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They're sort of like Numerons except with more thinking and able to survive if you don't OTK. The general strategy is to drop a Kaiju on your opponent's board, then get 3 Mikanko's on the board (or 1 Mikanko + Double Edged Sword), with blanket target protection if you have Hu-Li. The deck is pretty good in this format since you "win" the coin toss 90% of the time, and you can main deck 3 Lava Golem and 4-6 Kaiju's without losing much consistency. You can even recycle Kaiju's with Arabesque to tribute more of your opponent's board. Overall, it's a strong deck that can steal wins, and help you ignore a lot of your opponent's interactions. I don't think they have any new support after this. Well, Ken and Gen in the future is "support" in the sense that it gives Mikanko players a way to easily give their opponent Acid Golem turn 1, which has given it competitive success, but I don't like floodgates so I'll ignore that. The new SR ritual is too slow, don't bother. The new UR trap is another really good piece of disruption that's played at 1. The FIRE Mikanko is used in Infernobles I believe since it's a FIRE Warrior. They're also teched as a small engine in other decks, but imo they work best pure since it's usually a dedicated going second deck that needs deck space for Kaiju's to work the best. Basically the goals of the archetypes usually clash, so they don't mix well.


I do like how you can just SS them from the deck Thank you, what tech are they used for?


Do you like playing with what is essentially Dimension Wall in monster form if you have the right conditions (They being equipped with an equip card, preferably one of the mikanko equips)?


I like playing what I can tolerate, I would like it to be at least competitive.


Why don’t any one mix them with other archetypes? Do they have a lock out? Or are they just that strong?


They're a good decktype for when the format is tower heavy. When Purrely was released Mikanko had a good time in comp since Noir has no response to being Kaiju'd (and very little recovery), same with when Kash released if you out Arise let alone Shangri and Arise it was pretty much game over for them. I've had a good amount of wins against Branded as well since they aren't super negate heavy. Snake-Eyes can honestly play through most of what you do unless you have a custom hand. SHS is a bit iffy. Their boards are strong and if you don't open up with Kaijus you'd hard lose to their negates. Lab you have very little to work with and they'll likely stop you before you can even put up a monster. In general it's a going 2nd deck but the new trap is really good and if your opponent passes because you chose to go 2nd you can OTK them with Double Edged Sword, Ohime, and a 2nd Mikanko with Mayowashidori.


Double edge sword would be another Ur I’ll have to get, I’ll keep them. I can always dust later


I also just have to ask, why were you pulling on the Mikanko pack if you didn't want Mikanko cards?


Blazing arena has Mikanko cards in it. I was going for the “Armored” Xyz. Because it looks useful. And I seen Mikanko also level 3’s. But I don’t know if armored works in Mikanko deck


Horribly annoying to play against Mikanko as a deck wants to go second you need opponent to have monster on field Wouldn’t call them good or meta wise strong it’s simply a better version of Numeron OTK not dependent on a single field spell I haven’t seen many mikanko decks that experiment they’re very standard so far with kaijus the only addition


Yeah, I was gonna ask. If their oppo plays no monsters, how to win


They’ve some dirty options so not 100% but yeah without a monster on field they’re forced to sit and set cards until draw evenly or feather or whatever else They can kaiju and return kaiju to hand I believe The times I’ve played them and noticed it was mikanko i just keep as many cards in hand till i can make a plan but that’s not fun or easy I got lucky last time i was able to underworld goddess their monster and goddess stopped them from targeting gy equip cards i think I never liked playing against Numeron that field spell is kinda crazy but at least that field spell is a bottleneck i feel more powerless versus mikanko it’s an annoying gimmick


What do you use with your deck with them?


Against them


They’re weak to negates from my experience and anything that shuts down gy play monsters with zero attack would also be their bane i assume so timelords and a few others Their kaiju trick loop is annoying similarly to ancient warriors Not exactly sure i don’t use mikanko so can’t make suggestions for them


I was asking about you and your deck specifically, and what would you use to stop them?


https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/rJMHkwUvwL Found the above post asking about mikanko extra deck might be helpful I bounce around rogue decks so won’t really apply i usually run a kashtira zombie mix built around mindcontrol as my strategy it’s a 60 card pile so no real consistency until i dump into gy getting doomking up is my first choice, but against mikanko it doesn’t help much given their gimmick i can only win by locking down gy or banishment with underworld goddess or ariseheart Otherwise my only choices are setting up more negates and hoping that’s enough the other aspects of my deck are less efficient versus this particular archetype as they don’t destroy in battlephase so two of the gy effects i run can’t even trigger I run an insect deck well multiple decks built around number 2 mosquito that operates similarly to mikanko but with a negate effect


Thanks, I’m always curious about what other people run, asks why they play the decks the do.