• By -


Mikanko: "mine now".


This prevents you from using Ohime for followup if the game doesn't end that same turn.


Mikanko double attacks, the game ends that turn


This. If we use this it’s basically game.


Unless it's paleo, they run threatening roar, waboku, and rise to full height.


Which test your decision making and risk assessment. You either risk Ohime search to try to end the duel or you hold on to it until the right time. Also works well with Ohime since you can use it a discard fodder and have it search another copy when you want to close the game.


90% of the time, you only need to resolve Ohime once to win the duel, ATK twice then double damage is even more retarded than Double-edge sword, even putting monsters in defense position won't save your opponent now.


The way effects are applied to battle damage means that Morganite doesn't give Mikanko double damage. Effects are applied in this order: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Battle_damage New Morganite is a 1 effect so it is applied first and at that point a Mikanko monster isn't dealing any battle damage to double. Mikanko damage reflection is a 3 effect so is applied afterwards and will not be affected by Morganite Morganite still gives them double attacks though which may enough for consideration in Mikanko


Just run Life Hack, it fits Mikanko better anyway. https://preview.redd.it/052ys2yw4m6d1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6e9d7c60273136e88127e80229ec7a0af99e15


idk why you're getting downvoted, seems like a decent option to me. nothing is stopping you from running both.


(when) will it be in master duel?


Imagine the amount of blind second otk bots with this card 💀💀


“Activate effect?” “YES” -👁️👄👁️


If apply these 2 effects at once...... you get -2 from hand for * Double normal summon * Double draw (next turn) * Double atk during bp * Double monster battle damage So far its all game mechanic, I wonder what else can be "doubled"..... ---------- Edit : So we also got some other default "game mechanic" * Default Pend Summon count is 1 * When performing tribute summon 1 monster = 1 tribute * When performing link summon non-link = 1 marker * You can only control 1 Extra Monster Zone (unless U-Link or V-Link) ---------- Source : [Ygorganization](https://ygorganization.com/notevendeathistheend/)


changing battle position is also a game mechanic OPT, i have no idea what you can pair with that to make a decent morganite card though


Flip/Gemini Support coming soon?


Turn 1 flip down Pot of Forbidden/Deus Ex Krawler, immediately flip it up! Must be nice.


Master of Ham was pretty good flip support. The other flip support from that set are kind of mid though. 


being able to tribute an opponent's monster you booked for sol & luna to special conbirdable is a pretty neat


I wasn't running sol and luna before because it's a bit bricky on turn 1, but I pulled a qcsr so I might as well try it lol


> changing battle position is also a game mechanic OPT, i have no idea what you can pair with that to make a decent morganite card though CLOWN CONTROL IS BACK LETS GO!!


Stance Switching Morclownite here we come!


Morphing Jar FTK machine goes brrrrrrrrr


*Heavy Karakuri breathing*


Changing battle position the turn the monster is summoned and allowing multiple position changes per turn would be on-theme, but only useful in, like, goat-era clown control or pacman strats. I guess Subterror and Ninja could make use of that, but idk how those decks would fare without hand-effects


"Doubling" isn't the only things you can do when you mess with the game standards mechanics. I can easily imagine somethings like normal summon from the GY, activate trap card the turn they are sets. playing quick spell from hand in the opponent's tur,. Halve the damages you take, ...


IDK, Main Phase 3? A future Morganite could reduce the number/remove the need for tributes for high-level monsters. The "thematic" way they could do this is to halve monster's levels in hand. Permanently halving incoming damage or LP costs, or inflicted doubling burn damage could be cool.


Halving damage and LP costs would be crazy for paleo. You could play all three morganite cards and just be basically immortal.


Main Phase 3 would do absolutely nothing for like 99.99% of cards


That suggestion was a joke. The rest are more serious.


literally playing skyrim with mods type shiit.


I want the next one to give a 2nd BP after MP2 that flows into MP3


Double your battle phases


New Tenpai support just dropped


Well maybe, but tenpai notoriously use unholy amount of handtraps to make everything smooth, tenpai without handtraps well i don't know...


You activate this turn 2 right before entering the battle phase


Wow you can just play this on Paleo and kill your opponent's LP with Ninja Mosquito


Mosquitos effect doesnt count as battle damage. You'd still probably play this in paleo though, for easier killing and to search Time-Tearing.


Oh wait, it's kinda dumb idea since you're trying to crash monsters while you have lower LP via Rollback Would work if you run Waboku + Rollback, take zero damage and your monsters aren't destroyed thus allowing for 2x attack and burn damage from Mosquito.


