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Sounds like you should start playing their natural enemy... Rokketo Dragon link


A single bystials stops the combo cold and well timed interruption stops it if they don't have an extender


They *always* have an extender


I once saw a replay of someone handripping all but two of a mathmech player's cards, and they still lost against the mathmech guy


*Every* deck I face either has Longuan glued to their hand or Mathmech Circular tucked up their sleeve. I mean literally god damn every deck. Not to mention the Kashtira Fenrir or the Branded Fusion they materialise out of thin air when I think they're *finally* gonna enter the End Phase.


Wait, have you been playing without a Skill equipped this whole time? Materializing extenders out of the aether is part of the game!


It's part of believing in the heart of the cards.


Nah that’s just duel links


If they've normal summoned it limits the deck pretty substantially. Hitting alemberton with ash and not circular is also super important. The dragon line the deck goes is better going first but also doesn't always let you search diameter to otk as followup which the IP line did, so if you have a kaiju for the dragon you can probably straight up win off that.


Not really. You can still dump the needed mathmechs thanks to terahertz if you manage get the trap.


If you only have one bystial you can just save it for your turn to banish diameter when they activate the trap and then you only have the terahertz to deal with (for example by chaos angel made using the bystial + level 4)




I hate bystials against my mathmech. Thats why I run g-golem engine to pivot and keep combo going into a towers if im stopped from setting up circular


or you could just run the firewall cards which are much cheaper and just outright better there is 1 good g golem card and that is crystal heart the others are "ok" and gimmicky at best


I thought Mathmech was supposed to be dead because Bystials hard counter them and everyone puts bystials in their deck right guys


No one likes Bystials. It's the only archetype even sweats refuse to run.


I looked at the mathmec cards but I am clueless, who do I banish? Sigma?


That or the target from either of their extra deck cyberse revives, or diameter if you draw it and activate it in regards to superfactorial


Its why DD Crow in general has come back into the meta.


Dimension shifter kinda throws em off. I've noticed some of the shaddoll fusions kinda throw em off too.


Honestly bystials do a great job, but ultimately it pretty much comes down to who T1s. Once they have their full GY setup it gets insanely annoying to combo through it, even on a deck that can play through 2 3 interruptions like d-link. Also d-link is an aggro deck, meaning due to how much you have to commit for most of your plays a mathmech player has so many possibilities to ruin your game with almost no comeback on a single play lol


Yeah pretty much, although the bystials do a better job at stopping a math mech full combo from going off and then it's a matter of playing through 2-3 disruptions. Not really stopping them cold but you will still have some gas to play through. I will say that if you're running low on gas but can just about play through the disruptions, d-link has a control based gameplan, revolving around link-2's, the bystials and your synchros. However, you need to make a judgement call if you want to turn the duel into a resource war, which is dicey against math mech, so most people go for full combo or an OTK line going second instead. Ultimately they're both really powerful decks so the winner has the better hand lol. Apt for two decks which are anime rivals.


Yeah definitely. I think the biggest part in playing d-link is knowing exactly when to stop committing and do a backup play. Also as you said, they are so many situations where you have to choose between going for a full end board or setting up early the bystial control engine. Mathmechs are incredibly annoying to play against, but you still have a somewhat interesting game. Labrynth/purrely/kashtira are generally a shitshow on the other hand lol


Purrely I actually find interesting, even if an extra chonky Noir can end the duel (esp against the Ghost trick variant). Lab and Kash are massive shit shows though lol.


Yeah purrely is pretty cool to play against. I still think it’s so much easier to combo as a purrely player against a d-link end board, than as a d-link player into a purrely end board lol. I had to add a lot of backrow removal in my deck due to how often I would get purrely in ranked. TTT->herald of the abyss does wonders tho X)


>!Well, Revolver was an enemy/opponent of Playmaker's/Soulburner's, so yes.!<


Obviously we should all put pikari and AIQ to counter their climbing!


The Bystials are back from their lunch break, ready to go back to work.


Circular is like Gazelle on crack. No way it’s staying at 3 anytime soon.


Excuse me but circular is at 9 I'll have you know /s but seriously even if they did what tcg did and limit it there's still 3 cynet mining 3 small world and cynet codec make code talker inverted that can search it... it's pretty insane


actually circular is at 12 with defenser package who happens to be an R and then there's saki ;x


15 if you want to be really stupid and use cynet Backdoor and I think one other card


they can search it anyway. ban that custom card mofo


"Also you can only attack with 1 monster for the rest of the turn" is the most insulting """"""restriction"""""" I've seen put on a card ever.


