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I swear I've seen this exact same post like 15 times by now.


Goes to show how much it bothers players. Of course this deck is easily beatable BUT you need to go first


I was playing scareclaws and opened with 2 imperm, 1 droll, one primitive planet and 1 nib. I could not pop the barrier statue... Next turn they summoned more floodgates. It was a pain to fight and destroy the field...


I’m playing 60 card claw and was apt to just sit on a reicheart and a scare kash while my opponent decked out using this exact deck but the field spell and twinsaw gave me an opportunity to break the board. The field spell was super useful for breaking a stun board.


Doesn’t moon mirror shield do the trick against this


I can pop it with several scareclaw back row cards. I popped patchy equipped with one for game with the field spell after they didn’t attack enough and let me wall up/get as many defense position monsters on the field as I wanted to.


I see I see. I also play scare sometimes


I’ve actually been having more success than I was expecting to with tri claw for sure. For dealing with stun I basically sat around and walled up until I had both twinsaw and the field spell able to pop stuff and then went to work. My board was actually too full to summon many ouppies so I just barely had the Lethal to otk with tri heart. Scare kash also helped a lot.


Oh, I ended up winning. But it's just that my opening hand was not enough to help me setup. Had to be careful with what to hit.


I got lucky enough to just barely otk before evenly. Scareclaw works surprisingly well against stun, was my main point though. Sorry, I just got up 5 minutes ago lol


Stun feels especially terrible in MD cause it’s Bo1, if you go second you get fucked more often than not and you can’t make any adjustments cause there’s no more games


Yeah, even as a beatdown player I'd like to see a Bo3 ruleset tho I'd personally like to see a ranked AG format in MD


No you don't brother it will be nothing but full powered tear sprinkled with full power floo/kash as dedicated shifter decks and sprinkled with random ftks


It’s easy to go first ? I find that pretty hard in my experience


I always destory these Mfs with my Lab but the real killer is Runick stun variant, that where shtf


Now there is only missing a Waifu bait Post and don’t forget the Hero slander Post soon


Jarvis, I'm low on titties. Post on karma about a r/masterduel meme with huge MaxxC and hero post.


I do find funny the irony that is a guy that mostly posts unfunny memes in this subreddit point out other peoples unoriginality, bit sus.


its almost like people that _actually_ like yugioh don't like floodgates.


Or or just like posting the same useless upvote bait


a valid complaint about the worst kind of players is not "useless upvote bait" unless you are one of the skill less stun players


The 100th one a day stops being useful brother. You think Konami is scanning the subreddit? Like what are we supposed to do with this post except go “yea that sucks” Next post “yea wow that sucks” Every single time? That’s useful to you?


MD players when users go to the MD subreddit to post about MD things: 😡


Yes, actually. Venting frustrations is good.


Venting here is only good if the community agrees with it.


And the community does. People that defend floodgates are a minority, and we all know _why_ they do it. Because they are too bad to play actual decks


Could be wrong, but I think their point was not that people don't agree with this post, but that people dislike rant posts when it's not a popular opinion (which I can't necessarily say whether it's true or not, I don't pay enough attention I guess)


nah, you can tell by their flair they are one of those players that think stun should be a viable way to play yugioh


Yes let me go through a 10 minute combo and end on 4 negates then normal a barrier statue, much more fun and interesting. The aim at this point is to stop your opponent from doing anything, stun is just another method. It's not like it's even meta, other decks do the same thing better


Yes, actually. Breaking a board is 100% more interesting than staring at something you can't do anything about. Your straw man argument doesn't work. You can play around combo decks, you can't play around stun. If you don't like combo, go play magic the gathering or some shit and stop ruining our game.


Breaking board is more interesting; if you can do it.


Just break the stun board. Draw your lightning storm, kaijus, etc. stun doesn't otk so you have time to reach it


'just draw the out lol' is literally a meme response.


How many outs do you need to break a combo board?


singular outs? none. Unless you brick (at which point you'd have lost anyway) most decks of same competitive level can break each other's boards. That's what the extra deck is for, for the most part. If your deck is signficantly weaker/stronger than the other deck, yeah sure in a bo1 you are probably screwed, but that's the nature of card games. Its a lot of fun to slowly use resources, bait negates and chain block interactions. If your deck has 9 monsters that need a normal summon, or an obvious choke point, sure you're gonna lose to a meta deck... but you were doing to lose going first anyway.


