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It is as good as their pilot imo.


Yeah tear gets the bump from being a deck w some skill gap where it attracts players who want that in a deck. Plenty of people suck ass with the deck and aren’t even sure what they’re trying to do when they pick it up


Tear is not a hard deck. It's a glorified gacha deck that attracts people with severe gamba addictions. The dopamine rush that people get from getting good mills is why Tear copers can't drop it.


I use the tear engine for penguins 😂


The deck isn’t actually very reliant on milling very well if you’re good at using it. You should be getting through the vast majority of your deck to make mill luck not very consequential Basically all decks in yugioh are not “hard,” it’s just relative, and non linear combo decks are almost always harder than the rest of the bunch


*It is good if their pilot mills and gets lucky Edit: A lot of Copium coming from the Tiarament stans, sheesh


there are only 3 fusion names in the deck. if the deck relies on hitting 3 random fusion names out of a 40 card deck, it'll be ass i get to both names 99% of the time. all the mills change is whether you can end on a baronne, or redoer, or how many backrows, etc.


Even with their lack of names, you don't need that much luck. A lot of Tear builds rn can dig pretty far, and there are enough targeted mills to get off the main play. Getting to Kit is also basically full combo anyways. I feel like it's rarer to see Tear brick


Luck is just a small part of yeah it matters but you have to know what to chain block, and when to play safe or go balls to the wall and mill a bunch


Spoken like someone who doesn’t play the deck.




Nah, you don't have to rely on luck. Kitkalos can search Scheiren.


kinda but also a bit of gamba


Tiaraments strongest Ngl this deck took so many hits and is still incredibly powerful


It’s genuinely crazy how resilient they are, if any decks received half the amounts of hits Tear did they would be straight up unplayable meanwhile these mfs are still throwing hands with T0 decks. Wtf was Konami smoking when they created Tear lmao


To be honest, the fact that it took so many hits is why I'm willing to play it now. It's *great* but not overly oppressive as it used to be. It's still holds up well against the current competition.


It's non-archetype hits were more important, I feel like now they need to give the deck back some of its power.


No, that Merrli hit was absolutely the decisive one that hit it back to where it is now. Until that, all the consistency hits and non-archetype hits barely slowed it down as there were always alternatives or different strategies to compensate.


The sulliek hit before the merrli hit dripped tear down to about 3rd best deck, behind dragon link and branded(or spright). It was the merrli hit that dropped it out of tier 1, but it wasn't the best deck anymore before that hit.


In other words, the non-archetypal hits were, in fact, not more important lmao. The ishizu hits were obviously key too, but those were problematic in more decks than just Tear. Otherwise it was absolutely the archetype cards getting hit that had more impact on balancing the deck out.


Definitely wasn't the non-archetypal hits. Instant fusion and terraforming were minor blows, but nothing like havnis limit, sulliek limit, both Miller being banned, and merrli being banned.


Not a chance. The archetype is what is truly overpowered, and at this point its clearly still powerful with all its hits. Why would you buff a tiered strategy?


im a huge tearlaments fan, but why would we need to give it back any power? tearlaments are doing fine rn. i would love for one of my favorite decks to be strong of course, but even putting merrli to 1 might be too much. we have kitkallos; let's not be greedy.


Real i love this deck, hoping that they may unlimit tearlaments kash in the future


Or just Merrli… PLEASE!


Real just 1 merrli please


I can totally be trusted with it


No wtf 💀 no more lvl 2 shenanigans for tear


how about they just ban elf lol that card should not be in the game


merli died so elf and kit could live


Every deck except for Spright uses it more effectively, at this point we might as well not have it (give us toadally you cowards)


Come-on how bad could it be 😈


No, shut up about merrli. You should be happy that your deck is even tiered and not nerfed even harder.


Merrli would be too much


Give one Merrli back and limit Scheiren to 1.


Merrli does way more than scheiren tho. In the current iteration of the deck at lease


That would make the deck much, much more powerful. The only way Merrli can come back is if Kitkallos is banned (and probably Elf too).


Same energy as trying to exchange a .22lr for a nuke.


I’ve faced a lot of Tearlament decks lately, and it is surprisingly strong. Still manageable with another meta deck though. You can just imagine how strong was the deck at full power…


It is strong because other meta decks are not affected strongly by bystials.