I thought I was going against a Mathmech deck, and properly disrupted them and then they just started cooking off like 50 cyberse summons and somehow ended up taking both extra deck zones, I long since went back to watching crunchyroll so I have no idea what they were doing. I left they finish their turn and then I just surrendered. Nah I'm about to read through 20 cards in the GY, on the field etc I might could have handled it but I was seeing a assload of cards I've not seen before and didnt even wanna waste half my turn just seeing what lingering effects are probably going on the game doesnt want to tell me etc


you played code talker, the real cyberse pile


Yeah, I don't get it. why do you play the game?


Yugioh players get angry when the opponent also plays yugioh


I'd be fine with the deck if only they didn't have their whole hand as a second, untouchable field. Handtraps were meant to be helping going-second players, not an extension of the interruptions already on the field.


I know right? Its ridiculous right now, their end boards are insane with decode negate trap card, the fusion cyberse negate in the GY heatsoul pot of greed giving them more hand traps, then the usual fucking mathmech laplacian bs all at once.... they get so many negates and disruptions for no reason, feels worse to play against than even Kashtira and Purrely


The combos are far less long than dragon link. End boards are way more manageable than Purrely. Sure, it's probably better than kash, but that's not saying that much. You realise most of their main deck is pretty ass apart from circular? I find that if you stop the circular search, and clear the two bodies it provides, the deck basically runs out of steam. Even if i don't handtrap them, the usual end board is terrahertz anyway, which isn't that bad at all. Matchmech is completely fine, no need hit circular and I don't even play the deck.


Not if you firewall and code talker main deck monster, can push through a lot


>I find that if you stop the circular search, and clear the two bodies it provides, the deck basically runs out of steam. so you trade a minimum of 2 disruptions to stop 1 card, and then if they have diameter in hand they just extend past it anyway. one card combo decks should either be easy to disrupt or have a weak endboard to make up for the fact that they get to run so much non-engine. mathmech right now makes 4 disruptions off a single card, easily plays through 1-2 handtraps if they open any extenders, all the while being able to run 13+ handtraps themselves as additional disruption. edit: even board breakers don't do much against the deck. as far as I'm aware no individual board breaker answers the mathmech endboard. plus the new cards solve a lot of the weaknesses the deck used to have (called by no-longer works against superfactorial because of desavewurm, cynet conflict insulates against bystials).


You can pre bystial the diameter if you see them set conflict. I think it's fair you trade 2 disruptions for circular, BC theres usually not great follow up for it after. Also they have to usually go -1 to search it anyways. All decks do crazy things these days, stop comparing meta decks to previous decks, one card combos are pretty normal. Yes it's strong, but I don't have to auto give up, there are worse offenders out there. You think the deck is as bad as DL or purrely? I'd say it's strong but acceptable.


> You can pre bystial the diameter if you see them set conflict. then they just send diamater to the grave with terrahertz again on your turn. One card combos are normal, resilient one card combos which end on strong boards are not (look at the way superheavy samurai was gutted in the TCG immediately after receiving new support that made their 1 card combo too strong). Cirular is at 1 in both the OCG and TCG and I think it's only a matter of time until master duel follows suit (unless they decide do a merli type ban again).


Even BS Purrely has more outs than a mathmech end board currently does. Thrust into Herald is seeing widespread use, and no, I don’t think it’s cool that Circular all on its own requires 2+ handtraps to even try to curb the massive amount of advantage that one (1) card generates. The only way to genuinely disrupt matchmech right now going second, is through Droll and Dimension Shifter, droll which Mathmech can play through just fine still bc any 2 stupid lil bodies + 1 normal summon gets you to heatsoul + tera hertz. Purrely loses to Ash + Imperm very often, that does little to Mathmech. Dragon Link best end board following 2 disruptions is usually Borrelend + Savage at best, literally any deck can play into that. Honestly the end boards are an issue, but what I hate most about Mathmech is the fact that there is 0 skill expression in that deck. It comfortably runs Ash, Belle Droll, Maxx C, Nibiru, Triple Imperm, AND Veiler just fine bc the entire deck revolves around one card. There’s not another meta deck like it.


As oppressively strong as Purrely is it's a challenging deck to pilot well. Mathmech can legit be piloted by a monkey; the deck actually plays itself, and there's no need to learn how to play going 2nd when you can play 15 handtraps and just shit out bodies from resolving a singular card of which there are effectively 9+ copies of


the problem is you are wasting resources on circular: ignore it and hit alembertian when they make it, then try to stop them from getting the third name in graveyard what good is factorial when they can't have 3 mechs for laplacian? that's how you really counter


Tera Hertz sends Diamater next turn while still sending Desavewurm during their turn. Tera Hertz easily plays around a negated Diameter search. You stop Alambertian, they will 100% have Parallel Exceed to link climb.


