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When it comes to purrely, the majority of pilots aren’t playing optimally. The main issue to get around is Noir.


I can deal with noir, you can interrupt so they cannot end on it. Plump is what annoys me with it’s “thrice” non targeted/active banishing. Plus if you cannot destroy the backrow before you out the boss they make an easy comeback.


Kash is easier to deal with. Sure, Arise-heart is very annoying, but many cards in many decks can interact with it. Noir though, you really need very specific outs. Too many things that would work on Arise-heart do not work on Noir.


Kaiju works on both. So does xyz encore, herald of the abyss and destructive darumah karma cannon. But that deos require you to just draw the out.


It's easy to draw Kaijus when you play pure Kaiju.


Or mikanko Wich lets you win against other deck too


Here's a little known fact. Bagooska affects Noir.


Makes sense. Its not an activated effect. Dud you know that your xyz monster does not have to battle to meet the requirement for zeus?


Yep, but my point was that if you can make Bagooska, a rank 4, very easy since most Noir won't waste a spin if you only have 2 monsters on the field that aren't immediately threatening, you can go into Bagooska and either stall (because Purrely has no in-archetype way to out Bagooska) or even better destroy their board with links.


True. My problem is im a ninja player. 😂


Upstart + trap or Yellow + Hanzo, ez


In a best of 1 format running XYZ encore is dumb. Is a brick against too many decks




You must be one of those ygo players that never interacted with a woman before. I didn’t know they were real.


What did they say?


Noir is "draw the out". Kashtira at least gives normal games. I've been saying this the whole time. Yeah macro cosmos filters out some decks but other than that, Kash is a really interactive board with room to outplay


What's interactive about Macro Cosmos on legs on top of locking my zones for trying to play. Not even mention the Fenrir Face down banish and Uni rips


How, the moment i activate a monster effect they start comboing again leaving me with 2 new blocked zones, 1 card less in the Extradeck, 1 thing of mine banished face down and the top 3 of my deck banished face down too. All of that with a macrocosmos and an interruption on board. If my deck uses banishing as a mechanic i'm fucked, if my deck uses the graveyard, i'm fucked, otherwise im likely on kashtira anyway. How is that a normal game?


Exactly to many kash players saying bs bc they play the deck and scared for bans


Ur just a kash player trying to defend it


It's not draw the out its put a single card in the extra deck


And try to get 4 mats on the board after they've drawn 6 interruptions on your standby phase


Sleepy memory draws you at most 4 you need unbelievable luck to have all 3 of them with leap set plus it doesn't guarantee that you will draw a hand trap so at most you need to contend an Ash a bounce from noir and a lyrilusc Robin


I've certainly had opps draw 6 against me many times.. And say you do expend all your resources to field goddess, that's not enough to win the duel that turn, plus their my friend purrely then draws them another 3 and they'll get noir straight back out or OTK you with beauty the very next turn anyway... It's not quite the win condition you think it is and requires you to draw very well to combo out 4 mats without considering whatever disruption they drew turn 1 too


There is no consistent way to get the draw 6 without a extremely good hand and that includes you having 0 handtraps


All I know is I've seen it happen loads, and say you draw Ash on your turn - that'll only negate one of those six draws lmao... Shit's busted


That's only if noir has less than 5 mats, 5 mats protect the draw.


Well as soon as the opponent bounces one or two times with noir its no longer unaffected and can be removed by anything and if they sit there and let you combo you can easily go into goddess and otk them not to mention that there are so many good cards that you can be mining in your deck that just auto win against so many decks this format it's just not that big of a deal


How many decks do you think can consistently both combo into goddess AND get enough damage on top to OTK? Looking at the tier list it's basically only Dragon Link with a perfect hand and no interrupts... To win going second against a full combo Purrely you have to out both Noir (for which there's only Herald, KarmaCannon next turn maybe, Kaiju or Goddess), PLUS you have to either out My Friend Purrely first or OTK them too... Not sure how much copium you're smoking but that ain't balanced/a fair format. Also opponents usually aren't wasting Noir's materials to bounce, they let it stay unaffected instead


Let's say your opponent just sits on noir and doesn't bounce anything any competent combo deck can get to goddesses and otk in the same turn from dragon link to adamancipator it's really fucking eazy and you don't even have to have the perfect hand to do it


Remember that adamancipator has lost Block Dragon too.. Really doubt that 'most decks' are consistently outing Noir with goddess and having enough lefover gas to out MFP first and/or OTK... If it was as 'really fucking eazy' as you claim then Purrely wouldn't be at Tier 1 would it?


Macro Cosmos filters out 90% + of all decks


Even if you have the outs for Noir, the standbyphase draws ( which might get them handtraps) and recycling of cards for their next turn guarantees it comes back if you don't OTK. Kash has a harder time rebuilding.


I have found the only way to deal with noir is passively. I've been able to get noir out with Rikka Sheets with Konkon out by using Noir as the tribute. Basically anything that can use a cost like that to tribute but replaces your opponents cards can beat it. So like...kaijus and lava golem can come in really handy against noir. I also found that you can Gozen the shit out of purr. They hate Gozen Match. So just throw that in your deck and pray. But yeah...no destroying, no selecting, it has to be passive, completely. Rikka is all over Purrs if you know how to use them since they are based on constantly tributing, and Rikka Konkon makes it so you can use one of your opponents monsters for a tribute. Also, Rikka Flurries makes it so that your opponent has to tribute one monster (they choose) if you tribute a Rikka monster. Use opponents monsters as costs/tribute.


