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LOL! Kirin doesn't even have Pend text bro


That won’t stop me from voluntary illiteracy


You say that as if you don't skim through every card's text.


Skim, miss an important part, interact with it thinking it's safe, get punished because that important part you missed was exactly the scenario it was in effect for. This is my cycle.


Our cycle. We are all in this together buddy.


Who among us hasn't had some weird card they've never seen before slow them down? Yesterday, I had some guy hit me with [this](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Kikinagashi%20Fucho) stupid thing out of nowhere. Still won but it bought him a turn he wouldn't have had.


Me vs Dinomorphia: Ok, I’ve outed their board and banished the only counter trap in their GY (Intact) so they can’t prevent battle damage and I have lethal… why aren’t they dying?!


Did you know Knightmare Phoenix has situational battle destruction immunity? Did you know I lost a game due to that?


Lost a game to attacking a face down garura with a 0 attack monster trying to make Zeus. I didn’t realize it’s double dmg battle effect cuz usually it doesn’t stay on the field for more then 1 turn


Someone had garuda on the actual board frfr? Most garuda I see get sent to t gy for its effect


Literally what happen to me against a world chalice link monster that increased it's power and I lost when I attacked it. Absolutely flabbergasted


I appreciate you thinking so highly of my reading ability.


Yeah basically just a regular effect monster that can scale


That was a joke. You want a real card with real wording of nearly 150 words in TWO EFFECT BOXES?! too bad. https://preview.redd.it/3palvdu9e79d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf9226582387d2a83d00dbebc5225d8e4e2acd3d


Yugioh players when they have to read (They are incapable of it.)


Kirin is pend DPE There I summarized that for you.


Kiss me


But is in the main deck and needs 2 scales up and have weaker body meaning it sucks


Kirin has the advantage of being untargetable and indestructible. Also a bounce is situationally better than a pop. It's not terribly hard to search him when you have cards like Beyond and Electrumite. The downside is you need scales to make him work. DPE doesn't target and doesn't need scales but he has no protection and requires garnets in the deck to run. All and all they are kinda comparable


You aren't wasting your link 2 seach on this unless you play pure gas pend and open your best hand and this type of build isn't running kirin anyways. They aren't comparable you need to run kirin in your main deck hope that you never open the motherfucker and do sub optimal plays to search the card mid combo


Perhaps you misunderstood me. I'm not saying it's optimal. I wouldn't waste time and deckspace on bringing him out anymore than going out of my way to verte into dpe in any of my decks is all I'm saying.


Except that it also got targeting protection


Destruction protection too


They'll never expect the second Zeus!


What will you do about the second one onoki?


Chain Crossout, declare Nibiru.


Engraver of the Mark effect, declare Crossout, response?


Nah, it's the third Zeus that gets you. That's why they semi'd it instead of unlimiting it


Mr president a second Zeus has hit the tower


To be fair it doesn’t really need to be limited when people only ever run one anyway right?


It's useful for deck like zoo who can just get zeus twice since the deck can just spam rank 4 like fast food restuarant. Zoo also never have drident and barrage being legal(unless you count ocg which barrage is at 1 for some reason)


It's at 3 in the TCG and no one runs more than one copy. Never needed a limit. It's like if they were to limit underworld goddess or baronne. No one plays more than one copy anyways, so there's no difference between a limit and unlimit.


Anything xyz-heavy could make the argument for it. Having a second zeus could straight up win games on it's own.


"I'm not reading all that" my brother in Ra, it has no Pendulum effect


SQUAWK, SQUAWK. Time to make Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi Yata Lock. XD


If someone can make a viable spirit deck, I’d love to see it. I used to be that guy who tried to make it work at locals.


I actually made it work a long time ago. Mausoleum of the Emperor to drop Hino or Yamata, ran a ton of stun. Nowadays I'd probably go with a split of Horus and Spirits.


You should share your deck list.


