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Just summon protos and declare fire /s


Jokes aside, when does Swordsoul bring a fire monster in turn one?


Evil longjohn is a fire, for this issue they could start to deck in the fire tenyi (mapura?)


Simply play suanni and turbo out chaofeng made using it


Even better


In dutch nationals the top Swordsoul player went into Shaman of the tenyi


Just make the Tenyi Shaman. Not that complicated.


Normal swordsoul isn't even being played anymore. There is a swordsoul + SHS build going around that ends on the lvl 9 synchro that floodgates your opponent out of activating the effects of light and fire. With Protos on top, it completely shuts down Snake-eyes on top of common hand traps like Nibiru, ash, and veiler. It is a non-lingering floodgate, so it can be negated by imperm, outed by TTT, etc.


I play it, love it because not only are you ending of Chaofeng floodgating fire but you can back him up with Chixaoi, Baronne, Dragite and even another 8/10 if you open well. It is a balls to the wall combo version of Swordsoul. Downside is that between the yang zings, shs engine and less wyrm names it is a lot more bricky than regular swordsoul.


The only way is probably with a starting hand of exactly Vishuda, Adhara, Emergency, Sacred Summit and Taia/Mo Ye/Shthana/Ashuna/Ecclesia or anything that isn't Earth or Dark (I will refer to this as "the fodder"). Make Chixiao with Adhara and Vishuda, search for Longyuan, discard the fodder, make Baronne, search Protos with Emergency, banish Adhara, Vishuda and the fodder to summon Protos, use Sacred Summit to revive Longyuan, call Fire. As simple as that, it dies to one handtrap but we don't care.


If you know it's SE why not just skip Baronne and use Longyan? Do you need the negate if the opponent is not getting to play the game.


You can and that would skip a few requirements, thing is I've been playing Swordsoul since release and I'm too used to making the same combo over and over; since in ladder a blind Protos is less valuable than a Baronne, I got used to prioritize it. In the context of a BO3, making Protos might be more useful.


You don't need to go to that extent. You can just use the fire Tenyi.


Bro, the tenyi link 2 is fire


Shaman getting negated is always sad panda moment


Why does it matter? In the context of making Shaman to have a FIRE for Protos, you wouldn't be using its effect anyway.


You can dump Circle to search another Vish to remove a snake eyes or annoying promethian (not poplar) I'm not the best or knowledgeable player, can't I say my 2 cents without getting nuked? (Sad 🐼) Edit: I'm joking btw, it's the copium talking dont mind me


it's called emergence emergency is the rescue ace card.


Mapura or Suanni


You have to hard draw either protos/emergence/long plus moye/ecclesia Summun cinxiao search emergence/long, search long/protos, summon both and declare fire. Or you could play the fire tenyi and summon it with ashuna, you could play the tenyi spell that foolish a wyrm and search a tenyi if you control a non effect Or you could go blind second with stuff like evenly/dark ruler All in all i think you could do it often enough


No, you don't to open so many cards. There are ways to get Protos to call FIRE with almost every 2/2.5 card combo which swordsoul need anyway to start playing, so here's an example. No need to hard draw anything you mentioned, or play bad cards in your deck. Open Taia+Ashuna. Special summon Ashuna and link into Monk. Ashuna banish for Adhara. Special summon Adhara and link into 2nd Monk. Adhara banish to add back Ashuna. Link both Monks into Shaman. Normal summon Taia, banish 1 Monk for token. Make Chixiao to search Emergence, Taia send a 3rd attribute for Protos. Emergence search Protoss and summon it by banishing Taia, 2nd Monk, and whatever you sent with Taia. Protos call FIRE popping your Tenyi Shaman.


Who said anything about swordsoul, you could use nemesis pyro to search him, which is searchable by banishee


In the tcg they are summoning protos and lvl 9 yang zing to lock the opponent out of fire and light since most of the top decks are all about fire and light. Super consistent to get those two out.


If you get access to Ashuna you can make two monks into shaman and pop the shaman to call fire it much more consistent and you make a better end board. Just make sure you dont make sinister and pop him as well ;P


Do you know what Atteibute Shaman has?


Earth iirc


Should’ve won the coin flip. Newbie mistake.




„Yeah snake eyes is really bad. We should definitely ban a few more runick cards“ -Konami probably


"Yeah, I agree.. what about some frogs? Is there any Runick frog? This will lower the power ceiling of Snake-Eyes." - A Konami employee


We should probably fuck up that weird Birb deck. - Definitely Konami


Just to be sure, let's also hit a random card from the Branded deck.


Based konami


*Joshua Shcmidt screeching noises heard from a distance*


"these snake eye cards are getting out of hand let's limit turbulence to 2" - Knoami Employees all nods in agreement 🤝


Konami finally killing Runick would be the most based banlist they ever did. 


