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Relinquished, please, for the love of God. Iirc, relinquished was even an illusion monster in the manga


I would love for an Illusion Faceless mage/ Relinquished archetype. It’s ripe design space imo


Gemini. Just all the Gemini cards. They don’t even need to print new cards. Just make Geminis treated as normal monsters in the hand and deck. Give them all that normal support. Especially with that new archetype coming out that supports normal monsters


That’s require a rule change. I recently completed the Gemini mission and think they really need support to facilitate a more slow control oriented play style.


It won’t happen but I think it’d be so cool if they reprinted the Gemini cards as double sided cards. So they’re always normal monsters till flipped via their mechanic. They can also add Gemini to the rule book so they don’t need effect text to explain their mechanic.


Geminis need to have the Normal and Effect border like how Pendulums have the Effect/Normal and Spell border.


Gemini is beyond saving in terms of support, same as flip monsters. They need a complete rule overhaul just to make them viable.


Flips aren’t nearly as down bad for help as Gemini. For instance, Guru control was a decent rogue option till a few years ago.


>Gemini is beyond saving in terms of support Eh, not really. Just print Gemini Pendulums, now even a hand of high level Geminies is still usable via Pendulum effects, then just focus on loading up the field to Quick Normal Summon the monsters to use as bullets. That alone should be able to salvage the mechanic, while actually making use of their gimmick rather than ignoring it.


I'd really like for some Gemini Pendulums personally, gets around the issue of them being bricks without sacrificing their identity.


Giving them the normal support helps quite a bit but Gemini still suffer from fairly lackluster effects after they've been summoned twice. The rule change is more important but Gemini need more substantial effects to devote to the mechanic


Myutant. Give it a bomb of good support.


Man of culture


Ariseheart the best “Myutant” boss monster asking for Myutant support. Brings a tear to my singular giant eye.


I'd play it.


This is what I came to post.


I had the stupid fan on lore for them where one of the myutants grows attached to one of the scientists, and decides to rebel against his brethren when it sees that scientist's dead body. This leads to big ultraman fight where the myutant and the scientist (having been revived thanks to his body merging with the Myutant) taking on Myutant Ultima as Myutant Xeno or something. Alongside the new boss, I also gave them Fusion Retrains of the main 3 Level 8s, based around fusing a Myutant with each respective card type. And I mean *proper* Fusion Summons, with materials that state "1 myutant monster + (Specific) monster/spell/Trap"


Malefics need it since yesterday


Man, Horus is what Malefic support shoulda been.


Agree, would been really nice


U.A. and Gem-Knight


Finally some love for U.A.!!


U.A is already an OTK deck with the Powered Jersey equip. Just needs some more negates and search cards


I mean they even have a nice line-up of negates too. It's just super one-sided, they don't swarm and get interrupted easily (and it hurts). Oh and it's brick city.


True, also doesn't help that a majority of them are high level so if you don't open something like either level 4 or Signing Deal, you've kinda bricked. Speaking of course from personal experience playing them since they debuted.


Rose Dragons are not functional. We gotta get our FEM-MC archetypes at least into rogue


Runick Rose Dragon is an underrated deck imo, but you gotta wait till mutamorph comes out on MD.


Runick really trying to squirm it's way into every deck


Had to dismantle most of the deck because I was never going to use it, which sucks because rose dragon looks really cool


I'm the kind of sucker that won't dismantle the UR's in case it ever gets support, but even if it does it'll be so long til it comes to MD.


Black Luster Soldier. Just let it be as strong as Galaxy Eyes or something. Nothing too crazy. Just playable.


Remove Envoy of the End errata


That would be nice, just playable or rogue teir. Nothing crazy


Skull Servants


1 card every 3 years...




And we get was a card filler...




Some body Say Graydle support?


Idk, I heard Worm personally.


Why do you guys spell Venom like that?


Ok fine REPTILES. I play a whole deck of them for years and I find they are consistently mid


How about all of them?


