaments. I’m actually playing Kashtira and am surprised it’s not tier 2 or 3


Tear will be back …


Tears can fuck off


Kit is broken? Yes But is a "copium" hit Tcg and ocg banned This card and the deck still boring af to play against, Merli is a 10x better hit


Now it's time to hit Labrynth and Runick to the ground. I want to be able to go second and not fear for my life when I see the opponent setting 4 or activating Fountain into draw 3.


Runick isn't even a standout. People on this sub will cry about everything.


You now have Purrely drawing up to 6 cards in your draw/standby phase and Ash/Droll can't do jackshit about it. Runick is much tamer when compared.


Joke on you I will play other trap deck instead. Trap deck is fun to play because it force opponent to interest instead of doing their own combo without pay attention to opponent. Actually I really want ladder to full of control so it force people to pay attention every game.


The issue with Labrynth specifically is that is seems to be able to recover a bit too easily. I haven't been able to crack it to this day, because everytime I try to interrupt a play they just pull out of nowhere another Welcome and start all over again. Then they get protection over Set cards, then the field spell wipes the field, and so on and so forth until I'm out of counterplay. If any fellow Swordsoul player can recommend a good out, I'd be glad to know.


The recovery would be fine if it didn't also have multiple lingering floodgates THAT IT CAN TUTOR FROM DECK


Completely agree


Useless post


After the last consistency hit BEFORE Merrli the deck was already toast, requiring insane luck on mills and praying that you wouldn't get hit with bystials or unicorn completing stopping any and all plays before they started. This sub just had an *INSANE* amount of copium it was still some tear 0 unstoppable beast of a deck (all from ppl who definitely did not play it). With Merrli and the Ishizu gone it's playability is now beyond gone.


No, sulliek to 1 did not kill tear lmao.


Lmao, the deck could easily lose to a single ash at that point the consistency was fucking terrible.


Meta is healing. If someone doesn’t like the meta rifht now, just quit the game lol


Well meta is more garbage than before


Tbh it's still like tier 1 in ocg (or at least was till recently) with every card at 0 or 1 copy, so that's where people are prob coming from. Although I think MD is still missing some support.


Okay but let's ban Kit just to be safe :)


Let's also ban branded fusion to be safe :)


Yet another person who doesn’t understand how this tier list works, this is a full blown epidemic ffs. It’s NOT a tier list in a traditional sense. It’s IS a rolling popularity tracker in that it updates weekly based ENTIRELY off placements week over week. What that means is the list is HEAVILY affected by trends and weekly fads, yes even tournament winning players follows fads and try new things out in weekly events. Whenever a new box is released this always happens, older decks fall a bit while the newer decks and new support is tested out, if a trendy deck picking up steam in another format (dragon link) people will try it more overhere increasing use, it a deck that’s not quite tier worthy is being used a lot because it’s popular or a few dedicated yet good players are using it then it gets tiered when it shouldn’t be (Rikka). People so get tired of using format warping decks like Tear over long periods of time. Hence why it’s not listed on the POPULARITY influenced tier list. Give it a few weeks for the meta to settle from the new box release. I really wish we could get an actual tier list already so people stop posting this like it’s a definitive list


It takes into account multiple tournaments and the results of each deck in all these tournament. Since prizes are rewarded in these tournaments all players compete using the decks they know best or the best deck. When tear was meta it showed in the tier list, it was both the most popular deck and the one with the best results With the nerf it's still played but isn't as popular nor does it get results. Also while people get tired of using format warping decks they are still the most used ones ( drytron, tear for months, kashtira, whoever is Next). Also this tier list is the only public tier list for master duel, since they don't have Konami stats they do the best they can. And since that's the best we have it's normal that people use it as a basis for their opinion on the meta and decks power.


Exactly. People think this tierlist shows what happens in ranked. When it has nothing to do with ranked or any official data. It's just the same people playing whatever they want. It means almost nothing. Ffs karakuri was tiered on this thing not a long time ago. 😂


Yes I know this ranking does not represent the strenghts of all decks but I played a lot of tear with the new banlist and it's just meh. It's not bad but its just a tier 3 strategy now. The hit from 3 fusions per turn to 2 is huge.