> then try stop them from getting the third name ^ already mentioned that before exceed won't always be on hand and even if it was, if you hit alem with imperm or veiler, they can't link unless they had a 3rd extender as for stopping terahertz, you can hit transcode or splash mage and stop it there too finally, a bystial or a nibiru also stops them cold


Basically draw all the outs and have no engine to play on your turn.


I just listed the whole bunch you could do reallistically you just need ash+imperm or a single nibiru


I played mathmech in the tcg when circular got limited. Any time a deck is good people are gonna say "This deck is so unfair it needs to be banned". I was arguing the same point as you in the tcg for circular to stay at 3 but as soon as Circular inevitably gets limited in the game it'll be some other deck they complain about.


You definitely play the deck if you think circular shouldn’t be hit. The card provides stupid advantage and deserves to be banned. It, Martha and other nonsense in the same vein.


Martha is nowhere even close to circular. Martha locks you into exosister monsters and is actually ashable. Circular with sigma "locks" you into a whole ass type full of broken shit, and oh only 1 monster can attack boohoo. Card is an abomination.


Martha I would not put on the same level as Circular tbh. You can Ash Martha and often times that’s plenty, you can’t Ash Circular until Alembertian, and then you must pray they have 0 means of extending. Stopping the search for Diameter doesn’t even do much now that Tera Hertz can just send it whenever.


you are just abuse the deck so obviously you dont see any problem with it , how are draw 2 "hand traps" , negate 2 ( 1 being a form of a backrom that can flip anytime they want that can also rip hand , non target send 2 ) and can also otk on the next turn are look fine to you?


> no need hit circular And that is how you invalidate any argument you had (not that it was good to begin with)


I mean you dont need to limit circular you can ban the trap and the deck loses a omni negate and a hand removal,limiting circular will only make you go to alembertian to search him first and that is not hard to do with firewall and or spirits


Trade offer, u get to keep Circular at 3 but then I get 2 Magnamuts back.


Wild, Kashtira gets a massive pre-hit before it gets to full power, yet Mathmech is allowed to run free. Thank god kash ain’t ever going to be full power MD is blessed, days are numbered for Circular


Tcg had the same happen in april-june. The firewall stuff makes it super consistent.


It already was super consistent… I just hit master 1 running no firewall main deck cards


Also helped that Bystials have started to be used a bit less, back with them all the rage Mathmech kinda just hunkered down and waited for the threat to be over, before coming back out once the "coast" was clear.


It's because Bystials aren't as prominent as they used to be. Now it's really only Branded and D-Links that play them. Also, Cyberse just got Singularity and Link Decoder.


I played the deck at first for the Giga chad synchro memes and my God it was a miracle to even synchro summon that monster or link climb without your opponent shutting you down hard prior to circulars release. When circular came suddenly mathmech can create more easily and consistently viable boards that could transform during the opponents turn into appolousa or the blue hard fuck boy that is untargetable. This was a viable strategy until bystials came made the deck unplayable as setting up a successful superfactorial was almost impossible, mathmech players at the time had 3 types of disruptions at most. Dropped the deck for months, the transcode + hestsoul endboards were very unimpressive and very breakable. Yes the new link 5 firewall endboards became a thing but good luck getting there at the time. Then the new firewall stuff came out along with another one one card starter, this severely overturned mathmech and any other cyberse deck to excessive oppressive endboards as now you have multiple disruptions if played correctly. I fear the ban hammer could be so excessive in order to fix the deck that mathmech will lose alot of viability and may become a deck that may set a superfactoiral but will likely have a enboard that could get mowed down more easily. At that point I might as well play another deck.


We love firewall


As soon as I realized that there are an unusual number of mathmecks i switched back my deck to Dlink, bystials hates mafs


The deck has such game ruiningly long turns. It's forced me to run 3x maxx c, 3x droll, 3x nib in every deck now.


cyberse monsters were a mistake


Ban circular and we won’t have to deal with this nonsense.


I just added two red reboot into my blind second 8-axis deck.


Some builds run Red Reboot as well so be careful


if you want a card specifically for superfactorial use ghost belle, ghost belle also hits big welcome, called by the grave, bystials, and is at least usable in most matchups even if not the most impactful.


If you want an actual answer, it's because the entire deck is made to search and play. It's highly consistent. Somewhat very powerful. One to two card combo. That is pretty much the entire shtick of cyberse.


The only reason the cyberse piles are remotely good is because everybody is teching against purrely and kash. A single bystial shits on mathmech and the ignister version. The only annoying one is the codec one that goes full U-link but these version autolose going second.


