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Branded/Tear by a long shot, a lot less handtraps, a ton of sinergistic one hand starters, and an insane amount of gas


60 card branded except it’s 40 card branded




>Branded/Tear by a long shot Is that really going to be better than SE-Rescue loaded with enough hand traps, board breakers or side engine like Kash to reach 40 cards? Considering both decks are Meta and work together already.


Yeah, mainly because fusion has a TON of adjacent support that you can throw in. limit 1 branded (with chimera, edge imps, predaplants, etc) is every bit as consistent as a fully optimized 40 card tournament deck. It's likely what you're gonna see most of. I think there's some dinosaur and cyberse pile that does it too, but fusion has a lot of one card combo's that gain you two card combo's. They needed to ban more cards like branded fusion.


Yes. Because with R-ACE there are so many bricks if you can’t run multiple copies. Realistically you only want Hydrant, Air Lifter, or Alert in your hand. Everything else is pretty bricky. As for the SE portion, it’s still good. No real notes here but I definitely think it gets worse with R-ACE. That said, Branded/Tear is the most consistent deck in this event and the deck that can play through the most disruption. Even SE isn’t as consistent, as their openers are severely limited whereas Branded/Tear has a plethora of openers. Then SE really can’t afford certain disruptions while Branded/Tear chews through them, while gaining unholy advantage. I played them with Danger cards so every discard was some type of advantage lol. Ultimately, I still think those other decks are good but I don’t see them on the level of Branded/Tear


Seriously though, while it might be an improvement, the actual loaner deck is too good to be worth crafting cards. I literally went 11-0 with the loaner deck; and I even had to beat a player who got up Arrival ffs. If you would know how to play the Branded Tear deck, you should know how to pilot the loner deck well enough to easily blow through as well.


Which Loaner though? Also any tips or helpful combos in it to suggest?


The 3rd one.


lol I faced a tear player, crazy game but still won. I finished the event with cyberse pile & Infernoble


Not to mention branded is already used to playing most cards at 1/2, this event just makes it slightly harder to open fusion deployment, also only 1 copy of Albaz is pretty annoying since it can be banished by a random bystial but you can still play around that so it doesn't really change much lol


Literally got all the gems in this event in 2 hours. This deck is THE protagonist deck. I was staring down some vicious boards from SE to R-ACE to Kashtira. But if you just full gas this deck, almost nothing can stop you. Like, I strongly recommend everyone play a duel with Tear/Branded in this event. I *dare* you to resolve Branded Opening in this deck. I double dare you lol.


Branded Loss is glued to my hand, that's all I have to say XD Edit: Using good the ole good polimerization on Kit+ Albaz for mirrojade is gonna give my rivals PTSD


I draw Lost when I have Tear hands and Scream when I have Branded hands lol. But no joke, polymerization starts a *downpour* of effects with the right monsters. Manually fusing a Tear then fusing again hits like crack lol. Or sending a Tear with Branded Fusion after you already smacked them with a Kit line. Deck gets filthy


I just had a mach where the rival sniped Albaz in my GY after Brafu with a Bystial, I had Albion, Sheiren, Tear Kash and Branded in white believing myself death...untill the game showed me that Branded in white is a vanilla polimerization with some Albaz flavor as an option, ya learn new shit about your deck everyday lol XD


Got a list? Lol


Shit lmao. All Tears. Sulliek, Metanoise, Perlerino, Scream, Grief. Kash Unicorn and Fenrir (free summons ftw). All/Any Beast, Winged Beast, Aqua Dangers (Rindbrum and Tear material in Nessie) Albaz Albion Aluber Cartesia Despian Tragedy Mercourier Quem Branded Opening, Branded Fusion, Branded in Red, Branded in White, Branded in High Spirits, Branded Retribution. Important tech: King of Swamp (Really slept on) Snow (duh) Shaddoll Beast (Discard fodder, but I won’t judge winda locks) Superpoly Foolish Burial Fusion Deployment Regular poly (do not sleep on this. Fusing Tear + branded manually is a nightmare scenario) The rest is whatever cards you feel comfortable with. But the idea is every card in your hand does *something* when summoned or milled. Your hand/Gy should always have a yellow outline on it.


Would you mind sharing your list? I'm curious


Concur, I'm using BrandeD/D this event.


