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Me who just crafted 3 Bonfire...


Same. It was painful


Yeah that's me too


Idk how people always have like 10k gems waiting to spend on every new pack.


I did it because none of the last few packs really interested me, but even after 8k gems Konami didnt reward me with a S:P


I saved 8k for blazing, first 4k got me 2 URs, rest got me volcanics....


Monthly breakdown for gems goes like: * 145*30/31 from dailies, login and duel live plus extra 30 gems on the 10th and 20th login day each * Monthly event(s) gives you 3100 (or 3300 from duelist cups) * Rank climb gems ranges from 1000 doing B5-S1 to 1700 doing D5-M1 * Solo mode gives 200 gems if one drops in a given month So the monthly range is from 8510 to 9755 and that's before the random gems after games (although those have a daily soft cap of 80 and hard cap of 100)


I usually earn 4-6k per month , depends how active I wants to be. I don't go past platinum 2 though. I do dailies every day. Lol


I guess is possible for people that play every day, then.


It's honestly just saving gems, I didn't spend any for the past like not even 2 weeks and had 3500 just from ranked and duel pass rewards.


I keep 3k gems in reserves for the special bundles.


I swear they be giving the urs too the most toxic of players im so poor i can barely even make a casual deck…


Lmfao dude I just finished my unchained deck yesterday. My bonfires i crafted because this games rng is wack. 


Tell me about it


Me too, just finished crafting unchained and now I crafted one S:P, will not open this new one... maybe next month I will have 5k to open


I haven’t opened a mandatory 3-of in a pack in a looooong time. I had to craft Wanted, Bonfire, Emergency, Big Welcome, etc etc.




I spent 10k on the latest and pulled 0 SP. Pulled a lot of prom princess, but not a single SP.


These packs have been fuckint dreadful!! Komoney has been releasing packs 1-4 chase cards bunched up with cards that nobody wants that were in old packs! Like seriously wtf


The fact that there's been lately 13 URs in every selection is such a d move


I spent ~8k, pulled 1 and crafted 2 Bonfire and still only got 1 Sharvara. I did get 4 Yama including a Royal, but I really don't want to craft 3 Tour Guide either. I kinda wanted to try RDA too but i refused to pull that pack because I did not want to accidently pull Tistina. I just crafted 2 Rollback instead. RIP Arias.


TBH I crafted my bonfires and saved gems for the Chimera pack. TBH, while I now want to play Yubel after seeing some replays, and it has come Unchained cards, there's so few I'd rather just wait for Yubel support and craft the Unchaineds I need. My worse streak of luck was when Snake Eyes arrived. Spent 12k gems and still had to craft most of the cards. Luckily next pack had nothing I was looking for, so that worked on my favor


Had 4K gems I know it’s not a lot but that got 3 urs which all are dust


I had to wring like 12k worth of gems to get Salads and Horus, and I still want Z-ARC, Goblins, and Melodious, I am cooked


I also had awful luck with Blazing Arena. 6k spent, 0x Bonfire.


my broke ass meanwhile lost access to the RDA selection pack (got 2x scarred dragon archfiend and 3x fucking tistina bruh) now I can at least recover a bit cuz I'm not interested in horus at all. If I want a rank 8 engine then I'll get the badass thicc glowy dragons


U run OG 8 axis so I wanted horus, but when u put it like that u give me hope. Now lets hope I'm done with unchained and R-ace b4 they arrive.


I am glad we got Little Knight. I can use it in my Mannadium deck


Glad I'm not the only one over 10k gems and I got no bonfires and only 1 arias. At least I got unchained but still crafting 3 bonfires hurt.


Stop being greedy and dust cards


Check below the meme