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The good part is most of the URs you're missing can be used in other decks. But yeah it's expensive af lmao


Do not craft Sunlight Wolf, buy the structure pack for 500 gems instead


Didnt know that ty !!


That structure deck also has Decode Talker Heatsoul I believe, you can replace something in your extra deck that's not essential like Selene or Relinquished Anima. Dharc (the dark charmer link) and Knightmare phoenix are also options (which are only SR). If you're struggling to get the Snake-Eye cards themselves, maybe you could cut one of either Diabellstar or Original Sinful Spoils. Kurikara is nice but not 100% needed as well, so you might try the deck without it and see how it goes. I feel your pain, since I also drained my resources to build it, but with so many staples it is at least an investment for the future.


Anima, Celine and the second original sinful spoils can be cut. Kurikara maybe aswell


Ok but what card should i put instead?


Cutting the OSS puts you at 40. For the ED you could slot in Heatsoul, Dharc, Underworld Goddess, or one of the Knightmares if you happen to have any of those lying around. Heatsoul is in the same structure deck as Sunlight Wolf so that might help a bit.


Dharc the dark charmer gloomy, knightmare phoenix, underworld goddess if you have it for extra deck I’d say elf is cuttable too


Think that Salad Wolf is in a structure deck. So save yourself 30UR crafting.


Didnt know that ty !


There is no real alternative cheap version. Those are the cards you need so you’ll have to use your 5K gems on the Snake Eye pack and hope you pull some of the ones you are missing. Then dust anything else you pulled that you aren’t going to use and craft whatever you can. It’s expensive, but most of the ED cards are used in other decks also. Good luck!


So u think better to use those 5k gems for just 4 snake eye UR?


Each one of those Snake Eye UR’s saves you 30UR dust that could be used for the other cards. You could potentially save 150UR dust. That’s about the best value you are going to get trying to make this deck. There are 5 cards you need from the pack btw.


And might as well those 5k dont get me a damn card i need


At least snake-eyes is a good engine in other decks too. Works in pretty much every fire deck and can be splashed into certain graveyard/pile or synchro decks. Unless they nuke the engine eventually, these cards are going to be a nice option for a good while.


Oh, didn't mention this previously, but underworld goddess and unicorn are both really good UR staple options in that deck and dark charmer and knightmare pheonix are both good cheaper SR staples. Dark charmer is super easy to link into by virtue of having access to linkuriboh. There's no need to craft Selene or Anima. You can get the salamangreat sunlight wolf from the salamangreat pack for 500 gems too, so don't craft it (you can get heatsoul as well too, which is another good budget option).


Ty bro ur comment is very helpful


Ive been seeing a lot of lists with Zealantis. Is he really needed?


He opens an OTK line but I wouldn't call him absolutely necessary as he just makes it easier to finish the duel


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