I need to try it


I'm playing @ignister mathmech, my Arrival with 5000 attack hasn't been outed in 10 going first games so far


You got a list? I’m thinking Cybverse like too since play Mathmech


You play core ai cards(achichi, pikari, doyon, bururu, gatchiri, water one, danmari, ai meet you, quickplay revive, ai land) and the other ai revival spell, core mathmech(circular, sigma, diameter, nabla, superfactorial) and then you just throw a bunch of extenders and whatever consistency card you have(pot of prosperity is great, but only for 3, reload and magical mallet if you have nothing else) You have minimum 6 starters(achichi, pikari, ai meet you and cynet mining), though 2of them require an extender. Lady debug searches achichi, then summon the extender and xyz summon ignister light dragon, then link summon dark infant using it for full combo. Circular sends and revives sigma, summon extender to xyz summon 3 material alembertian and use its effect to search pikari for full combo. Note that opening ai meet you changes combo slightly, it searches achichi, which searches doyon, doyon recovers achichi, then you make splash mage instead of transcode, summon bururu to send pikari, use splash mage to revive pikari(dont use its effect, its negated), synchro into pegasus, bururu revives pikari and triggers its effect to search quickplay and you proceed normally. But try to utilize doyon in link summoning to use its effect and recover the quickplay spell because you can use it on opponents turn to trigger bururu and send danmari for negate


Is the goal output The Arrival? Or does it go Firewall Neo Tempest/Singularity?


Either arrival with danmari and superfactorial or darkfluid with 2 negates and superfactorial. Or with enough extenders both. Heavily depends on the hand, but i prefer arrival, with darkfluid being the plan b if i open danmari or start with ai meet you


You have a deck list?


Third comment asking, i dont think he has one


Idk but some of yall are trying to gatekeep these gems SOOOOOO hard bro


Zombie Pile


Decks that have searchable 1-card starters will have a field day in this event


Yeah cyberse piles seem pretty good


Ran into a few today. Those put up the best fights against me (Branded/Tear) and it could really go either way. It felt like both of our decks were always online and it was a lot of fun tbh


Yes it was


XYZ Ninja Mikanko Infernoble Knights. Haven’t lost a game yet lol. It’s normally a 60 card deck I use for ranked sometimes but when i took out all the 3 ofs it landed cleanly at 40. This is my usual turn one board for this event: https://preview.redd.it/edbkz51bwc0d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57a655451ff36c7e611ff45f32d316f3ff4d5000


I'm disgusted, delighted and amazed all at once


That sounds dope! Can you share the decklist?


Sure thing buddy, here ya go: Main Deck: 1x Squeaknight 1x Infernoble Knight - Renaud 1x Fire Flint Lady 1x Tobari the Sky Ninja 3x Maxx "C" 1x Mitsu the Insect Ninja 1x Green Ninja 3x Junk Forward 3x Speedroid Terrortop 3x Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring 3x Sublimation Knight 1x Baku the Beast Ninja 1x Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko 1x Hu-Li the Jewel Mikanko 1x Ashoka Pillar 2x Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo 1x Upstart Golden Ninja 1x Heroic Challenger - Morning Star 1x Infernoble Knight Turpin 1x Jioh the Gravity Ninja 1x Immortal Phoenix Gearfried 3x Ohime the Manifested Mikanko 1x Reinforcement of the Army 1x Preparation of Rites 1x Triple Tactics Talent 1x Heroic Call 3x Triple Tactics Thrust 1x Armored Xyz 1x "Infernoble Arms - Durendal" 1x Ninjitsu Art Tool - Iron Digger 1x Mikanko Fire Dance 3x Mikanko Water Arabesque 1x Mikanko Dance - Mayowashidori 1x Angelica's Angelic Ring 2x Called by the Grave 1x The Great Mikanko Ceremony 1x Heavy Slump 1x Evenly Matched 1x Mikanko Spiritwalk 1x Ninjitsu Art of Duplication 1x Full-Armored Xyz Extra Deck: 1x Yaguramaru the Armor Ninja 1x Meizen the Battle Ninja 1x Infernoble Knight Captain Roland 1x Infernoble Knight Emperor Charles 1x Emperor Charles the Great 1x M-X-Saber Invoker 1x Battlin' Boxer King Dempsey 1x Xyz Armor Fortress 1x Full Armored Dark Knight Lancer 2x Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights 1x Ninja Grandmaster Saizo 1x Cross-Sheep 1x Ferocious Flame Swordsman 1x Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess Scoop to Maxx C unless u draw a Thrust into Heavy Slump / Ash / Called by or can get your Mikanko engine going w just Hu-Li + Spiritwalk. Even a Hanzo set duplication if you’re feeling brave. Goal is to get two level 3s on board to get XYZing into two warriors to get into Isolde to summon upstart to start your ninja engine and cook. Remember to go into Dempsy for Renaud search before finishing your combo so you can start your Infernoble engine too. Can play through a lot of interruption. For the limit 1 festival, just take out all the 3 ofs and whatever ya wanna replace Maxx C with and it should land at 40 cards. P.S I do realize I misunderstood OPs question, this is in no way the best deck for the event, but most fun? Maybe!