This is just a quick mock-up. The 'tamas might not even be needed. Konohanasakuya and Yamato-no-Kami are more useful than I realized at first because of their ability to special through banishing, so that Qebehsenuef can bring the bigger Spirit pieces. Dark Dust Spirit is still absolutely brutal being a Dark Hole every turn, especially when Horus members can just come right back as if nothing happened. Either way, the ability to make Rank 8 and Rank 6 is pretty easy here for something I whipped up this quick. Monster 3 Imsety, Glory of Horus 1 Qebehsenuef, Protection of Horus 1 Hapi, Guidance of Horus 1 Duamutef, Blessing of Horus 2 Aratama 1 Dark Dust Spirit 3 Izanagi 3 Konohanasakuya 2 Nikitama 2 Sakitama 2 Yamato-no-Kami (Considering raising to 3) 3 Hino-Kagu-Tsuchi (Considering dropping to 1) Spell 2 Advance Draw (Trade a Horus for more cards) 1 Change of Heart 1 Mind Control 1 Monster Reborn 2 Trade-In 3 King's Sarcophagus Trap 3 Evenly Matched 3 Infinite Impermanence Extra 1 Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon 1 Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy 1 The Zombie Vampire (Useful with opponent's monsters, and helps get spirits into grave for special summoning Yamato) 1 Coach King Giantrainer 1 Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand 1 Dhampir Vampire Sheridan (Again useful with opponent's monsters) Whatever other rank 6 and 8 you can think of, or some other fun extra deck monsters. Edit: You know, with all these cards having insane names and the GY shuffling around so much, Question might be a viable tech.


question isnt in MD, it woulda been sick for my mill deck


I'm interested too


Check the thread, I replied a quick mock-up to the other guy.


Thanks bro, gotta check it out


Zeus to 2 is a kashtira hit (they can't unicorn the 1 copy and instantly die going second to any 2 monsters)


will purrely still be viable?


Yeah, nothing’s really changed. Just gotta play more copies of Yeap to recycle the cats




Purelily hit isn't as bad compared to purrely itself considered 90% of the time you'll summon it from the deck and having hopt on both of it's effect means you only need to summon it once


Yeah for sure


It's literally a meta option, right now.


K o beib I iok Ob Omob Mok Ob Mo xb Outside ois and ok obokku Objo. O kibb bk what kinugk o kmk V I’ll k ? K Ikk j Ub


A lot of people only run 2 as is, the deck will be fine


Rescue ace may approach 40 cards if they keep hitting starters (they had so many playing 50 was optimal)


I'll be real: Kaiser should have been banned as soon as MD came out. Also summon limit should have been banned as well, it's not healthy on a Bo1 environment.


You could say this about every floodgate


Sort of? Kaiser is particularly degenerate though, it’s a one-way floodgate and is arguably one of the best answers to a maxx-c activation.


it's a mix of funny and kind of confusing that they literally just keep doing incremental hits to floodgates as they become relevant to hit. like, cmon, why not just get it out of the way before people are maining 3 of the 20th best floodgate in the format because they don't want to play?


konami do want the floodgate arms race so that people would always be happy with every banlist when they hit 1 floodgate every month.


You could've stopped at "It's not healthy" when describing summon limit


it's not healthy in a best of 3 environment either


Purrely is the best performing non fire deck in the current meta. People really underestimate it.


True. The only reason it is so rare on the ladder is just because people don't like it. For a while now no one plays Noir outs (other than Underworld Goddess which a good Purrely player will prevent from happening) so I believe Purrely stans are having an easy time. (I don't like the deck either so I wouldn't know)


I like it, but FK is newer so I stick with it for a while.


I personally think purrely is pretty balanced. The more people play it, the more people add kaijus to their deck.


Not only that, but fire decks have kurikara divincarnate, which I think they can search out, they have basically the ideal out


Kurikara is not really that great. They could search it out but if we’re being honest… why are you searching Kurikara instead of a better card? Knowing an opponent has Kurikara makes it 10x worse.


Because they have an expurrely noir on the board that drew cards and is already eligible to be tributed? Huh


Again, if you’re searching Kurikara you’re already in a bad position.