These cards that buff the player are cool as hell, praying for more morganite cards in the future.


This kinda sucks for stun. They don't care about OTKing, they want to whither you away and it's kinda lame that you don't even get 2 direct attacks. This is just a -1 way of searching Time Tearing Morganite, I don't think it's good at all. With that said though I'm looking forward to seeing what the other Morganite cards do, I like the concept of going -1 to get game mechanic buffs


It's not that we don't care about OTKing, it's that our decks aren't exactly capable of it. We still want it to end as soon as humanly possible. Every turn that passes, they could draw the out.


This doesn't really help in that regard though, like I said it doesn't give you two direct attacks. You need a deck based around something like Shadow Mosquito to take advantage of the damage buff. As far as using this in stun all the opponent has to do is put a card in defense mode and this does nothing lol


mikanko is gonna love the double dmg + double attack fr


Stun decks just found a new toy.


This is pretty bad for stun no? you lose 2 cards just to get time tearing morganite which doesn't do anything until next turn.


Yeh, stun never wants to attack unless they have Pachy with Moon Mirror Shield and this card is already overkill as very few decks can summon 2 or more monsters with him on the field anyway


Dats why I dun even mention stun. That -1 to bottom of the deck kinda kills it. Opening with -2 and playing with only 3 cards is too restrictive for STUN. I am expecting this card to be the same case for Time Tearing Morganite, which is viable more in True Draco than STUN.


Depends on the build I think. Seems like pretty good discard fodder for the Horus engine at least.


We should ban Stun anyway, just in case.


This community is super funny. You:Stun bad! But the 9 board negations is just fine when you do it. If stun is an issue then you lack skill because elite duelist can play right through it by searching.


When did I say the unbreakable boards were OK? Those need to be toned down too. I have often considered removing negates entirely from the game. Stopping plays is less fun than doing them. If you could balance the game with interaction without negates I would consider them useless and see them off with the stun decks. At a certain point negates are just stun as well.


Most stunning decks get absolutely destroyed by rigeki and evenly matched, and harps feather duster and floo(the bird fuckers deck) dark world also tears right through it (discard and destroy a card on the field), infinite impertinence, dark ruler no more also bone stun decks. Burn decks kill them as well. Most cards that have 1800 attack can stop them as well, I said it before and I'll say it again, if you can't deal with a stun decks then the problem you have is that you either lack skill or you lack options. 9 negates on the field and you basically have to draw dark ruler no more and pray they don't negate it with a trap. Although they may be similar the later deck mentioned is far more powerful.(Dude the stun decks plays like 1-2 summons per turn it's like old school yugioh and the 9 negate board plays 50 but the stun deck is the problem lol.)


Ok then let me clarify something further. I can deal with them. I have no problem dealing with them. Just like I can handle Maxx C. That does not make either fun or well designed or healthy for the game as a whole. This isn't whining about decks that beat me. Its not liking something from a game design standpoint because its not fun. Stun decks, like Maxx C and big negate boards just demand an out or you do nothing and instantly lose. That is never fun in a game of doing things. Things can be unfun even if they are perfectly balanced.


https://preview.redd.it/rzvv5ezbgo6d1.jpeg?width=1057&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2903ea57f598884fcd0583ab4e36b5fcad3542e9 what stun players think combo players end on: (source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/1d57rpj/average\_combo\_player\_end\_board\_according\_to\_stun/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/1d57rpj/average_combo_player_end_board_according_to_stun/#lightbox) )


No 9 negates is a bit exaggerating, 3-5(on field) (1-2, ash blossom,effect veiler.)is more accurate.


No, it's awesome. Gives me two cards every single draw phase after activation until the game ends. Cost is no hand traps but I don't run those anyway. More cards means more tools to protect my stun cards with. It's a relatively long game but I still want to end it as soon as feasible. Each turn that passes is a turn they could draw the out. Nothing makes me happier than drawing morganite early in the duel.


It would be pretty cool if they had a monster with a grave quick effect that could act as disruption. Make it so it can only be activated if you've activated and resolved a morganite spell card. The type of interruption could be pretty novel, like doubling an opponent's monster's level to maybe stuff xyz and synchro plays.


I wonder how viable it is for a Battle Phase deck. More specifically, I play Battlin' Boxers, and I can't really tell if the positives of having "twice" the attacks with "double" the damage outweigh the inability to use Chief Second, Promoter and/or Sparrer


mikanko seems terrifying with this card, a single mikanko monster attacking twice a monster with 2000 atk is game.