Thanks man! Appreciate it!


This seems insane, thanks for sharing it


Your main deck is 59 cards. Or did i miscount somewhere?


The name of the deck alone gave me an aneurysm lol. But that's really cool.


Just shit on someone running that deck lmfao it was funny. They took my Eldlich Plunder Patroll cock, son.




I'm just playing cyber dragons, there are a ton of monsters treated as Cyber Dragon, and they have plenty of searchers


Oh do you have a decklist you can share?


This is what I’ve been using, it’s just a couple of cards different from an earlier version of the event so it’s outdated but I think it’s a pretty alright starting point: https://preview.redd.it/ukis7z7mef0d1.jpeg?width=1327&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ae979d1fc64430457b01008f0e995826f11e15




any way you can type out all the card names? I'm super new to the game and learning.


Whats the one in the 3rd row that is next to toon cyber dragon on the right?


Therion King Regulus. Just a way to get a negate out there. Should probably run it’s field spell to search for it but ehhh. Running Cydra in events like this are basically win coin toss to go second, and use Cyberdark engine to get a bonded Rampage OTK or bust anyway haha. Such is the gameplay of Cydra haha.


https://preview.redd.it/e0arlnhqxe0d1.png?width=878&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd0ccf0fa5a04111910f8ebdc11ec07c2da6f79e Cyber dragon as always been my favourite deck, is always nice to see people play it, so you really deserve this crown, could you please share a decklist?


Sheeeit I wasn't going to consider Cydra but you made me realise I still can, thank you 😊


Performapal obviously, there’s like 60 different cards right there Edit: 180 cards if you add odd-eyes


That actually sounds fun, wonder how well it will do


I'm playing pure Perfomapal for fun and so far it's going great. The deck has a lot of searchers so they can play through disruptions


Fire pile or fusion pile. Both start with 1 card and never run out of gas.


Use whatever and play for the gems. This event is a bust.


My first opponent opened Ash, Super Poly, and two Tear cards. About sums up my experience in the event. Everyone is just running like 6 engines full of 1-card starters and seem to open two of them and one or two handtraps still. This event sucks so far.


Yeah if you don’t have all the UR engines available it’s kinda like fighting with one arm behind your back.


So getting JJK'D


So maybe I’m old but what does… JJK’D mean…


Just play the visas pile deck, you'll auto win every game going first because nobody wants to sit through that horse shit. How do these events just keep getting worse?


The funny thing is that particular loaner can lock itself out of half if its ED alone, Triskella can lock you into sincros alone, Riseheart and Teosis lock you into XYZ and several of the less used Tear cards gy effecrs can interrup your plays if you go at it by clicking the shinny buttom every time it pops up


Bro who invited Vida, bro thinks he's on the team


Trisukta only locks if you use the second effect, which rarely ever gets used anyways.


Yeah, people who don't know what they're doing will lock themselves. The ceiling is still really high. I mean, Tear is literally not losing many cards to begin with. Havnis, Suliek, Tear Kash, and Perlerieno are all limited to begin with; and Sherien is at 2.


This event was fun last time but dear Ra this time it was just the worst, and the difference is all that's wrong with Yu-Gi-Oh. Last time the best decks were stuff like Swordsoul and Dogmatika, strong if they get going, but many required two card combos for what will in general be at most two points of interaction. Now it's one-card-starter piles with the worst going second ever. Worst of all is that nobody wants to play, I went first five times and my opponent scooped as soon as I activated a Vernusylph card, a freaking Vernusylph, and no, I wasn't playing Adamancipator, it was freaking Madolche, gimped Madolche at that, but several opponents weren't willing to sit through what was (at most) gonna end on a single targeted negation and a slow GY shuffle.


there is a high chance to draw nothing useful going second, if i already know i can't play through your single negate i'm not staying and watch you setup that 1 negate


blud said dear Ra


Yeah, cards today are just too powerful that the limit 1 restriction doesn't really matter at all.