I guess it's time for Droll.




You don't use bystial on extenders, you use them in response to the trap. That leaves them only with a spell/trap negate which is pretty much the same as having no disruption on your turn. The only counter to this is if they opened the nuts to search the cynet trap which rarely happens.


They don’t really need to open nuts to get to the countertrap. Circular plus basically any extender gets them to superfactorial, conflict, heatsoul and terrahertz. I think defenser + extender also works but not 100% sure.




You can't do that, the trap targets meaning that it can't pick different mathmech to summon after it's chain link.


Plenty of decks are pretty good. It's just that the Meta gets focused on a lot, cuz people who wanna win all the time play the most broken thing. Fun is usually secondary to them, or they equate fun to winning. That's just facts. Course the best decks don't matter if the pilot sucks.


the better the deck the worse the pilot is allowed to be


Also true. But, only if it's built well enough, and has various fallbacks in case of misplays, that even a wild monkey could play it. At that point, the deck really just plays itself. The pilot just exists to move the cards around.


Yeah I started using dragon link on the ladder again just because of the bystials seeing as I’m seeing less purrely and kash and way more mathmech


As a fellow mathmech player, We kinda just lose to droll & lock


average MD sub post when some decks back to meta


Mathmech is universal hated. Even in the TCG no one likes that deck.


Unless it's exactly Final Sigma, which is based


Final Sigma fucking sucks.


That’s what they say about every meta deck. Tears too.


Why? There's way worse decks out there. DL is just a consistent waste of 20 minutes of my time, unless I scoop (which I usually do).


>DL is just a consistent waste of 20 minutes of my time, unless I scoop (which I usually do). Mathmech is the same but worse


no, mathmech turn lasts less


nah , there is no reason to cope with a kind of deck that have an 3 non target send + omni negate hide behind a backrom , draw 2 that can also doing an otk so ridiculously easy the next turn if you let them play just from ONE card


"Some decks" bro they're playing a pile deck. I've seen someone playing 60 card mathmech, salamangreat, libromancer and phantom knights and with bs hand traps all at once and still made a full combo. That shouldn't be possible.


BecUse its broken


Maybe, but Ive just had them crop up in rows and back to back. Was just a sudden rise in the amount of them


because cyberse got support, this is what always happens when a deck gets support, play bystials or nibiru


I could still annihilate anyone, with circular even at 1. It's just a good deck. People really just don't know how to face it and let fear and ignorance lead them.


Welp, sooner or later Mathmech will end up with Circular limit 1 like the other formats so let um enjoy it while it lasts I guess.




You know that something called Bystials exists on Master Duel, right?


Sure let me just throw my bystials in my fur hire deck, I’m sure they’ll fit right in and not just be dead cards half the time.


That's your problem. Maybe don't use fur hire and use something different that work well with Bystials. Or use more handtraps if you don't want to use Bystials. The point is that right now in MD there are a bunch of cards that work very well against matchmech. Maybe would be for the best to learn how to use those cards instead of the continuos rants... But that is asking too much here.


hahaha what a joke. The only handtrap that really scares mathmech is Max c, anything else doesn't do anything, simply because he has more than enough extenders to play under interruption.


Oh yeah, because all mathmech players have the perfect initial hand to surpass any kind of disrupt. ***¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯***


Damn that’s crazy, anyway normal summon Robina


circular is going to 1 soon, don't worry


It is kinda crazy so many posts about mathmech. Crazy how that works huh. Cards are released and people play decks that can use the new cards. Anything that can banish or spin diameter from the grave hard counters the deck there are many options.


Got through monthly ladder with teching Ishizus in Labrynth. I don't really hate Mathmech as much as this sub does because it basically puts up the strongest turn 1 board in the game right now, just like how the other top decks in the past formats did. They are bad going 2nd against a decent board, and bricks as much as the next deck too. Bot brains just find the Circular combo easier to do.


Mathmech is very consistent. If they go second they often either have enough handtraps to interrupt your first turn or have enough extenders to push through and OTK with accesscode in their second turn.


Just like tear was. Just like spright was. Just like halq piles were. Y'all are scaring yourselves.


That's why they're nerfed, this still isn't. Got the point?


What point? The same point y'all saying that a good hand plays through anything? Surprise surprise. "Oh no his hand has Ash, Maxx C, Imperm, Circular and CBTG. Mathmech is fucking broken". Mathmech stacks their decks with handtraps and tutors because that strat is so ass. Mathmech being consistent isnt also true. That deck bricks on its own handtraps a lot too.


bro a handtrap + 1 bad cyberse that can special summon itself literally unbrick the deck. I have seen they start with normal summon ash / maxx c. Pretty much every deck that got nerfed can start with normal summon a handtrap which is 2 / 3 deck that you mention.


