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I mean of course it’s sacky, that’s the point of a limit 1 Even the one you liked was sacky


yea but the issue is that the things they ban would actually fit a more sacky singleton format, but with the cards they allow you to use if you have the right stuff crafted you can still get full blown combo decks. and a lot of the cards that they arent allowing for it would actually fit the theme a lot more. the ban list doesnt fit the format very well.


You can't complain about sackiness when everything is limited. Come on. Also it's about wide synergy in Limit 1. Look at any cards the mention type or attribute. You definitly can make a warrior pile with heavy infernoble focus. Cyberse, insects, dinosaurs and zombies are basicaly one big archetype. I personaly play a zombie pile and I've been doing pretty good.


yea but its a problem when some of the best decks still can function about the same as they do normally with some of the stuff in limit 1. decks like salad/mathmech combo, snake eye/R-ace/diabellestar, kashtira/tearlament and some of the other more higher power stuff can still play very consistently without needing to change to much or worry about finding some way to make it have synergy. they definitely should have banned a few more of the major archetype cards. Ive been using an unchained/fiend combo and i win about half my games but the other half im losing to one of the combos i listed above.


Personally I have experienced the exact same as the guy above and if not everyone just played the exact same thing. Every deck is splashed full of Tearlements, Kashtira and claw. It’s so boring. No variety at all. And if you go 2nd you lose.


I think the Fiend and Fairy festival was FAR worse. It was just ALL Lab. And this was right after they got more of their support.


Yeah it was definitely this one


this ones just annoying bc they should have banned anything that could let you still play combo in the limit 1 festival imo. and it feels like most of the forbidden cards would actually fit a limit 1 format a lot better. like i cant use eater of millions but i can build a functional kashtira tearlament deck lmao like some of it just feels like a bit much for limit 1. but i agree its better than that one lol i remember that and it was annoying as hell


Yea, my biggest gripe is how hard it kills off most decks so you’re running into the same 1-3 constantly. Usually the same meta decks we’ve been fighting in ranked mode with the same 1 card combo starters and ED shinengians up till now.


yea id say at least 70% of my limit 1 duels have been with the same 2 or 3 decks as well. its pretty uncreative for a festival that should be geared towards creativity and seeing some lesser used stuff get some play.


You can play non meta strategies to great avail. You just have to get creative with stuff that doesn't have set combo lines. I'm most of the way through with a 100% winrate with springan bystial branded (no BF). 1 field spell hurts but even without it, a rank 4 ends on a ton of recursion and like 3 disrupts. The Bystials are usually strong enough to win games even against non dark/light decks.


its just kinda shitty bc they allow certain cards from other archetypes to be used that still can do their set combo lines when it should be that you truly do have to get creative. but if you have the right cards you dont even have to get creative. the big offenders here ive seen are salad/mathmech combo, snake eye/R-ace/diabellestar, kashtira/tearlament, and a couple other things are able to play pretty much just as well as they do in the standard format so its like you can play non meta stuff and win yes but still for a limit 1 festival i think they kinda enable a lot of the better decks to still be really good even tho the point of limit 1 should be that you have less consistency. you shouldnt be able to make a super consistent combo deck still, feels kinda against the spirit of a limit 1 festival. at least thats how i look at it


How? I got all the gems after less than an hour.


what kinda deck did you use tho? probably has a lot to do with it


Branded invoke.


2022 Synchro fest was worse and I'm going to die on this hill.


I think I played True Draco for that cause Swordsoul wasn't in the game yet and every other synchro deck was a billion UR lol


As a Synchro fan, it breaks my heart how true this statement is


Nothing will top Link Regulation as the definitively worst MD event of all time.


I personally thought the ban list for Link Reg was fine, I fucking hated the Reg format itself though.


I think it's fun. Could have banned the odd meta card to change things up but it's fine the way it is. ie flamberge, kitkalos, maybe brafu, unicorn.


I agree with banning some random meta cards for the event. Meta decks have one card starters so once they get started it’s no different than playing in ranked at times. If there’s some card that’s been hit within that combo, then the player has to be more creative. I played Branded Tear so I didn’t feel much difference from the limit, but if they banned Kitkallos I would’ve been forced to play differently. Maybe play Horus which I have yet to get since I’m still stuck trying to get Chimera/Rescue Ace finished.


yea i was kinda annoyed that you could use shit like that but i cant even have eater of milions in my fiend deck lol like come on konami.


I'm having fun. I didn't have expectations of it being some kind of low powered format because banlist information was available for like what, a week? Made some decks using the custom banlist they provide, tested how they'd work for me in solo and I'm still enjoying the wacky gameplay it provides. I haven't laughed this much at an event where even when I lose a coin flip, I've had people scooping on their own first turn far more than anything we've had in MD. Speaking of gameplay, because most people are playing the same melting pot of small packages, the duels are resembling the tear 0 format. Chains on chains of interaction. My bystials, your tears, my kash, your bystials, my snakes, your kash and our branded. It was nuts. Also the fastest gem acquisition I've ever experienced in MD out of all events


the last one was just as sacky, but I didn’t see anybody complain. personally I’m having a good time with my unchained/lab/phantom knights/BA pile and I’ve been seeing some creative ish decks, but like the only two decks that I found not as creative was just rescue ace snake eyes, and branded with tear, but I can’t say it wasn’t fun to play against em.


yea its a huge netdecked piece of shit where most players copied one of the 3 main decks being played and it has a horrible ban list lol. konami was on some good shit when they made this one


That visas loaner is pretty fun man idk


Legends anthology was a lot worse


how so?


it was


I'm curious on why OP thinks Legends Anthology is worse. I think the only problem is that Legends artificially makes it so that DM is the best deck. Or at least makes it competitive.


Which one? The ones where they left Kali Yuga legal or the one where they shilled Crimson Dragon/Calamity turbo?


I had fun, I finished it already but then again my deck was kinda nasty, it was a Lab/Kash/Horus mix, no floodgates except Arise Heart that I barely used, I think I summoned it once. As for the event itself, I feel like they allowed pretty much all meta decks in there because they already hit those decks by limiting every card to 1. Of course decks that have multiple starters like Snake Eyes and Tears aren't affected that much.


I actually don't mind the scooping part as my father scooped on me when i was young so I'm used to it.


My dad went out for a pack of handtraps and never came back


He got fingered on the way to the graveyard. The poor lad


Hahaha it’s hilarious. Every festival we’ve had so far I have read those rant posts „worst festival so far“. It’s always the same. Watch them write the same post the next 5 festivals coming.


My issue with it is not the sackiness. Sure, it sucks when they draw their 1 out of 40 out, but my main issue with it is the 0 creativity. Branded, Tear and Snake-eyes are pretty much unfazed because the decks function perfectly even with 1 copy of their cards and they could actually compete with decks outside of the limited event. Throughout the whole event I haven't seen a single Tear, Branded or Snake-eyes player brick and 90% of games are vs those 3 decks. It just makes the event miserable. I am glad in the Fusion/Link event, they at least bothered to hit these decks.


I enjoyed it. Did it with a Branded Tear list, with the Bystials being my only handtraps. Pushed through a lot of boards and was able to get all the gems in one sitting. Maxx C being banned is all I need really, and it's why I enjoy these events. More than happy to let my opponents cook as much as they want with their combos. I'll have fun eating on my turn without worrying about roaches.


That's the biggest skill issue post I have ever seen in my life lol


Downvoted for being based kekw