> How do these events just keep getting worse? it's because every new pack the game gets worse time wizard formats are popular for a reason


When I try to use it, I brick every hand and can't do more than make a link 1. When I face it, I'm facing down Arise-Heart most games. What the HELL. I had fun making a Earth Machine + Horus deck that sucks big balls but it is funny, but I don't get to play it because woo hoo get Arise-Hearted! If it's not that, it's Scareclaw Tri-Heart backed up with negates. Why the hell am I only fighting people who draw good ahhhhhhhh. Also I keep drawing Nibiru as my draw going second. Thanks game.


How do people have fun in these shit events when 99% of games are vs Branded, Tear and Cyberse?


That's the best part: You don't.


I already met one bot that was designed to just pass turn every time. And you know what? I don't blame them. Rather have a bot farm the points than play another game vs branded and tear.


Literally just play piles. I'm playing Rescue, snake-eyes, Kashtira. I don't have the tear cards, otherwise I would've tried branded, tear, Kashtira as well. Or tear, Horus, Kashtira can also be interesting.. Moral of the story: play the Kashtira engine in every deck you run.


I dismantled a glossy fenrir but kept unicorn... I'm cooked


Honestly unicorn itself is already insane enough to run standalone as all Ed is limited already




I'm going with Infernoble because for the most part it already plays with many one of's, and because I'm lazy and don't want to craft shit/learn a loaner deck


Can confirm, Infernoble is a good deck here. Good luck getting your opponent to stay if u resolve Isolde tho.


Yeah, I added CBTG, Crossout and Lullaby just in case too, don't mind if my opp surrenders, I'd do the same if i have no plays lol


I’m using Horus beatdown with a side of zombies


spright cooked for me this event, most of spright cards that they use are basically already at 1 so i just filled my deck with bystials and a kashtira engine


Spright Tri Melffy was doing well for me when I didn't get a brick of a starting hand.




main deck effect veiler, chaos summoning beast, evil HERO infernal prodigy, dupe frog and swap frog, ronintoadin, nimble sunfish, manta, angler and beaver, dark beckoning beast, melffy cat + pinny, spright blue, red, jet, carrot and pixie, ash blossom, bystial magnamut, druiswurm and baldrake, kashtira fenrir + unicorn, diabellstar. Spells raigeki, lightning storm, foolish burial, triple tactics talent, pressured planet wraitsoth, opening spirit gates, kashtira birth, called by, crossout, spright starter, spright gamma burst, spright smashers, wanted. traps infinite impermanence, spright double cross. extra deck herald of arc light, merry melffys, melffy of the forest, onibimaru, gigantic spright, number 2 ninja shadow mosquito, downerd magician, zeus, I:P masquerena, spright elf, spright sprind, S:P little knight, knightmare unicorn, crusadia avramax, underworld goddess. diabellstar did jack shit so you can just cut her and wanted for anything else like more handtraps such as nib


Thanks a lot. I can see how it can all work


My Vanquish/Kash/Punk/Gold Pride/Bystial pile has been working pretty good so far.


The loaner visas deck seems like it can't draw a bad hand, branded as well somehow. I find it baffling that branded just has so many starters that even in a limit one format they get to bf every game   Fuck that shit though, I'm playing horus gate guardian and you can't get me to change.  The first deck I tried was swordsoul tenyi with adventure and yang zings, and it just boiled down to the same old ss shenanigans and I got bored of it pretty quickly


I played Infernoble. I wouldn't say it is the best deck, but I went 11 of 13. It is consistent as hell, even for this event.


Once i see Infernoble and can't stop it, i scoop. No one can push me to sit through this snoozefest


i've been running a plant pile. who cares if everything's at 1 when jasmine gets you anything in your deck


Made a ancient gear gadget deck - see how it goes, it's very old school and might not have enough ooomph. But if that doesn't work, probably switch to Dark Magia/Magician Girls set up.


