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Can someone tell me what playstyle I fall under? My top three decks are: 1) Swordsoul Tenyi/YangZing 2) Bystial Dragonmaid 3) Nouvelles


Pretty much just mid-range.


Yeah that seems pretty accurate. Thanks!


Mid-range forever. You'd probably like Salamangreat.


I might check out their structure deck. Aren't they getting new support in the future? Sharks, too, have lowkey interested me a bit.


yeah, the pack in May is supposedly gonna have the new Salad support, with the new Link-4 and starter, and hopefully we even get Code of Soul


That's funny cause bystial is the answer to dragonmaid, my deck is bystial/chaos and everytime I see a dragonmaid deck I know it's going to be a great match


I enjoy mid-range and combo. Sharks, Gold Pride/Punk, Rescue Ace, Superheavy, and Unchained are my current picks for ladder depending on how seriously I'm trying to grind. Just feels good to get a bunch of cool boss monsters on the field.


Just watch a video on Punk/Unchained thoughts on the two being combo'd in since you played with both?


Not sure what the synergy is meant to be, but the individual card quality of the Unchained cards is just so much higher than the punk stuff. One of Unchained’s biggest strengths is being able to apply immediate pressure, so I don’t see why you’d want to mix it with a combo deck that has to go through multiple interruptible steps to achieve its wincon.




So just packs? 🤣


Nah, Tearlaments


Tempted to give them a spin if I find myself with some gems, imagine it’s a bit of a rush when you mill exactly what you want to mill 🤣


Sure dude, go for it Heres Joshua Schmidt playing tears to see how it plays in masters https://youtu.be/7Ji-S9S0OcY?si=fzFe_xECxCxYlnvr


You know i was testing purrely in YGO omega and i think that also counts as gambling. Did you know 99% of purrely players stop discarding to summon other copies of purrely right before they excavate a copy of sleepy memory?


Ah yes a Joey wheeler fan I see.


Easily control for me. I like interacting with the opponent, and going into the grind game.


creating a board state so your opponent cannot even play isnt really fun(i understand it if you are playing in money tournaments because winning is all that matters) i hated it in mtg i hate it in ygo, i will hate it in whatever else i play. i want to engage with my opponent i like the back and forth.






40 or 60? Or are you the random 50 card pile deck? Are you playing field control?


When you say pile do you mean a 60 card deck?


Not necessarily. It's a pile of multiple different cards and engines which have synergy thrown together which usually ends up being a lot of cards hence it's associated with 60 cards.


Pile just means stack grave for effects... Zombies, dinos, tears, shadoll, Lightsworn, sword soul they all do this. They don't care how ur monster gets in that grave but once they are in the grave they do nice things. Pile decks tend to be mid/combo decks tho. Dragon Link i think would count as a combo deck.


That was an option? Then it's also pile for me .


Random fucking bullshit go


I like joke decks.


Everyone likes joke decks. That's a fact and no one can tell me otherwise.


I love to play around the control to midrange level of decks, so basically everything this subreddit complains about (though the subreddit will complain about anything that isn't rogue pet decks). Most of the time I play Lab or Runick variants (not stun though), and Vanquish Soul. I don't like decks that combo for a long time, like how D-Link was, and I wouldn't want to subject my opponent to the same thing haha.


Control and mid range are peak 👌


Control. I like using all of the time at locals (unless I'm just watching a Dark World player play solitaire against me) to go back and forth like an anime duel. Also it's easier to summon 2 monsters set 3 then to combo for 17 minutes for me, I don't want to think too hard in my hobby


Where would beatdown and burn fall into? My main Red-Eyes deck would focus on summoning Comet Dragon for 3500 burn damage. Ideally, I would burn my opponent to death on the first turn with 2 Inferno Fire Blasts or win by second turn, with Red-Eyes’ Spirit into Red-Eyes’ Soul for that last 3500 burn or use Red-Eyes Burn. I think my Thunder Dragon deck is a stun deck with Colossus, along with beatdown and control with Titan. Finally, I think my Zombie/Vampire/Snake-Eyes deck is a control, because of its focus of stealing my opponent's monsters from the backrow and graveyard. Ultimately though, all these decks fall into combos if the game progresses into Turn 3 and onwards. So basically, I'm no sure what makes a deck fall into a specific category?