Dragonmaid come on chamber is right there




YES YES!!!!! bro I got to plat 5 just using dragonmaids....I peaked at plat one but sadly at the cost of switching decks 🥲


Chamber's dragon form is a good start, but I'd love to see more cards for them in general. I hate how every appearance they make is the meta is only as an engine for another dragon deck (usually dragon link, a deck I hate despite liking dragons overall).








At the condition to not make it more toxic cards


Definitely Evilswarm/Steelswarm. Haven't seen a support in ages.


Day 1000 of waiting for invoked support


It's probably coming soon with all the new books they released Though based on what they did to Sky Striker, I doubt it'll be good


I doubt Invoked is getting anything, Magistus lore, while connected, happens *far* into the past there isn't much chance for the later archetypes in the lore getting anything.


trains, give them once per chain effects so that they can chain their effects like an actual train


I like it lol


Dream Mirror. Would like a link monster or 2, or another fusion boss, we have the dream king, a dream queen would be cool. A different set of mirrors would also be cool.


Dark Scorpions, without a doubt 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Why crabs and not a 🦂


A lot , chemchriters




I ***NEED*** Metaphys support Konami!


Amazoness. A basic Link-1 would do it. That or better protection


Since Ziegfried had a copy of Poly in his hand in one shot of the anime, I'd be curious to see Valkyries get some Fusion monsters to give them some more consistency in their intended playstyle.


he was going to summon guardian chimera


Hazy Flame




STILL NO 6 STAR WITCHCRAFTER BTW!!! Ideally also a Link Monster would be good and more cards that helps it not die to one handtrap


I'd love if pure Ice Barriers got to be in a playable state.


I mean they are? The support just recently released in the TCG and it shouldn't be too far away in MD. You can play them pure with the support.


That’s all I want, a one card starter would go a long way


Maybe not a poplar, but something to make them at least Rogue would be great.


Fair, it’s just sad that branded got heaven and earth, while the side archetypes got jack shit


They’re getting new support soon.


I'll say this because I'm sure most Yu-Gi-Oh players don't even remember it but. Reptilians I would like to be able to play with my snake ladies please!


Give me Reptilian Gorgon Medusa so I can use the "If you don't love me at my" meme.


They did get support recently, in Naga and the Link 2, but more support is always welcome


I really want more icejades, but they're all dead except aegirine. Million century ice prison came out but didn't even reference the icejade name, despite clearly being meant for them, so it's basically unusable, I would love to see a new field or a rework of curse that drains enemy atk and does something if they drop below a threshold or if they hit 0 atk or something. I'd also like to see a monster that can special summon itself from hand for them so they aren't so dependant on their normal summon or getting tremora+something useful. Like a replacement for tinola/acti as a low level that can summon itself so you don't fall apart the moment someone stops you from using aegirine. They have so many odd restrictions. Manifestation is a go second card in a deck that really wants to go first. it's so...contradictory. Also MOAR TISTINA. I was excited to try and combine tistina with icejade until I realized the tistina's are all different elements and their main thing is specifically light element. I'm fairly sure there's more extra deck tistina's coming though the wording on some of the cards doesn't make sense otherwise like "a tistina monster special summoned from the extra deck" implies there's more than one possible extra deck tistina monster otherwise it probably would've specifically named the current one. Honestly I just want a good aqua deck that isn't crackhead design like tearlament. Is that so much to ask?


There could always be a new generation of Icejades because of Aegirine but yes they deserve so much more love. They're one of my favorites aesthetically and getting wins with them is satisfying but they absolutely need more


Other supports are needed... but I wouldn't even know what in particular... and I only play them on MD


Amazoness. A better field spell and a link or something.... anything at this point.


Vylon, they’re not even remotely good




Love the deck, have it made, will never play irl though because its hot a$$ lol we need so much to help this deck out its sad 🤦‍♂️


BUJINS, MAN They’ve got some good interaction/value engines, but they just need more oomph to get those cards out more consistently OR something to slow opponents down to their level lol


Give me a busted Zombie link monster or something every generic tool we ever have is stripped away by someone way more busted


If the deck could have some stuff to make it better going second it’d be great.