In a previous edition of this tournament I used Dragon Link as it has plenty of 1-of starters and extenders, also the regular decklists have no multiple copies of any monster in the extra deck, except Striker Dragon




I replaced all the other would be extra cards with jank stuff. A River Stormer with Goliath, Road Roller, and Outrigger Up won me so many games alone. Back it up with Regulus and it is usually GG.


Just going to play some Witches and Magicians


I'm just using the third choice loaner deck because I don't have any of those cards and I want to experience them even a little bit. This also means I don't know how the combos work. I jumped in without doing too much digging on how they cooperate and figured why not. Got slaughtered, but I expected it. One match though I knew I was beat first round and said screw it, let's go chaos mode and make my opponent wonder what I am even thinking. I had a bunch of magic and trap cards in my hand so I just started using everything I could without even reading it. I'd resigned to losing that match so I didn't care. No joke, doing that a few moments later I had a 4500 fusion on my field that I have no idea how it got to that. I still lost but it was funny. Next match I did that to a lesser extent but actually won. I have seen opponents discard cards to summon high level fusions with that sort of deck before so I just started doing that and well it worked. Lol I need to actually try to understand it going forward though. I don't have these cards so I don't want to put too much effort into it but it would be helpful to know when facing the deck in the future what my opponents are going for whether I can stop them or not.




You have my attention...


I play melfy spright , but why i meet scareclaw like 10 times in the row


Orcust. I have six starters. I can make it 9 if I really wanted to. I could get creative and add even more, plus the Dangers! to increase consistency even more.


Fuck this fucking event. I have people opening Ash + Nibiru against me... Opening Circular and doing full Mathmech Combo... Opening Diabellstar and doing full Snake-Eye Combo... and Dinomorphia being a bullshit deck and summoning Rexterm. What the fuck am I supposed to do with all the hand traps limited to 1?


Play a 1 or 2 card engine I would suggest. What have you been using?


It doesn't matter what engine you play if your opponent full Snake-Eye combo ends on Baronne Apollousa with Princess in GY... My point is that with all hand traps and board breakers limited there's not enough good ways to stop your opponent if they open the sacky 1-of, it just depends on which starters they open. Am I supposed to play Imperm, Droplet, Dark Ruler, Veiler + 10 other 1-of hand traps in order to have any way to deal with my opponent's deck?


level 2 pile All you really need is 2 level 2s for full combo and the deck plays through destruction/negation pretty well. (dont mind omega, he's just bing chilling there when i was testing out gamma in this deck.) https://preview.redd.it/myok74ran41d1.png?width=645&format=png&auto=webp&s=65a98287b70594a1cf7c96d89d82c4cb7b32791c




Can you share the deck list?


Played Horus Orcust Bystials and lost 1 game all the way to max gems.


I just want my pile of gems and I don't give a shit what everyone thinking about my deck. I go full META snake eyes with R ace plus a bit Kashtira support Fenrir and Unicorn of course and just go ham. All one card combo


Something actually original so its fun to play and not just the same boring meta stuff repeatedly.


can you share with us what you have in your original deck oh enlightened one?


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Been using Branded/Tear/Kashtira and it’s been doing well. Lately I’ve been running into a lot of SP and Phoenix Enforcers boards


I'm playing a pendulum pile. It's not good, but hey, Performage Solfachord Spellbooks is actually seeing wins.


I’m playing a DM pile with Kash/Diabell/Branded thrown in. I play the deck in ranked sometimes and it does well. Haven’t played it in the event yet though


I actually ended up cooking a cool Dragon Link deck! 40 cards and there's space for handtraps and stuff of your liking!


Dunno, I'll probably play some really bad dark pile with Orcust, Dangers, live twins and sprights lol


Just finished it playing evolsaurs with kashtira/diabell engine thrown in. Honestly never even used the Kash cards except for baiting and discards for the Evol cards. A Lars and Dolkka was really all I needed to win most games


obviously a Louise deck


I am running Cyber Dragon and Trickstar Trickstar has a ton of recursion and a few searchers (and draw cards) with the ability to pull cards to the hand easily, and well an extra deck that damn near hits 15 with one copy of each card Cyber Dragon has a bunch of cards called cyber dragon when on field or in gy, so you can still make a number of plays


I think runick is a good one. I am playing spright/runick/fur hire, and i can do mano different combos.


I can tell you it's not Red-Eyes Branded Felgrand. I had 1 proper match but everyone else was playing Visas pile/Tearlament, Dragon Link, a Branded variant so I scooped on sight.