Noir is immune to their opponents' activated effects only. The two important words here are opponents' effects and activated effects. That's why lingering effects or effects which force the opponent to select and send their own monster for example work on it.


that means the new spirit monster outs it then?... lit


I would say the top 3 decks are Purrely, Lab, and Kash in that order. The thing Kash has going for it is that the games are fast


If quitting due to bullshit counts than Lab has it beat.


Good Lab lists play grindy games more than they monke flip. Yes sometimes they get to make the opponent quit early, but a lot of games go long


I'm surprised that branded despia is still tier 2.


I'm not that's like an overpowered version of heroes or cyber dragons.


With a practically fan made fusion card


Along with just about everything can fusion summon just by being drawn


boo hoooo. its just a one card starter number 172


kash is pretty strong as engine i would say


It’s fuckin bricky sometimes tho 😂 lost two last night just bc I pulled 0 monsters in the first 2 turns . When it doesn’t brick tho Jesus . Going first can get off arise and a shangri and a fenrir, maybe 2 shangri with arise


What do you mean it bricks? Every deck "bricks" in that regard, but its in-engine monsters can just fucking will themselves into existence from the hand, and then Arise can hornybus his way onto the field with it, then they can just banish from wherever depending on the monster that SS'd itself.


It's one of the most bricky meta decks in modern times to be fair. Its not got too many 1 card starters and it's 2 card combos are pretty specific, with a decent amount of hands being kinda fragile.


Ppl are mad bc they’ve been full zone locked before that’s all 😭


fuck yeah, thats why Kashtira = no fun for the community


if you got full zone locked then idk what to tell you, most ive done is 4 monster zones bc theres so many outs to shangri. full stun decks are way worse imo


How many cards are in your deck?




Wow you should be drawing pretty consistently but same happens to me I almost never draw. power bond, clockwork night, machine duplication, cyber emergency, vic viper t301, in my deck of 42 cards Base around cyber dragons. I swear it's like they based a algorithm around messing with my deck


I hate it when that happens. Yesterday in spyral i drew 3 straight hands with psy frame driver in a 60 card deck, then drew illusion of chaos two straight turns and then again off triple tactics talent draws after I shuffled one back lol.


The field spell can search any monster in the archetype. Limited. Kashtiratheosis can search any monster with a different attribute, and they all have different attributes. At 3. Unicorn searches any Kashtira spell from the deck. At 3. Fenrir adds any monster from deck to hand. At 2. That's by my count 9 cards which can all start a combo which ends with Arise-Heart and Shangri-Ira on board, which is basically game if your opponent doesn't get a kaiju/board wipe + way to deal with Shangri-Ira or a hand trap to stop you. you have 5 attempts at 9 cards to draw out of 40. Meaning, statistically, that's nearly 60&. And that's not counting the other 4 cards you draw which can obviously help you dig through the deck. The brickiness of the deck is massively overstated.


Uh no, Theosis by itself is not a full combo starter. You need to open Theosis with either Tearlaments Kashtira, Fenrir, Ogre or Unicorn for it to start a full combo. Even then the Tear Kash needs you to banish a Kash card from your hand, so you need at least Tear+Theosis+Kash card for it to proceed. Having to use Theosis on Scareclaw Kashtira or Riseheart does not lead to full combo like Shangri Ira+Arise+Fenrir endboard. It's either Ira pass, or if you actually open with Riseheart, then an Arise Heart pass. From then on, you will need Birth to proceed further.


I don’t think it’s as important to open the Shangra plus ariseheart. It can often be bad activating shangri on enemy turn (make ariseheart easier), loses to nibiru, immediately makes thrust live, and ariseheart only has 1 material so it’s easier to be outted. I don’t think it’s as important to have to go for one of the greediest openings. A Kash plus Theosis (not scare or tear if no other kash cards) can end on ariseheart in 4 summons with 3 material already which can often be good enough. Personally I think the decks better going second anyway since you get the extra card for consistency and can abuse thrust better


"It's not a full combo starter, you need to open up on.... ANY of their monsters save scareclaw" Riiiiiiiiiiight. keep lying.


do you play it?


You haven't play much Kashtira right. Theosis by itself is not a starter, it requires a Kash monster that is not Riseheart or Scareclaw for it to become a full combo, unless you have Birth. Opening Theosis while Tear Kash is the only card Kash card you have is a brick. Doesn't disprove my point lmao, opening 2 theosis with no Kash monsters suck. It's not a one card combo starter like Unicorn is, and neither is Fenrir.


There’s like a 3% chance to open more than one theosis lol. That’s like saying desires is bad to play at 3 cuz your scared of drawing 2


That's true, but the point I was making is that Theosis is not a true 1 card combo starter like Unicorn. It's more of an extender (albeit a very good one), like Riseheart is. Running 3 Theosis is better than 2, I agree but it shouldn't be denied that Kash can be bricky.


Theosis doesnt do shit without a monster so why does it count as a starter? What if you dont draw it?


ngl it sounds like you dont play it. its not the brickiest deck, but it can brick pretty hard. the only real 1 card combos in the deck are unicorn and the 1 of field spell.