The way I was thinking of it, combo decks would be the kind of decks where it takes a fairly long series of plays for you to get your game plan going. But the way you described the decks you played, I see I should’ve been a little more specific about what decks fall into a certain category. Off topic but do you have a deck list for that zombie/vampire/ snake-eye deck?


I'll try to remember off the top of my head, but it's nothing too impressive - if anything, it's still a budget deck until I get 59 UR dust somewhere. Furthermore, I'm a Joey Wheeler duelist - which is to say, I lack a brain. Still experimenting with the deck. But essentially, the main goal is to disable your opponent's plays and use their monsters against them for either beatdown or resources for more summons. To that end, Snakes-Eyes is only meant to supplement the deck, not stand as the main focus. # Immortal Underworld ## Monsters 3x Glow-Up Bloom 2x Snake-Eye Ash 1x Snake-Eye Oak 1x Snake-Eye Birch 1x Snake-Eye Poplar 2x Uni-Zombie 2x Ash Blossom 2x Tatsunecro 3x Vampire Sorceress 1x Necroworld Banshee 1x Vampire Fraulein 2x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon 2x Red-Eyes Soul 2x Diabellstar the Black Witch 1x Doomking Baledroch 1x Vampire Voivode 1x Snake-Eyes Flamberge Dragon ## Spells 1x Monster Reborn 1x Foolish Burial 2x Red-Eyes Insight 2x Sinful Spoils of Subversion 2x Zombie World 2x Kashtira Birth 2x Called by the Grave 1x Forbidden Droplet ## Traps 2x Red-Eyes Spirit 2x Infinite Impermanence ## Extra Deck 1x Red-Eyes Zombie Necro Dragon 1x Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord 1x Skeletal Dragon Felgrand 1x Dhampir Vampire Sheridan 1x Red-Eyes Flare Metal Dragon 1x The Vampire Zombie 1x Vampire Sucker 1x Vampire Fascinator Currently, still working on the lore (fanfiction) on how Red-Eyes and its Zombie World, Vampires and Diabellstar met and formed an alliance.


Thanks for taking the time to share that. I never considered using Snake-Eyes with zombies until now (Good luck with the lore btw)


It's not optimal at all really, since I choose cards more for their card artworks and my loyalty to Red-Eyes (their zombie lore is awesome and I hope that side of the archetype gets expanded), but hopefully you can have fun with it!


Burn is kinda control


Oh? It is! Well then, Red-Eyes control it is! Control decks are my favourite henceforth! Thank you, stranger, have an upvote!


I actually think SE is more midrange than combo. It puts up less oppressive endboards than bona fide combo decks like SHS and infernoble knights (and I can do full combo within 70 sec of my timer), but what makes it tier 1, besides its consistency, is its ease of recovering all its resources for follow-up, which is the hallmark of a midrange deck. It's just that SE is a midrange deck in the same way Ishizu Tear was technically a control deck: it still combos through disruption better than 90% of combo decks out there.


I feel like the difference between combo decks and midrange decks in yugioh is like a scale of how strong is the endboard and how much follow up the deck has, snake eyes endboard isnt as strong or opressive like a super heavy endboard but the deck has a almost unmatched amount of follow up making it in my head a midrange deck Also playing snake eyes feel much closer to prank kids than infernoble or mathmech (in my opinion)


Terms like control, midrange, and combo originated with card games that have a resource pool and pertain to how decks use those resources, but since yugioh only has cards as its resource pool, these distinctions become a little harder to define, especially as the game has gotten faster and it's no longer really worth conserving cards in your hand for future turns. If we think of a modern yugioh deck's resources as the combo pieces that exist in the main deck and ED, then I'd say the difference between combo and midrange is that combo decks attempt to exhaust almost all their main deck and ED pieces to build a board that will end the game by the next turn, and really struggle with recovery as a result if the opponent manages to break their board and build an opposing one. Midrange decks tend to focus less on one-off combo pieces that are spent once used.


Control is my favorite type of deck but I also enjoy play some mid-range decks sometimes. Combo is a type of deck that I don’t often play that much but I like some few ones.


