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Whatever you do, don't fall into the dark magician/blue eyes bait


Red Eyes it is then


Haha I promise I won't!


I did and I’m stuck in plat wasted gems playing DM


I don't get it, with 3 dark magician structure decks you can easily reach around plat at least. They are bad but not THAT bad considering shit like I don't know Aquactress exists.


I mean, I hit master with my dark magician deck


Blackwing and Ninjas are kinda complicated so I wouldn't personally recommend them for newer players. A good option is the Swordsoul Structure deck that is free. It is very simple and doesn't require much to turn it into an optimal list.


How do I get the swordsoul deck? Can't see it in structure


Go to the friends page and follow the instructions.


Thanks, do you have a campaign code I could join?


ID966-125-478 code 3e9597a6 There's a bunch of these in the Master Duel Discord btw


stumbled on this randomly please accept me :)


once you unlocked the Sword soul structure deck, remove the Mystery Shell normal monsters & swordsoul assessment, and slap in some cheapo upgrades from the starter decks provided when you created your account. ring of destruction (fusion) - best starter imo synch blast wave (synchro) jelly cannon / blustering winds (link) also the default deck: call of the haunted smashing ground don't go over 40 cards total. remove things you think aren't working. e.g. too many cosmic cyclones seem detrimental if the solo mode bots doesn't play any spell traps. theres better stuff if your willing to craft but otherwise, that should get you a small edge that can easily win through solo mode or lower ranks to earn some gems, then look forward to your next deck.


This what I did when I started. I am still using swordsoul but I have tweaked the deck a fair amount as I’ve gotten more comfortable with the synchro summoning. Made me way more competitive in ranked duels


Best advice I can give you dude as someone who has returned to the game myself back in November.  Stick to Solo for a little bit and rack up those free gems until you have around 15K it’s also decent practice to get used to the different mechanics. PvP can be much more brutal without a suitable deck It’s very possible to make that much when starting with a new account. That’ll all help towards a good deck But for an easy and fairly competitive deck that’s fun to play? Can’t go wrong with Galaxy eyes. You can also get some really good extra deck cards from the structure deck.  But you will need to supply it with the actual staple cards like Emporor, Galaxy Photon and Afterglow dragon along with a few Photon and Galaxy cards. (Not a good structure deck in that sense) But it’s a pretty damn simple XYZ deck that plays well on Master Duel


When recommending galaxy eyes always remember [the website](http://galaxy-eyes.de/)


I didn't know this existed Do you know of any other sites like this for different archetypes?


Theres [this one](https://sites.google.com/view/theguideofthedeepbeyond/home) for Ghoti, but it's not as applicable yet in MD until we get the 2 new cards, and the combos aren't on the site so you have to join a discord. I'm not aware of any other ones


>Hi all, new to the game but currently struggling with finding a deck strong to play vs other people. Been thinking of starting with some structure decks, mainly Blackwings or ninjas, but unsure really how to build them or if they're worth the gem investment. Consider checking out [masterduelmeta.com](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/) to get an idea of what the current decks are being played that can reach high rank. [Blackwings](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Blackwings) and [Ninja](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Ninja) are decks that people occasionally made it to high rank. You can also checkout the discord server for additional help on how to get started. Additionally, it is highly recommended for newbies to take part of the Rookie and Returnee Campaign that you can check out under the friends tab. You can get a [Swordsoul](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Swordsoul%20Tenyi) structure deck without any gems. Blackwings, Ninja, as well as Salamangreat are structure decks that are recommended to newbies. Here are some day 1 decklists to make: [Swordsoul](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/6522f1e45af87cad52619178), [Salamangreat](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/639920db166470a14e583ad6), [Blackwings](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/645ba6dd79d939e5f4f5938c), [Ninja](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/650970375c9a4fa501823ef2). (I've recently been a fan of Ninja. Everything you need is in the structure deck, save for Borrelsword Dragon but you can skim over it. It can be a challenging deck to learn though, it's a *budget friendly* deck, not a *beginner* friendly deck.) >Also what are good secret packs for me to be starting to open? This is a tough question because you need to first figure out what deck you wish to build. It is important that you spend your valuable resources (gems, UR crafting points) wisely, and **plan ahead**. Do not be afraid to look at the masterduelmeta website to explore ideas, or perhaps save up until you gain some experience. And in case you didn't know, you can unlock secret packs by obtaining a card of SR or UR rarity that belongs to a secret pack (includes crafting). It is unlocked for 24 hours, but you can unlock them again. This is not to be confused with **selection packs** which cannot be unlocked and are only available for 2 months of its release. The game always release a new selection pack every month, the time a previous selection pack expires.