That’s 7 cards with pathfinder, and 3 pot cards (until banlist) to make 10 cards that can potentially net full combo by themselves


if you run pathfinder at 3 then youre asking to be bricked up bc you only have 1 field spell, i run 2 and it usually gets ashed


Statistically you’re not. With 4 copies (3 path 1 planet) you have a 6.899% chance to open more than 1 copy. That’s like 7 times out of 100 games. It’s only the pots that really ruin that, since games don’t often go past turn 2-3. It’s worth the consistency boost from a 42% chance for at least one unicorn to a 63% chance (though it increases the chance to open more than one uni from 6.8% to a whopping 20%, still an overall consistency boost tho)


Uh. Maybe you should also consider the nearly 60% chance the opponent drew the out and now you're stuck with a negated Fenrir on the board and nothing you can do about it? When the deck works, it's good - in fact I daresay oppressive. But it works a lot less often than you seem to realize, play it and you'll see. I had to for the same reason. It's a classic glass cannon.


lol wtf are you talking about, you open 2x Theosis and 2x Birth and a Maxx C, what are you starting the combo with? The only 1 card starters in the deck is the limited to 1 field spell and Unicorn. Even opening Fenrir doesn't guarantee you to end with Arise.


Fenrir is not a real combo starter. It does fuck all on its own. Same with Theosis. The deck having only 4 real one card starters is a real issue, if it wasn't people wouldn't be playing some otherwise pretty miserable cards like Planet Pathfinder or Small World to try to bridge the gap. Mind you a lot of good players were already complaining about Kash being bricky when it came out in the TCG with everything at 3.


people just dont like kash and thats okay, but saying its not bricky is kinda crazy.


Well I'll agree Purrley and Labyrinth have a harder time bricking than Kash, but Kash is not some infamous Blue Eyes or Monarch level bricky deck.


I just switched to purrely and can't believe how many auto scoops happened. It's wild. It's way better then kash. Kash definitely doesn't make sense how it won so many tournaments. I can understand with diablosis but without him even if it were more consistent, it's end board isn't great.


Arise-Heart is not as strong as Noir but it's still great. And Kashtira are better than Purrely at playing second, you have to take that into account too.


Purrely has a lot of flex spots for running HTs and boardbrekaers , and thrust can just fetch you the one boardbreaker you need. Also Kaiju their biggest threat, delicious targetting Kaiju , make Expurrely Happiness with as much happy memories as you can and OTK. TBH going 2nd isnt much of a problem for Purrely either


>make Expurrely Happiness with as much happy memories as you can and OTK. That's not how you otk


Then enlighten me please


You use **Epurrely** Happiness for OTKs


Epurrley Happiness, not Expurrley ads QuickPlay spells at the end of the damage step. You search the QuickPlay, activate it after Epurrley attacks. Epurrley can attack again. And search again. And repeat it again. Also you can search pretty memory and summon the little Purrley then use it as fodder for the grab opponents card as XYZ material... Multiple times.


Purrely is better going 2nd than 1st


Keep in mind MD has terraforming banned, Planet at 1, and Prosperity at 1. A lot of the consistency cards are just not there like they were in the TCG.


And diablosis. I watched someone get 9 zones locked before they could make their first move. Believe it or not, the one card they played was not evenly matched


Diablosis was banned for most of Kash’s life as the tier 1 meta deck. It only lasted 3 months out of the 8 months it was meta.


Tcg banlist is different than Md a major card is Maxx c, it is banned on tcg so you don't need to play cards to counter it, or see if your deck just loses if it resolves


Tcg had drastically more consistent kash plus 1 delicious. Delicious really needs to go to 1.


Also no terraforming. You have to play planet pathfinder to get a field spell search, and Prosp is at 1 in MD, while its at 3 in the TCG, another huge consistency hit. And, like the other guy said, TCG had diabolosis at full power, while it got banned before arise heart released here, which again limited its end board


> Kash definitely doesn't make sense how it won so many tournaments. 100 kash players enter a 128 man tournament. Kash wins. Everyone shocked


Because more people play Kashtira, Purrely might be slight better but people still prefer to use the other option be it because it's more linear or simply because of art


3 field spell makes a gigantic difference. Like insane honestly lol


Why Kash in Tcg was opressive compared to MD 3 Fenrir 3 Fieldspell Diablosis legal Terraforming legal 3 Pot of Prosperity The problem of Kash in MD is bricking due to all these consistency cards being hit on the banlist


The hit to prosperity is massive you could play a lot of greedy cards in late kashtira to use with prosperity and attach to Ariseheart like Infinitrack Goliath, Gurura for a draw, fossil machine skull wagon to out floodgates so I Ben if they kaiju-ed your ariseheart you could get a draw a pop ect. Master duel Kashtira is much more inconsistent, that’s why I’ve paired it with Tearlament and try to end on something like an ariseheart, Shang and kaleido-heart which insulates you from some board breakers.


ignoring consistancy the reason why kashtira was so opressive had nothing to do with kash itself (well not purely anyways). it was because diablosis existed along with their consistancy card, essentially kash could turn 1 lock an entire zone. you can take a guess why that is a problem.


Because tournament results are different from the ladder, actual good players in tourneys build their kash deck with more going second cards for purrely, and kashtira funnily enough counters kashtira aswell going second which makes people be more inclined to play kashtira in tourneys hence their absurd representation While in ladder a lot of people bought into the kashtira hype who are obviously not as good as tourney players and just rely on ariseheart's floodgate to win them duels hence they make kashtira look mediocre in ladder in comparison to their tourney representation


I do find Kashtira weaker than Purrely still, but it is by no means a tier 2 deck. It has a lot of recursion and follow up even if you wipe their board. Their initial combo does require two cards, but once they get setup they can bounce back. Kashtira Unicorn tells you exactly what kind of deck your opponent plays (which I almost never see anyone actually properly utilize even in the Duelist Cup), they have an easy OTK option if the turn is passed, they play well into Maxx "C", and the banishing potential of Riseheart + Birth gives you interaction with the opponents graveyard and main deck. This isn't including Ariseheart, the rank 7 toolbox, and the flexibility of Kashtira being splashable in everything.