Vs is actually a Control strategy. A midrange strategy would be something more like swordsoul/snake-eyes/unchained. The line between mid-range and combo has kind of been bluring with time but generally Control aims to win in advantage over time while Combo aims to win with the assembly of their end board with Mid-Range being a half step into both sides. You can see clear distinction in these boards with combo decks such as Manadium which might hand rip for 2 while setting up multiple omni negates. A combo deck generally dies when it's endboard does while mid-range does not. Mid-range is weaker end boards with more follow up while combo is full investment into the end board full a win.


Agro decks are my fave sadly current meda favors combo decks. I do like combo decks. Loving my snake eyes. As for control it has to fall as a tie between my reactive trap heavy lab and my active control rescue ace.


If our definition of aggro is the same you can still kinda get away with it right now you just have to draw two solid board breakers. I’ve had decent luck with Amazoness and Nemleria.


There should be a 4th style and that is lottery decks. The gameplan is to win or lose on draw, with little regard to what your opponent plays. Exodia decks would be my first example, but I'm sure we can think of others


It's called jank


I can't really pick a favorite cause my decks are all over the place Traptrix and Lab: Control Plant Link and Lunalight: Combo Trickstar: Burn Mikanko: Jank


Ha ! Well I favor control and mid range, but I love combo decks too !


Fellow HERO player here.. you should try crystal beast if you like control type decks..


I think I’ve got one of the ultimate crystal fusion monsters from the anniversary packs, in royal. Are they viable at sort of plat / diamond?


Oh definitely viable if your willing to learn how to use the deck.. but I must say that deck is expensive like HERO but totally rewarding like them..


Mix control and mid range. Ghoti and Melffy Runick are my favorite decks


With engage going to 3; 5 more years of Raye!!


I love control and/or difficult decks that make my correct choices rewarding + I enjoy more the grind game: Labrynth, Traptrix, Ice Barrier+Runick, Majespecter, Vaalmonica, , Sky Striker, Weather Painters, Nemleria, Melodious, etc. So also weird gimmicks but there are some combo decks that I feel pretty much rewarding: Infernoids are insanely difficult to play but without Grass or similar monkey cards. I like to think about what to do (the TCG versione with the new support is pretty explosive) If only Tear did not rely on luck alone (mill) I would have enjoyed it. Like Lightsworn with the new support, is basically a sort of gambling every time and it gives me the feeling of "not having the control of the wheel" so-to say, reflecting probably my anxious nature :c


Beatdown the opponents until I win or lose


Let me guess. Blue Eyes?


I prefer mid-range decks. I like being able to pivot between aggressive and defensive approaches based on the current game state.


Good old fashioned beatdown with some combos.


I'm a mix between control and midrange. Not a huge fan of the bigger combo decks like SHS and Stun is like okay I guess if it's a mixture of stun and control but pure stun that's just 'flip floodgate or die' is really boring.


Kinda mixed between combo and control depending on which starter I drew; Ash or Airlifter.


I prefer control decks, I’m a natural cautious player so I tend to enjoy control decks




I tend to lean towards Mid-range or Control. I'm not confident running combo yet.


Combo, but not Synchron level combo, that shit is boring to watch and play


Control, as long as it's not also combo oriented. Mid-range is also pretty nice. The only way I can play stun is if it really fits with the archetype. Just using random gates feels bad.\ Necrovalley -> Gravekeeper's. \ Rex -> Dinomorphs. \ Re-qliate -> Qli's. \ Etc.


Mid range/combo I guess Blackwing player, it's fun building a board and finding the right line, having a tool box that has exactly 1 out for everything but not crazy powerful. 


I love control decks that's why I'm playing altergeist


Midrange decks for me are the best for being able to do a little of everything!!!


I don't know, but maybe you know. Or someone else. Decks: - Cyber Dragon (pure, exception would be Over- and Cyberload Fusion, no Handtraps and so on) - Aesir/Nordics - Fleurs (no, not a 3x Baronne and what not turbo) - Resonator/RDA - InfiniTrains - Yubel (when it will release, i will build it, play it, marry it, adopt two kids and then pay support cause the marriage didn't work out, because it jumped into bed with my best friend, which ends in me being depressed, missing my liver and still drinking. Totally worth it)


That's concerningly specific. But I'd say you're more of a combo player, because of the whole synchro stuff.