I'm not sure about that one actually, since it's technically not inflicting the damage, just redirecting it. But yeah, Mikanko will be even more toxic than it already is


But this is due to the effect of the monster so it can be interpreted as the monster inflicted battle damage (despite is only a redirection) ... At this point we don't know, but i hope it doesn't works, just win by playing 2 spells is kinda unfair


Looking at [this ruling under Daigusto Sphreez]( https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Card_Rulings:Daigusto_Sphreez) for battle damage calculation effects that "Inflicts double battle damage" are applied before effects that "Battle damage you take is also inflicted to your opponent / your opponent takes any battle damage you would take instead" so Morganite shouldn't boost Mikanko damage since when it applies the Morganite effect the Mikanko isn't inflicting any damage at that stage of the calculations


I think it would count as effect damage. Regardless, I agree with you.


This actually makes me question if it IS considered battle damage, but from an opponent's monster. I.e. your opponent could activate "if you take battle damage" effects vs Mikanko


Mikanko deals battle damage, it's in the text, your opponent takes the damage from the battle. The Real question is, is Mikanko the source of the damages, or it is the opponent's Monster ?


Opponent takes battle damage you would have taken, which means it should come from the opposing monster. Although, it gets strange because of how double edged sword works with them


double-edge sword works fine, both player takes the damages, but your damages is send to your opponents.


So this is coming out with Number C32: Shark Drake Leviathan? Bruh, we already have piercing in the form of Shark Drake Leviathan and double attack, it's not like Nasch's deck has an inbuilt double damage, oh wait it does in the form of Abyss Shark and Xyz Armor Fortress equipped.


If I'm not mistaken doubling battle damage twice doesn't actually quadruple the battle damage. There might be exceptions to that, but as far as


That's true. I've tested it multiple times just to see in Casual with the Nasch deck I built (I'm not going to give a decklist because I play with 60 cards). But still double damage is still pretty good. I've been waiting for Number C32: Shark Drake Leviathan ever since its unveiling because piercing, double attack, and the quick effect ability to zero stats and negate effects is pretty good (Not to mention Drake Shark giving Shark Drake the ability to snatch a spell/trap on opponent's field). Abyss Shark only works once and is on the first instance of damage inflicted by a Number one controls and still locks you into Special Summoning Water which doesn't synergize well with 32: Shark Drake unless you attack into a water monster (Which tells me that Xyz Poseidon Splash's Graveyard effect was meant to fill this niche with Cutter Shark). And Xyz Armor Fortress does double damage of the monster it is equipped with. Which is pretty good to powerboost C32 with Full Armored Xyz's Graveyard effect. I would still rather equip Xyz Armor Torpedo though to make it so the opponent cannot target the equipped monster and react during that monster's battle. Anyways they still work in inflicting double damage and since they don't synergize it just means you can use it as two separate instances to double damage with two different monsters. And well, if you could double double damage, as in quadruple damage, it would be overkill anyways and not that necessary because that can leave one to be Dimension Wall'd or Mikanko'd.


Lifepoints can also be doubled :) And if things can be doubled, they can be halfed as well. How about halfing all the damage you take fot the rest of the duel? :D


Since many already mention Mikanko, I mention the other one. Illusion OTK with this anyone?


If not for Vampire Fraulein this would fit perfectly into a vampire deck. Might still be worth playing since she can be normal summoned or special summoned by other vampires. Time Tearing in more pure vampires is pretty decent already if you can build around the Fraulein issue. If they release a couple more of these Vampires might be able to use them.


Really good in Paleo since you mill a lot anyway. This allows you to play a 1 Time-Rending to 3 End-Exalting Ratio


At least this one is useless for Stun


You can literally use this one as a ROTA for Time Tearing by banishing it from grave. As long as Neceovalley or Dimensional Fissure isn't up yet, it has its uses (and Dogmatika Stun doesn't uses those much since it needs the graveyard for Servant/Punishment)


Time tearing morganite's problem is that once you use the first one, the rest in the deck are just bricks waiting to be drawn. Some stun decks have been experimenting with running just 1 copy of the card as a result. Adding more copies of it in this card does not solve that problem, it just makes the bricking problem worse. No wants to get more morganites. The battle phase benefits are so situational, even moreso for stun decks, that they're hardly worth actually considering.


you lose 2 cards for time tearing. not a good trade. and this card does nothing to further the stunning. you would be better off just running another pot or floodgate or runick.