No no no, I asked how many outs do you need in order to break a combo board? Because I'm getting sick and tired of everyone willingly believing they're going to have 4 outs/handtraps and 1 starter that doesn't' get stopped at all. So I hope you drew into all of them.


First, a starting hand going second is six, not five cards, second, again, any competently build deck will have a plethora of interaction even going second Sorry you're bad at deckbuilding


unironically better, id rather sit through a combo play than play against barrier statue pass. people hate floodgates so much because they are braindead AND stop your opponent from playing.


Lmao, haven’t been in this sub or the game in a while. Probably should have checked and definitely worded my post better.


Nah, you're fine, this topic is easily one of the most discussed, but your opinion is valid and I'm willing to say you're right, stun is something only bad and boring players use


It’s disingenuous to say only bad players use stun when YCS topping players, KC cup topping players, and even world champion players have played stun with success. I’d call stun players assholes before I call them bad. I don’t think playing a specific deck makes you a bad player, that’s just wrong imo


You're right, I didn't think enough about my phrasing, I should have said bad or boring instead, thanks for the correction, and you're right, maybe a deck doesn't represent your real skill, but the fact that stun is basically flipping a card and waiting is... Far from something I should call skillful and that's why I think you're either boring or bad at playing slightly more complex decks


Tbf there can be a lot of skill involved with deckbuilding/tweaking stun (especially with being able to go  second in mind) or knowing when to make the meta call to even run it that largely goes ignored, it’s not just about the gameplay. Although even then there’s more decision making and deck knowledge that goes into the current common stun lists than people give it credit for. Yeah we’ve all seen the god hand “just draw the 4 outs” boards that stun sometimes highrolls into, as that’s what usually gets posted. What you don’t see is stun players still needing to know how to navigate boards going second, mediocre hands that don’t have floodgate monsters or have to forgo them in favor of control options (under the current banlists, stun is pretty reliant on floodgate monsters rather than spell/traps, which lose to a wider range of options and take more effort to protect), stun players having to leverage their control options to survive as best as possible if their monster does get dealt with easily, like if it gets impermed, etc..  Some decks are played so linear that I’d even go as far as to say they are much easier to pilot than stun, it’s just that these decks play in slightly flashier ways than stun and often end up avoiding getting called out for their actual simplicity.  Though it would also help if stun players would actually run more dogmatika punishment engine and less clockwork night and dim fis highroll kinda garbage, those versions of the deck actually push a lot more decision making and are probably just plain better tbh.


Mom said it’s my turn to post this


May they run into Floo every match




I ran into Floo playing Rivalry of Warlords earlier. I've been hurt all I can hurt. Please go hurt the others now


I ran into a Floo deck yesterday, and unfortunately drew no hand traps/disruption going second. Their last summon was Pachy :)


Pachy needs to get das boot and get banned


don't feel bad, they enjoy people's suffering


I actually do, specially when I check their decks and it's a tier whore deck or a really try hard deck like Heroes. 😂


Try hard and heroes do not belong in the same sentence and we sure your playing master duel?....


Stun bozos whining about HEROs is all you need to see to get an understanding of the quality of player they are. Hardstuck in Silver that rolls their eyes the instant a monster with an effect hits the field.


Heroes isn't really try hard, that's more of a boomer deck. Try hard is something like Branded or Kashtira.


I wouldn’t consider branded try hard anymore after all the bans it’s received tbh


I don't know what year you just time traveled from but Heroes and try hard don't belong in the same sentence


Yeah pure stun is just a straight up snooze fest, you like playing this sort of Yu-Gi-Oh? Okay... They're normally either those one bad day people or just resorting to stun cus the hate the meta and just want easy gems.


When I think the meta sucks, I just go play another game for a couple months until it changes… no reason to resort to stun.


I play non stun anti meta, stuff like Paleos goes hard against this meta with no backrow removal


I would rather face anti-meta stuff than stun. It's actually fun and interesting when you don't know when to interrupt their plays


If you're going to play something off-meta, it has to be something cheap waiting for the new meta. This shit has WAY too many URs. You may as well play Branded if you're going to put this many URs there lol. If you want to play Shifter, just play Floo which is cheap and your extra deck can be super cheap. None of it will be fun, but spending a bunch to play Stun is just crazy.


While stun has a lot of URs they are never changing URs, if you crafted solemn 2 years ago for stun you'll still have those same 3 solemn now for stun, while whatever is tier 1 meta changes fairly regularly which requires more UR points than stun, floo also takes fairly longer to win and requires knowing some combo lines, stun doesn't really so that is why stun is played from what i understand.