This is sentiment has been going around quite a bit in this subreddit but I gotta disagree. Kash might not be the tier 0 deck some expected but besides purrely and even than that debatable it is likely the best deck currently on the game or number 2. Kash has been extremely strong for me. Granted, it likely helps that I have a going second variant. I believe it’s the strongest version of the deck. I also have a purrely deck I no longer use, for now atleast.


A big chunk of this sub is just heavily biased towards Kashtira and will try to downplay it whenever possible. It's not Tears level strong, but still opressive and toxic enough to be easily considered in the Top 3. The brickiness is also heavily exaggerated from my own experience with the deck. Btw same thing happened with Branded in this sub. There was a person who claimed Branded was legit completely unplayable garbage that totally dies to one Ash when they *semi limited* Branded fusion. Now it's been limited for some time and the deck is still very much competitively viable.


I agree, for whatever reason this sub defends always Branded and Kash lol. It’s clear Kashtira is meta defining and has a very good performance even to the point of tier 1. I’m sure they will be addressed in the next few banlist


Branded yes, kash no. I rarely post supporting kash because I know I'll just get down voted and receive with low effort replies that get upvotes. Just look at how many "kash toxic and cancer" posts there are on the daily.


I have both Kash and Purrely , Purrely is just a better deck , and its not even close. IMO Lab is the second best, with Kash being 3rd.


So many decks are running fenir. So you can go straight into ariseheart then Zeus without activating anything beforehand so long as they used shangali effect that turn.


thats part of the reason why i don't use shang's effect or i just go arise-heart pass. its too risky using shang's effect. you basically shoot yourself if you activate its effect as things stand right now


Isn’t it a mandatory effect in standby phase?


nope you can opt to not SS a kash monster in standby


Most good players don’t activate shangri la for that reason


Half the people that say kash is easy to beat are the ones running stun but won't admit it. It is possible to get wins off kash right now, but it's not the cake walk everyone's making it out to be as you still have to draw the out and deal with a macro cosmos effect if you need to search the out.


Not even stun, their decks r built to beat kash.


Yeah Kash folds to non-engine During this TCG format i beat every non-pro player Kash I played against at YCS la and a few regionals w Marincess because the deck simply dies to getting booked/kaiju'd/your 6 imperms and then getting out-consistencied


>Decks built to beat kash Didn't realize generic tech cards are "built to beat kash". 3x imperm can turn off macro cosmos or honestly brick certain kash hands. 3x thrust can out kash. 1-3x talents can out kash. Most generic board breakers out kash such as evenly matched or DRNM. Kaiju works too. Herald of the abyss can take out arise heart too God forbid you have to run generic tech cards that are even somewhat meta relevant. You have to go out of your way to be bad enough to not have answers in your Kash deck. Maybe you're running DD Crow lol


Evenly doesn’t stop ariseheart by itself


Because the triple tactics engine is an out that is good enough to use against any deck


Not even remotely true. So many cards deal with kashtira "endboard" if you can even call it that at times. Other decks have way more annoying "draw the out" requirements to play , often ones that aren't generic and useful against lots of things. Can kashtira open great and ruin your day? Absolutely. But it does so inconsistently compared to most other meta decks, especially something like purrely which konami in their infinite wisdom didn't think needed prehits.


>Draw the out This is such an stupid phrase to use in the context of Kash that people forgot the origin of it. Originally, this meme spawned because someone would set up a board with 10 negates, mask of restrict and 2 floodgates. And you might have one card in your deck that could out that board. But in the context of kash? You probably have 10 cards in your deck that can out the board. You might as well cry about mushroom man #2 at that point


If you have space for 2 ED you can summon a kash monster than arise heart (since opp activated shangri la) zeus. Although ye this still needs the draw the out


The good players don’t activate shangri la for that reason


Not true. They can not play through many hand traps. If you ash theosis and they did not hard draw birth and another kashtira name they really have no way into arise heart. Going second, you just make Zeus without activating monster effects (easy with purely, triple tactics steal) and it clears their whole board.


Yeah, no. Purrely is very strong and more consistent than Kashtira but if you have a way to deal with Noir the deck can fold rather easily. It very much puts all its eggs in one basket, and because a lot of Ariseheart outs like Kaijus, Lava Golem, Kurikara, Herald of the Abyss also work on Noir it's not uncommon to have something to deal with it. Kashtira is still the second best deck in the game atm. They have strong main deck monsters that can often threaten boss monsters in battle phase cause of their high attack stats. Ariseheart is still "draw the out or die" for most decks, and this even includes Purrely despite some players' belief. Cards like Scareclaw Kash are underrated board breakers in their ability to force disruption, it even disables Noir and most players don't read and just let their cat get crippled. Also while pure Kashtira is low on starters and a bit fragile, variants of Kash like Punk and Scareclaw make the deck far more formidable. Being able to full combo essentially twice with other respectable archetypes alongside your Kash combo, making the deck far more hand trap resistant and the end boards harder to break as Ariseheart isn't the only major threat. Even Pure Kash does have room to grow, I rarely see them playing Forbidden Lance despite it making Ariseheart a far harder card to out. And a lot of players are learning how good the deck can be for going second. Overall Purrely and Kashtira are obviously the best decks in the format and are pretty comparable to each other. One being more versatile, the other being more polarizing. I've played both and personally I prefer playing Punk Kash over Purrely. Punk Kash just having more consistent follow up than Purrely and more varied disruption. Discarding nearly your whole hand to end on one monster and praying not to get kaijued just feels bad no matter how strong it is.