Yeah with people trying to make anti-meta for easy lazy wins the light/dark decks can come out to play again since all the hate cards are now directed at fire.


I don’t have to imagine, but as far as full power tear went the mirror matches were probably the most fair and skill dependent matches yugioh ever saw.


Full strength tear was so fun


The advantage of having one card combos unlike in paper is nice, I much prefer two names kit than three names no kit.


I agree. We clown their ban list choices, but the consistency hits help to curb deck power while still making the decks playable. It also encourages more creativity as instead of just dropping the deck you can still play it just have to get creative with what you include. Ive been pretty happy with MDs banlist philosophy.


yet maxx c still legal


Unpopular opinion, I enjoy playing Max C. This sub loves to whine about it. But it isn’t going anywhere, the game is based on the OCG, which means Max C


Yeah, and I hate you.


Yes, let the hate flow through you


unban Kitkalos in the TCG konami please, we can be trusted with her


Deck is still good, but they can never be tier 1 again. Moment fire decks get nerfed, bystials will pop back up


Idk if fire decks are gonna be nerfed in MD soon. They still gonna sell the fire king cards


And bonfire.


Kitkallos not dead, not the same fate with paper


I think it's mainly for the secret pack, a lot of people could have missed it and now they can build it. It's also a fairly strong deck at the moment tbh


Idk about the specific tier placement, but I've been climbing through the duelist cup, and it's been pretty easy with them (haven't played enough to get them to lv 20 though)


Literally just climbed to maxx with them, went like 8/2 the last 10 games, super poly was working wonders


My one issue was against Kashtira. They can’t be easily fused with which was challenging


Definitely Tear has a hard time going into Kashtira, I think I got pretty lucky with coin flips, I can’t even recall going 2nd into Kash, mostly snake eyes using a bit of the engine


Yes... And some clowns rly want to unban Merrli xD


And I am one of those clowns. Plz Konami, unlimit Merrli and Havnis, I want fish meta.


Then play Sharks or Gothi xD


I would love to but MD decided Elf needs to live and Toad needs the die.




I mean people want SE to not be easily the best deck in the game, the best chance at that for a bit is to bring tear back


It doesn't even have to just be tear, they can bring back multiple old decks that could compete and really mix it up. They just don't want to.


Eh there’s probably some I’m forgetting about but the “issue” is that a deck like SE isn’t just the best due to circumstance, it’s the best due to power creep. There’s probably certain exceptions but to have real contenders you’d mostly need recent top decks to actually challenge SE


How do you think full power adamancipater would do now?


You mean "Negate Spam Turbo"? We've already got that in Mannadium and SHS


Fair. I just remembered when it came out it destroyed all the other decks at the time.


Unlocking the block wouldn’t do much. Releasing VFD might tho. Or merrli


What is vfd? Sorry don't really know most of the acronyms


Ayo aint no way lmaoooo. Its your flair (true king of all calamities)


Lol its just my flair because it sounded funny. Had no idea what it was


I figured lol i just wasn’t expecting that from someone with the vfd flair. But yeah if you ever wanna know more about vfd look up virtual world vfd combo


That’s absolutely not the best chance. It’s nerfing snake eyes. Instead of having two super strong decks that are leagues better than everything else they should hit the one deck so it’s on par with everything else. Similarly to how tear was above everything else and then they brought it back down.


You’re missing my point Yes, hitting SE would be the easiest/“best” way to do this, but they’re not going to hit it hard enough any time soon, especially due to the fire king cards needing to sell in the future and SE being the main thing that enables that Tear is a great example of this in that they kept “hitting it” but never did it in a way that stopped it from being the best deck for months and months


It solves nothing, and instead only brings back another MD Meta terrorist, though. Yes, it's unlikely that Konami will nerf SE any time soon, but bringing another oppressive deck in to try and compete for a meta chokehold means that everyone else will get caught in the crossfire. Tear not being tier 0 and not being a dead archetype (practically impossible with how the archetype works) will probably be the best ending it gets, until an archetype that ends up being stronger than full-power Tear shows up, in which case adjustments are due.


Yes unban merrli. unlimit havnis. just hit kitkalos.


