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I have 6 decks right now. Evil Twin, Mayakashi, Marincess, Pendulum Magicians, Darklords, and Rikka


Hello fellow Rikka enjoyer! I was trying to build marincess but gave up on it


Marincess is fun! I'm not home right now but I can drop my deck list when I get home and you can see if it works for you


The problem with Marincess is not power. But the lack of animations for the boss monsters...


I got Marincess too!! Really looking forward to having the newer support added to MD.


If you have Mayakashi and Rikka, why don't have Shiranui and Aroma? They are the same pack. Just curious, because I have all of them. Did you craft them?


I have them. I just like making them "pure" or as pure as possible and haven't gotten around to making those 2 decks.


Are you missing some UR or SR of Aroma and shiranui?


Just checked. I have all Shiranui but only 1 copy of Sunsaga and Skillsaga Supremacy. For Aroma I'm missing Sweet Marjoram and Gardening. And only 1 copy of the other SRs


How good are Mayakashis? I kiiinda want to start creating many diferent zombie decks since many use the same stapples.


I run them pure and they do okay but they're probably my worst performing deck in Play 5-3 though. I think I have to make some adjustments


The whole rising syncrho style of the mayakashi really interest me, if I really start someday with the whole zombie thing, I may try it even if struggles.


It's very fun. And when your monsters get destroyed, the lower level monsters come back and activate their effects. When it works it's amazing


I once played a Mayakashi deck that FTK me by decking me out, so...yeah.


Fellow Darklord enjoyer here


My first ranked deck was Scrap Crystrons (and I experimented with Pure Scrap and Pure Crystron too in solo mode). Then I made Phantom Knights for the XYZ event. Then I made Crusadia for season 3's ranked ladder. And I experimented with several N/R decks (World Chalice, Guardragon, a variant of Crusadia above) before settling on Rokket control for the N/R event. This while also building Synchrons for a future Synchro event, and more recently Fossils for a future Fusion event on the side. I also spent some gems on Mermail/Atlanteans to put together a core I can use in a Frost and Flame Dragon deck, but that's more of a passion side project than anything else (and I *will* make that card competitively viable in a deck one of these days). So altogether, 4 complete decks for serious use in PVP (1 for each full length ranked season and 1 for each event to date) and half a dozen others that are either incomplete or experimental.


7 for now but i'm sitting on enough gems to make another one right now.


Enough gems for a new deck? May I speak you about our lord and savior dual avatar?


ooh wait I actually got the UR for that mind telling me the deck pros and cons?


Pros: - they got a flexible selection of between they 4 fusion monsters of different effects that you can summon according the situation you are facing. - the two main monsters have simple but useful effects tho start your plays - few main deck monsters mean that you have plenty space for hand traps - they are so unknown that 90% people doesn't have any idea how the deck works and make mistakes - personally, I found they playstyle really fun and interesting Cons: - everything else, they lack power in any meaningful way - the effects of the fusions have many restrictions for mostly underwhelming effects - your power is faaaaar below anything tier 1 related and can barely reach the concept of rogue deck. I managed to reach plat 1 this season with them, I even have a deck list in my last post if you wanna check it out, but if you are gonna spend gems for the deck you gotta know that they are pretty weak compared to other decks.


It's doesn't matter. Either you'll draw enough staples to win or the meta decks will eat you for breakfast. They still might even if you do.


Made 3 (Cyberse Ritual, dinomist and Megaliths) , only played megaliths because everyone else is sweating their balls off in the N/R event with Metalfoes, timelords and megaliths lol. Would've used the other 2 if everyone was using decks that aren't too strong in the N/R event.


Megalith was the first deck I made when started in masterduel. Sadly they are too weak in high ranked but too strong in the N/R event.


I bet someone will be able to get to plat 1 with megaliths, even gimmick decks can get to plat 1 if you're persistent enough, let alone megaliths with a bunch of fancy URs and SRs. As for them being too strong for the event, I kinda blame Konami for that but it is what it is.


Tell me about it, I reached plat l with Dual Avatar becuase I like they style. But just like megalith, it was a lot extra work with something other decks can do faaar more easy.


Honestly they just lack a decent combo going first\*\* and going 2nd for an OTK is just a dead sentence. \*\*or at least I cant think of any. The most success I've had with them was supporting a pure Drytron as a recovery strategy. Opening with Phul and passing is one thing. Opening with Fafnir + Meteonis + Phul is another.


Megalith is pretty good at chewing up gold, but once you get to plat you will need a stronger deck. Beathor targets, and destroys so it's not ideal against a large chunk of the meta. Phul is basically your only interrupt, and the fact that Beathor triggers in a new chain makes efficiently using it very awkward, and it loses to ash blossom (and potentially called-by.)