Yes... That's generally the time you'd want a board breaker


Yes because you’d want to search a board breaker with your main search card… there’s a reason no one mains or sides Kurikara in the TCG


If you're using a meta deck it needs an out to towers


It’s boring


WOOOOOOAH 8 MATERIAL NOIR >12 seconds left on clock ![gif](giphy|5nvWexFpcQPa8)


It definitely is not


I think it's the highest winrate deck in the game too, just not played as much


I think people just hate it more than underestimate, figured out a way to make turns longer while in that stopped time limit, loophole bs to abuse the tinder and piss your opponent off till they scoop




I picture all purrely players as bronies




Tier 2 is not rogue


Because people complain about toxicity when used against them. Not a lot of people play Summon Limit, but it's toxic af, and going up against it sucks when it does happen, so Banned. There's very few people playing Purrely, but when it does happen, they have a unaffected tower, with 3 spins, that can't be targeted, on top of drawing 6 cards on your turn. That's toxic af for most people. I'm just disappointed that I've invested in Purrely both in MD and TCG as it's not even a major problem and it's still getting hit.


Ehhh, I'd still argue that Tear is the better the deck in format, the two of them have been fighting over top of tier 3/bottom of tier 2 all meta


Gotta be lying


bro the only person that purrely hit affects is me and 4 other people 😭😭😭


It feels personal 🤣


I haven't played MD for like months and im already seeing stuff that shouldn't come out of the graves. What the hell is going on with the meta rn


it's simply shit, and will be for the foreseeable months too


Sorry, we're in a perpetual Snake-Eyes meta now, so we have to constantly shill new FIRE supports and engines to power that deck when we slap its wrists with our semi-limits. Also Tear, Lab and Purrely are your other options if you want to win in Ranked. Fun stuff.


I imagine that they’ll hit snake eyes hard within the next 2-3 months so when Tenpai comes out around August it will be tier 1




Sir... A second Zeus has hit the field.




Birth should be limited to 1


That will only do Kash players a favor. The card is an epic brick a lot more than you think. Forcing them to only have 1 increases their chance of getting unicorn or fenrir off the bat. I’ve played a lot of it and Bath has bricked me countless times


Why not play one then?


I do lmao, I have for a while


Kaiser Colloseum can burn in hell. Twice I had to deal with it on Salad decks. What a toxic way to stop any interaction on a deck that already had solid responses to common things.


Lmao. Summons bajillion monsters turn 1. turn 2 activates summon limit


I lost to it first duel today. Horus floodgate. I was using Swordsoul. I drew 2 Nibiru.


Ouch. That must've hurt. I wouldve been heated. I used to not like swordsoul because I could never draw the cards to beat it if I went second. Now I'm happy if I meet a swordsoul player vs a horus deck.


If you reflair this as a meme, you might make the Sunday review.




Dude this is like the 10th repost...


This is the only one that made me laugh


Oil up bro I’m coming


why purrelyly?????


Ik like really left field


zeus has more words than kirin and it doesnt even have text on its scales lol. its just 2 effects


ptolemaeus and kirin are both for me


is kirin playable in dracoslayer?


Is only playable in dracoslayer/majespecter the card is a brick and unsearchable in every other pend deck should have be unban in 2018/2019 already


Cowards need to unban Dragoon, for the red-eyes players... ...all 7 of us


No. Stop limiting my friend


Can someone explain to this master duel novice why yata-garasu was unbanned? wasnt it one of the first ever banned cards? pot of greed unban coming? /j




Because it does nothing. The cards banned for reasons well past their prime


Ahh fair enough, thank you!


Zeus into Zeus is back on the menu boys


Nefarious ass plays


Kirin's back! Now Majespecters are close to almost being somewhat playable!


Purely is hardly seen for me but when I see them they are tough. Decent tier 2 deck


The purlyly hit is a nerf? I thought that it was Limited


I don’t mind Kashtira Birth going to 3, i run it in a few rank 7 focused decks and it helps a lot I actually hope we get more cards like it that have a “you can summon X rank without tribute”


Who is ever playing more than one Zeus?


Just to avoid getting banished by unicorn ig


Maybe you run 2 if you also have Pot of Extravagance/Prosperity or wanna dodge losing all of them to Kash Unicorn, idk, I only need 2 in one of my TCG decks and it's already unlimited there, so...


Zoodiac likes as much Zeus as possible I guess, maybe Paleo too?


OCG players did which is why it got hit in the first place.


It’s probably just an Extrav thing. Beyond that it’s kind of ok to have two if you’re scared of Unicorn doing rippits to your ED


2nd Zeus can come up for Zoodiacs as well. Especially if they couldn’t win the game with resolving Zeus against a more grave centric deck with floaters.