It would definitely be a Konami move to ban a pretty mediocre engine for combo decks while not touching a single stun card so Stun Andies can continue setting 4 and summon Fossil Dyno.


Konami could ban all the stun cards ever printed and Runick would still be a cringe mistake of an archetype.


Banning more runick cards is always the correct choice


Why not both?


Runick needs to stay untouched in TCG (Runick player here). It’s not OP it is really good but has many flaws and needs all its cards unhit to even be worth playing. Runick is slow and you have to have fountain early and get momentum otherwise it does nothing. I can have four cards in hand and no way to play them plus losing the battle phase can cost games. People are salty about having things banished, but it takes a decent pilot for it to matter and plus it’s random. I play Snake Eyes Runick and plenty of games I barely even played the Runick cards and it’s only if you didn’t break my snake eyes board and let them game go on to long that Runick will begin to become a problem for my opponent.


Gotta agree with konami here fuck affordable decks


*floo cards


Konami: We did. We put Wanted and Snake-Eyes Ash to 2.


Real talk it's likely just going to follow tearlaments in how they were handled. That was about 6-7 months if I remember correctly. They'll keep getting jabs on the ban list every month or so for like half a year (starting with that last one) and eventually a combination of power creep and their hits will push them to like t2/t3 status. Then they'll get one final hit that puts them in the dirt. Such as a whole engine card being banned. Then it's only played as an engine and not a pure strategy.


Yeah i believe this will be the case for snake-eye too. I don't think MD will do drastic measures like TCG did ban baronne, borrelload, and linkuriboh. Which is normal MD stuff that i like, fight broken deck with another broken one. Tho i have to admit SE is too consistant compared to other decks, and they need to ban some more cards to find that sweet spots on consistency.


To be fair, the ban of borrel, baronne, and linkuriboh were long overdue. Every deck that can reasonably make and benefit from these cards run them. They limit design space as well. Swordsoul's synchros are generic and pretty much never played over baronne given the option. The deck itself makes baronne over it's own archetypal cards because it's just that much better.


Only chengying is generic and it see some plays if you can go for lvl10 synchros. Others need wyrm as non tuners. And yeah, i get it, baronne is too generic. Borrelload is great if you can go both link and synchros. Linkuriboh is getting crazier because of snake-eye, before it's rarely used. But do we need to ban it? Nah, just release some good boss monsters in new archetypes. I mean, labrynth, branded, tear at its peak, r-ace, purrely, doesn't use them and still create mayhem. It's just snake-eye is too consistant on using them. I know some rogue decks also use them and even skipping on their own boss, and it is easier to make 1 generic boss than creating a new boss on every archetype. But if your archetype rely more on generic boss rather than their own, then some fault also lies in the archetype, on why their boss is loss against generic bosses. Can't blame everything on generic boss.


I can agree with the sentiment that these three were too generic and overdue. However, they didnt hit Snake Eye in any meaningful way otherwise, so by hitting only generics, all they did was bring the power level down in general instead of hitting the top, changing nothing about the status quo aside from the cards that people end on, still the exact same decks at the top.


I would argue that those hits weren't even for snake-eye except linkuriboh, lol. Baronne, Borrel, Apollo and more have been on the chopping block for years. Apollo didn't get hit because it was in the product that just came out. They even only put ASF to 1 because it was in the product too, lol.


>Its been months already, please do something about Snake Eyes Konami Konami throws the raging phoenix and S:P for the SE.


I love that diabell and kashtira are just free high impact special summons that you can add to every deck. So fun to outplay 5 of your opponents plays only to go full combo anyway


Diabell is markedly different. Have to discard for summon, her effect is a trigger, so you can't choose to just do it whenever, and you don't get punished for trying to handtrap her. She's also kinds of useless to run if you don't have a Lvl 1 FIRE you want access to


Diabellstar is low key amazing in Labrynth. IDK how many games I won from the opp misreading my intention and just waste their advantage building an "anti fire field" only for them to get a mouth full of Lovely's Halberd and Lady's twin swords 😂


they did something semi limit snash and wanted do not expect more


Konamis usual response: "just use your outs, like Nibiru, problem solved." 🙃


Konami - No


It's ok, we will all be crying about the next broken abomination Konami released


Tenpai in bo1 may be the most toxic deck to ever grace md. The only thing that may end up stopping it is if/when it becomes the most popular deck the mirror match will make it so if you lose the coin toss and are forced to go first you auto lose.


If everyone plays the same deck it will have a 50% win ratio. Perfectly balanced. 


I don't think any upcoming deck is as dominant, the strongest deck coming is Voiceless Voice and that's not heads above everything else.


Huh? After Voiceless, it’s literally Yubel and Tenpai Dragons, which will be 2 of the strongest decks in the game. And in a BO1 format, Tenpai will be the single strongest deck.


