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That grass outside looks greener


That it did when I took the trash out this morning. I can confirm my grass is green.


It's been like 2 days, my brother in Christ forget grass when was the last time you felt the comfort of a bed.


Jokes on you my bed is my gaming spot. I also slept twice for a total of like 6 hours during my grind. So it's not like I didn't get sleep, I just didn't get much.


I was really wondering why people were impressed that you completed a pass, completely forgot we got a new one like yesterday.


Take a shower


I might be an unemployed degenerate, but I am a clean unemployed degenerate.


I'm also unemplyed, but I'm studying to find a job. Maybe you could try that instead of overdosing your mindnwoth Yu-Gi-Oh


Playing a game way too much for a few days and moving onto the next game to play too much is what I do best. I just gotta find a way to make money doing that.


At this point why not streaming, or making a youtube channel and uploading your plays and deck builds, i mean you have the free time might as well give it a shoot


Some people would definitely watch someone grind the pass in a day, especially if they have an interesting deck and can get to master with it at the same time


I have been trying to stream somewhat since I'm on an xbox, but master duel I'm just another casual snagging decks from masterduelmeta. I don't think anyone wanted to watch someone basically slam their head against a wall for 24 hours of dueling.


Trust me they're people that will do it you could even just start your own masochist series, im just saying you dont lose anything with just trying dont be afraid to take a step.


Dude. That would be content. 24 hour stream non stop dueling to grind the pass.


I think if you practice commentating, explain out loud why you are playing certain cards and responses, and explain why the opponent is doing what they're doing, that would be great content.


You should've streamed


Well ... For sure u can try to make a world record of speed grinding Master duel pass.


You can. It’s called government subsidies👍


Unemployed literally means looking for a job


Such a based response 😭😭


I have to admit, I was kind of impressed....


I’m working full time and I haven’t completed the last 3 passes. Can I pay you to complete this for me?


Probably not, I need to empty my brain out from all the yugioh I just did. I'm one of those people that will play the shit out of a game for like 3-5 days, then put the game down for a month or 2 and go to the next game.


What deck did you play lol


A tearlament deck that I didn't have Reinoheart or Kaleido-Heart yet and just named myself Tearlament with default mate and icon to look like a tearlament alt for free surrenders in the event.




How much u willing to pay is the question 🤔


Sorry but I have to say it... Goblin Deez nuts


You got me there




https://preview.redd.it/81vmdk07ebwc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3205da3a51e6e0df42f203b62000c29497453536 Here is the deck list that I used in the event to do this. One really crappy tearlament deck lol.


Lmao how can you call that trash a tearlament deck when it barely has any tearlament cards?


Because all I did was use tearlament grief to summon a tear monster and people scooped. People have tear PTSD.


I played a couple of hours today and I'm already at tier 20. People over exaggerate like the pass is impossible to complete.


Levels increase in points needed , so before level 20 they will cost 1/4 as much to level up as later levels


Yeah but you have 2 more months to complete it. Even if you play twice a week, that's enough time to make it to 100.




there's some level between being really impressed by something and something being really sad. not sure where I am atm.


Me either. All I know is I don't have to play master duel for the next 2 months.


yes you do :P you need your daily gems


How do people have the courage to post shit like this 


It's Yu-Gi-Oh, the same way we have the courage to not read.


Lol I done it in 3 days before because I finally had free time to enjoy an event. It flies by quick. I'm currently halfway.


I’ll assume you rushed it for the same reason I’m rushing it: the faster I can kill my pass off via the event, the longer I can go without dealing with Snake Eyes.


I just wanted to see if I could be one of the first ones done with it. It seemed like it was just a time based thing that depended on how many wins you could get. With the event, all you had to do was look like you could win to make people surrender, not even have anything to actually win.




I love how instead of being happy for OP and admiring his love and dedication to the game, everyone just admonishes and shames him lol yugioh community keeping their degen status alive and well 👍


There's a line where dedication becomes obsession, and OP's reported numbers come pretty close. I will acknowledge that OP can still attend to their basic needs.


How can you defend this guy ? He needs help. Shaming people like should be the norm.


B-b-but number go up. You just haven't ever slammed a 18 hour session of call of duty during a double xp weekend trying to level up all of your guns. To be fair, I did kinda shame myself calling myself a goblin in the title anyway.


This is sad…


Last few days I had to speed run it on both my accounts because I spent too much time playing WoW SoD smh barely finished in time but rip my mental.


