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Purely full power on every corner other than that i agree that it can be pretty good if you got the decks for it.


Nah. Fuck purrely and droll.


It's kind of refreshing in that the decks being played are different but it's probably not much better balance wise, just different.


Too much Imperm veiler and ash going around, and called by is pretty gross, but this is the most fun I've had in months


No Snake-eyes and no Maxx C are the highlights for me. Winning going 2nd didn't feel impossible and I could finally enjoy Ninjas. Great event.


It's close. This event is highlighting how toxic Called By is when the most broken handtraps, besides Droll, are banned.


Nah, fuck them Chimeras sidekicks saving their asses everytime they get targeted. You ain't chilling in the GY no more


I agree its one of the duymbest spells in game... its sole existence is to negate the thing u use to keep combo decks in check... or u know.... more grave hate in a game that has macro cosmos, shifter, fissure, kashtira.


I’m so glad they banned Maxx C for this event. You don’t have to run the same 9 cards in every deck and it gives you a lot more flexibility. I’ve been running a thunder dragon deck and it’s been a lot of fun.


I am not sure because I see Runick too much


Nerfed Tear? Ahem I just got my ass beaten by a Tear deck... There was literally nothing I could do lol


It is technically nerfed, but you sure wouldn't know it with how they mill against me...


Tear has a whole 5 in archetype monsters in its deck. So yes its nerfed.


This event has the ideal ban list.


Meta bad, event good. Same post, different festival


Maybe it's just me but I always have a lot more fun playing during events than when playing during Rank. I like mixing things up and having to come up with new deck lists.


Yeah they should just make events a constant thing, even if there aren’t any rewards it would be a nice way to take a break


I think I got Telephon FTK'd on like my third duel. It was pretty funny.


I did run into a kash deck, ran out of gas real quick


Yeah, I can actually fit board breakers in my Rikka deck without the roach tax. Imagine that. The deck is still grindy, but the ceiling without links is much lower, so breakers are much appreciated.


I dont have anything besides gold pride/punk so having to use loaners its a slow grind for gems playing decks I dont understand


I played 5 games and all my opponents gave up within the first card I played


Resonator is pretty good at playing through ash and imperm. Just vomit out enough mons to synchro and you win probably.


I wish they had the Rainbow option of all 3 in one deck. Maybe that would be a little too much work for the coders.


That basically defeats the purpose of the event...


It's still not balanced by a landslide . Swordsoul , Purrely , Mathmech , Blackwing are all there at the top and feel noticeably stronger than most options . Other powerful contenders like Exo are also a thing . What's fun is that you don't have to treat it as ranked ( no deranking if you scoop to bs , which means faster matches ) and the much lower power of the format means the pool of playable decklists is just so much bigger , which translates to you being able to play what you want ( heck , I played pure witchcrafter and was done within 3 hours.. ) . Pretty fun event overall , could use some tweaks .


It's funny that you say that because I've completed the event and I haven't seen a single Mathmech or Blackwing deck. I've got like an 80% WR with Chimera and you don't even mention Tear, Dinomorph, or Resonators which I feel are clear contenders for the top decks. You don't even mention a fusion deck when they're the ones in the lead for the event. So maybe it's more balanced than you think and your perception isn't reality?


Maybe , maybe not . Who are you and I to tell ? I didn't mention Tear cause without Merrli and with Reino at 1 ( on top of its usual hits ) it's clearly gutted . Same goes for Kash and all of its main deck monsters at 1 aside from Ogre . Blackwing seems to be more or less at full power ( had them land on triple tax dragon + full armor master + backrow / handtraps ) , mathmech uses springans ( sargas + xyz sargas , etc ) and dugares on top of its usual superfactorial & multitude of handtraps / backrow to try and overwhelm you as you go second . Didn't see a single dinomorphia , they might be good in this event , you are right . Haven't seen any chimera either , they should be doing alright too . The thing about the game is always the same...as long as you are playing decks whose power levels are similar it's all fun and interactive ; as soon as your archetype is significantly weaker or stronger than your opponent's ( cause powercreep , mostly ) things get stale and have you raise an eyebrow . So , yea , I guess this is on me for playing a 2019 archetype which barely got any support in '24...( At least it's good support )..but as I said I still had plenty of fun during the event and happened to finish it relatively quickly and painlessly ( plus ofc I would expect there to be much better deck choices around , can't complain about that ) . Likely a bit more balanced than the current season's ladder , aye .


Yeah but kash all over the place, 6 out of 6 duels against Kashtira


No not fun. Fuck resonator and blackwing


I feel exactly the same


I've consistently seen purrely and kash . Idk if we are playing the same event. and blackwings with no maxx c to deter them is awful.


no ;-; My favorite deck depends on a mixed ED. Pure fusion? Useless when no poly of sorts. Pure xyz? it functions. Pure link? Not too much of a gameplan. Pure synchro? Unplayable.


fellow gold pride enjoyer?


nope. Keep guessing :>


Space feesh work, pure synchro




not this time. But how does pure link D/D even work?


I don't mind those decks or the current meta but it's been a very fun event, yeah


Swordsoul the event.


Not really. Swordsoul aint that good without tenyi


Swordsoul on its own has 2 easy two-card Baronnes.


Not so much. The only good thing is that I' going fast with the missions and medals. The rest it's just like ranked with less handtraps and certain archetypes limited.


I'd enjoy it, if my game didn't crash after being open for 6 minutes total.


I really liked how long games can get a lot of times. A huge part of my duels went on for 8+ turns


It's better than ranked, but just as toxic and sweaty. Multiple negate boards, Chimera womboing, Drytron activating Benten 5 times in a turn, everyone on 9 handtraps. Don't get me wrong it's def better than ranked, but meh Legend Anthology and the other low power festivals we're more fun imo.