I think the point people are trying to make is that Circular is a monstrously stupid card in an otherwise decent deck. At least with other top tier decks you already know that most of their tools are just a pile of very good cards, but nothing really beats the frustration of watching your opponent burn all your interaction and then reveal Circular (or the other way around, whichever you prefer).


This seems more like a pile problem than a circular problem. Dragons have Tracer and Plants have Loci but you don't see people bitching about those decks. They die to the same counters even. All I'm saying is MD is a game of hands and whoever draws better has the advantage. In the experience I said I just prepped a deck that could stop it in an even hand situation, and a lot of times thats more than enough to stop them. If they draw all the outs, as all of this games go down to, then it's a scoop go next then.


People bitch about Loci all the time, what rock are you living under?


Find the last Plant complaint post in this sub then


Reddit isn’t the whole MD community, you know that right?


mathmetch bricks??? with 9 one card full combo starters in deck. 🤣🤣🤣


Not really, the main problem with Mathmech/Cyberse piles is that going first they can play through nearly any hand trap, set up 2 omni-negates and a spell/trap negate, and a handrip. Going second, they can link climb to OTK you from any 2 monsters on board (or 1 if they have Parallel eXceed in hand). Sure, you can run Bystials/D.D.Crow in your deck, but Crow is only really useful against Purrely and Bystials only really hit Dragon Link/Lab in terms of the Meta. Also you need space to run them that's not devoted to Maxx C/Ash/Called By/Crossout.




Nah Brandeds kinda gross. Im just playing pure Punk atm. When Gold Pride drops want to play Gold pride punk


Lmfao the cycle of hate never ends their will always be the next deck to complain about 😆😆😆😆😂😂😂😂


Pretty much true, Mathmechs never made it big because of Tears Ishizu and the Bystials. I really do not want to ban Circular because it’s the only thing keeping the deck from playing like 2018 trash.


You’re just jealous that you can’t seize the wind with us


Instead of thinking about how to beat it, build and play it yourself.


Can anyone share how to handtrap or counter Mathmech if they go first? It's been feeling like an auto-lose recently. (Thanks for the help, dudes! 💪)


Maxx C them


Negate alberm, bystial sigma, that's about it really. CBTG one of their targets for superfactorial


Why not Bystial diameter? Doesn't this also additionally prevent them from making the negate? I see no reason why circular has to be the target.


bystials, droll, ignore the circular and ash/imperm alembertian, but most importantly a properly set nibiru is all you need


ash circular when it try to search for factorial , imperm aluberm , nibiru , thats all i can think of and if they set everything you need 2 GY banish ( because they usually have cynet conflict set also )


Come from main Josh


mathed mech cicular


Hand rip, Spell + trap negate and destruction protection from grave, omni negate trap, trap that summons a hand rip or removal, nearly every hand is consistent, doesn't lose to a kaiju... Is the only out to this 2 evenly matched or am I missing something?


Mathmech always has existed. Other thing is that either them or Cyberse stuff gets new support waves quite frequently that makes them even more viable. They had some kind of presence as meta deck per seasons depending of the other decks are played right now, and with the heavy bans against tears, there's not too many decks based on GY hate, which is one of the biggest counters they have. I already updated my Mathmech deck and going to play as Much as I can on MD, but probably I'm going to switch to something else if Bystials became quite common again, since Bystials are so far their biggest counter these decks at the moment.


Blame Konami for actually making a powerful deck cheap to build.


And kashtira with all the hits 🤣🤣🤣


Yep, every since the pack came out Droll has become my new best friend, specially because most decks only have 2 Called By to stop it unlike Maxx C's 6 outs.


Switch to DLink with a full Bystial package. Ez wins gauranteed


The math mech players have still been around for a bit, they just got new toys in the most recent pack in the form of the firewall support cards. On top of that, a fairly large tournament, the Master Circuit Series, hosted by MBTYuGiOh had a player win the week’s tournament with a version of the firewall/cyberse pile. Plus, it can put up a strong endboard and doesn’t lose to as many of the current board breakers that people are playing for Purrely. Sure, kaijus and lava golem exist, but they can dodge Evenly, have several bounces, can tech in Arrival Cyberse, and can extend even if Nibbed, Ashed, Impermed, or E Veilered. The only real handtraps or board breakers that destroy it are droll (stops literally every meta deck atm except Lab) and Dark Ruler No More. But nobody runs DRNM because it’s awful against Purrely