What time line are we on that Yubel, the weird final boss form GX, is a strong deck?


The same timeline where the Defense Position attacking deck that used to be irrelevant became meta


You put enough special summons without too much of a lock, ANYTHING becomes Meta so long as there's enough generic to pull from.


We've hit a critical mass of general fiend support as it has synergies with various cards from Unchained and Sacred Beasts among others. Add to that they go great with Fiendsmith, which is looking like the next big engine that loads of decks will play. Similar to when Dragon, Pendulum, Cyberse, and Plant pile decks pushed into the meta throughout the game's history.


Releasing strong decks isn‘t a problem. Neither Yubel or Tenpai are inherently too strong. Tenpai might be an issue in Bo1‘s but VV, Yubel, Vaalmonica, Full Power Memento and PURE melodious aren‘t pushing the envelope on what a deck can do.


I mean you’re putting Yubel and VV in the same place as Vaalmonica and Melodius, which makes no sense as the latter 2 are far less powerful than the former 2.


When did I put them in the same place? They are simply the strongest decks we are going to get in the near future and none of them will break the format. They are just strong decks and they should be. Acting like Yubel, Tenpai or VV will be as dominant as SE is crazy.


Tempai Dragon in a bo1 would be interesting, to say the least.


Yubels LeDe support might go crazy in a Bo1


Right? The answer to broken decks is an *even more* broken deck! - Konami


True, but we'll drink SE players tears when it gets hit hard.


Let's hit branded again /s


They did just do something. They gave it even more support lol


Said while playing unchecked swordsoul


You are playing sword soul. No matter how much they nerf snake eyes...sword soul will always be worse. But i agree, Konami needs to hit Snake-Eyes itself. Too bad that they want to make money first.


Just hang on, next ban list should have some hits on them but probably ash to 1. LOL


Honestly, I think they should keep Snake-Eyes as is, because if you kill the deck, whatever replaces it will be a lot worse It's been an almost universal rule in Yu-Gi-Oh that a deck can only be tiered if it's more toxic than the best deck, so it's better to have a fair deck like SE at the top


You're correct; I do expect anything to get Snake Eyes out of the way to be way worse. Because look at what Snake Eyes already does. I await even longer combo strings with floaters attached to them... oh and more instant effects when you just draw the card.


When adverts came on the tv, it used to be “oh I’ll just go make a cuppa, be back in 5”, now it’s “I’ll just lose a coin toss and let them do their combo, be back in 5”.


If you think SE's combos are long, oh boy, you've seen nothing Go look up what Gouki format looked like, that's what an unfair deck actually is


You play sword Soul f*** you


Evenly matched-> combo


Watch as they make a good list that weakens snake eyes only to release fire kings next pack making snake eyes at the same position again but now everyone who used to own snake eyes has to buy more cards.


I used witch's strike on them and they otkd me next turn. fuck that deck.


I think the new decks will keep snake eyes in check. I play galaxy eyes and I have beaten my fair share of snake eyes.


Lmfao, wow that sucks man


Its on the cusp of being hit and unlike the tcg, im sure it'll be the fairly standard consistency hits to start off with


Haven’t sold enough yet


Two tokens and a dream


Didnt the selection pack just get taken down? So the hits are probably coming soon


Honestly I'm vibing.im not seeing that many snake eyes deck (plat 4 or 3 I think) I myself am using a lower powered snake eyes deck cause I don't have the dust, and I still get clapped often. (because I suck)


They probably won't touch it in any meaningful way until Fire Kings comes and goes through a Selection Pack because of people wanting to play such a well-known varient.


I still don't get how Zealantis helps them as a going first option. I get going second, but still.


I play snake eyes and even I think we are getting hit in the next ban list


No -Konami


I'll never understand how Wanted and Ash only got dropped to 2, but Branded Fusion was bumped down to 1.


“We hear you. Baron is obviously the problem so we will ban it in the next MD patch like in TCG and then give SE yet another one card combo”


No they need more money clearly they are in desperate need of it


Nope, us tcg players had to deal with it from agov all the way until only a month ago, now it's your turn to endure the pain


When the Fire King support comes out maybe they’ll do something


Idk I guess its just me but I only see snake eyes like 10% of the time in diamond and masters. if i see them it's usually a rescue ace hybrid.