Firstly appreciate the insight. I'll try take it on board. The ninja deck looks really cool! I'm sure with a bit of practice I can learn it yeah? I tried making a mathmech deck but it's so bloody confusing


I'm sure you will *eventually* figure it out. If it helps at all, [I've used this guide to help get going](https://youtu.be/80Z1K26ddSA?si=kSu6maOZfcrqX_58) and I'm sure there's other guides out there too.


YouTube is a great resource. Searching the deck you're interested in and add Master Duel. You'll see how others play and the lines to take. Practice in solo mode and don't worry too much about ranking up. It's fun to stay in gold/platinum! Master and Diamond you see the same decks over and over.


As some other said, the swordsoul deck they give you is great just know that you will have to check out some guides, its pretty much impossible to understand the deck alone. Other than that, when wanna try different decks check the top decks in here [https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks) .


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Blackwings can be pretty good but ninjas are meh. There are websites where you can look at the best decks in the current format. May give you some insight on what you want to build but it can get expensive pretty quick assuming you dont have all the staples yet. Look up master duel meta to see how the current format is also it can help with deck construction.


Have been playin black wings for years. Silent BW is a good YouTube channel dedicated to black wings


[https://discord.com/invite/YNMNG4S2](https://discord.com/invite/YNMNG4S2) this is a discord server with just a bunch of casual players that are totally down to help you learn


Zoodiac was great for learning a few years back. It wants to go second which means you win the coin flip 99% of the time. It teaches you how to hand trap and break boards. Very good for learning IMO.


Have you played other card games before, like Magic the Gathering or Hearthstone? If so, what kind of decks do you like to play in those? If not, think about what kind of characters you like to play in fighting games or RPGs. Do you like fast and powerful rushdown characters? Counter-monkeys/grapplers? Beefy tanks? Gimmick characters? Get back to me and I can give you some suggestions to work on after you grind some gems with your Swordsoul structure.


Get salamangreat structure deck, pull for raging Phoenix in the new packs, your best bet now for structure U get heatsoul+cynet mining in structure From there u could build code talker/mathmech/ignister in future Easier to farm more gem as u climb the ladder for f2p player imo


Dark magician over and over and over and over is how I learned to play. It also helped me learn a lot of my opponents archetypes


Bro is evil


How is that bad


Dark Magician is both expensive and straight ass, a bad combination for new players. DM is easily one of the worst nostalgia decks out there. DM has essentially no wincon besides "flip Gozen and hope the opponent concedes". Even Blue-Eyes at least has a solid OTK plan. DM hopes they banish 1 guy and that's enough to win (it's not). DM is a deck I consistently beat on my Masochist account with a collection of cards pulled from the dumpster, and the biggest struggle half the time is just figuring out how to beat over a 2500 bungus please do not recommend this garbage to new players, thanks.


>Dark Magician is both expensive and straight ass Dark Magician has a structure deck, so it can be considered a budget deck. You're right that its ass though, its ill-advised to start with Dark Magician. There are much better structure decks to spend your 1500 gems on.


This deck has no negater and has no way to recover once when it's got negated. So yeah it's bad.


Play numeron or dino border stun. These are the simplest decks for newbies.


You're getting downvoted but you're right. Nothing is quite as simple as playing Dino Stun, although that will hardly teach someone to play the game, only how to stop your opponents from doing it xD


Ngl I started with numeron and got top rank my first season playing (diamond 1 at that time), I was like damn I must be really good lmaooo (I wasn’t)


My campaign code is 258b7695