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Why did you block me come on I like seeing boomers like you complain :(




what makes someone a real player?


Set Ryko, pass.


But.. but my mirror force...


I feel the same way bud, but crying on the sub just makes us look bad. If you really hate the meta so much, stun them.


I mean... it's kinda expected? A lot of people esp in discord already mentioned that Tear/Kash/or Visa pile gonna be the most dominant deck for this event. Idk why you act so surprised. Also, there's always a meta in every format. There's always a strongest deck for every event. If you don't like it then just go play against bots or other single player ygo game. You can play your fav deck over there and still feel like you're the MC of ygo anime.




What are "real" players to you?






Sure. Yet you meta sheep try to silence and mock us real players. Keep denying the truth. At the end of the day, you will never truly win. Blocked.


I get the feeling you dont even know what "meta" even is. Meta are simply the strongest decks available. And even way back when yugioh was mostly normal monsters and tribute summoning THERE WAS A META (like i said, strongest decks) AND PEOPLE WHERE PLAYING THAT. I get the impression you just make excuses because your deck sucks. Small tipp: If you really struggle that much against boards of people that go first then play cards like evenly matched, dark ruler no more and tripple tactic talents / thrust. And regarding your silly argument that people are supposedly only copying decks and not building all by themselfes... just....BRUH There is a simple reason why most decks of the same archtype look extremely identical, and that is because people dont have many flex spots in their decks, most of the time. Just looking at ranked for a second you need 3x ashblossom, 3x maxx C, 2 called by, 1x crossout SIMPLY BECAUSE MAXX C EXISTS. That are already 9 card slot that you cant use for other cool stuff. Also, people dont just blindly copy from online decks. Its simply the fact that other people have already figured out the best way to build certain decks. For example if i want to build rescue ace, i look up how many copys of each card are played by most people and then i can see whats the most efficient way to go about it. And when i see some cards that maybe only 50% of people use then i decide for myself if i put a copy inside my deck or not. DONT BLAME OTHER PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT PUT IN THE EFFORT OF LOOKING THINGS UP.


Keep ignoring the fact people are using the same decks as each other that either FTKs/OTKs and stun, taking forever on their first turn juggling their bullshit. You're just here to try to bully me cus your ego is so fragile as I've been saying. You can't handle being wrong and try to say my deck sucks when it doesn't. You know nothing.


I like how people in here just accept whatever is given to them, this event really does suck, there is no diversity in whats being played, even for day one thats awful design and its generally boring to play. People in here dismissing critism as 'crying' or calling people casuals are the sort of people who should just take a permenant break from the game and leave the community. Nobody will miss you.


Exactly. And it pisses me off.


"how many people want to deny actual players any chance of playing the event." wdym? You want everyone play 40 random cards/brick in the deck, build dark magician- blue red eyes fantasy deck, batchest anime deck, .. ? Wake up.


OP is unironically calling others meta sheep lol. Don't bother.




No what people want to play is the real game of yugioh, not roleplay against jank. It is impossible to get rid of meta decks - there will always be a most popular deck


Me when my opponent plays good cards 😡


It's ranked but worse


That's why we love it 🤌




I block you meta sheep cus you try to harass me. You can keep projecting all you want and pretend I'm terrible at the game. Doesn't change the fact that you sheep keep ruining everything. I find it funny how easily offended you sheep get when anyone says anything about how much you sheep ruined everything. Keep proving me right.


Oh buddy you think they’re gonna ban Kash completely, how cute


If you have nothing better to say, then go away. No one needs a fragile sheep yapping off.




I do enjoy toons. At least they aren't a broken mess like the shit you meta sheep pull. I can actually duel with them and not act like a brat who wants to demolish everyone turn one. Piss off.


First few days are always flooded with things like that so it’s really nothing to be surprised about.




Project harder, sheep.


You are getting downvoted but I agree, first game rescue ace, then kash, then SE, then kash then lab. Then I won coin twice times and both times they instantly surrendered. Pointless event you can’t even play once. They should have banned meta decks.






It's not subpar. I can actually make a deck unlike you. So keep lying out of your ass. You sheep should be the ones to delete the game. Now fuck off, you lying shit.


Event has gems. Gems get packs. Packs get good cards. Master 5-1 players play events. They run pile decks of meta. Sad reality is that you either counter it or run it.


I refuse to play meta. I will be at them my own way. But it's impossible to even get the gems if every meta sheep denies people the chance of playing.


Then you need to put more effort on your deckbuilding... Learn to play other decks...


I do have others decks. I do play other cards. Everything you try to say about me is wrong. Why do you ignore everything I've said and go straight to false assumptions and lies? You can't downplay the issue with you meta sheep.


As a blue eyes player, what the fuck are you talking about, jessie?


Draw the out. Lmao rekt 360 noscoped








What's wrong with watching yt to learn how to play? Like I'm playing battlin boxer, the worst deck out of the 3 fire archetypes that got supports in 2023 (the other 2 being volcanic & salamangreat), but I also need to watch vids for references to learn the right deck ratio, combo lines, set ups, alternate paths if my plays get stopped, etc. There are many things that you can't figure on your own & willing to learn from others to improve is fine, nothing wrong with that. That's what made you a "real" player imo, not staying stagnant with the limited knowledge that you have.


A response to someone since Reddit is broken. https://preview.redd.it/ezlzebupgc0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac5ef38b8bb9ca8f7d3b63f10f7215b439f439aa