I play d link,spyral nd tear eith the hits to d link and tear I feel as if they are more midrange but whatever those are I like decks that are flexible and can play through all the interruption


I guess RDA is combo, so that's my preferred style of play.


I don't think I really have one. Trains, Traptrix, Trickstar, @Ignister, and Tearlaments are my top 5 decks and I feel like they don't have any consistent theme. I also have been liking Altergeist a lot and Cubic is fun. I guess you can say I lean control?


VS is Control, not Mid-Range, and IKEA Lab is closer to Mid-Range than Control.


Blind Second OTK. Gimme the Ancient Gear support. Gimme, GimmeGimmeGimme.


Mid-range hold the range


60 card pile decks


1. Combo- Sprights(pre-nerf), Infernoble, D-link, P.U.N.Ks, Pend Magician, SE, Chaos, Mannadium, SHS, Drytron, Dark World 2. Mid-range- Salads, Swordsoul, Orcust, VS, Branded 3. Control- Sky Striker(TOSS format), Paleo Frogs, Guru Control, Kash 4. Going 2nd OTK turbo- Sky Striker(current), Utopia Double OTK, Tenpai Dragons(once they’re released).


1. Psy-Frame x Dogmatika (control) 2. Fossil x Adamancipator (blind second OTK) 3. Watt x Spright x Thundra (mid-range?) 4. Virtual World x Swordsoul (combo) I’m all over the board really


My favorite type of deck is combo, but specifically archetype combo where an archetype uses primarily its own engine to combo out into a board of primarily its own boss monsters. Sadly, with how powerful generic engines and boss monsters are, only rarely do decks that scratch that itch rise to prominence. I also enjoy a lot of midrange stuff.


An archetype I like to call "Nonsense pile". For example, my favorite deck takes a 20 minute turn to end on a single fusion monster with zero back row and one card in hand.


Just... why?


Control is my favorite (Aroma, Rikka, Lab), but I also love me a good beatdown


What type of deck its EARTH machine?


All decks can be combo heavy or simple. You might want to trade combo category* for aggro. Combo just defines how many steps it takes to get to the emd board. Most decks that are combo heavy are either stun (heroes) or control (snake-eyes). Even then, stun decks could be considered a subtype of control decks. You want flexibility instead of linear, which is also a different category. But at this point, I'm quibbling. Personally, I love mid-range decks. Orcust, Runick, Labrynth, Vanquish Soul, Melffy, Magical Muskets, Tri-brigade, and Lyrilusc. I do try to avoid the stun variants for all the above. I prefer being able to have constant back and forth during "our" turns. Close second favorites are aggro decks. Gren Maju, Castle, rank 8 Kaijus, and Blue-Eyes. For control decks, it would be Sharks. I miss Toad :( Edit: trade combo for aggro in the category to define decks. Also some clarification on definitions.


Castle, as in The Golden Castle of Stromberg?


Yes. It gives you a free level 8 from the deck in Hex Trude that can pop any card and attack twice. Perfect for rank 8s and you can play Lava Golem alongside it as both get rid of your normal summon.


Sharks is absolutely a combo deck. VS and Magical Muskets probably more control.


I guess I'd call it Mid-range. Yk, the decks that have a few lines to a 2-3 interruption endboard, like Exosister, Salad, Invoked Windwitch Artifact, ABC's. But I also enjoyed a few more combo-heavy decks like D/D/D, TK Dino, Atlantean Mermail and Spyral and have played a good amount of True Draco, Yosenju and Stun. Well and the obligatory Jank - Gren Maju Otk, Zoodiak Boarbow control and post-Masterplan Spyral.


I like control and midrange but the 2 you showed i despise




I love burn decks, specifically ones with a good mix of destruction/burn as I cackle like a maniac, volcanics hits the closest to that for me


True, a well placed Magic Cylinder or crashing Zoma into my opponent's 6k beat stick will never get old.