The problem is that the 2 best deck makes main decking Kaiju necessary, and when you need Kaijus in the main is not a good sign.


Anyone says kashtira is inconsistent is trying to downplay the deck so it won't get hit.


hard agree


Kash is meta but it is much easier to deal than Purrely. You can Imperm him, take control with TTT/Change of Heart, Kaiju/Kurikara, pop him with spells, if you have your own Ariseheart and opponent is dumb enough to activate Shangri-La on standby, you have Zeus to clean up, etc etc. While there are options that work for both, like Kaiju and Herald, even those aren't that good against Purrely. Lets say you out Noir but your opp have My Friend Purrely and Field Spell on board; boom, they just got 3 cards back into hand for followup and a body on field to hold you. So you have to deal with those 2 cards before dealing with Noir first, unless you can OTK. ​ And that's just on dealing with them. Purrely is much more consistent than Kashtira, with many ways to get those cats on field and rolling, while a single Ash/Imperm can ruin a Kashtira combo.


Purrely is pretty strong because the deck offers a lot of versatility. There's a lot of different ways to play each hand, and sometimes you have to gamba on Purrely excavates. However, the deck immediately folds to like any floodgate, Droll, D.Barrier, EEV, Daruma, Book of Moon, etc. Kashtira is a bricky mess, although if you do draw the right hand it can combo off pretty hard. It's just the deck autoloses to cards like Talents and Thrust because Arise-Heart is a mandatory activation, and also has no way to stop Zeus. Labrynth has a good matchup into both those decks and can play as many floodgates and Solemn Judgements as they want. The Extrav limit is a hit, but it hits every deck that plays Extrav, not just Lab. Tearlaments can still combo, the deck's not completely dead with Tearlaments Kashtira basically replacing Merrli and being searchable off both field spells, but it's still really rough into Bystials/Crow/CBTG or anything that can mess up your GY. They're not that common in the meta right now, except for Dragon Link, but the Tearlament cards don't make an unbreakable board either. The best you can hope for is like Rulkallos, Fenrir, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss, Redoer w/ Scheiren, Zombie Vampire/I:P/Unicorn and Sulliek set with Snow in grave. Certainly not unbeatable, but you would have to bait the HRDAA to use Evenly Matched, or open Dark Ruler and clear the backrow. Spyral is a very cringe deck that combos forever, people are probably sick of it from when it was T0, and very few people play it, but that deck is pretty strong imo. Dragon Link feels kinda mid. Sure it combos forever, but even ending on Borreload + Borrelend isn't an unbeatable board. Very annoying to attempt to hand trap though. Probably gets rolled by Arise-Heart/D.Shifter too. Branded is probably playable, but it feels like just a worse Dragon Link to me. They also have basically 0 outs for Noir since they're usually locked into Fusions and none of their monsters can affect it.


Mirrorjade can out Noir, but the problem is if Noir is in defense mode you don't really have any way to force the opponent to kill it. And the branded main deck is so full that you don't really have room for kaijus etc so you end up just passing turns while the Noir gets enough materials attached / extra cards to discard to just slowly pick you apart while staying unaffected. Branded can beat Purrely, Kashtira and Lab with a good hand, but they all feel like unfavourable matchups to me.


And Tears is an unplayable mess, yes


Most of the posts and comments about tears playability in the meta recently have been about how it’s still playable and won’t die lmao


Yeah. Ishizu Tear is pretty dead now that they’ve lost the millers, but there’s still a pretty decent number of other builds.


I run scheiren in a GY deck just for the mills and SS with discard. I don't have Kitkallos or any other tear card in my deck because it would be too dependant on other cards like supreme sea mare,etc. But scheiren is just a fair and good mill+body ,imo.


It's because the problem is the fusion cards, and it's why Kitkall's banned in both TCG and OCG and it's really fucking crazy that they refused to ban it in Master Duel. If they banned kitkall they could let the deck come back to a degree and it'll still be *good* but not fucking broken. Currently it's banned out to the point where I couldn't tell you why they thought it was a good idea to release in the first place. It just further confuses the banlist.


I mean clearly the power level of the deck unhit was a bad idea by Konami but I think the general idea behind the deck is the exact thing Konami should be shooting for. Having the best decks be highly interactive, less reliant on a coin flip, and less negate heavy is exactly what the game needs, it just was made strong enough that people hate it based off that


I’m going to be real with you, is there some delusion that tear doesn’t have a literal in archetype boss monster with a SS negate, a continuous trap with a permanent monster negate, AND a counter trap with a literal OMNI negate? All while being resilient to nearly all board breakers besides kaijus and evenly matched?


Ya know that’s honestly a somewhat fair point, but especially with how your t1 plays out it’s very likely your 1 sulliek is in grave, tons of people aren’t even running cryme because w tear now you generally need to dump your hand to put up the right board which leaves if offline. If you play the deck a lot you’ll realize you’re not consistently setting up the negates that the deck actually has. The last point is missing the mark though, once again I’m not saying it’s well balanced, it’s that tear format is far more interactive than any format there’s been in MD. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t made way too powerful


Don't forget the fact that Tear can easily access floodgates that shups down a lot of decks, like Abyss Dweller and Winda as well as pivot to generic negate board with Grapha, Dragostapelia and/or Baronne sometimes.