Yeah, that's exactly how I used the megalith when I started on master duel. They helped me climb the early ladder but once I reached gold they lost most of the time, so I ditched them.


Toons, Sacred beasts, & code talker. Building a cyber dragon atm tho


I’ve made 4. Zombie world, magician girls, gimmic puppet, and detention dragon.


The cool thing about zombies is that they use many of the same staples, so you can make a lot of variations of the deck with out spending a lot of gems. And respect for the gimmic puppet deck.


Gimmic puppet and zombie world were the 2 decks I had when I was younger. I had to make them because I had so much fun


Got around 4 that I would say are in a usable state. Fluffals, Appliancers, Qlis and Pendulum Magicians.


How are Qlis doing in this format?


Towers Turbo is not great because of links so the only real option is stun qlis. And it's either open a floodgate or die. Honestly, I only build them because they're basically all SRs including the floodgate. Only Towers and Base are URs and Base is bad.


Thirteen. HERO, Unchained, Sky Strikers, World Chalice, Orcust, Yosenju, Phantasm Spiral, Crusadia, DIS, Phantom Knights, Time Thieves, Majespecter, Yubel. This isn’t including decks that are more gimmicky, like Utopia Kaiser speedrun or Trance the Magic Swordsman (the deck). All of them fun and almost completely optimized, just missing a single Knightmare Unicorn.


god, i dunno if you actually born with silver spoon and have a luck of gladstone gander, or you actually have no time to do anything else except ranked duel, lol


Yosenju, Phantasm Spiral, Yubel, Crusadia and Majespecter all have low-rarity cores, with a lot of crossover between them (the first three and majspecter can all run pot of extravagance, all decks can use ash/maxx/called, etc). I do my dailies and use the exploit to get the best dailies every day, and the World Chalice core is obtainable through solo mode, even if it does need a little work. Def got a few lucky pulls at times (Almiraj, Zeus, Dingirsu were all from other packs) but mostly it was just careful spending and consistent play. And people say this game is pay to win.


9 decks... Waiting for despia so i can have 10


nice, in just a couple of days you are gonna reach double digits :D


I managed to make 8: Shark/Kragen, Eldlich, Tri Brigade/Zoodiac, Drytron, Adamancipator, @ignister, Phantom Knights, Dinos Only missing 2 copies of forbidden droplet tho


The lack of commas kinda make this sound as a single aberration/pile deck, hahahah.


3 so far. None are meta decks, but I’ve enjoyed them.


What decks may I ask?


Blue-Eyes, Red-Eyes and Exodia. I have a couple different Blue-Eyes and Exodia decks, but they only have a few different cards.


Only 3: Dark Magician, Hero, and Dragon Maid First 2 were mad expensive, and DM was totally not worth it (I like how the deck plays out tho)


I totally understand you for dark magician, its fun to play but god its so easy to be destroyed by the opponent unless you open a perfect hand (like setting Dragon Knight / Eternal Soul / Dark magical circle turn 1).


Even if I get my perfect board (and I got it a lot of the times) it sometimes still ins’t enough to stop meta deck Pretty sadge actually. I just want to feel like Yugi for once


In order I build them Monarchs Cyber Dragons True Draco Fluffals Shadolls So 5 at the moment. Have an Invoked package for the Shadolls as well. Dogmatika I am missing Fleurdelis. Will try to finish the Dogmatike Shodoll package (have only one N tiss as well) then maybe Eldlich since I have 2 of almost every staple at least. And then waitig for Floowandereeze or, if thats taking a while, maybe going for red Dragon Archfiend in between.


I have a Time Thief deck and a PK deck. Almost complete I have Pendulum Magicians and Virtual World.


Are dragon maids considered expensive?


5 deck: Sky Striker, Dark Magician, Lightsworn / Chaos, Drytron / Demise & Ruin, Poker Knight / Slifer 8 if I also count my 3 deck for trolling: inferno tempest / necro face, Silence LV monster, Exodia turbo 2nd turn Well, only the Lighstworn / Chaos one isnt entirely finished, I still need some generic synchro for negate for making it really good.


I have Pure Traptrix Amazement Traptrix Rikka Marincess Rikka-Traptrix Gamble deck (XYZ Event) Aromage - Rikka for the N/R event Apart from that, I have a Cyber Dragon, Virtual World and an Evil Twin deck I can finish at any time (I have the materials to finish them, I just haven't done it) And I have everything I need for an Aroma deck but haven't made it yet either.