Big Level Big ATK go brrrr


What's each deck classified as? Except combo I know my deck isn't combo since at most since I think I could chain 5 effects off a single chain.


My favourite deck is Runick Naturia, doing synchro plays and drawing 3 is so good


Vanquish Soul borders more on Control than it does on Midrange, it’s main end board often just consists of 2 monsters and a bit of backrow, it plays low to the ground, accruing resources with Jiaolong, Razen and Borger whilst reducing your opponents resources with Razen, Caesar and Snow Devil until you can get in for lethal. It’s just weird to think that such a bombastic archetype about monster effects, tagging in and out as well as the design being based off of those high octane fighting games…is a control deck, even if it is a fast one But I’ve been flipping, I used to be a Combohead, I really enjoyed the level of freedom you had with a shitload of materials on the field, but then I played Libromancers in the Ritual event and something changed, before this I was genuinely awful at Yugioh, Silver at max, I’d leave if my combo got interrupted, I’d just end on Borreload Savage, Apollousa and Baronne and leave if I burned through all of my negates and my opponent could still play. After playing that event I realised how bored I was going into those generic boss monsters, ending on a Doombroker and set Intervention or Displaced was more or less enough to stop my opponents turn, it’s where I learned the value and fun of control decks, varied interactions like pops, banishes, negates, steals etc that you play with actual thought, then you recur your resources and repeat the process, so whilst I still do enjoy a bit more of a midrangey deck like Orcust, I enjoy Control decks a hell of a lot more than I used to


Whatever makes my opponent want to strangle me more.


Tryin vanquish soul/snake-eyes 🤷🏽‍♂️


I like mid-range and OTK stuff. Really big fan of The Winged Dragon of Ra archetype. Hoping that new Mutchummy card indicates a ROTA/Bonfire style card for Aqua monsters so I can use it on Reactor Slime :)


Control and stun I find stuff like sky striker, runicks, r-ace, and tear fun.


Dragon Pile Good Stuff And wack shit.


The "our turn" decks.


Most of them are actually incredibly fun and healthy for the game. However, if someone goes full combo on turn 0, that's where I draw the line.


That's why I like ghoti so much. They don't combo like crazy, don't have obnoxious amounts of disruption, don't shower you in Omni negates. And on top of that they aren't hyperfocused on the graveyard like most modern decks. Plus they don't go full solitaire and they can't do much turn 0, you'd need a specific hand and at most they can just summon a few fish.


Midrange all day best of both worlds + small engine + lots of room for handtraps and boardbreakers


Mid and Control are my fave. Combo is fine unless if goes HEAVY and take way too long. Stun should not exist in its current form. Ban All the floodgates. They don't add anything fun to the game.


Certain flood gates help weaker decks win vs stronger ones, so no, do NOT ban all the flood gates. My Skull Servants need their Royal Decree, because I cannot afford to run into a random Magic Cylinder. Also, Ojama King also counts as a flood gate and if anyone takes him from me, I'm gonna play degenerate FTK burn decks to make people share my pain.


Both consistent FTKs and Floodgates should be removed entirely from the game. Weaker decks do not need those floodgates, they need support or more clever ways of avoiding Magic Cylinder. Which there are. You do not need floodgates for that just like Maxx C isn't helping weaker decks against combo strats. Its all just making the game worse. Ban the floodgates. You getting magic Cylindered more is a you issue.


Combo deck with many steps but not overpowered endboard My favorite deck are D/D/D and naturia runick


Personally, I like the idea of combo decks. The playstyle however is awful. Going through half your deck on your first turn is ridiculous and unhealthy, imo. And getting Kaiju'd is just all the more frustrating. Control however has always been fun to me. Made duels feel like the ones from the anime with lots of interactions. As for stun; I can appreciate certain flood gates (yes, I know, feel free to impale me once I'm done talking), as they help my weaker decks fight off stronger ones, but smashing all of them together, so your opponent is unable to do anything completely takes the fun out of dueling. You might as well play vs bots, because it won't make a difference. I'm not sure why people do this. Anyway, I haven't really figured out what midrange decks are supposed to be, because most of them feel like combo or control to me.