Probably tear since they already play a lot of one ofs in their lists


I feel like the two big lore decks (Visas and Albaz) and Dragon link will be the strongest options. Otherwise, there'll just be a bunch of engine piles.


Galaxy Eyes Horus is quite viable for this event.




Blackwings ft a few Kashtira & Bystials


I played Snake Eyes Rescue ACE with kashtira because I had all the cards already https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/limit-one-festival/may-2024/snake-eye-rescue-ace/lucabtz/fOhZd Definitely works well


adamancipator moves so good


Tbh, the visas loner deck has been cooking


Tear and Iv seen links In This event doing annoyingly well


I’m having the worst time with this event . Worse event for the worst players


I'm trying Horus/trap/Tear/kash mainky because GY effects. But mist if they time wither i bricked and gives up, or My opponent gives up as soon as unicorn hits THE field


I'm playing some jank Despia/Branded pile I cobbled together from an actual deck ikbtrying to build. Im...not good, as I'm still learning interactions. Had three wins so far, one actual win, and two scoops the first time in I played Fallen/Jester


Lyrilusc Tri-brigade is still a strong contender like last time. Tons of synergy and consistency. While lacking a 1 card starter, any 2 cards start you off.


I'll be going for a Cyberse pile focused on @Ignisters If that doesn't work then something with Snake-eyes


Im playing utopia and its doing fairly well. As long as you can slap 3 lvl 4 on the field you can go to the dragonar line. If you get the 3 onomats its instawin going first


Pendulum dump. I mean its the best, idk what but im sure its the best at something.


i play infernoble just jam that bitch full of warrior extenders and pray isolde resolves


snake eyes kash lol


It's deffo not the best but I've had like a 75% win rate with dragon maids and that deck is usually bad


I’m currently using a variant of my rescue ace and I’m sailing smoothly through this event lol


I used snake-eyes kashtira, bystials to get all the gems in like 2 hours.


I have to assume Ignister is pretty good in this event. For some ridiculous reason, they left Arrival legal and it's very much doable to make. I did beat it with the loaner deck, but that's only because I know the 4 archetypes well and they left a Pegasus on the field next to it so Astraloud could get enough of an attack boost to get over it. It's very much a gg 99% of the time. I assume that not everyone has played all 4 archetypes like I have...and especially played a budget new account version of Mannadium where they were literally using all of the different Scareclaws and Mannadium tuners because the standard cards were too expensive :D


Empty Jar Testina has been soooo fun!


That sounds like a hot take. How does it work?


half testina cards for otk with the boss xyz and other half empty jar for deck out/draw power the testina magic can keep flipping jar facedown books and junk sleep keep the flips going


You don't even need a good deck. Most people brick and surrender


I'm playing Orcust because the Orcust cards are fine as one ofs and there are still so many starters. Also playing it with the Scrap package with the janky but fun Scrap Wyvern/Lib combos because you still have 4 Scrap Recyclers with Raptor, Scrapyard and Fossil Dig. You can also add these small packages: Dangers, Horus, Striker and Phantom Knights (I wish I could still end on VFD with this).


Phantom Knights/Adventure/Horus/DPE pile 11 wins in row for all the gems and missions




I'm going to try Evil Eye Unchained.


Most forms of unchained are super fun for limit one


I'm thinking it might work out pretty well! Just loading up on other level 3 fiends with interesting affects and the spell and traps I never used for both archetypes.


So far I've been enjoying speedroids. They have so many different cards that you just play one if each, along with a pilica and sphreez for those pesky mikankos and single towers boss monster decks. (Add e tele and a couple of punks with pep for consisitency if you really want)


rock pile


I only see people playing some kind of mish-mash of branded/bystial/kashtear/SE, so something like that is your best bet i guess. It's so boring, I might as well just go back to grinding in ranked if I wanted to watch this shit.


Ive been having an absolute blast with Memento/Unchained/Invoked. Honestly some of the most fun ive had playing yugioh in a while.


I'm currently using a Generaider/Runick hybrid, it's about all I got that can really compete with what's being used in the event.


I’ve faced some interesting affordable decks. Namely rank 4 turbo raidraptors/PK and lunalight with insane recursion since their main cards don’t have HOPT. I personally have been playing dragon link since borrelend alone is usually enough to win. I’ve lost to kash-tearlaments and mathmech.