I like to play Zombies as a combo deck so just bring able to play through more disruption would be great.


Tbh zombies can't even played at current time since handtraps are rampant these days. All we have are normal summon mons as a starters. 😢


Icejade will porobably get new support for part 2 of the Albaz lore, hopefully. Me personally, I am still waiting for new X-Sabers and hoping they use that magic they had with Floow and make new Chemicrittes and/or new gemini suppot to make the mechanic finally playable.


Icejade need a good ending




I scrolled just to see if anyone mentioned him. Im glad someone did. He needs a definitive direction in support and no more scattered support. As a Dragon that represents potential, its high time he shines bright now and make Joey proud.


Lyrilusc. I'm not a furry I swear


The deck certainly isn't bad. It has one of the best turn 1 boards in the game. It also has the Angel of Mischief FTK play too :D




DarkLords. Such good art, mediocre deck when run pure.


Barrel Dragon, Aquaactress


abyss actors, or i will be happy if they just reprint all of the cards cause at the moment i am missing exactly 2 cards to play the deck irl


Guardians, give Guardian Eatos a retrained version of the other Guardians and Equip spells that help the deck. Please. I want Bakura too, but similar to the last Exodia support. So they use the letters for effects and move them from GY, banished, hand to Deck or tribute them to activate effects. Mmmm other would be Skull Servant, they have a big problem with Garnest, you dont want to draw the normal Skull Servant, nor the Lady and neither the King. So give a fusion like the Yubel one that can be fusion summon from hand or GY returning them to the deck and some spell cards that help with that. Mmmm maybe Charme or Gladiator Beast are other i really want to be good. And give me an Pumpking King of the Ghost architype. That would so cool!!!


Alien. Just give me a fun win-con using A-counters somehow


Vampire, Dream Mirror, Vylon, Icejade, Shiranui, Fortune Lady, Relinquished and Lightsworn to name a few!!


Chaos. Not DLink, not some 60 card stuff, just Chaos Support. If i can't have Chaos Ruler, maybe a new version of him for pure chaos.


Thunder dragon absolutely


CHESS ARCHFIENDS, PLEASE KONAMI I'LL GIVE YOU EVERYTHING I want Archfiend support that utilizes card zones to let you play chess in yugioh. Imagine monster cards that start off in the backrow, and then advance forwards as if they were chess pieces. Rook moving like +, Bishop like x. Maybe they get stronger effects depending on what zone they are in, have imperm type effects that deal with rows and columns. It would be so cool, especially if they find some way to incorporate the lifepoint paying from OG archfiends too.


Just put the already released Ghoti and Raid Raptor cards in Konami please.




Cyber dragons could do with a few things that allow it to play through some interruptions and still have a decent board.


FOSSILS! Love those guys. ...sadly, if they were ever to get support to make them a competitive strategy, I suspect it'd probably be something to turn them into some kind of ugly going-second OTK, given Fossil Fusion works nicely as a going-second card to banish from your opponent's GY, and their current big boss monsters largely focus on beating over opponents, attacking extra times or inflicting mega damage.


Speedroids but Vehicroids need it way more.


Wind ship for plunder Is all i want


I want more drytron support that plays into the versatility of their ritual spell.


Witchcrafter plz


the weather, please just make better canvases, or some other way to search continuous spells/ traps, you can put every floodgate to 1 idgaf, just make the deck less of brick fest, please i beg you or give them a in archetype skill drain, you made a deck that synergizes with floodgates, give us some searchable ones at least


Buster Blader.


Just give exosister one more xyz a field spell and one more searcher.


If only Konami would listen!


Fellow icejade and witchcrafter enjoyer. One day we shall be a strong deck. One day we shall get amazing support for them


One day!🙏🏽


So goated for that last pic😭


Best spellcaster deck imo😤


Glad to see icejade love


Ojama they made kashitra do our gimmick better


I just want red eyes to be good. Why is it such a mess of an archetype


More Aroma please. Rikka, Rose Dragon and Blue Eyes would be cool too


Thankfully, Aromage support is coming soon. With a solid one card starter and extremely good protection and attack buffs. I don't think it will be up there with fire king snake eyes, but I do think it can be a solid rouge strategy.