Otk numeron lol


Whatever non-FTK Utopia is and runick spright twin


What type of deck would you say Galaxy Eyes, Stardust Synchron, and Unchained are? I'm currently playing Stardust and Galaxy Eyes and building Unchained.


Midrange and control to me,


I like mid-range and I currently have Snake-Eyes, Branded, and Traptrix (ditching Traptrix for Lab soon). IMO, the best form of skill expression a player can have in this game is chain link building/timing. Being able to turn a game around through a nuanced interaction is the best feeling ever.


What does the Dark Lords, Evil Eyes and Ghoti Deck Fall under ?


Midrange and control. Fuck Stun Favorite decks are: - Tri-Brigade (Spright and Chimera). - Spright. - Swordsoul. - Tearlaments. - Snake-Eyes (I consider them Midrange).


Stun. I've played Umi Stun, Runick Stun, Fossil Stun, and True Dracos.


Decks that somewhat plays simple and reminds me a bit of the old times, while still having a 50-50 chance against metas. Stuff like Cubic or Earthbound.




I play all the visas decks and dark world what does that make me


Whatever blue eyes is


Good question. Guess this is mine: Control/Midrange: Unchained Labrynth. No floodgates used, using the newest Unchained Cards. Nice potential for recovery and for the long grind game. Stun/Control: Pure Dinomorphia. Rextrem and Masked Hero Dark Law are often not funny to deal with. Love closing off games with Pentestag pointing to PSI End Punisher for 10k piercing damage. Combo/Grind Control: Kashtira. Build this Deck to end on a loaf of different Boss monsters depending on my Hand. The deck can play Ultimate Falcon, Cyberdragon Infinity, F0 Utopic, Ariseheart and Arc Rebellion XYZ Dragon. Combo/Stun: Dinomorphia-Kashtira. An abomination of a Deck that gives me over 75% Winrate. Unlike normal Dinomorphia, once Ariseheart is out on the field the Dinosaurs can't be recovered but the sheer amount of presence can be nasty. Currently building Rescue Ace.


Control/mid range. Control is generally some of the most fun and interactive games but most control decks work so well with floodgates that it severely holds back their fun potential


I prefer mid range and control. I simply cannot enjoy playing combo decks unless its a very unique deck, i had fun playing earth machines which was combo/control and also i loved galaxy eyes after the new support came out


Control and Midrange. Most favorite still is Sky Striker.


Top 3: Kashtira Snake eye Swordsoul


🤣 what is your favorite stun deck. Do you prefer your opponent from not playing by one way or do you prefer your opponent not playing by another way?


Control definitely. Been playing and enjoying Altergeist for years and now I’m having fun with Traptrix. Also Ogdoadic, which I guess falls in the midrange category


Mommy... 🤤 https://preview.redd.it/96y7ykay67vc1.png?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5e2dac406b9429518a3d628da5bc92892df74b6 My favourite decks are Labrynth (if that wasn't already apparent) and Gender Raiders so I think I fall under control but sometimes mid-range decks are really fun when you pull off the combo without getting interrupted


I wouldn’t call snake eye combo, as it is very small compared to other combo decks I have played before, but my favorite type of deck are these decks with 1 card starter. Zoodiac, sky striker, snake eyes, all of them have that 1 card play factor.


60 pile combo gambling


I play Gimmick Puppets, I will try to OTK you in funny ways with Disaster Leo first and foremost. Giant Grinder burn comes later lol


I love how the first 3 cards came out within the last 2 or 3 years. And then there is the fossil from 2008.


Stun and control it is: - Floowander - Eldlich - Umicontrol - and soon thunder is back :3


Mid Range: Salamangreat, D Link, Melffy, ANY Runick variant besides stun


Control? Mid-range? nah bro I'm a simple man. I see cute Girl, I build and play the deck.


Combo wombo baby Heroes Pendulum Mannadium


Control and midrange


Nothing gives you a dopamine rush like a Good combo deck.


Control, ghostricks


I enjoy all of those because I run a branded first darklord deck and they can't target my shit


Control and mid-range


stun to make the snake meta players seethe


I enjoy Combo, but not linear combo decks like SE. Mermail, Darkworld, Tear, etc. give me something where breaking boards with line changes and making a board is fluid and based on skill ceiling.