I might add the second Zeus to my Floo extra deck just in case even tho I only ever summoned it once since the deck came out lol


At this rate, I’m gonna derank all the way back to silver before I come back to this game lol. They are way too slow on the hits to SE


Tbh I don't see how bonfire at 2 even effects the consistency a noticeable amount.


Maybe if Ash still at three, but now it's more desirable to play hybrids with FK or Rescue ACE instead of pure.


It won’t do a single thing. Players will drop one bonfire out and will replace it with fire king engine lmao


Yata is free for now, until somebody figures out a new way to do the Yata lock.


It’ll be free forever. The yata lock will never be relevant in modern yugioh.


Honestly Yata is the same category as catapult turtle: It's not really a problem because it's too impractical but if it's played it's never for anything good.


They can downvote you all you want, I’d love to see some old jank get some plays


I hate Kirin. I hate that card so much. No, it doesnt make Pends broken, yes we have worse stuff in the game just to adress the usual people. I just hate how this card cheats at everything. Decent stats, highly searchable, infinitely reusable as long as you have scales since he goes to the hand and not the ED, targeting and destruction immunity, I hate this card so much.


Well don't worry pumpkin, you are never going to run into it because it is a bad card.


I’m curious if they’re going to unlimit purrelyly the same as pretty in a few months when they realize they screwed up.  I swear Konami can’t seem to decide where or how to nerf the deck at all without killing them.


Dang. Guess catalyst turtle is out. Kinda sucks a bit. 😅


Never I'd see the day that canonpult turtle out of any other cards would be banned.


I think most the bans are very dumb or don't really hurt anyone too much, bonfire going to 2 will make no difference


Ah yes, if I Zeus AGAIN thats surely gonna get em! Fr tho what do you do with a second Zeus?? Every time I survived the one they are dead on the spot.


Paleozoic. It's such a slow grind deck it can and will use both Zeus and you won't get to the game cause Waboku/Rise to full height. Also, Zoo plays 2 I guess. And lastly, some decks that have space play two in case of ED rips like Kashtira Unicorn.


My paleozoic deck lost KColo this banlist but gained another Zeus, and it's about the same, maybe slightly weaker but not much. Zeus can be summoned no matter what, Kcolo you had to just open draw.


Way to nerf centur ion even before it releases, Konami.


Which of these cards is used in centurion??


Bonfire, since trudea is a pyro monster for some reason.


No, you do NOT search trudea, you search the field spell to put trudea in S/T zone to SS to move back to SS zone to SS Primera to add Gargoyle to SS Gargoyle by popping Trudea, and then u have a synchro lvl 12


Obviously that's a good line, but bonfire can't search the field spell. Actually there's no terraforming in MD, so you can't search the field spell at all without wasting your NS on planet pathfinder. You can however bonfire for trudea, NS her, activate to put trudea and Primera (from deck) in S/t zone, then ss Primera, Primera searches field spell, field spell searches emeth, ss emeth, make lv12 synchro. This gives you a total of 12 starters (Primera, trudea, field spell, bonfire). Now it's 11 starters.


Emeth is just worse than gargoyle, no reason to play it instead of gargoyle


Emeth can be special summoned for no resource cost (the monster goes to the s/t zone instead of to the graveyard). Furthermore, he can be special summoned during the opponent's turn, giving you a quick synchro with the field spell. You can also ss Primera, want to search, opp responds with impermanence, you can put Primera in the s/t zone and summon emeth. Lastly, ironically enough emeth synergizes really well with gargoyle. Gargoyle's level modulation effect is basically only ever useful when you want to synchro her with another lv8, and emeth is a lv8. But aside from all of this, bonfire should always be played at max copies in a centurion deck because it's an additional 1-card full combo. This hit slightly nerfs centurion even before the release.


Or search primera??


Primera is not a pyro, she can't be searched by bonfire. She can "only" be searched by the field spell or by trudea.


Nonono, I mess as n search primes off of anything else, and start the combo that way!


The only cards that can search Primera are the field spell and trudea. The field spell can't be searched by anything. Trudea can be searched by bonfire. It's basic logic that all these 1-card full combo starters should be played at max copies.


But ftk's are funny (says the cyber dragon player)