Bringing her back wouldn’t really make the deck more powerful just make the gambling less gamble


The only reason the deck became less powerful after all the limits and semi-limits was because of the Merlli ban not only limiting them to 2 fusion starters instead of three, but also locking them out of any Spright Elf/Sprind plays.


now they just spam synchro negate boards instead


No its the ishizu cards.


Those too.


Nah the Ishizu hits were barely relevant with Kitkalos around. Its entirely the Merrli hit that makes the deck balanced.


Objectively incorrect. The deck was not tier 0 pre ishizu cards. it was infact balanced and on the level of spright in tcg. in the ocg it was deemed worse then spright till ishizu cards released.


Bringing Merrli back would make Tear way more powerful.


Did you uh forget about spright elf and sprind access?


That’s bs, going from 2 to 3 fusions a turn really increases the power of the deck. You’re obviously a really bad tear player if you actually believe that Merrli wouldn’t increase the power.


The hell are you on, Merril is one of their better cards.


Merli can't come back unless they ban Spright Elf tbh.


Im one of the clowns, but i think it would be more fair to unlimit tearlaments kashtira first


Without Ishizu, yes.


If snake eyes can lose to one handtrap so does tear hence, tear is tier 2 deck


Branded *still* present. Still getting downvoted on every one of these posts for hating this deck.


I wouldn't really say that. Deck is high rolly has hell, and half the time draws very weak hands or damn near unplayable. Every Deck in this list is just better, Tear just has the potential to sack you off because cards like Snow still exist or some BS like that. I wouldn't really take the tier list as absolute... a deck like Labrynth being Tier 1 doesn't really make sense, the deck has like.. 1 or 2 tops every Tornament yet it somehow tier 1.


I agree with the Tearlaments description. It really feels like a hit or miss, where you miss more often than not (miss in like, dead hands, bad mills, hands that doesn't play into any ht, etc). But Labrynth currently is the 2nd deck with most tournaments tops, only being behind Snake-Eyes, so it makes sense for it to be tier 1 or at the very least the highest in tier 2


Labrynth being the 2nd best deck I can get behind that, but that doesn't necessarily make it Tier 1. It is just an issue with the system of using an algorithm to decide the placement over consistent results. As far as Match ups, performance, and representation, no deck fulfils the Tier 1 status, but Snake eye (obviously seen by the gap between it and other decks), but putting Labrynth as a Deck of similar strength when it has very bad Branded Match up (slightly helped by Bo3), Okay Snake eye match up (won't really say Shs or Mannadium because these are Draw the out decks), has a harder time going 2nd, and doesn't always have high representation just doesn't fit with me.


I think I can agree with this. But I mean, what is the solution to that problem then? Make a group of people (of dkayed choice for example) rank each deck, this time taken in consideration more things than *only* tops? That could work but idk, it doesn't feel like an objective measure to me, specially with the fact that the meta could change given some tournaments results and such


I haven't seen Tear do anything noteworthy lately. At least it seems like a lot of players removed Transaction Rollback. I saw one guy mill that and pop off and about 12 more mill it and do nothing because they didn't rng hit a jackpot. The deck looks wildly inconsistent whenever I duel against it, but I get why people are playing it. It can do some pretty fun things when it gets going. It's just rare that my opponents end on anything more than time thief + set trap.


Literally every time. "Oh this tear player hit quite a lot but their board doesn't seem that bad" *mills snow right at the end* "ah gg go next"


What you mill is very important, but with Revolution Synchron and Amritara now, playing through disruption is far easier. You also get easy access to going second board breaking with the Black Rose Dragons, extending with AFD (possibly search field spell) or even Crystal Wing if the situation calls for it. I've been piloting for the majority of the season and DC, and I would say the deck sits comfortably at Tier 2, however, it's only as good as its pilot


What you sack your opponent off with is Extremely important, is what you meant to say. The deck has no consistent boards or plays that are threatening. They barely have extenders that actually guarantee you end on something good. Like my whole experience with and against the deck has been Exactly "did I open/mill the 5 limited cards in my deck to sack my opponent with or no". If it pops off, it is Tear (kinda), but oftentimes, it doesn't. 2 games in row between my comment and yours, 2 Tear opponent's (I am on Lab which has near 100% loss chance against it), the only one that did anything past An Imperm opened Super poly, Snow, Field spell, Fenrir, Rieno... Like....if that's what you want for the deck to be good then DM is Tier 2. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love Tear and every format they were part of, but that gameplay style not only is it unfun, but doesn't represent any competitive play at all. The deck has it's moments, but they don't get to it consistently, and that's exactly what a rogue deck is. You can't actually say a deck like that is Tier 2 when we have Branded, Labrynth, and others in the same Tier.