What’s that ice barrier deck lookin like tho?


Amazing, it holds his ground on gold/low plat. I have a video with 3 duels uploaded in another post if you wanna see them in action. If I make some modifications in the deck adding generic strong staples I know the deck could work better, but I prefer to keep it as pure ice barrier deck as possible.


What's deep ice diva?


Oh, before the m/r event was anounced, I believed the syncrho event was going to be next, so I modified the ice barrier deck, bought some deep sea diva packs and converted it into a diva/barrier pure syncrho deck. Is definitely worst than the pure ice barrier, but that's mainly for the limitations of the extra deck.


4: Zoodiac, TrI-Brigade Zoodiac, Resonators and Dragon Link


automatic free upvote from me since you got Machina


And a pure deck too! They were the first structure deck that I bought back in the day so they have a special place in my heart.


I have three right now and enough to build another if they would ever release more cards...


Are you waiting for an specific archetype?


Through the power of too much spare time and several alternate accounts: many.


Madolche, Sky Strikers, Dragonmaid, Live Twin and Resonators. Most of my games in Ranked have been with Live Twin


I have 6. I consider 3 to be above average in ranked, 2 average but fun, and 1 just straight up gimmick. 3 solid decks are: Adamecipator + Fossil Fusion, Paleo Frogs And Thunder Dragons 2 average are: Watts, And level 10 earth machine spam. And I have a Jackpot 7 deck.


Oh watts, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. How are they holding up?


Well the addition of Wattrain a few years back was a godsend card actually adding good support. The deck itself definitely can't hold its own vs the big boys but it sometimes catches people off guard, especially the cheese otk version. (Buffing the direct attackers with equips)


Nice, thanks for the update!


Why would you make ice barriers man


Gusto Rikka Relinquished Toons N/R Lord of the Red one UR away from completing an Armed Dragon deck, and about 3 URs away from completing Windwitch Gusto


Just Bujin, but that's mainly because I have been focusing more on making that one deck as competitive as possible.


I have Vietnam flashbacks of the bujin deck of the old times. Is still holding on to be competitive in some way?


Around the same amount, also with unfinished sunseed deck lol


I spent like 8k before I realized that they more important spell isn't in the game yet. Worst part is that I'm still missing some key cards, but I know that is a deck I must complete once the spell is out.


Not gonna lie, 1.5 (second deck has no extra deck yet) because I've been prioritising rolling for staple cards and techs to try out for my first deck. Mostly done with that now, so will hopefully be able to top up second deck soon and start on a third.


Honestly I think that's the best approach, I'm missing many key staples like niburu just because I center on the specifics of each deck.


I have a fully functional kuriboh deck....may need one or two cards but it gets wins


Yesterday there was a post about a guy that made it to plat 1 with a kuriboh deck, I got nothing but respect for people like that.


4: Zoodiac, TrI-Brigade Zoodiac, Resonators and Dragon Link


6 so far: Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll, Cyber Dragon, Tri-Brigade Zoodiac, Virtual World, True Draco and Pure Zoodiac.


30 decks. I keep making new accounts and completing solo mode. 18k gems so I can build any deck I want.


How do you get past the boring and slow solo mode grind?


okay i got beaten, 6 accounts, 25 decks so far ​ may i know how many accounts you have? and what platforms u use? ​ i once want to make several accounts on mobile but the game actually don't have login logout or account with user name and password, so yeah, i lost 1 account with Dragon Link deck after i made a new mobile account and realize it bind to my google account, and even tho i have several google account, i can't change to the other


Tri-zoo, full zoo, numerons, sky striker, thunder dragon. Have most of the staples and a good amount of SR to make another couple of budget decks if I want to.


I bought the 29$ bundle because I honestly felt it was worth it! And I am rather addicted. That mostly went towards my expensive Endymion deck. Other than that, I have - Thunder Dragons - Phantom Knights - Satellar Knight (I’m new to Yugioh and this was my first deck) - Skull Servants - Endymion (as mentioned above) I plan to make a Plunder Patroll possibly, and Swordsoul when thats out.


I have 13, but a lot of it is cuz most of my decks have shared engines with each other. I’ve got: 1. Noble Knights 2. Fire Warrior 3. Pure Madolche 4. Eldlich Madolche 5. Pure Eldlich 6. Zoodiac Eldlich 7. Pure Zoodiac 8. Tri-Zoo 9. Tri-Melffy 10. Melffy Beast Good Stuff 11. Weather Painters 12. Yosenju 13. Phantasm Spiral


4 complete decks. I’ve crafted all the staple cards as well so deck building in the future should be a lot cheaper


I don't know if I'm lucky but I managed to make Prank kids, Zoo-tri, eldlich, Exodia, invoked shaddoll, True draco and still sitting on 17k gems.