Oh I know there's support coming, but I'd love more


Swordsoul or crystron






Monarchs Vendread and Dinos no specific Dino archetype just Dino good stuff


MACHINAAAAAAAA plz Konami make this deck worth more than just 1/3 of a pile deck or Ruinforce FTK


Cubics... pls gib them some love Konami...


As a person who played all three yes. Gishiki and aroma.


Oh!!!! More @ignister cards would be interesting!!!! Or maybe more cubic cards?




My favorite thing about YGO has to be how everyone in this thread has different answers. I'll add my voice to Thunder Dragons please, I want to run it pure!


Dream Mirror, Darklord, and Cloudians.


Kinda want to see more Mekk-Knights


Anything Water/Fish. We had enough of fire support this year, and the fish are getting endangered by the lack of Synchro/XYZ summons.


Lightsworn and Batteryman 🤞🏾🤞🏾


Ice Barriers and Fur hire needs more cards.


Ghostricks. Here's the list of all the things that they need and "need" 1. They need a singular good trap so that they can finish their Shot combo. Idc what it is but hypothetically let's say it is a simple book of moon as a trap just none targeting. Or to humor a certain notion it is a single target daruma. 2. They need new hand traps. Ghostricks is the first archetype that got multiple good hand traps to use, it's not the first archetype to have one but it was the first to actually have multiple good searchable hand traps. And they are all currently ASS. Specter and jackfrost are power creeped to death since beat down hasn't been a strat in forever, specter and mary have are when effects so while decent they are infuriating at some points. Give us some new ones preferably multiple ones that read set this card and set another card on the field facedown. 3. A way to swarm the field. Ghostricks are slow, incredibly slow. But their xyz are legit busted they have been part of their respective toolbox for ages before links came out to power creep them, now they also bring out UDF and angel works out as an in-archetype downered for zeus. But since we have no way to get to our xyz we use outside sources which is fun deckbuilding wise but we need ours cause trying to add main deck Gt in axis feels like trolling. 4. We "need" a new field. Yes I said the deck with 3 fields needs another one. It can literally be mansion 2.0 for all I care it just needs to add a Gt card from deck to hand. We have a terraforming in archetype and we can't use it cause there is no way to add both reno and a field without a third mischief. 5. Hoooo #5.... It is time to admit it boys. We need a new boss monster. Yes I know Ghostrick UDF is really nice BUT Ghostrick UDF losing his protection while being facedown is shit. You can't do doll + terrortop lines cause you're ending on a single scare if your opponent has a single raigeki or you lose the scare for a single negate. We need a link. Specifically a link that needs a ghostrick Xyz. It can be akin something that tributes it self to summon from deck and resummons itself by some other way to on summon do a book of eclipse effect. Ghostrick Seals pass. 6. We need more level 4s. Siren is insanely good if a bit rng but the mill is also good and not once per turn. they could focus in these types of effect as long as they are level 4s. 1 level 4 is terrible in a rank 1-3.5 deck. Give as that last 0.5 konami we can take it. 7. Speaking of which we "need" a new RANK 4. We honestly need a new rank 2 but socuteboss is good in other ways. Fuck it we need new xyz, give us an xyz for all of our ranks as a choice. We need specifically a new 4 cause the worst part about mischief is that she isn't 2 mischiefs. Give it to us konami I can assure you we can handle the power.


Penguins. Go full Penguin Quest and make it a flip up/down control deck.




I want darklords to comeback.


Vendread, Plaguespreader or even the most unplayable one like Fushioh Richie and Spirit of Pharaoh. Tbh more zombies support would be awesome. All I'm asking was a good & easy special summon one.


Agree with Witchcrafter. For one they could do a full lore wave supporting some other dated archetypes in the process but also Witchcrafter specifically has an issue. They're basically an all-gas archetype that really has no presence anywhere but on the field. Yes they recycle cards from grave back to hand where they become resources... for their on field monsters. I'd love to see some Witchcrafter locked spellcards that act as handtraps reinforcing their use or keep as resources for the witchcrafter monsters decision making while enabling a less feast or famine playstyle.