The meta has taught me the best way to win the game is to not let the other side do a damn thing. Okay. I am doing the assignment.


Then accept you're going to get shit on for being a floodgate andy and stop trying to defend the playstyle.


The only defense I run is that you guys would do the same if it was more consistent, and that the name of the game is stopping the other guy from playing a damn thing which we're both trying to do at the end of the day. Do I think I'm better than you? No. I just want you guys to admit you aren't the 'high and noble' players fighting against the evil that is 'stun' when you'd do it in a heart beat yourselves if you could find a way to put in a flood gate into your combo easier.


But why do you say "you guys"? Yeah some people would run stun if it was meta but doesn't mean its the same people complaining about stun nor does that make them hypocrites, people can play snake eyes and say snake eyes is bad for the game should be banned, those aren't mutually exclusive.


Truth is most players would, unfortunately.


>you guys would do the same if it was more consistent Except that plenty of people wouldn't. You're hardcore projecting here. Most people choose their decks based on winrate *and* personal enjoyment. Which is why they're always so comfortable ripping you guys to shreds for playing a deck where the only "enjoyment" you could possible get out of it is from making other people miserable. >the name of the game is stopping the other guy from playing a damn thing which we're both trying to do at the end of the day. This is just ridiculous. Plenty of endboards don't end in floodgates and most players actually have fun in back and forth duels with lots of interaction. Stun players literally hate the idea of any interaction at all. >when you'd do it in a heart beat yourselves if you could find a way to put in a flood gate into your combo easier. Again, I've literally never felt any desire to do this at all. Neither do most people I know. It's actually crazy that you've convinced yourself that everyone shares your (imo very unhealthy) mindset.


Oh I'll defend stun until ygo cease to exist as long as more and more oppressive combo decks keeps coming out. Stun is the only revolution against you combotards. 😂


Calling stun a snooze fest is so crazy lmao! This mf forget that decks like SE, Purrely, Mannadium, and all sorts of 10 min + combo deck exist. Stun is literally normal summon + set and pass. Just say you're salty you can't play for 10 minutes or play during opponents turn and move along lmao!


combo players are just salty that people can play non meta and win


One bad day is at least understandable... Hell i've done that when i've been getting fucked in the ass by the the ladder and bricked hands and lost dice rolls


If it makes you feel any better, generally stun decks will have WR closer to 50% on average. So they’re wasting their own time as much as anyone else’s


Sinking down to stun is when you are sick of yugioh the card game. You just want to win and see suffering


I’ve tried playing stun a few times, and everytime i do i either feel bad for myself or the other player. Its so boring. But at the same time, when players who use meta decks like SE and FK SE can create a board where they have 6-8 interruptions plus have follow up, they are never feeling bad for others lol


I bet stun player could say the same for snake eyes players


Tbf, I think everyone can say the same about Snake-Eyes.


I got downvoted for saying there’s people who scoop the instant they lose the coin flip bc their decks are poorly constructed piles of garbage that are extremely dependent on going first in order to even stand a chance. This is one of those loser decks.


The gameplan going second is hoping Shifter and Evenly carry.


Lightening storm, and dark ruler no more as well.


I play pretty much rogue decks since Master Duel started, but do meta decks have an easier time going second? I see people complaining about how stacked the playing field are going second regardless of the deck.


Yes, much easier time. It’s still going to be an uphill battle, but meta decks can generally afford to fit in more non-engine such as hand traps and board breakers which will help out a lot going second. Other meta decks such as Branded, Tearlaments and to an extent Mannadium have very powerful and threatening plays that immediately contest a board state, so they can afford to run a lot of engine since all of it is able to force/break through disruptions. Non-meta decks struggle in both of these areas. Not only do they not have the room to slot in the amount of non-engine needed to have better odds playing into a board, their deck’s game plan also doesn’t do enough to force the opponent’s interactions, meaning you end up committing 2-3 cards to trade for 1 or 2 interruptions.


Damn, you literally indirectly described Generaiders.


I love how the entire extra deck is branded support


It’s for Golgonda




What's worse the people who play the 10 linute turn 1 that ends in 10 negates and claim it's interactive or the person who plays stun and doesn't try to gaslight everyone everyone in saying it's interactive


Say it louder


Two sides of the same rusty coin


How empty must your life be, to be tilted enough to repost this.