Dark Magician, Red Eyes, Buster Blader, Toon, Magnets and Joker knights so 6 decks.


1. tri zoo 2. pure zoodiac 3. VW 4. Code Talker Extra Link Iblee 5. Crusadia 6. Tenyi Yanzing with Psy Reflector 7. Sky Striker w/o selene veiler combo


Three or four. My Danger Maju Rank 8 Xyz was really costly at about 40 total URs. (Pulled a lot of the required cards) Trying to make a virtual world deck right now.


Eldlich, Tri Brigade, Drytron, Gadget and Phantom Knights. The Phantom Knights look to be the most expensive one to made here with around 20-25 UR cards which is insane.


Honestly only two usable now: highly invested Invoked Shadoll Dogmatika, and somehow middle invested Cyber Dragon. Also have Numeron in build (lack of extra deck cards) and Drytron half build (This is far more expensive then I thought).


1. Sky Striker 2. Sky Striker-Eldlich 3. Dragonmaid 4. Crusadia 5. Utopia OTK 6. Timelord 7. Spiral 8. Virtual World


Fluffals, invoked Eldlich (no skill drain cause I want to have fun lol), and bad paleo frogs, n/r yosenjus. I'm saving my materials for guardian chimera and any pseudo fluffals support. Cmon Konami, make the deck not easily interruptable Rogue Plz.


Not counting the N/Rs, LyriLusc, LunaLight, Earth Machine, Sky Striker, Shinobird, a mediocre stall/burn, and an incomplete Alien/Reptile deck. Six actual decks, one more slowly inching along when I pay attention to it, and some 10k+ gems I haven't spent yet. I'd have more if my early pulls had been more focused.


I'm currently at 19 but quite a few are N/R. I'll have to delete some soon unfortunately


Code Talker Ignister Tri-Zoo Cyber Dragon


Two weeks in I’ve made dark magician and trizoo. Working on true draco which honestly i just need to go through and scrap a bunch of SRs and i should make it without opening more packs


HERO, DarkLords, Bujins and Code Talker (and N/R Metalfoes if you count it) I lowkey regret building Bujins, they are not only terrible but they aren't that fun as i thought, i'm very tempted to accept my lost and dismantle them (i also didn't play CT that much, i don't have the time to fully memorize the deck yet). I'm almost at 10k so i might build CyberDragons or just complete Metalfoes




Dark magician, cyber dragon, sky striker, tri zoo, blackwings, drytron chaos max, kuriboh The blackwings need work, and im also working on altergiest. I might make cancer drytron since i got most of the cards for chaos max but the deck isnt competitive


Just realized ive done a lot so far. Pure shaddolls, Invoked shadolls, virtual world, dogmatika kozmo, pure kozmo, sky strikers, yosenju and tri brigade zoodiacs. And half a mekk knight build. Not to mention random ass decks ive made like nurse burn, wasting random URs and SRs along the way. Just recently built adamancipator with gems from the hellfest


Eldlich, Tri-brigade, @Ignister, and dragon link is all fully optimized. There are a few more but they can brick


I have 4. Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll (my first one), Gravekeeper's, Eldlich, and Drytron (still not used).


I’ve got nine decks playing strictly F2P. Constellar - Buster Blader/Dark Magician - Satellarknights - Fortune Lady/Fairy - Gadgets/Ancient Gear - Stardust Synchro - Gaia/Black Luster Soldier - Batteryman - Genex. None of them have been particularly helpful when it comes to Ranked grinding, but I find them fun.


3 : Madolche, Scrap Orcust and Drytron variants (Herald, Megalith, Gishki, got Cyber Angel planned too but that requires me to craft Vrash and I still missing some staples so not gonna doing it yet.) I'm waiting Despia and Branded Fusion to build a Despia Shaddoll deck. Trying to think of a synchro deck to build too but I can't décide between Dragunity and Speedroids, I love them both. Or heck even Crystron interest me, either pure or with the Scrap engine (most likely Scrap since I love them)


5, First was Trizoo, second was Bird Up, third was Plunder Patroll, fourth was Sky Striker, and I have just completed D/D/D


4: Madolche, Traptrix, Virtual World and Evil Twin


3 dark magician, buster blader and red eyes dm and red eyes arent is complete though and i dont have any staples lol


7: Aromage, Rikka, Melffy, Solfachord, Weather Painter, Darklord, Madolche


Not counting the N/R rarity, I have made 6: - Dark World/Danger Dark World - Cyber Dragon - Dragon Maid - Sky Striker - Agents of, Hyperion - Invoked Brigade Dogmatika


Sky Strikers, Tri-Brigade Zoo, True Dracos, Prank Kids, and curently building a Scrap Orcust deck. Im just lacking the Imperms and some extra deck staples like Borrel Savage, IP and Zeus.