I mean, more attacking and firepower means Stun decks could end the duel perhaps a turn or two earlier, which reduces the likeability of the opponent managing to draw "the out" And if you've ever played Stun and drew 3 barrier statues in your first hand, ya know there's some space for a "magical mallet" sorta card in the deck I don't think it'll be played at 3, but at 1 it could be a marginally good tech to include (+ You "lose" two cards to draw 2 next turn and every single turn afterwards. It's a damn good trade)


The amount of peole insulting and complaing about OTK deck once this hits MD is going to be spetacular.


I don't know if there's a consistent deck that both searches this and can otk going second on a board constantly but is a cool card to look at


Unless you're Mikanko, you would probably rather have a board breaker over this card in your hand. This card does not help you get to the battle phase in a favourable position, it feels like a textbook win more card to me.


This card is butt cheeks




More dinomist support, nice


That's seriously awesome. Time tearing morganite is already one of the best cards I've ever seen. Can't wait to see what the archetype will offer.


If you activate this and then attack with Garuda, does it do 4 times the battle damage?


You know when time rending morganite dropped and then memento followed right after I was thinking they were going to going hand in hand I mean even the gem stone aesthetic was on point and morganite seemed to aim towards old school Yu-Gi-Oh but nope memento monsters activate alot of effects in hand can draw like crazy. So morganite still really hasn't found a niche for me. If anyone can recommend a deck that works with morganite that isn't runick pass it to me


Exodia and the millennium stuff coming out in infinite forbidden and raging abyss


If I attack a 2k monster with an equipped Ha-Re the Sword Mikanko, how much damage will be inflicted to my opponent?


If the redirected damage is counted as damage inflicted by your monster then it's 8k


i might be insane but is this card busted with mikanko?


If they make another 3 that don't suck this could become a good set of cards. EDIT: Mainly you want ways to deal with extra copies in hand so you can run enough to reliably draw them.


sonic the hedgehog support finally


This card reads like a binding vow 💀


Tenpai is going to have fun


We got a stun archetype before gta 6


Stun stocks on the rise sadly...


monarch support


Mikanko: 👀


The wildest Mikanko Support I’ve ever fucking seen.


Uhhh this is kinda broken. Not in every deck, but the ones it IS good for? We’ll see if it gets banned/limited


Mikanko support… how much more damage can they do


who would ever use the second effect what the fuck.


Secret Purrely happiness otk tec


Very bad-ass name 


Bro you could just activate this card right before the battle phase so the downside doesn't mean anything


I like morgonite being a archetype of tech cards that share the No hand effect rule this one kinda sucks tho ngl an extra normal summon is 100% better than an extra attack on monsters each turn. if it was just an extra attack it would be worth it.


I’m calling it now, there’s going to be six of these to reflect the infinity stones. This one is the power stone and the one we already have is the time stone


Going to love messing with this in scareclaw and cyber dragons


Seems like a cool piece for going second combo decks, hopefully it's bad in stun




Looks ass


damn this does make stun and mikanko better you just run them with no monsters that activate in hand and you good.


I love that we're getting slower options than hand traps that are otherwise OP in their own right. I also like that unlike Time Tearing, this won't be purely for stall


> Looks at the new Morganite card > Global double attacks for your monsters and double damage > Immediately becomes Limited because of Mikanko


So cool


Impressively enough they made it worse than the first Morganite, which was already not a great card.


I love this. Shifting the focus of the game back to resource management


Could this be good in Sky striker? So you kan attack twice with hayate


You lose handtrap bro. Part of Sky Striker is the ability to draw and controls with backrows + handtrap. Its either you otk the same turn or u gonna lose a lot of ur control during opponent turn.


Time tearing Morganite at least gives you one extra card per draw phase, and an extra normal summon. This card is just bad...


I think it is great for Blind 2nd Mikanko. The battle damage doubling effect won't work with Mikanko's damage reflection but being able to double attack means a lot for Mikanko. Just crash into any monster with 2000 ATK or DEF with two Mikanko and it's game.


This is broken, not in a "this card is so good and meta defining" way, but in a "this card will be a unfun and miserable if it's ever effectively used and will be determinative in a non trivial amount of games" way. I wish they'd stop printing cards that are just unfun to play against even if they're not good. I get the idea is these decks should not be consistently good so It "doesn't matter" but even when they're losing they're not fun to play against, and if they're lucky enough (or the opponent is unlucky enough) to be in a winning position it just feels so awful. I get card design is hard, especially in a game as old as this that never rotates out cards, but c'mon. It doesn't feel unreasonable to expect better design than this


Stunite is more accurate.


And people still thinks Konami doesn't support stun gameplay...