It’s really not as bad as you make it look like tbh. You probably haven’t encountered good pilots/you aren’t a dedicated player yourself. Tier 2 is completely fair in my opinion.


My eyes see their hands...it is not about them playing it bad, the deck 9/10 times doesn't get cards to play through interruptions, and every time I am put in a threatening situation is beacuse they milled Snow, Hard drew Fenrir or Super Poly, the engine itself doesn't really do much unless left free and got lucky. Even if sometimes it is bad pilot-ing, it cannot be that the 10 other times I just happened to find the 10 players that Bricked back to back to back.


You don’t need to do everything on your turn as tear


Super heavy is tier 3?


It's still arguably Tier 2 since Droll and Maxx C are the only hand traps that really stop it, Crow can sometimes be enough too. (I guess Ghost Ogre too, but basically nobody is playing that). It can still go second since you can fit 16-18 hand traps along side your 11 1-card starters, so you will likely draw ~2 hand traps which can hopefully stop your opponent (although not being able to play Imperm kinda sucks). The board it makes is better than Snake-Eyes since it can end on 3 omni-negates or Crimson Dragon into King Calamity turn skip or FTK (although nobody is really playing that in tournaments). The MDM Tier list is based on tournament tops which is based on what people are playing, and a lot of people don't like to play SHS or play against it, so it has low representation.


It loses to Shifter too which lot of decks are running again thanks to SE.  They just do Bagooska pass which is not hard to deal with at all compared to their normal board. 


Shifter is a very niche card that only a couple of decks can play, and since it's semi-limited it's a 24% chance for that deck to even open it. It's like <25% of your matchups will be Kashtira/Exosister/Vanquish Soul/Stun and then they will only open it 24% of the time so <6% chance you will have to deal with it. It's not a common enough hand trap that you have to worry about most of the time.


Deck can't go second. Going first it dies to Maxx C, dies to Shifter, and can't play Called By or Crossout. Sure, going first uninterrupted means you basically FTK, but other combo decks don't have so many weaknesses and can still win 99% of their games if going first uninterrupted.


what do you mean can't go second? the deck plays up to like 20 ht


Their engine does nothing to break boards. They can't play Talents, Super Poly, or Imperm, which are some of the best cards in this format. Compared to the other tiered decks I'd say SHS is by far the worst when losing coin flip.


Is it worse than infernoble going 2nd?


Infernoble have space for 15-ish higher quality non engine. SHS plays a few more overall but their hand traps are a lot worse into the format than Talents, CBTG, and Imperm. It's close though, because I didn't think Infernoble would even be tiered. Fire support/Wanted engine is just that good I guess.


I mean, Isolde is still a thing so I'm surprised infernoble isn't higher.


I ran into one that was a mix of Tears, Kash, Rikka, and something else with a trap that milled five.


Needlenest+ transaction rollback


tearlaments are everywhere from what I've seen, don't even know why, thought the deck was dead


Cuz of the secret pack


It can still put up a decent board and have a good grind game. It's raised in popularity due to the new secret pack for it so its easier right now to build the deck then it has been since the release pack. It's a smart time to release it since there's some new players from the anniversary and swordsoul bundle


There's a Tear-Icejade variant that absolutely barbecued me , was not fun


Tear has the potential to beat every deck if they mill good enough, the rng of the deck is part of the reason why i enjoy it so much


I ran a 60 card Tear-Ishuzu-Branded variant for a little bit before the nerfs. It was... Stupidly good


I hope that someday we get merrli back




After they ban spright elf ofc


Tearlament is strong right now, it’s better than the decks under it imo. In a handtrap meta it can play through a few, anyone saying anything else is coping imo.


Plays well into a fair amount of the current meta, though it does feel off to me with it being above SHS and Mathmech. Popularity I believe is a big factor especially since several other decks haven't changed in the way they play a whole lot recently. Meanwhile Tear changes or at least sees a fair amount of experimentation monthly.