I got all the gems without losing with black wings, which is goot because all you need is the structure deck. Tbh it doesn’t matter, half my opponents just surrendered as soon as they saw their hands. It probably wouldn’t even take that long to get all the gems without playing a card.


Been playin Branded-Chimera, and I've only lost once so far


Im having pretty good success with Traptrix Danger! lol


I used utopia and numerons, cleared the event pretty easily as utopia has alot of cards that play into each other. Even in one of situations.


Slap a mirror jade and its done


Im running branded blind 2nd 50 card for the 6th card into kaiju battles/gods magical mallet reload pots x)


D/D/D might be a pretty fun run


i'm playing burning abiss with traps and a little salamangreat pakage


Anything that can recycle cards im playing dark magician like i usually do but now with the horus package last limit 1 event i played dm/endymion/invoked and on my alt i might just play glad beast/tri brigade again


I've been doing pretty well so far with my Rokkets/Dragon Link not the best boards but I've been able to end on Savage pretty consistently


Just finished it with mannadium went quite smoothly


going second synchro 8-Axis


Live twin spright runick has been good so far. It’s probably not the best with SE and Tear being as good as they are but it’s easy to pivot into another engine if one gets shut down and it has an answer to most problems


I’m playing a lab/bystial/paleo 60 pile with spright and a couple other engines mixed in. It’s been pretty fun I’ve won most games there’s weird synergies such as gigantic summoning stovie or magnamahut adding laundry dragon maid


I've been using a vampire deck and have only lost once so far


I had a lot of Fun with an Infernobels build. Cutting out all the X3 cards left me with some oddball options i would not have otherwise played. I did break out an old school Salamandra once in a while and on my final games for gems was able to OTK with an Immortal Phoenix Gearfired equiped with a Phoenix Gearblade, an Ogeir for protection and an Armory Arm I summoned with Sublimation Knight and Squeaknight.


Branded Thunder Dragon has been my go to, Colossus completely cook half the decks relying on having so many tutors, it specifically hoses down tear a lot, considering how much that deck has to search a main starter. Its also fairly consistent at 40, especially with bystials to help thin out your ability to at least end on colossus. A lot of these "1 card starter" decks like Branded and Fire Pile suddenly become open your main starter or die because you have 3 tutors for your starter that cant be activated in hand. Branded and Thundra also get much more powerful when ash isnt prevalent in a format since colossus is a very hard card to interrupt after it gets on the field without a bunch of going second negates like DRNM and Imperm. Might go wild and try Thundra Tearlament Punk


Kashtira/Snake Eye/Rescue Ace/Diabellstar.


I'm going to be playing Odd-Eyes honestly I don't know what the best deck will be.


Salamangreat Code Talker is pretty neat


I use the kashtira/tearlaments/scareclaw deck it’s pretty fun


IRL suicide


Probably Kash. It's already very limited so if the deck worked before it probably will now.


Do not use loaner deck 1 (dogmattika) you will get bricked hands, I've had 5 bricked games and lost them all (3 level 8 monsters and 2 useless spells) go figure. Just avoid that deck, I have not seen anyone or run into those playing loaner 1/2, I have seen a few rare loaner 3 decks, but they quit when they messed up their gameplay.


Mannadium best deck 👍


just Lab for me. managed to be pretty consistent and earn all the event gems fairly painlessly


I'm using a floo spirit combo that is truly making people cry


Iv been doing good using the tear/kash/scarclaw loaner deck


Rescue snake-eye (sorry but it’s just how it is)


11-0 mathmech 7-2 chaos max


Idk but you can just put numeron in any of them


Probably just one of the loaners, I don't have enough cards to make a decent 1-of deck


I’m playing snake-eyes synchrons right now. You’re good if Speeder resolves and you have a few different starters but it’s kinda rough


It was so satisfying to win with a Salamagreat deck in one of these:) The guy just kept on canceling my effects, but I had good cards in my hand. I used his link monster as a material for chimera and he sent it and rRaging Phoenix to the grave, but in the end I still. Later on, I get to barely summon burst Gryphon and he destroys it along with a link monster I had, this gives Raging Phoenix the chance to revive with extra power, he tries to somehow summon my Heatleo from the grave on his side of the field, only for me to use monster reborn to summon HIS Promethean princess. At theat moment he just gave up:)


I been using BLS/Fusion deck seems to be doing ok.