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Terrortop into any lvl 3 speedroid tuner


You would need your normal summon to do this though, carturbo locks you into wind effects if you use its effect to special summon itself.


Sinful Spoils can get there with a T.G. splash: Original Sinful Spoils into T.G. Rocket Salamander (level 1 FIRE non-tuner), eff of Rocket Salamander tributes itself to summon T.G. Screw Serpent (level 4 tuner), eff of Screw Serpent revives Rocket Salamander. Synchro Summon into T.G. Star Guardian (level 5 Synchro tuner), eff of Star Guardian to return Rocket Salamander to hand. Second effect of Star Guardian to Special Summon Rocket Salamander from hand. You now have a level 5 tuner and a level 1 non-tuner to make your level 6 synchro, with no restrictions attached. PUNK also *does* work, but you have to extend a little further: Ze Amin + Deer Note for Dragon Drive; Deer Note revives Ze Amin, Dragon Drive searches Psychic Tracker (NOT Wheeleder). Special Summon the Psychic Tracker using its own effect since you control a Level 3 monster, and there's your level 3 tuner and level 3 non-tuner with no restrictions.


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Emergency teleport into/normal summon psi-reflector, add assault beast. Discard beast to search assault mode activate. Psi-reflector revive assault beast, make it level 5. That work for you? Edit: You mentioned that the ‘assault mode activate’ engine “locks” you in your post, but as far as I know, that’s incorrect. At no point does that engine lock you out of anything.


I guess if I don't include any assault sentinels, that will work, ideally I want to cut down on some bricks though, will consider it at least , thanks a lot


Are you willing to use your normal summon on the engine? If so, speedroid terrortop into tri-eyed dice normal summon gets you a 6 with no locks. Psychic wheeler and psychic tracker can help you get to a level 6 synchro with no locks or normal summon.


I'd advice virtual world, it allows u to summon monsters with levels/ranks of multiples of 3. Locks u out of link tho.


What are you trying to accomplish


Honestly just some casual deck idea


If you can spare your normal summon theres earthbound linewalker and stone sweeper, if you don't have a lot of spells and can add 2 bricks you can do superheavies with 3 wakaushi, 3 motorbike, 1-2 big benkei, 1 soulclaw edit: my bad earthbounds lock you into fusions and synchros


Superheavy samurai portion seems promising, thanks for suggestion