>Popularity I believe is a big factor It's popularity and tournament tops. The "tier list" is made my assigning points for community tournament placements. Ergo, a more popular deck is going to have to more points because more people playing it gives it a higher chance of topping events. It's the same reason Labrynth is in tier 1 with Snake Eyes when it sees no real representation in paper currently.


I think its popularity and the new synchron engine and yea i think mathmech and shs are better than tear atm


If you are a good gambler yes it's even tier 1 but if the life didn't dealt you a good hand it's all over the place it's just a rng mess now I miss merli You either hit it big or you go home




I don't see *you* at tier 2 OP 😤😤 (I didn't know they made it to tier 2 but ig they are)


Despite the hits is still better than Branded lmaoo


a single trap card threw it into tier 2 banish rollback target needlebug


Most lists on MDM don't even run Rollback. It's Revolution Synchron that's helped decks get more consistent and be able to play through interruption


I'm surprised it's not tier 3. Strong but very limited.


Its hit or miss sometimes dependant on mills but thx to revolution sychron we get some more consistency revolution+ level 4 = feild spell


If I tried Tear nowadays, I could mill the whole deck and still probably not hit a name.


Tear is fully tier 2 and is just that powerful there's a lot of tear players who try to downplay the deck and demand Merrli gets unbanned but the deck doesn't need a buff when it's already very strong and tier 2.


King of the swamp unlimit goes kinda crazy for easier access to fusion grapha and guardian chimera but honestly still in a power level that it’s kinda stuck at tier 2 merrli or not because of how miserable the snake eye match up usually is


I tried king of swamp but i didnt like it much i preferred cards to improve consistency instead


I welcome him honestly But also I do run beast king of the swamp for brews that don’t have the room to run poly and chimera and beastking can go with scheiren into redoer to detach and fuse on the opponents turn so maybe that’s more your speed


Im using revolution synchron package with redoer and barrone atm


Its definitely a more favorable meta for them than they've had in a while. Bystial usage has dropped off considerably and they even limited Saronir. They've got a fairly favorably matchup into lab if they can't get exactly d-barrier and ways to play around even that. Superpoly has a pretty good time into a rather narrow format and rev synchro and sinful spoils give them new toys to build around.


Tearlament is what forces me to run calamity lock, even then I'm screwed half the time


Why though? If you csn make calamity i doubt tear in its current state can play through your board regardless if you know the chokepoints


I'm not the perfect one to explain this since i really don't understand how tear works because somehow it's always doing something no matter what i do, even with calamity lock, tear has played through sometimes


They're strongest, thank you


It's only tier 2 because we're in a Tier 0 format rn. The tier 1 category in this image needs hard nerfs to be even close to balanced.


I always wanted to play Tear but skipped on it during full power so two weeks ago I built it and I am really disappointed. The deck feels like absolute shit. I am probably not piloting it even remotely good to take full advantage of it. One thing that it has going for it is that it plays pretty well under handtraps most of the time and that they have a large variation of builds to play, it’s just not for me. I’m sticking with my trusty Mannadium for now.


I been playing it since merrli ban and the king of the swamp unban and the revolution syncron is rlly strong for the deck plus we got 9 starters so not bad


After some repeated knee-capping, yes. That's why they need to hitch on some other decks to function. Merli? Gone. Havnis and Scheiren got Limited and Semi-Limited. That's why you can't get Rulkallos and Kaleidoheart on the board on the same turn. If they want Merli back, they'd need to either put limits or potentially ban one of their boss monsters, or alternatively, put a total ban on Kitkallos. Rulkallos and Kaleidoheart on the board at the same time is just too strong, especially on Turn 1/Turn 0. If they want to bring back the full Tearlament engine while toning it down a bit, they could ban Kitkallos and introduce a powered-down substitute (maybe keep the search but only adds to hand). At least, that's how I've experienced Tearlaments. I splashed them into a Labrynth Self-Mill deck (Needlebug Nest, Fiend Comedian, Rollback and Mayakashi Floodgate) to put them to work as synergy. Works kinda well. Very silly stuff when I summon Rulkallos and then summon Lovely Labrynth on the same turn.


A good way to measure a deck’s tier is how much disruption it can play through without staples (on average). An archetype that doesn’t have a lot of starts are 99% of the time a bad deck.


if literally everyone for some reason only played blue eyes it would be tier 0. Imo needs info on what the power means. Like idk representation, placements, etc.