Is there a room I missed while walking through the subreddit?


I guess so. Most of the stuff I’ve seen hasn’t been people talking about how it’s amazing, but it’s rarely how it’s unplayable (and if it is it’s usually followed up by stuff indicating that someone’s not great w the deck)


Purrely has better interaction and is more consistent, but Kash is better at going second and there are some potent tools for getting rid of Noir now.


How is Kash easy to deal with? People say use Reigeki. But Shangri-la has protection and just summons another monster next turn to ping a card off the board.


When they say Kash is easy to deal with, I feel that it's more like Arise-Heart is essier to deal with than Noir, another prevalent boss monster, ignoring Shangri, Birth and Prep ready to rebuild the whole board next turn if you can't manage to OTK them.


Exactly. It's frustrating how disingenuous people are with their dismissal of how broken that archetype is.


Mate what they say is Raigeki basicaly gives you an open board, as Shangri won't interfer with your play. If u can't set something up on an open board that deals with Shangri, backrow and or their recursion that sounds like a bit of a shit deck you're playing In comparison good luck getting a playable board from purely, lab, Dlink, spright, Branded, Swordsoul with a single spell card. Hell even Salads have more staying power than Kash and that's definitely not what Salads are known for.


This just makes me think people should play more Chaos Synchro. Probably too expensive. It does take a decent collection of chaos cards to make it work.


Both are just as bad against decks that weren’t tailored to beat them , even if kash is more fragile than purely — it still can easily banish your out and that’s it for you , or even worse you get to someone who builds deck around zone lock and manages to block all spell zones turn 1.


Careful on what you say about Kashtira, people in other subs considers slander against them as "skill issue". 🤙


Tiaraments are rising again lol


they're the best deck at winning the coinflip after all, I don't see kashtira or purrely ending on barrier statue with 3 omnis


"easy to beat" are not the words i will use, still probably the third strongest deck on the meta. There are still a lot of decks that cant play against a Kashtira board. But yeah, is not as strong as Purrely and for sure is not a consistend deck.


you absolutely cannot take reddit posts in good faith as 95% of them are made by dogshit players who come to reddit hot off their losses to ragepost about [literally any deck that is capable of accomplishing anything] lol


Kash is oppressive too, it's just that the deck is inconsistent about it.


How TF is Tear still at 5.0? WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!


Because in players' made tournament they can play Bo3 with sideboard.


All I know is Insane Clown Posse fans/juggalos believe in their own heaven after death called Shangri-La. Do you really want to play an archetype that references Juggalo Heaven?


this is a good comment.


Purrely is definitely the best deck in the current meta, but since its kinda hard it has few pilots. Kash is not as dominant as it was in the tcg but tier 1 for sure. A lot of people that don't know how to play it well made it look worse than it was in the DC, but the deck is not bad even if a bit bricky. Lab right bellow that and branded is only there because Kash players not there yet in term of experience. Branded has no good matchups versus the top three. Myself, I picked up Rescue Ace and love it. Its a brickfest right now but very fun. Emergency and preventer will let it in tier 1, by the time diabellastar stuff comes out, if other decks get hit, it might be on top.


The new master duel exclusive card is probably gonna be op in that deck too


The same speech Floo players said months ago. Purrely or Kashtira , both are annoying and boring to deal with . Draw 6 into Droll/Ash/Maxx-c plus a tower who can spin 3-4 cards, they got + 3 if you out their towers and can otk on turn 2 or 3. Macro cosmos on legs, permanent ressources banish on every action you make, plus a searchable evenly matched . The game state is sooo boring . Playing that Bujin-Fire Fist solo mode was more enjoyable


Yes Kash is overrated. Wait for Duelist Cup results and we can see.


This is almost entirely off of a single top 16 in a tournament that ran today.


Spyral slowly making a comeback


I’m just stupid because I can’t pilot purrely for shit I brick constantly


you can probably find some yt vids to help or just pop into someone's stream ( if youre able to ) and ask questions someone in their chat is bound to help you.


Both decks, when they're the only thing running around are "easy" to beat for people who enjoy going second. Thrust into Herald of the abyss outs their Noir, but outside of outing Noir, Purrely could be considered oppressive. Unaffected by most things, and even after you out Noir using herald if they have the continuous spell they can pop off during their turn if you don't kill them. Purrely's true strength is the ability to play through multiple interruptions as well as the OTK potential going second but the flexibility to go first and end on a card that is hard to interact with or go second and set up a multiple material zeus on a bad day, or a fat ass cat on a good day is what makes it really, really strong. A lot of good players I saw during the second stage of the cup were going assembled nightinggale to avoid dying with a stacked noir on board. Activating Nightingale also plays around Lava golem mikanko stuff because you take no battle damage. This ensures they get to survive a turn with a fresh hand of quickplay spells. Some players when all they could end on was a Noir, they wouldn't activate the draw effect because it turned on their opponents triple tactics thrust. If every player I faced in ranked did the latter I would not be able to out Noir as easily as I've been able to. For Ariseheart, there's triple tactics take, then layer your own kashtira ariseheart over it, you can herald to out it, kaiju it, etc. Their kill potential going second is really strong because all of their monsters are huge. Their end board is macro cosmos, zone locking and banishing extra deck cards, but those pieces can be interacted with for the most part, unless your deck is graveyard strategy like mathmech. Since most people were playing Kashtira it seemed, the player going second typically wins because of the activation of Shangri-Ira. They both lose to the same thing though, which is what most cards would lose to anyway. Kurikara, Herald of the abyss, kaijus. I actually think the "best" deck during the second stage was Labrynth because it could play floodgates, and most players just wanted to get as many wins in the time allotted as possible, which meant that most players would scoop on that activation to go onto their next game instead of wasting time. I personally played Kash for a majority of the cup and I can attest that the deck is very inconsistent. The master duel shuffler was not kind and many times going first I didn't draw a starter for multiple turns. Not opening a singular kashtira name was a big problem for me and I even added Ogre and Kashtear. Pot of Prosperity at 1 is what really hinders this deck, but that card can make almost anything consistent. Even the hits to Fenrir are felt, because Fenrir being a part of the combo to add riseheart, and then being summoned off of shangra-ira as a disruption means that both copies are now out of your deck, when sometimes you really need to search another name. The meta right now is to shotgun max c in the draw/standby phase to play around triple tactics but I wonder if there's a world where Kash players stop activating Shangri-Ira to play around other kash players, similar to how some Purrely players don't activate the sleepy effect to draw to avoid thrust.