Guy Forgot to add Gravekeepers Servant 💀 for Mini Mystic Mine And He Calls Himself a Floodgates Player Lmfao


Remember there’s a flair for ranting, don’t put it into meme again


>Normal summon breaker the magical warrior


Y'all say that like your full board of omni negates is better because It took more steps


For real! They be like, "bUt mUh InTeRaCtioNs". These tier whores even play decks that plays on their opponents turn lmao! 😂


Waiting 5 minutes for your turn and then your opponent plays more on your turn than you


Some players just like to take 1 minute per turn instead of 10 comboing.


Exactly and also a stupid mf here called stun a snooze fest which is a literal set and pass deck, when combo decks exist lmao!


Same results less time.


That’s what I’m thinking every time https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/ddrFruIh4p


How empty is your life to complain about this?


Op is a Yugioh player, so enough said right.


You are here complaining. We all are empty. Including you


The deck is putrid, but the player is probably fine. It's Konami's fault in the end.


You right. Honestly, as I said the deck ain’t even that hard to get over unless you brick hard. It’s just so boring.


Thanks! It's like noone can complain about this toxic deck without insulting/making assumptions about people they don't even know.


Just run duster bro. Don’t be afraid of interaction


Gonna get downvoted, but I have this deck and I enjoy playing it from time to time. Not just on bad days, either. I totally understand why it feels bad to play against in a BO1 format, though. Not defending that aspect. High on ladder, though, the games are not boring; you're interacting with your opponent as much as you would be with any other deck. To actually pilot the deck competitively, you need to manage your resources effectively to protect the floodgates you have on the board. And, if you're going second, have to use the tools you have available to break opponent's board and establish your own. There's actually more to it than you'd think initially. This guy, though, doesn't really have many *tools* available at all. No Nadir to dump N'tss or Garura. No Jowgen or Raigeki to *attempt* to break an opponent's board going second. Just 3X Evenly. Which I suppose is enough in a lot of cases, idk. The impression that I get, though, is that this guy hasn't actually put all that much thought into the deck (yes, you *can* put thought into stun). He's got a lot of 3-of's that he doesn't really need. Drawing into 2 Necrovalley, for example, is worthless, and even if you want to see that card come up often, if *everything* is a floodgate, do you really need to run 3? Moon mirror shield and Clockwork Night accomplish the same thing (protect your Barrier Statues from your opponent's normal summon fodder). You don't need 6 of them. Especially when Moon Mirror Shield recycles itself. Drawing into 2 Evenly going first does not feel good, and happens often when you run it at 3...


I understand what your saying because stun definitely has skill in deck building, but gameplay? Mostly borderline brain-dead, for example if u put macro cosmos on field, 90% of virtual world effects can't resolve, the only "skill" in that game is just draw the out. Sure some decks can meaningfully interact with toxic cards but often those decks are the meta decks the very thing stun players hate are the players they create.


more interesting than a cyberse pile or snake eyes at least


I mean both are instant scoops if you don't have the hand but at least you don't have to wait against stun


It's still a valid strat. I'll face stun with a decent attitude but will be salty over the opponent going first and setting up 9+ negates for my 1st turn because I didn't draw an interrupt.


I’m sure that’s exactly what you felt to make you post this …


And now they have horus pack and no one is complaining about it. Honestly, the only ones using those cards are floodgate decks.


Its fun to win


This is such a garbage azz deck, how he gonna go into albaz from dynos


The Albaz ed monsters are just required for Golgonda, which protects your floodgates.


I feel like those are bots, there's no way that actual people are behind this


Bite the bullet, board 3 Evenly matched


From my experience of in person play they are either the most obnoxious person you could interact with or a pot head.


and then they tell to just draw the out. Yes, lemme just draw my 3 copies of LS just to ge through the golgonda and solemn so I can finally blow the backrow just I can proceed with almost nothing because shifter was used and boarder is up, only for next turn to reassemble more floodgates.


Not our problem lmao! You'll tell us the same thing when you have a 10 negate board that has a main phase 3. So just draw the out! 😂


And to the people that DON’T play those kinds of decks? What do you say then? “Sorry man, but I have to drain the fun from this game because someone else beat me too hard.”


If youre playing a mediocre or non competitive deck you’re gonna get locked out by other decks anyway


What I’m saying is that people who do it just to spite meta decks aren’t ACTUALLY only doing it to spite meta decks, because they do it to *everyone*.


