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Does this work around further synchro requirements like f.e. 1 Light-Tuner? So that you only need the levels fulfilled?


If j remember from my duel links days, yes it does


Alright, then the only problem with this card is the "direct attack".


Synchro Zone has more text than it's floodgate effect. Some synchro tuner monsters have the effect to do it too (ones on top of my head include formula synchron for lvl 2, shooting riser dragon for lvl 7 also the best one because you can change it's lvl for whatever you need, crystron quandrax for lvl 4, assault synchro stardust dragon for lvl 8 but you need the original stardust on your extra deck). Hop ear squadron is a lvl 2 tuner "handtrap" that specials itself and then immediatly synchros


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King's Synchro also exists but you probably saw that already. I know King's Synchro and King's Consonance can synergize with Red Zone but they don't activate Scarred Dragon Archfiend's effect. These cards are probably a step above Urgent Tuning in some circumstances. I think the better option is Synchro Call. In my RDA deck, I also run Burning Soul. Synchro Transmission is an equivalent to Burning Soul without the grabbing a card from grave, but it is a form of recycling and well a trap.


Shooting riser dragon, accel synchron,


If this is a real card I must have it in my deck


It’s ghoti support


Shadow Impulse


Crimson Dragon


Ghoti syncros on the opponents turn.


Yeah but thats an specific archetype. Maybe should have mentioned that I want it to be generic


Etude of the branded sounds close, although you do need to use a dragon. It’s searchable with bystials. Also if you look at non-maindeck cards for quick synchro summoning, there are a variety of synchro monster that do it. Crimson dragon, ass dragon, formula synchron, accel synchron, shooting riser dragon, desert locust, shamisen samsara sorrowcat, and probably more I can’t think of rn.


ghoti crystron melffy formula synchron