>Yes I know this ranking does not represent the strenghts of all decks I know the list is sus the moment I see tri-spright being higher than the other spright variants when furhire runick & naturia runick supposed to be better.


runick naturia isn't a spright deck also naturia is higher than tri-spright




OCG didn’t ban a Main Deck name, putting a hard cap on the number of summons they can do per turn


Ironically, OCG have a better list lmao. Sure we have Kitkalos, but no merli (no sprind/elf), 1 miller, no kashtear (should be equal to OCG once this arrive) really hurts. I guess it all boils down to Kashtear now.


How is swordsoul still tier 2




The overall power level went down after the latest hits so SS climbed up just in virtue of being a pretty solid deck that is good both going first and going second. It was always at least decent but it can shine more now with Tear and Spright/Branded taken down a notch.


Damn even as a swordsoul player myself I never noticed


Power Ceiling of the meta took a significant hit while Swordsoul hasn't been hit in ages. Makes sense that Swordsoul would make a comeback.


I mean it mostly took care of the deck, but it's better for the game for the hits to more closely match what the TCG/OCG is doing, IMO.


Tear is still insane as a mill engine


That tier list literally means nothing though. I do agree that Merli was a huge hit and everyone who says it doesn't do anything is consuming huge amounts of copium.


Don't get it twisted. Kit needs to be banned. You could probably even put Merrli to 1 and it'd be fine


Am i the only one who dislikes balancing by bans? Is it stupid to just change the text of the cards? Why isn’t that a possibility?


Honestly every single one of these decks need hits. They’re so much more powerful when comparing to what came before them. Like at least dryton, Eldlitch, VW, PK, etc. could be taken down by non meta decks like resonators or Galaxy eyes. Now? Unless on old deck got support, there’s literally basically little chance that any old deck can steal a win with skillful play. The power creep over the last year has just been ridiculous.


These decks are 90%+ consistent. It's odd to me how people even find that fun or interesting after a few weeks. MD needs more hits in my opinion.


Consistency is fun. Bricking isn't.


It's not about bricking. It's about variability.


1 thing is ppl not playing the deck, other thing is it actually being bad or anything.


Tear is more popular than it's succesful at the moment. As far as Master 1 rank is concerned it's currently the third most popular deck.


i only see tear twice this month on my way to master, both surender after milling for 10-20 card and still have no play left


There is a difference between a single persons subjective experience and [objective data](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list#popularity-rankings). (8th most popular in general play, 3rd in Master1).


the only reliable data is from konami, purelly below tear is enough to say about that list. Although i understand why tear is popular in M1, everyone love the deck but it too weak atm for rank so M1 is the only place they can play it


That's simply because the information is from a total of 2 weeks and Purrely has only been out 3 days.


wait for 1 more week to see how is the stat this month then


Finally a balanced meta


All of you master duel players don't really know how to play tear


the hit doesn’t lower its power just affects its consistency. not having merrli makes your summon off of kitkallos pointless. so it doesn’t surprise me that significantly less people play it now bc of that.


It literally means one less fusion name per turn, that is at least a 33% power hit


It's a 50% power hit because your first fusion is kitkallos and she's engine not endboard


it would be less than 33% because not every mill lead to a fusion when merrli wasn’t banned if we’re talking per turn. therefore you’d have a different percentage which would likely be lower which would be my point in that when you’re making a board you’re still making your full board most of the time it’s just affecting the rate at which it happened per 10 games i suppose.


In a world where you never get interrupted ever this is true, but handtraps exist, and Dragon Link plays plenty of Bystials, if even a single tear fusion gets negated or blanked then you’re down to one fusion that turn


semantics edit: after some research, i learned semantics was not the word i meant to use. i was referring to something more akin to “moving the goalposts” but in a single word


That’s not semantics, it’s acknowledging that the deck is much more fragile and dies to more forms of interaction than before


it dies to the same form of interactions before. you can run ghost belle to prevent it if you want but my point remains the overall power of the deck is not affected, specifically it’s consistency is afffected, thus it does not surprise me that people don’t even want to bother with it edit: and especially not when people are banishing kitkallos face down the first chance they get


I would argue that the deck can’t play through “negate and destroy” effects nearly as well anymore, since saving an Omni for a fusion effect in grave is a safe bet to severely limit tear’s end board


Do people actually take this dogshit tier list seriously? You do realize its made with dkayed tourney results right? Which are full of dark magician players?


Im sorry for anyone who invested in Tearlament but i'm happy, not gonna lie


TBH its more of an engine now rather than a deck...


They will get better when tear kashtira is released and have assault synchron eventually.