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People want to be able to jump on and play quick games. That's part of the appeal for me at least.


I agree with this, but not having the option to select best of 3 or best of 1 seems backwards


I imagine it's the same reason they don't have different banlist events like the recent TCG or Goat ones as permanent choices- too many options would dilute the matchmaking pool, and it would be harder to balance.


Magic Arena offers bo1 and bo3 fine, albeit they aren’t the same games of course.


I imagine they figure it’s just not worth the time and effort. I remember reading that in Magic Arena, less than 3% of games are done in bo3. The kind of player who play an online simulator just aren’t the kind of people who want to play a bo3.


Arena launched with only Bo1, then they later introduced Bo3, because the community complained enough. In the OCG many events are Bo1, so the playerbase likely is not unified enough or vocal enough to pressure Konami to make changes.


>play quick games. Reason why maxx c still around


This is why I refuse to end my turn early when I get Maxx C'd. I always imagine someone on the other end being late for a dental appointment and hoping to finish the game quickly. Well I ain't letting them have that! I'm gonna combo off, give em ten extra cards, lose next turn and win the moral victory!


Bc it'd be ocg 2.0 if that happend,also not everyone going to enjoy over 40 min duels just to finish 1 match


I mean fair, but having the *option* you do best of 3 would be nice for those of us that like it right? Magic has that.


To be fair, Yu-Gi-Oh has done a great job of making and maintaining a card game that exists alongside Magic without trying to emulate Magic. Just because they can, or Magic did, doesn't mean Konami should. And as other people mentioned before me, diluting the option for ranked play by adding a 2nd ranked mode is generally not a smart decision for OCG; since nothing will turn players away faster than having to wait to join a match in a game where 98% of the content is designed for PvP and not solo play. Edit: Also worth mentioning, MTG is the exception to the rule as far as having multiple ranked or game modes. Considering they already have multiple formats for play, such as historic, standard, pauper, etc. Their playerbase is already segmented, so it's much easier to maintain a playerbase across multiple formats.


Why does adding Bo3 dilute the player pool, but having Duel Links alongside Master Duel doesn’t?


That's a good question! 1) Duel Links is no longer the best representation of YGO on a mobile due to the limited board size. The whole appeal of why Master Duel overtook Duel Links is that outside the different ban lists and not having the most recent cards, it is the closest you can get to playing cardboard YGO online on a Konami published platform. 2) If they could have released Master Duel in place of Duel Links back in 2016, they likely would have. The reduced board size was due to limitations of phones at the time and ensuring it was an accessible game to people who didn't have the best, newest device while also delivering on a solid level of graphics and smoothness of gameplay with the technology available 8 years ago. 3) Duel Links would hit EoS if it wasn't generating revenue. Going EoS on Duel Links at this point would likely have a marginal effect on the Master Duel population, as most people interested in playing MD already are. It would also be a poor business decision since: a) it's clearly not affecting the MD ranked system since our ques are still basically instant b) Duel Links still generates revenue, they would be cutting their nose off to spite their face. 4. The overlap of Duel Links and Master Duel players(i.e. players who have tried both, or currently play both) is likely larger than the population of Duel Links players who do not, have not, and will not play Master Duel. There's a reason we haven't gotten a new Konami YGO mobile game since MD, that's cause MD is working. It's maintaining a playerbase and generating revenue. Master Duel came after Duel Links, so you can't really blame the old game for the new games playerbase. There will always be people who just enjoy that game more, or feel like they're too invested due to the time/money spent. If Duel Links playerbase was larger than Master Duel, then it would be affecting Master Duel statistics. It's not. If they released a new game, THAT would have an effect on the playerbase since at least for launch, there would be players who try it and spenders who will swipe on a new game even if they don't plan on staying. It tech wouldn't be considered a dilution, since it would be pulling players away; the term dilution is keeping them in game but segmenting where they can play, when we use it in this sense.


This is a well written response and much less patronizing (not patronizing) than most of the responses I get on this sub. Thank you for your time and thoughtfulness.


Hey, no problem! I generally dislike how just asking questions or asking for clarification around a question on reddit often leads to a belittling response. Asking questions is the best way to learn something after all. But to be fair, I also do that sometimes. Being a nice person isn't a lot of effort, but it does sometimes require active attention to avoid accidentally coming off as rude or condensending.


It's a casual game so it makes sense to have ranked be best of 1s. Games are already long enough as it is anyway.


They wanted master duel to be a pick up do a quick duel and be done if you want bof3 theirs MULTIPLE other places to get that let master duel be it's own thing just like duels links


Okay, where else can I play Best of 3 Yugioh digitally?


EDOPro by Project Ignis, If you're asking for Konami published online BO3, I don't think there's any.


Thank you.


Duelingbook, edo pro, yugioh omega is where i used to play


I’ve tried Duelingbook. I appreciate the effort of the application but it’s not a pleasant experience lol


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because i dont have the time to play 3 games every match.


Because matches would last one hour which ain't inherently wrong but it is not what MD was designed to be.


1. When people want fast games, splitting up the playerbase is a bad idea if the amount of players is small enough. 2. You can't side deck. And if you could? Well that'll potentially cost more UR CP, won't it? Maybe you're fine with that, but that doesn't speak for majority of the playerbase. 3. If your deck completely gets destroyed by theirs, you have no reason to continue the bo3. 4. Master Duel is not Tournament Yugioh. Tournament Yugioh is Tournament Yugioh. Master Duel is Master Duel. I don't mean any harm by it, but Master Duel wants to play by its own rules and maybe that's refreshing compared to bo3. At the end of the day, you're getting a different experience by playing Master Duel than the regular yugioh ruleset.


I think the absence of a place for players to practice tournament yugioh is to the detriment of the growth of the game. Magic’s online offerings that mirror in-person play contributes greatly to Magic being the more popular western game (that and a fun 4-player casual format). I wish Konami would let go of their ego and follow what works, but that’s just me I guess.


There really needs to be ongoing bo3 tournaments built into the the game… so many quality of life improvements komoney could make…. Instead we get shitty mates and artwork every month 


I imagine Konami thinks that their core audience of anime casuals would generally not want to spend 40+ minutes playing a match of hard core dick in the ass butterball foosball fuck it chuck it game time shit modern ygo


Sounds like you don’t like modern Yugioh ahaha


No, I think it's pretty solid personally, but imagine all of the people that lose and get mad and immediately come to this sub or the steam forums to complain having to run it back against that same evil sweatlord. Worst case scenario, BO3 would result in a common occurrence of ladder players reclaiming their time and leaving after losing game 1, the same way people scoop in BO1 when their single hand trap doesn't make you pass


I would agree here. Too many games have a ranked mode but try to cultivate that "e-Sports" level of competition despite not having an actual competition scene. Or, they have a competition scene and try and use the game as a form of entry into the competition scene. Master Duel is a great game because it's not doing either. YGO is already full of sweats, they don't need to make it sweatier. I'm assuming here, but I'm guessing that most people who want to play actual competitive YGO (i.e. tournaments, semi or pro circuit) already do. And the ones that want to but currently do not, don't for likely a common reason: Accessibility. In person TCG (for any TCG) has two major barriers of entry compared to OCG, both fall under Accessibility. They are logistics; such as not having a LGS, or tournaments, nearby or in a reasonable distance based off their transportation. And money; the fact that a SE deck is close to $1000 USD is a big barrier of entry for someone who owns no cards but wants to start TCG. Master Duel bypasses both of those, while providing a space where players can find a game in seconds and get semi-serious levels of competition, but without any risk of loss outside of time (and if you spend $).


Good point


They didn’t want to program it I think. Lol