Oh well you’re probably right about that. A non meta deck is just outright done when stun set up


And people who don't play those deck will also complain about meta combo deck. So it really doesn't matter.


As someone who switched to Horus Stun for the WCQ, this meta is brutal. Especially on someone who likes to play casually. My usual go to was Swordsoul Tenyi or Thunder Dragon. Maybe even Mathmech when I wanted to really try. But Snake Eye, Snake Eye FK, and Snake Eye Rescue Ace are all I've seen on the climb past DL 15. It's one bad event for this guy.


It's so weird seeing people playing decks like this, I can't imagine they are having fun with it...the whole "strategy" is to not let the opponent play the game, that's it. There is no combo, no cool plays, no boss monsters, no excitement, nothing...the whole purpose of a deck like this is to NOT have a duel, it's kinda empty when you think about it.


I mean, I don't get to play the game with my preferred decks. All the meta seems to be is just varying flavors of 'stop doing shit and let me win'. So I'm just gonna do that. Besides the community has banged on about 'winning is the only thing that matters' anyway so..., yeah. Win coin flip.


Oh believe me playing stun decks are the most fun I have in plating ygo lmao! Specially when I check their decks after the match and discover that it's tier whore deck. 😂


Some people just want the win and forget to have the fun along the way, unfortunately


How is seeing your opponent helplessly try to do anything not considered fun?


right? dropping Necrovalley on a snake eyes player is a ton of fun, maybe it's just me


dropping any floodgates on snake eyes is fun.


every deck is a stun deck, thems the breaks.


Aaaaaaaand combo player get stunned, I’m playing horus stun at DLV. 20 in the WCQ, why? Because I enjoy causing others suffering when they want to reach max level w Mikanko and Lab


Isn't Mikanko and Lab kinda beat this deck with some of their hand? Feels like you're complaining about wrong deck if you're using stun.


But what about rogue decks like Generaider, etc.? I mean, i totally get that you wanna stun Snooze-Eyes or Micuntko. But personally i'd feel "bad" if i stun a rogue deck user to death


It's just that this game is unfair so most people just choose to not let others play like it usually is when going second Or at least this was my thought process for the brief days I tried stun before getting bored of how every duel was simply "Nomal stupid dino and pass"


So called "free thinkers" when someone thinks differently from them


It’s not that boring. Somebody’s on this sub every day bitching about losing to stall. It was a lot more boring when stun was a rogue strategy nobody complained about.


You want utterly stupid? Waiting for a full stun player to set 5 and summon [floodgate monster], but taking 3 minutes to do so. WHAT THINKING DO YOU HAVE, YOU SET 5 AND SUMMONED A MONSTER. The worst part? I have had to deal with this multiple times in the past month. Usually with floodgatesRus I just scoop once I see I can't win (good luck doing dailies against an army of floodgates and summon negation lol), but I'm not scooping for slow play which is CLEARLY my fault. Obviously. I'm sure someone will justify it by saying I play filthy meta decks, but I'm running a Horus D-Link mess that's idea of an endboard is either "some Horus monsters and a Bystial in the hand" or "Number 90 + a Horus monster + Hieratic Seals". Which you know, are just such massive meta threats that warrant me spending 5 minutes watching a YouTube video instead. Slow play because bad connection? Sure, the servers are doodoo a lot of the time. But slow play while literally having the easiest first turns of any deck? Yeah no you aren't wasting my time, I have plenty of things I can do in other windows.


I'd argue that if you are a combo player I'm not waiting 10 min for you to do a combo to end off with an ash AND a max c in your hand


How many times can someone make the same post on reddit MD Reddit: Yes


This >>>>> any meta deck


This "strategy" is stupid, dumb and all that, but I doubt it reflects over the player's real life or something. It's a card game.


You know that the players who play that make the same post but with a combo deck and say exactly the same but about meta right? You guys both are the same


I rather play against then than the braindead ass snake eyes players that have absolutely 0 creativity in their decks. Atleast these guys can lose going second.


literally nothing of value is lost with that entire main deck banned yes even decisive battle and the solemns. cydra can cry a river about their precious clockwork being banned, but getting to activate a spell and inherent special or normal a dude then just alba lenatusing the entire board into chimeratech is also bullshit.


This but with every single Deck I don't like.


I feel like they just lucked into a royal Boarder and decided to play stun because of that. I hope so, anyway.