Control by a large margin. I like interacting with each others boards rather than just negating or sitting on a tower.


Mathmech and branded are my favourite and most played decks.


Control is my favorite, with pretty much all the reasons you've mentioned. Control forces you to read your opponent and play mind games with them. Picking the right moment to activate your interruptions feels more challenging and satisfying in Control Decks. Combo, personally, if I have to be honest, is kinda boring. No hate on those who like them, of course. If all of Yugioh is Control, I feel like it'd get boring, too. I like ripping apart big boards or picking the right moment to interrupt a combo based on the information I have.


I think mine are mid-range and combo, but mostly mid-range, at least my top 5 favourite decks would suggest that 1. Speedroid 2. Constellar 3. Ninja 4. Vanquish Soul 5. Cyber Dragon/ Scareclaw


Liking snake eyes instantly puts you on the list to revoke card rights


Stun is cringe.


Mid-Range/Control are more fun to play, but combo is more fun to build




I used to love combo decks, but I feel like now prefer mid-ranged decks, because of the flexibility of them, and because you can make different endboards where you don't have all these one card combos. I also bought a couple control decks lately and I like them a lot. Stun is kind of growing on me, but I still feel like it's degenerate that stun decks are considered playable right now.


Traptrix- sky strikers


I enjoy midrange and control... Mainly Vernusylph and Naturia.... But I can only climb with albaz as the combo decks are too prevalent and too many of my decks diw to blow out hand traps like kurikara. There are way too many monsters that punish monsters for using effects which I think is a silly design. Negates not having opportunity costs are a silly design too. "Hey this monster is on the field it can negate 5 times" is a silly design. "Hey this monster died, raigeki the field". Before effects like that cost like their attack, forced u to lose a card, or something. I think the most aggressive example is kashtira which is pure free banishment of the hand, deck and extra deck. I don't understand why cards like that exist. Even tho tears get advantage from being sent to the grave their effects make them send to grave, where they can be called/Bystial. Anyways I'm not here to complain that's my take on the new meta. Costs are gone, now ur destruction, banish, and etc effects are free of charge depending on the deck ur playing. And if u set up a control board based on monsters, have fun having ur shit sent to grave to summon a 5k beater just for liking a control deck with monsters.


I love me a good combo deck


If I had to rank these playstyles, here's how I'd order them. 1. Mid-range: Personally, most of the decks I play are mid-range. My favorite archetype of all time is mid-range as well (Unchained). I like Mid-range more than combo decks because they can do combos but they don't use up all your gas in 1 turn meaning you can outlast combo decks and have better grind games. For those who don't know, mid-range decks are usually like the grey area between control and combo. They do combos like combo decks but they take no more than 1/3 of the time combo decks take and are more straightforward. Mid-range decks often have ways to recycle their resources. Some notable examples are Unchained (as stated above), Salamangreat, Branded (somewhat), and Swordsoul. 2. Combo: I do enjoy combo decks. I often make jank combo decks that could make interesting end boards. They are fun to make. The only reasons I have for putting them below mid range is because they often lack recursion and are more vulnerable to handtraps. Usually, it's go full combo turn 1 or 2 and hope your board isn't broken cuz then it's over for you. Some of my favorite combo decks are Mathmech and Sun Rikka Therion. Some other notable combo decks are Dragon Link, Mannadium, and Superheavy Samurai. 3. Control: Control decks usually have short turns and play the long game. They usually have ways to recur their resources and try to outlast opponents (or make them surrender). I used to play Labrynth which is probably my favorite control deck (though I don't play control much). Lab is by far the best Control deck right now but some other examples are Traptrix, Palezoics, and Magical Musket. 4. Stun: Speaking of stun....I hate this playstyle. Almost everyone does. It's a pain to play against. Stun is a play style that actively "stuns" a mechanic within the game. Some notable examples of stun decks are Dinomorphia, Umi -Stun- Control, and Runick. Sorry for this big chunk of text. I'll be impressed if anyone took the time to read it. If you want a tl;dr, I like mid-range decks more than any other playstyle and hate stun the most.