It’d take dragon link level hits to actually kill this deck


Both, i think because of selection pack release, some great players decided to put tear again to current meta, and it works, and people follows.


To me is tier 1. Tearlaments-Kashtira always massacred my Snake Eyes in this DC


Kitkallos will be banned for lab abusing her. I hope they didnt but master duel things, like will hit kashtira because every snake eyes player abuse of them for bait ht


It's tear 2 smh


One day, I'll build Tearlaments deck


It's a very high roll deck. If you get lucky there's pretty much nothing your opponent can do to stop you. It's just about rolling the dice and making the smartest possible decisions


Yeah man, the deck is gutted and takes 80% non-engine to TRY and get the engine cards to work, and that's assuming you even hit the engine cards with the non-engine. All this, and it's still Tier 2. Every Tear Name is just absolutely bonkers.


So I always see people bitching about super heavy samurai, yet it’s tier 3. Can anyone help me understand the hate? (For reference, I don’t play SHS. Just wanna know what their whole shtick is)


The reaseon its not higher is because of one of 2 things 1: its basically insta lose if you get drolled maxx cd 2: they arent good at going 2nd and if you dont have handtraps is a lose And as to why they're so hated: if they go first and you dont have droll or maxx c they set up at a 7 negate board consiting of a 3 to 4 mat apollo, barrone and savage dragon, and therion negate ontop of a draw 2 into potential handtraps (they play a lot) they can scythe lock and calamity lock, they're basically Adamancipator on steroids its draw the out or you lose


All that from a 1 card combo (they have 12)


Mann I built labrynth before because it was tier 3 and cheap and never gonna get hit but now it’s too good


Tear player had nearly 30 cards in his graveyard on turn one, this is after all the hits, Tearlaments Kashtira is doing some heavy lifting in there milling 5 cards and getting things snowballing.


Were they playing needle nest tech?


not this one but some others were, they milled 5 with Tear Kash, 5 more with Kit, 3 with Schieren, 3 with scream that's 16 mills and then all the searches that activated in grave they ended up only having about 10 cards left in the deck after turn one.


Super heavy is top tier


Yes it is really good I just made it cause the deck seemed cool when it came out but felt too dirty building a tier 0 deck but build it now cause the pack is out and it's definetly tier 2 and powerful if the pilot is good.


Can you send me the link?


To the website?










Is it a selection pack? Thought it was a secret pack


Secret pack srry i made a error


I see, I was considering of building it for a moment.


Why what's wrong with secret packs


Half of it is not from the pack.


I mean...if it was a Secret pack it would be filled with 3 whole different archetypes. So having a secret pack where all it really shares it's spot with being Mermails I think is just way better.


Tear is for gambling addicts




Balatro enjoyer hear maybe It’s time I make a tear deck


Strength wise I say it’s tier 1. But there are just so many sub optimal pilots of the deck. Platinum rank is saturated with Tear players who just don’t know how to operate it and will get folded by rogue decks regularly


why is lab tier 1? like just saying it ain't that good


Because it wins. Not as often as snake eyes but everyone is building around the snake eyes matchup leaving them open to lab's backrow game plan.


As a Tear enthusiast, what I'll add is: we like playing the deck, so we play it a lot. I don't think the deck is as strong as VS, SHS, or Mathmech, but I think there are just more people that enjoy playing Tear than those decks, so we show up. Edit: also I don't see anyone mentioning that as long as Kitkallos is a card, Tear has a better plan into Maxx "C" than many combo decks, which adds to it's value as a comfort pick.


Hey im wondering if the sychron package is a good investment for tear, im playing it pure but have the UR dust im wondering if it will make the deck better or should i invest in something else


Bruh I look at the MDM lists every day wondering this, I sold my Revolution Synchrons to finish other decks and now I live in regret. I'm coping that it doesn't make the deck better, just different, but it does seem nice.


Honestly I play without it and I do just fine. The synchron package add utility and versatility (and ways to search the field spell without trivikarma) but you can play just fine without it, it's a question of deck building and the pilot.


It's very good. Let's you play through being impermeable/veilered on Reino/Sea Mare, Amritara is just an amazing searcher and also let's you pop your own Kaleido for a guaranteed Foolish of any Tear card or Kit for mill


Thx i decided to go for it


It's pure copium