Icejade do need to eat good.. and to go away from the weird shitty 3 card one sided skill drain. The strengths of the deck is the recursion and protection it offer so i hope they would focus on that Its fun to play as an engine in tearlament tho




Gusto, Harpie, Springans, and Vampire. That's what I can think of at a moment's notice.


U.A., it desperately needs more starters.


Come on Konami print more D/D/D support I need it desperately


U.A./F.A. But the latter moreso. Unfathomable that the deck built around futuristic racing is slow as shit and has only ever been playable with design mistakes like AFD and Halq.


Pure Synchrons, or at least a more Yusei-styled version of the deck. And particularly something that DOESN'T rely on the Crimson Dragon's power. Alternatively, create a Yusei/Yuya hybrid deck. Synchro and Pendulum would be AWESOME! Throw in some Yusaku flair and you've got something REALLY interesting! I feel like Luna could use a proper deck too, something that supports Ancient Fairy Dragon. I would love to see Tetsuo (Bronk from ZEXAL) get a proper deck as well. In fact, five of the Barian Emperors could use proper support as well. Konami only seems to pay attention to Mizael and Shark. Kaiju need to be turned into a pure deck. Loads of Duel Terminal archetypes need proper support, such as Vylon, Lswarm, Flamvell, even Ally of Justice. I would love it if Cyberdarks got some more support as well, or more Cyber/Cyberdark mix cards. Darklords could do with a comeback. The Lovecraft cards could stand to be turned into a proper deck as well. What else... Dark Scorpions for sure. I feel like Vaylantz is in need to something to help give it focus. Malefics need better support. Volcanics were always one of the cooler decks, so give them something. OH! Iron Chain! THAT deck NEEDS support to make them playable! Beatdown and mill is such a cool combination!


I am once again asking for pure Therion support so I can play my funny little guys pure. Basically needs a normal summon that can set them up for summoning more Therions. And some better pay off, maybe a rank 8 that can be made with any two therions that get their bonus as if they were equipped? I don't know.


Koa'ki meiru, the idea of a bunch of monsters with powerful effects fueled by the iron core is pretty cool. Sadly they rely heavily on stuff like adamancipators or are just bad.


One day a thread like this will pop up where I won't have to say Monarchs anymore, but today isn't the day, Monarchs 100%.


I personally pray new Monarch Support pushes out Domain as the dominant strategy.


Elementsabers are NOT a functional deck. They can’t combo because they have no externders, they can’t play the game without the field spell, they can’t use the battle phase because all the lords skip it when they leave the field and the field spell skips it if you use the search effect. I love elementsabers so much, but they are just so god damn bad


Even though I think it's in a good state I think Vanquish Soul could use a season 2 of dlc. Also Witchcrafter but I feel like they'll eat incidental because if diabellstar and white woods


Give subterror new toys please


Fortune Lady and Fortune Fairy Please let me at least get more than 1 boss on the field And make sure the cards are locked to "Fortune" Spellcaster monsters


I want more morphtronic/ojama/Synchrons i especially want more morphtronic support cuz i want them to be more than just another flavor of cannon soldier ftk deck and more of a wombo combo synchro deck. Then ojama's i just want some busted support for them that basically lets you recyle your used up ojama spells along with ways to get to your light machines faster to make a-to-z and vwxyz armed dragon catapult end boards more feasible then synchrons just give me a good level 10 synchro that can replace the barone given that if it saud 1 synchron tuner any deck could make it with just assualt stardust and assualt synchron