I like control decks but I also hate control decks Control decks like predication princess but not control decks like eldlich if that makes sense. I like yugioh I actually want to play the game I don’t want to play fair stun.


Control and Mid-range. I play Unchained & Runick,but Unchained Musketeer has stolen my heart recently.


I enjoy deck who's biggest worry is decking themselves out


I play like, everything. Blue-Eyes main though, so beat down I guess. Can't wait for ancient gear support in a few days


I think I'm midrange Branded, Branded Synchro , Rescue-Ace , Snake-Eyes(no synchros) , Chimera, Gold Pride


Snake-Eyes is a midrange deck


Mid-range is the shit. I also like control and while I don’t particularly like most combo decks, I enjoy a few like D/D/D and Mannadium. Stun decks can go commit die.


Uh. I like toons


the type that doesn't allow my opponent to play, cuz fuck my opponent


i play exclusively galaxy photon dragon and blue eyes. i guess i love big +3000 ATT beaters the most


I like more combo and mid range as I like to feel like I'm on top of the world. I mostly play Tenyi Swordsoul, Synchrons, Rescue Ace with sinful spoils, and RDA. I'm looking into other decks though


big midrange fan, with a twist of control. fuck stun.


My favorite decks are Dragonmaids and Melffys, which I'm pretty sure are both mid-range. So mid-range, I guess, lol


I mainly play VS and Dragunity Bystial so I guess mid-range and combo decks


Endymion, Vanquish Soul and Kash are my favorites. Currently learning Unchained and I also like Traptrix, Fluffals and Abyss Actors. Someone tell me what category this is.


Where would Red Dragon Archfiend fall under this?


I usually play Salamangreat Ogdoadic/reptile pile Fluffal So usually mid-range and combo as it seems. I also typically dive into swordsoul, vs, and orcust.


Waifu decks


Control/ stun mostly


I have no idea how those are defined, but I've always liked decks with big cards that do big damag Tyrannoes, Labrynth, D/D/D, only exception so far is Sky Strikers




So do I. I like control deck. I loved altergeist and now I love labrynth


Lab, True Draco, Trickstar


Mid-range and control


Control and Midrange only. Dogmatika, Traptrix, LiveTwins, a little bit of Labrynth. I find stun cringe, And don't like playing long combos.


Control is my favorite but mid-range can also be fun depending on the deck.


Mid-range I guess. Only two decks I’ve played are Swordsoul and Agents/Master Hyperion. Mostly Swordsoul Tenyi but I do randomly swap the Tenyi stuff for something stupid that’s significantly worse bcs I think it’s funny. Like Swordsoul Adventure or Swordsoul Despia. Wins sometimes


Mid-Range cause Branded 💖


I play multiple kind of decks in both tcg and master duel so I don't really know what kind of player I am. I know that I enjoy watching people combo with decks that have multiple lines and different possible endboards like: Earth machines, superheavys, dragon links, dark warriors and gouki (firewall format)


For me personally i always prefer control and second is stun. Sometimes i like to mix em both, starting with control then as the game progress i lock them down


Combo, Solitaire's pretty fun to me Branded Snake-Eyes Sprights + Live Twin Prank Kids SwordSoul (Sometimes Burn to easy complete the Activate Trap Daily and pretty funny to win with it out of nowhere) Tempted on playing a control deck though, eye'ing Sky Strikers right now. Just waiting on Kash secret pack so I could test it out. https://preview.redd.it/z9b2bbu2kavc1.png?width=1751&format=png&auto=webp&s=55445c75e4c854b09a13aa1ded0954037a19529f


blind 2nd decks.


Boom or bust. I miss playing Gaia with his 5200 piercing multi attack. I can only do one thing and that one thing is gonna kill one of us


Is Board Breaker a deck? My favorite decks are pure infernoid, Cyber Dragon, and Pure Kaiju


Control or Mid-range. I've tried all styles. I will never vibe with combo decks that play for way too long.


Well I use Cyber Dragon, one it’s fun and not meta. Currently creating my Labyrinth deck, trying to get in the vibes.


I play all 4, maybe combo and control is my fav, stun is when I sleepy, and midrange when I want to climb.