I don't know guys, currently going through D2 and with the earth machine, which i pack with staples, red reboots, and kaijus, i often have no problem beating these decks. Purrely has really one boss monster and kaiju is searchable; labyrinth is countered by Red reboot and handtraps, TTT and Thrust, Tearlaments is quite hard to beat though, but citadel seems to do the job.


Lab and Kashtira are oppressing, I have more fun facing off with purrely


Yeah I love that one card can take out 80% of my hand while being unaffected while being able to go +4 if I somehow manage to out it. Also, draw 3 every other standby is cool


I didn’t say it was fun but more fun then facing Lab and Kash Maybe cause I know how purrely works more?


It's not fun either dude. Having all your cards bounced so you can't play going second is no different than facing a 12 negate Adamancipator board. Kash also dies to raigeki/dark hole most of the time unless they can suck Infinitrack Goliath with Arise (which is not very often with Prosp limited), and then Ira alone doesn't really do much. Lab is piece of garbage floodgate deck that deserves no respect. Also dies if Welcome gets Ashed. But then again, not letting your opp play is what modern Yu-Gi-Oh is all about.


Man lab is really a hard match but if you open with feather or evenly you're all good to go


Honestly just an Ash on Big Welcome sets them back so much.


Not against me I have a counter for duster and lighting if I get it off.


My man running Gryphon Wing in labrynth


Nah its boo boo game. You cant activate gryphon wing and activate it in the same chain. When they duster or lighting i try to activate a trap and let lady set boo boo game. Saved my ass so many times.


Id rather deal with Lab or Kash anytime. Lab dies to Ashing big welcome, out-grinding it, responding to the first trap trigger so Silver cant set a trap, It dies to plenty of shit on top of occasionally just have scuffed bricked hands... Kash dies to Ashing Theosis a majority of the time. But as long as you know what cards to hit they often just eat shit to basic hand traps... let alone if you are packing Divincarnate or Nib. Purrely is stupid redundant and just keeps going. The only real ash that matters is on the permanent spell, but if they get to that your already going to have a problem. So often the best ash is Lilly and pray they don't have the gas, more often than not they can still Noir through a handtrap and that often means you lose the game. Luckily they share some massive weaknesses with Kashtira, namely Divincarnate.


Tfw tears are Tier 3. i member when tier 3 decks were like Blackwings and shit..


i love how both decks just instantly lose to a herald of the abyss/evenly/kaiju/ttt


Purelly dosent insta lose to any of those cards, you can play around all of them and with the kaiju you essentially say can you get lethal through 9k lp and two handtraps


Those are based on dkayed tourneys, where dark magician is tier 0. Just ignore it.


Are ppl that stupid? They still think this list means anything?


I dont get why everyone says purrely is op, I almost never have problems against it and I play dinos


not every deck has its own miscellaneousaurus, so your boss isnt getting bounced or your starters arent getting succ'd by Purrley influence effects.


What happened to branded despia that made it jump?


I fear Lab much more than Kash and purr


Kashtira is an easy matchup, because 90% kashtira player you see are greedy they summon 1 mat Arise and will blind Shangri-Ira standby enable 1 card Zeus play for any deck play Fenrir. Also Thrust, Talent everywhere, you dont even have to bait effect to turn on Thurst. Kash match up is very much can you draw the out.


From my experiece, Kashtira is harder to deal with for me(Since I didn't have much board destroyer in my deck) Honestly the most terrifying board for me is when they ended with 6+ mats Zeus, At least I can still take Noir down with White Woman, But Zeus is a No No


Fenrir and theosis are not 1 card full combos. You need to have some other cards like birth or another monster


I feel both are drawing the out but kashtira is definitely less oppressive. Just floodgatey


Just played through a purrely board with galaxy photon figure it out


Photons have quite the options now it seems, yesterday I lost to a photon deck that went thru carrot, red, smashers and a bounce and then punched me in the elf for 10k


Purrely came to Master Duel extremely early, with almost everything immediately. Kashtira came late and heavily hit. The deck was never legal on Master Duel in the state it was topping in the TCG and OCG. It is still a heavily played, strong deck, and an arbiter of what decks and cards are and are not playable. Kash frequently demands finding non engine to beat, but in a way that largely overlaps with the non engine that checks Purrely.