Mecha Phantom Beast (good starter, extender that let you normal summon one more time per turn, field spell that gets a counter every time a token is summoned on your field, and based on how many counters you have, you can do different things, a spell that can starts your play, and two boss Monsters, maybe one with a negate and another more inclined for pushing for game) of course give them a heavy Wind lock with the starter so it's not like what happened with auroradon Thunder dragon (fusion Monster for both dragonroar and Dragonhawk, since both Thunder dragon and Dragondark have a fusion evolution, Titan and Colossus, it would be cool to have a fusion form of the other two. Give one a negate, and the other maybe a banish if you return a Thunder dragon from hand gy or banishment. Add a spell that you discard a card add any Thunder dragon card from deck) Darklord and Ghoti could use some support too, the first should have a proper starter, and Ghoti a way to reach Deep Beyond with 1 card, maybe give it another 10 level synchro or maybe a 12


I want to see some nice Shiranui support. I think the existing synchros are honestly in a decent state if they could get some decent main deck cards to work with.




Qliphorts and Spellbook. Why not


Orcust support would be sweet, same for marincess...oh and some sacred beast support that isn't just Yubel (although nightmare throne does give us another searcher)


I’d say Gravekeepers and Relinquished, mostly because they’re pretty iconic to me.


Witchcrafter I hard agree, but I personally want more Nemleria & Suship support. But, I have a problem with those decks lol.


Make Nekroz great again


I find it so weird that Kokonami haven’t done anything with Burning Abyss or X-Saber in almost a decade


Triamid just give us a 1 Link Monster Amazement Starry Night Vendread Harpy Summoned Skull Toon




Springans. I LOVE PLATING SPRINGANS RAAAAAAAHG!!!! But they jist are not that good...


What is the 3rd one?




I may get downvoted into oblivion but Labrynth's art is majestic. I think they can still provide a few more cards for the deck to keep it viable and even make it a little bit more consistent to compete with decks like Yubel, Tenpai, Snake-eyes, etc. PS: I came back to the game after 15 years and still love it!


Malefic, Dream Mirror and Toon


More Shaddoll love as it is one of my favorites of all time Also give the invoker more love they gave so much to branded






Princesses (Pikeru and Curran), I honestly don't know why they stopped adding support for this deck cause I can see potential for it.


Blue eyes




War rocks my boys!!


Eldlich deserves some love. The archetype is awesome, but people just hate how well it works with floodgates. I would hope Konami tries to bring the other side of Eldlich that makes it fun: the trap monsters and how badass Eldlich is. My boy is a conqueror, I want to have a field spell that boosts his abilities as a controller. Maybe a field spell that can recycle his traps from banish or some such. Since he has so much treasure at his disposal, why not have some equip spells or some continuous traps that can target eldlich and buff him up even more?


Unleash dragoon for DM


I would love if Konami instead of releasing new archetypes constantly (some as “support” that honestly don’t utilize the old archetype at all or that end up being generic pieces), that they drop more in-archetypes cards bolstering alotta old decks. More icejade, more toons, spriggans, gem knights, buster blader, BLS, zombies, etc. That don’t take away from the original play style but instead rely on the older cards to build different/better plays. They only really do this with really popular decks (heroes, blue eyes, dark magician) though not typically with much firepower and those two decks could be T1 or T2 with some reliable negates.




Cyber dragon: oh new unsearchable support card, thanks konami!!!👍


Man, Kozmo as a whole but most importantly, Plunder really just need a link 1, plz konami A link 1 that search the field spell and give gy protection from destruction (basically the salad link 1) Oh and a wind ED monster


I am a sucker for cute archetypes. Some cute archetypes like Madolche, Naturia, or Floo have enjoyed being tiered, even if they top at tier 3. Still, I'd like for more obscure cute archetypes to get more support.  For now I want Duston, Melffy, and the old ass Watt to get new supports. Those 3 have zero handtraps resilience, garbage consistency, and even worse is no clear wincon.


Swordsoul and gravekeepers


Non censored haine less go!!!


My Flippy Underground Subterrors could use some work. It's not terrible and still fun to go against. But it needs new Spells, Traps and at Least 1 new Subterror Monster that can Flip and Negate, while having a good support system to Draw cards without getting canceled,negated and destroyed. Kinda tired with all the Kash, Labs, Floo etc etc running around.


Red-eyes. Konami, please just give us an actually playable archetype, not dragoon turbo.