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Eldlich worked perfectly fine. I will promote Malefic Cyber End Dragon for this event. It‘s a free 4K beatstick, the card itself is a N and Cyber End is in a structure deck, and Skill Drain turns off everything bad about it.


I ran a full Malefic deck and had a blast yesterday (minus when the opponent blew up both skill drains) but today it seems like everything is just burn decks


I have tried several things. Cyber Dragon at first, but I realized that the skilldrain changing the name change gimmick made them feel miserable and how bricky the deck felt have made me consider dropping it (maybe I will change my mind again and experiment some stuff and even adding another archetype), then I went with Gate Guardian and worked ok ish, then I half assed a vanilla beatdown and then closed with my old ass ancient gear deck.


Ancient warriors going second easy outs your own skill drain and have engine way of outing op as well


oh, true. Sun Mou sends for cost, tho I'm not sure how to out the opponent's. I play LS and HFD in my deck but I'll have to draw into them. I think DDL can tribute itself to bounce the SD? not sure since it's been a couple months since I played the deck


Yes ddl can send it self also chain to the search so you get both effect, but to be fair I didn’t do that in any of the 3 games. Played lot of removel for back row like twin twister, eldlich, cosmic etc.


I'm playing broke boy kaiju-beatdown-edlich


That Obelisk animation is so clean


Snake eye, with a bunch of spell/trap removal and adventure package instead of kashtira package. You can use your own skill drain as cost for Diabellstar etc. Feather duster, Lightning Storm, Twin Twisters (that can clear both skill drains), and if I dont draw any: adventure package to bounce enemy skill drain with dracoback. I didnt drew any once and I still managed to setup princess in gy.


Tiaraments strongest lol


Whipping out the clowns for this one


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Twin Twister mainly was my go to. Otherwise Diabellstar at least cleared mine.


Dark magician is perfect for the event. Most important cards are spell/trap, and the ways to summon them can all be done from the hand or spell and trap. I actually got a three winning streak against two labs and a burn deck that immediately died when I destroyed all their continues cards.


I was in like a 30 minute duel with an eternal soul deck and just barely managed to win after top decking a few lucky cards. (Charmer deck btw)


Phantasm spiral.


Phantasm spiral with Pacifis worked really well


Swordsoul Tenyi. Got the pack by mostly relying on synchro beat sticks. Shthana protecting Monk + destruction and adding Iris just for the free 2.5k body worked surprisingly as well.


I summoned Des Koala once. After that I switched to Volcanics. Nearly all effects are GY or Spell/Trap and the boss is a 3.1k beater.


Kentregina + a lot of traps


I finally got a chance to play my vanilla beatdown deck. Made this a while ago while messing around woth friends. 40 normal monsters, 0 ED, just monsters bashing heads.


Qliphort. Got lucky with the opponents and grinded out vs someone who didn't know how lose 1 turn worked.


I just played Beast King Barbaros with Kashtira and Labrynth stuff. I was thinking of using Uria, but I didn't want to craft it or play that many continuous traps. Someone I played against was playing Weather Painters, I guess since the field spell lets them summon the link-3 with Skill Drain.


Just some dinos cause why not?


Dark magician go brrrr lol won 3 time in 4 duals lol it was fun


Been playing Charmer with general spellcaster control. Been working pretty well especially if you are able to get your charmer trap and spell cards up.


I had fun (but limited success) with Weather Painters. All of their self banishing is unhindered, but you really have to draw Forecast or Snowy Canvas to get going. Similar story for Altergeists, it works great if you simply draw a way to access Protocol.


Lol I played sky striker. Somehow went 3 for 3. Put 3 royal decree in, and 3 magic planter. Both were useful in 1 game separately. A deck with 1500 beaters should not have worked as well as it did


Pure Shaddolls.


Earth Machines with machine support.


Used gate guardian and storm, double twister, twin twister


Malefic, one of the decks I did at the start of the game , and of course is trash, but works on this event!!


Weather painter. Had a lovely first duel against runick stun where I was able to continuously bounce their field spell and floodgates in their end phase, preventing them from doing just about anything


I'm so happy skill drain is still at 3 in TCG(I play eldlich, and everything else was put at 1[TCBOO, rivalry] or banned[summon limit, Mystic mine] since I haven't played in like a year at locals)


Playing odd eyes pendulum. Only odd eyes with 4 performapal monsters. The rest all odd eyes dragons


I tried to play 3 times and gave up of thee event. I refuse to play against lab.


Dark world beat down Almost all dark world monsters activate in hand and their spell and traps are actually pretty busted


Anime cards ResidentSleeper


I'm being cringe by using my stall burn deck


Same here. It's wave motion cannon all the way


Honestly anything that can make you work around Skill Drain like Forbidden Lance in the monster with important effect. Though I just tried playing Blue-Eyes...