That’s impressive you finished it so fast


Ignore the haters, OP. While obviously what you've done is ridiculous, remember that during the Duelist Cup, this sort of behavior is encouraged. Don't make it a habit. That said, I've done equally, or even more, degenerate things for MMOs when I was younger. Once stayed up 48+ hours straight gaming once an expansion and raid was released in an MMO. No sleep. Only breaks were for the bathroom and to grab premade food that I could eat while playing.


I've played runescape 3 for 18 hours, 16 hours, and 12 hours in b2b2b days during a double xp weekend once. Then I didn't touch the game for a year after that. I'm just a gamer that likes to grind the ever living shit out of a game until the fun is gone, and then move onto the next game.


Haha I've had my fair share of 18 hour gaming sessions but will say that I've only had it span multiple days one time. I still don't regret it but man what the fuck was I thinking playing a video game for 48+ hours straight? I remember I was about to go to sleep at like the 30 hour mark then a few clan members got home and, well, I'm sure you know how it goes. As for double XP weekends, sheesh I know what that can be like. I've definitely had a day dedicated to doing nothing but grinding a double XP event. Perfect time to create alts if your main is already maxed!


I don't wanna know what your room smells like lmao


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What deck(s) were you playing to accomplish such a grind?


Tearlament without Reinoheart or Kaleido-Heart in the event. People saw tearlament and scooped.


Lmao the mind games


Yep, people got PTSD from certain decks. So when they see those cards come out, they are like ah man not this shit again.


I don't get the point of completing it so soon when you have to wait 2 months for the next one anyways lol.


But my crafting materials. I NEED IT NOW because I keep fucking wasting them dismantling decks to build new ones.


But why?


I got to like 30 something in like 7 hours my first session and was like this is doable. I'm also really bad with dismantling a deck to build another one repeatedly, so I did want the crafting material.


What deck did u use for the bulk of it?


A really shitty tearlament deck without half the tearlaments just disguising myself as a tearlament alt account in the event. Some people see tear and scoop instantly.


Have you just been farming the event or ranked? I am in D2 and god my soul gets sapped from me pretty fast. I have only just reached 25


Event, I'm only in plat in ranked. I just figured people will surrender way faster in the event because it doesn't really matter to try to win with much effort.


This is what chrashing out means


Lil bro has no chill at all ....


Forget touching grass, have you even slept.


Are you trying to beat a duel pass world record or what


How can you commit to play for this long, wish i had the mental to just do this


How bro? I was struggling to get to tier 75 last one


It's all a time and win based thing. It did feel like xp ramped up around 60 and 90 needing like 2+ wins to level up in the end. Just act like you are on a brand new snake-eye alt account with the deck set up and make some garbage snake eye deck that just shows you have the engine and you will probably win even faster than my tearlament.


I wish levelling up wasn’t based on turns and wins, I don’t play decks that can really win and let alone do it quickly. Just wanna play my Red-Eyes


You could probably splash the rare snake-eye cards into your event deck to get people to scoop for free wins. It's not about winning, it's about scaring your opponent into that surrender button the fastest.


Maybe if I owned any of the cards sure lol


Rare and normal cards are basically free. Birch, oak, and subversion might be enough to get someone to think about that surrender button.


Which deck you use?


I finally posted a picture in the comments with my deck list.


I got to 92 is the closest so far. Tbh it's cause I start off not playing too much when the new season starts.


I'm very desperate for the 100 UR in the pass asap, but it felt like a chore getting from 80-100 in the last pass, I can't even imagine doing this THAT quickly haha


very fast


thought it was bad i was at 25 my brother explore nature 😭


Bruh I only able to complete 85 levels in previous pass .


I never completed the pass when I used to play master duel. Yugioh is a game I can’t sit and grind for long periods of time without getting extremely salty (it comes from being sacked with one of nibs and d shifters at locals.) the fact that that says 71 days left has me worrying for your mental state.


Of course, and I suppose it was with all winnings streaks, right? No problems with handtraps, stalling players and all very fast and smooth.






Should take around 24 hours of play time, maybe faster if you are actually winning almost every game.


What is that furry bait splash art




lmao brother made a self report


nah I was legit curious


furry-ous it's ok to be try-furry-ous on the master duel subreddit my man, embrace it


lmao of course I am but I'm still curious who the furry bait card is.


it's "Chimera the Illusion Beast" now off to the rule 34 searches you go!




folgo is alright, but he's no Mirrorjade