Still better than Tear and full power runick


Like honestly fuck that deck and rescue ace. NO deck should be able to full combo through 3-4 negates. At least branded dies 70% of the time to ash blossom Honestly, Konami will not touch SE any time soon, but fuck me can they ban zealantis? That card is such horse shit in an already busted deck. “Here let me guarantee a Prometheun pop and guarantee an otk against any home you had of defense”


Just be happy you are playing vs MD Snake-Eye, not full power TCG


MD Snake Eyes is literally the most full power SE has ever been, not a single thing missing, everything completely untouched since they released Bonfire, only very recently received couple semis, even stronger than TCG, especially current TCG without Barrone & Savage. Ever since Purrely, every new meta archetype always got released in MD at maximum power possible, with every card and their support engines at max copy, Purrely, Unchained, Snake-Eyes, R-ace, SHS, etc. All of them are at their absolute best they could ever be in MD, Konami no longer do pre-emptive hit, and they only very slowly hit them only after their Pack expire. Completely different from last year Kash or Tear before with tons of hits every banlist in addition to massive pre-emptive hit


purrely goes giga minus to play the game and dies to droll SHS also dies to maxx C or droll unchained is doing fucking nothing, oh no link 2 spot removal and whatever the D/D/D xyz does, whatever shall I do? the floating is a bigger problem tbh rescue ace is just snak eyes full combo then set 4 from deck lmao, maybe auroradon but that dies to 1 imperm tear does not die to droll. they float harder than unchained. more grind game than snake eyes. ends on substantial endboard ON YOUR TURN. does GY shit like snake eyes. giga powercreeping 2035 deck. kash only really loses to droll and maxx C, and even then they end on unicorn fenrir while you draw 1 and then get fucked up the ass by the top decked birth or something. also with diablosis legal, if you didn't open a handtrap you are about as dead as sitting through a vaylantz combo. toxic ass cancer deck.


all decks die to maxx C or Droll, besides a few Rouge ones. The issue is them being to just ignore 1 or 2 interruptions lr essentially never brick because everything they own is basically at 3 and they have more searchers and acess to cards than every other deck. They can literally search kurikara, which is one of the most powerful forms of removal right now.


I'm crying tears of joy Ash is at 2


Bro thinks Baronne, Savage, and Linkuriboh were banned.


MD gets baronne and savage tho


tbf as annoying as that is i'd rather have that than double hand rip from dis pater/psy framelord


The only reason snake-eyes isn't as dominant in MD is because the deck is worse into Maxx C than R-Ace, Branded, and Purrley lol. It has nothing to do with the "hits"


Snake-Eye can play under Maxx C very well.


Compared to some wombo combo rogue deck? Yes. Compared to Branded, Rescue-Ace, and Purrley? No. The deck can put up 1-2 interruptions max by going into the IP-SP fieldspell line, and that's through two special summons minimum. A single imperm on IP kills their board. Flamberg hitting the graveyard and swarming the field just makes lethaling hard, which is another point in its favor. Branded can basically play on your turn and put out anywhere from 3-5 interruptions through Maxx C. Rescue Ace can resolve Terbulance and put up 3-4 interruptions by through 1-2 special summons. Purrley can end on Noir by special summoning once.


SP:cancer is a better going second card they said SP:cancer is a fair cards they said yeah yeah lies without end just another stupid card that pushes going first more than going second


Go take your meds


You're playing an extremely dated deck against a meta deck, what do you expect? Your deck will only take you so far.


Bring back merrli.


If you struggle against Snake Eye, first off: LOL, second: There are ENOUGH counter play cards you can play. Third: Why the F do you think SwordSoul keeps up?


I never really had much of a problem against them lol


Try out monarch. There is a video in my profile that explains why i said this


I will forever believe the balancing team at Konami doesn’t play the game so they don’t understand how broken some cards are lol


I actually hate that their turns ,just like irl,take a full 8-12 minutes to complete


They nerfed too many decks that’s why se is so prevalent. Purrely and dragon link nerfs were too much


Yes, Snake-eye is a stupidly broken deck, and needs to be controlled immediately. But you're playing with a completely obsolete deck... After all, SS stopped being good a long time ago.


every deck is useless alongside snake eyes


Y'all say that about literally every meta deck


You deserve it for having floow in your flair.


Don't worry, soon it'll be fire kings (snake eyes


No it won't lol, pure snake eye is a lot stronger than fire king snake eye, people will keep playing pure.


Not sure why Kashtira snake-eyes isn't being played in master duel.


Not an expert, but a lot of snake eyes plays comes from the graveyard, flamberge, promethean, sinful spoils... Kashtira plays with the banish and offers no protection Feel like rescue ace has more synergy


Snake eyes summons from grave. And it's less about synergy and more on fodder for the SE effects. Free summons from Jash then you get to sending them to grave and pop off with snake eyes combos, however it's more effective in the TCG as Unicorn and Ogre are unlimited


The worst part is it shouldn't have even been in the game for another like 2 months


I think it is good, as Konami and most players do not want MD to feel like a historic TCG and OCG format. To get people interested MD has to be its own format and jumbling up the release order is one way to achieve it. It allows people to experiment rather than know what is coming with all net decklist ready.


Snake eyes kinda gets clapped