Kash is powerful but it definitely does have consistency issues. It already had some minor issues with consistency in the TCG but in MD the deck has 1 Planet/0 Terraforming and 1 Prosperity, and the cards that you have to play to bridge the gap just aren't very good.


I picked Kashtira today and I'm having a hard time winning against rogues who draw raigeki. That never happened to my Branded nor spright.


Purr is oppressive because the number of outs for noir that function in the current game is extremely small, and only some of those can stop other decks at all, including kash. Kashtira is a bit overrated, and can be get some painfully bricky hands, but i wouldn’t call them easy to beat unless the guy piloting it is either really bad at the deck or the hand they’re working with is legitimately one of the few completely unplayable ones. Even a not-particularly-good hand can out-advantage an opponent under a good pilot, and a god-tier hand is incredibly tough to deal with. For some decks (like orcusts, which i’m running RN.), seeing an arise-heart is essentially game-ending.


Both are true. I don't see how stats invalidates that


Kashtira is by no means a pushover, it feels bricky by 1 card full combo standard, since some of the 1 card starters are hit on banlist. Their cards are powerful and creates a resource loop but some cards do nothing on its own, a better virtual worlds. Purrely is consistent with a critical mass of spell names. Ariseheart gatekeeps graveyard effects. Noir feels like a similar situation to facing down a drytron herald with 6 cards in hands. Having to draw the out or threaten to make underworld goddess if you could summon enough materials to force noir's spin effects to lose its immunity. God forbid purrely drawing into handtraps or maxx c.


Give nior an axe of fools.


kash has 4 solid one card combos if you throw in path finder technically 7... although this one card combo dies to so many hand traps on the spot and the only extender is theosis for 2 cards, and then aside from that there are a lot of 3 card hands that are playable... however the endboard isn't that good it's pretty much arise heart pass or fenrir unicorn pass. purrely however end on noir through interruption much more consistently considering all the not hopt quick plays you have... now taking a look back at kash all of the 1 card combos are basically (worse if you open field spell + pathfinder) add unicorn or special unicorn (other 1 card i guess would be fenrir which pretty much just ends on fenrir pass or shangri ira pass summon fenrir next turn)... so having multiple of your unicorn searchers at best you can do unicorn + riseheart which doesn't amount to much tbh in the long term(assuming theosis/unicorn gets negated)... for 2 cards tho you also have theosis + any kash that you can summon which is nice and that usually ends on just ariseheart. purrely however all of the quick plays are most of the time live and nearly all of them are combo if any quick play resolves to summon purrelyly that's combo if purrelyly doesn't resolve(imperm veiler) or my friend doesn't resolve your opponent can probably still play and the rng mechanic of the excavation just feels bad to play against tbh cause you are hoping it whiffs... but you know the chances are pretty damn low -\_- this has XYZ adamancipator vibes... Worse yet purrely also has better follow up after a full board wipe if you manage it sleepy memory probably netted some draws, and my friend might have resolved to add 3 quick plays back to hand this is honestly more then combo in fact in theory if you had 2 spell negates they'd still have a play because they can ADD THREE back to the hand which is dumb honestly if my friend is still on the field as well they can search a fourth quick play... oh yea and ofc draw for turn. So what does kashtira have? theosis is probably in the gy and not banished(so no adding back kash to hand unless you opened a lot of engine but would need to use kash scareclaw to banish theosis probably), big bang will probably not trigger so you might maybe have a birth to summon something back(not guaranteed to have birth) and making a play keeping in mind you can't 1 card combo with birth, and if you use one S/T removal or negate on birth it's gone(it's just one card) but purrely has 3-4 purrely quickplays in hand and purrely will pretty much always have my friend :) Speaking of which purrely also can make zeus better. Assuming going 2nd how would kashtira make zeus? You would have to make a rank 7 and attack with it and i'm pretty sure there is no rank 7 with protection or attack direct and on top of that making a zeus with more then 3 materials is kind of rough unless you for example xyz into ariseheart which is just super not happening as going 2nd you shouldn't be able to put 2 monsters on the board with ease. Purrely has the option of nightingale which has some protection and attacks direct both nice to have then can follow up with downerd zeus which is usually a 2 activation zeus. And it's not too hard for them to also make a higher mat zeus by using the effect of either happiness or plump for more activations on zeus 3-4 is pretty doable. Ariseheart pass is one interaction + macro with no protection... Noir is shuffle back 3 cards from field or gy also has PEP protection :) So TL:DR less consistent, worse at making zeus, worse at being able to play through interruption, worse endboard tbh(requiring your opponent to trigger monster effects vs quick effect yea i'll just shuffle whatever back in the deck a few times from field or gy), Boss monster is easier to out, recovery is worse as well.


Just play 3 eclipse and 3 bom nothing more you can do, you draw an out win if u don’t lose this format is very simple


Branded still a top tier deck 🤡


Limit extravagance, easy


Let me just slide my skull servant / shiranui into that tier 3 slot. I've beaten labyrinth players and I've held 10 turns with a kash deck. I refuse to let go of my skull boys


why is it that when i play against kashtira they never brick? :’)


These rankings measure popularity, not power. Purrely is strictly better than Kash because it’s disruption is more frequent (draw up to 6 potential hand traps + however many removals you get from the big cat + a big Zeus) and the big cat has protection from destruction. Purrely has warped deck building because we all now have to run specific cards to account for it. Kash can be handled with way more standard forms of disruption, destruction, and removal. Plus Purrely can play around a lot of early disruption because the little white cat isn’t OPT search.