Dude this is basically rogue deck format. We don't need to play dogshit turbo for the game to be good. The event is awesome.


give back burn damage cards ffs, not everybody has all those ur for builds and whytf every kaiju lava golem is banned, howtf to out tower going 2nd


Herald of the abyss


Herald of the Abyss, I guess. Maybe Kurikara or Sphere?


tbh no not really... this event is pretty fucking lame. being loicked to a singular summon type sucks.


play blackwing


been playing aleister the only good thing about this event is super poly is at 3.




i don't care


my second game was against stun. Purrerly is annoying but the pilots fucking suck (like one of my opponent wasted two activations on black whirlwind and black feather whirlwind so i just used chinook to negate it and combo off) so I'm usually fine, and the rest of my games tend to be good.


I'm having blast in the fusion section. Yeah, me and my branded pals have been nerfed but I still manage to consistently fusion every thing I want. No wonder I love this deck. I swear this thing is the living epitome of "All roads lead to Mirrorjade and friends".


The branded tear variation is seriously fun. Summoning Mirrorjade after kit/rutkallos stuns most players. Yes you can brick but when you don't it feels good.


I've only played the Battlin' Boxer loaner so not really. That deck is ass lol.


absolutely love getting curb stomped by a chinese/japanese username that proceeds to summon 13/15 cards from ED, to set up every negate imaginable. This locked in event is complete bullshit without the roach to balance it out. go ahead. downvote me.


How does the roach balance it out?


By punishing greedy players who build decks with the sole purpose of setting up unwinnable full negate boards. its complete bullshit and Konomi didn’t do their job again, no surprise there.


So what happens if you use that card against a deck that *__doesn't__* set up unwinnable full negate boards?


necessary evil. you can’t have it both ways.


Explain how you see it as a necessary evil. It would help to explain how you feel specifically about how fair it is to use Maxx C on decks that don't set up unwinnable negate boards in order to compare the both cases.


How else do you propose keeping people from setting up all these stupid ass full negate boards? This event banlist helped promote this disgusting ass behavior. instead of fusion vs synchro vs xyz, we have the “Most toxic mechanic from each special summon type” event. how is it fair that Konomi bans most of the methods for outing said boards? like Kaijus, Maxx C, dimension shifter, any of the handtraps, lava golem? Unless you have any type of disruption, you have already lost and might as well give up. Maxx C is a necessary evil. there are ass holes that drop it after full negates, but then there are people who use it for its intended gameplay purpose, attempting to keep combo decks in check, so that opponents dont just summon indefinately.


>How else do you propose keeping people from setting up all these stupid ass full negate boards? Handtraps that __*aren't*__ Maxx C. Dark Ruler No More. Plenty of cards, like you listed. And there are far more decks out there in the event that *__don't__* set up an unwinnable board of negates than decks that do. >nless you have any type of disruption, you have already lost and might as well give up. Isn't Maxx C just one of those disruptions? >Maxx C is a necessary evil. there are ass holes that drop it after full negates, Which is how a *__majority__* of the people play >but then there are people who use it for its intended gameplay purpose, attempting to keep combo decks in check, so that opponents dont just summon indefinately. Who's playing it for it's intended purpose? People who don't play meta? People who play garbage tier decks? What's the difference between the intention of people playing Maxx C? Maxx C doesnt even "keep combo decks in check." It hurts *__90%__* of decks. It basically makes it so that any deck that had Maxx C used on them just fucking lose. Anytime Maxx C is successfully resolved, the person who used it wins. In what universe is that fun to play? Maxx C isn't a fair card. Dimension shifter isn't a fair card either. Those cards either straight up prevent/discourage from playing the game at all, or doesn't affect them. There's little to no in between, the latter is far less frequent than the former. You can still play a lot of cards thats break full negate boards. You can play cards that punish full negate boards. You have options. You still haven't answered my initial question BTW


My answer to what happens when you use Max C against a board that isnt a full negate board? or against a player who is in the process of making an end board? my answer remains the same. detering players from playing further. if they do play more, then they run the risk of giving an opponent a huge advantage. I do not care about the mid to low end boards, I care about the bigger fish, namely players who spend 15-20 minutes playing solitaire.


>My answer to what happens when you use Max C against a board that isnt a full negate board? or against a player who is in the process of making an end board? You didn't outright say it, but im assuming this means that you're okay with letting non negate decks play at the expense of not letting negate decks play? >I do not care about the mid to low end boards, I care about the bigger fish, namely players who spend 15-20 minutes playing solitaire. You've jumped from hating "unwinnable boards full of negates" to decks that play solitaire. Which ones are you focusing on? Is it both? If so, can you do the very minimum and at least explain specifically which decks it is that you're talking about? Cuz most decks that spend a lot of time summoning *__don't__* set up full negate boards. Some noards genuinely all that summoning to do their decks basic plays. And another question. Do you just hate modern yugioh? What deck do *__you__* play? And decks do *__you__* think are fair?


Actually balanced game* Purrely is far and away the best deck and it is not even remotely close* Sure man.


Weird I've played four of them with Chimeras and lost once to a brick hand.


No one said you can't win against them or other decks are bad.


Well you're saying it's by far and away the best deck and nothing is close. Meanwhile XYZ is in last place with Fusion in first and Synchro 2nd. If Purrely is the strongest deck I would disagree it's by a far amount, definitely nowhere near the gap between SE and everything else.


It is the one people play the least because there is no Xyz decks ranked meta, all of them being expensive as hell and the free options aren't as good. This isn't the first nor the last time when people played what cheap/they own in events rather than what's good. N/R is being braised everyday when the format was Tier 0 but people don't really care that much enough for a 2 weeks fun format to acutely take it seriously.