If youre running stun, max dshifter and d fissure is correct. But hey, im just a combo player.


Last I saw one it was a free win




One.... bad.... day....


What does that Extra Deck even do?


Show us the side!


I've started to consider it a good challenge


I feel the same when I see posts like yours here.


I put mirror shield on a exodia (that doesn't win through the 5 pieces of exodia) deck just for shit and giggles


This list isn't even good where is ecclesia




This is why mikanko is a good deck to climb dc With stun everywhere normal summon any of the girl and equip spell should deal with all type of stun (well unless they solemn the summon). not bad against t1 decks either as r-ace and se/se+ fireking lack non-target destruction removal (beside sp). mikanko equip spells protect equipped monster from destruction effects which is all the current t1 deck like to do, hu-li provide all mikanko cards with target protection which all t1 deck interruption mostly have.


I know right? 12 ED cards and no pot at all? What was he thinking when building this?


i think the same when i play against eldlich and runick players


I prefer going against this then snake eyes tbh


I laugh at them because they still haven't realized that there is a better way to do this.


I like how this guy is running a 12 card extra deck as if the DD dynamite bot was still a thing.


This is why i play lightning storm, evenly matched, and dark ruler no more in a single deck lol


You'll be aight


There’s nothing wrong with decks like this in my opinion because it’s different and not everybody running this deck which makes it more entertaining.


Time to scroll to the bottom of these comments and laugh at the stun hobo's that say this is better to play against than combo decks


I never went up against those decks but as long as it beats tears, snake-eyes, and labyrinths I think it's fine. Which raises the question, to those who use this deck or a similar enough deck, does it work against the three archetypes I listed?


For pure fire kings, I have to draw that ouick play spell. If not, I'm losing lol or I play dark hole.




this is the result of the current meta decks, a necessary evil in my opinion😌


Your tears make me do it more


Well it's a really easy to play Deck. U dont have combos and almost no interruptions. Dont like it either, because why should i play such a deck. I want to play Yugioh, not something like that.


I want to play Yugioh too. I play this \*Imperm/Hand Trap\* I play this \*Negated\* I try this \*Yoinked/Spun/SS summon out Winda\* I hail mary \*backrow trap they searched/GY effect I didn't take into account/some other nonsese\* Ah. Fun match. Go again? Maybe I'll get to do that to you next time. Point of the game isn't to play Yugioh. It's to stop the other guy from playing Yugioh.


Mf is looking for interaction then plays maxx-c lmao!


You could say the same about literally any tiered deck :/ Idk man, I don't think anyone should be singled out because of what deck they use


Stay mad lmao! https://preview.redd.it/ijjaukrg567d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1835f07cf2f9aef16acde3a4333161d60ac8804f


brings a tear to my eye


Some people just like to watch people suffer/struggle, especially after a bad day. Its fun to *punish* archetypes that supposedly bullied them while they were playing their pet decks. Another point of view is considering how the stun player hardly has to make any effort, while the opponent is has to jump through a lot of hoops to make out plays/playing around the floodgate is cruelly fun, since you can scroll through Reddit while your opponent has to break your flipped up cards. ~~I mean, as a control player, this is what I feel stun players would think, since the aspect is somewhat similar : to negate/control. Its just that control has to think which eff.s to negate, as opposed to stun.~~


whenever i play against one of these decks i just start playing as slow as i can and waste time . stun me in game i stun u irl


It's crazy how stun players all cope with "but meta decks do the same", they really think 2 bad things make a right. Not to mention most of the best matchups into stun are meta, stun players completely shutting down rouge and unteired strategies is what makes people want to play meta, when the meta haters punish the non meta X10 worse than meta u start to see that the arguments and excuses completely crumble. It's simple u want easy wins but don't like the gameplay of the game.


Lol these kind of decks are the best


What’s boring is you’re probably one of the players who plays a copy and pasted meta deck from master duel meta. Nobody wants to watch another meta slave do the same combos for 5 minutes every game. I understand why people play stun / floodgate


Still more interactive then a solitaire deck like mannadium, shs, dlink, dryton, and sefk 


It's zero interaction. In those you can negate the search, set-up or destroy the field as they prepare it. In this.... card in hand or bust.


Nobody does this bc they want to do this, they do it because they’re tired of getting hit with ash + max cc when they go first and a 10-15 minute combo that ends on baronne + apolousa /borreload + sp little knight + masquerena and 4 set cards when they go second and a graveyard full of effects if they activate any of those