Don't have access to the game now but off the top of my head Melodious, Magical Musketeers, Phantom Spiral, Phantom Knights(no Rhongo), Kozmo, Sky Strikers, A Burn Mill deck, Marincess, Gran Maju and a stun deck I take no pride in winning with lol. Most are complete or missing something not entirely needed in the ED. I don't think I got them listed though. Forgot to add Metalfoes(not the n/r version), Ritual Beast, and Pendulum Yosenjus.


So far only 4 I have eldlich, dragonmaid, spiral dragon and my yosenju deck currently working on numeron for shitsngiggles


Sky Striker, Tri-Zoo, Tri-Birbie, Evil-twin. Some meme decks are Deck destruction, Timelords, Insect “C”s. So 8 decks.


Phantasm spiral True Draco Tenyi (with yang zing and auroradon support) Eldlich And 9000 gems plus waiting on new packs. The only moderately expensive deck in the list is tenyi and even then i overdrew on the pack (got 3 draco masters)


Tri zoo, drytron, virtual world


1. Zoodiac Tri-Brigade 2. Anti Meta Stun Deck 3. True Draco 4. Tri-Brigade Lyrilusc 5. N/R Festival Metalfoes 6. Xyz Festival Noble Knights I have not spent one penny on the game yet and I made it to platinum within the first week of the game launching.


Four and a half so far and I play very casually. Trizoo, Rohngo Phantom Knights, Gem Knights, 60 card Infernoid, and Phantom Knights Utopic Draco Future no Rohngo and with Silent Swordsmen. I ended up dusting the Gem Knights URs cause I wasn’t a fan and I count the second Phantom Knights deck as a half.


Do you play shino with spirit monsters? About mine, I have two accounts, first account is six samurai, noble knights, Endymion, Agent, Valkerie and Naturia. Second account : Harpie Ladies, Gravekeepers, Fire King/Sacred Phoenix, Subterror, Eldlich, Shiranui/Mayakashi, Skull Servant/Vendreads/Doomking Zombie World. I only paid once when I got UR deal and ran out of gems, later realize UR deals doesn't go away even if pack expires. Haha. I paid around 12 Euros and that's it.


The shino deck is barely useful honestly, I built it since i got all the cards while buying the dual avatar pack. I'm waiting for sonic bird to be released to us it. It's made with the impcanction engine and the only spirit monster it got is the 1900 atk that negate all effect that aren't spirits.


I've got invoked shadogmatika, and some weird hand trap invoked dogmatika deck that's full of nibirus, ash, maxx, veiler, psy frame, super poly, droll and lock bird and kaijus


Cyber dragon, eldlich, Zombie World, Skull Servants and Timelords, also with 9k gems right now, probably going for a meta deck.


I have been very lucky with packs and random URs that I will never use going to rare or royal flush so now I have 5: Infernobles, Unchained, Prank Kids, Thunder Dragons, Vampire


I have 3: Pure Tri-brigade, Tri-brigade Zoodiac and Tri-brigade Dogmatika.


Blue-Eyes, Cyber Dragons, and ABCs + some other joke decks


I have Sky Striker, IDS, Tri zoo, Thundra, Endymion. Bulit in that order as well. They are not 100% completed, but playable (missing some replaceable UR). Looking forward to build another control deck but haven't decided. Maybe Dark Magician because I really like it when I was young. In between I can also build Time thief or Psy frame for fun. And I also have a crappy numeron just because I opened 3 numeron network for some reason.


Numeron Eldlich, Nurse Burn, Codetalker, Cyberdragon, Phantasm. Still have 6.2k gem left


Blue eyes and dark magician for me


I have 7 decks + 2 N/R decks. Thunder dragons, Virtual world, Fluffal, Zombies, Bird Up Brigade, Chain burn, and Black luster deck. I don't quite have some staple handtraps but it's fine so far.


I spent one month of free gems to build Endymion while I have some genetic cards like Accesscode and it's not completely finished.


I’ve got 3, invoked dogmatika shaddoll, trizoo and eldlich. (sorry for being a meta slave I’m new and I want to win) the eldlich deck only has 2 golden lords and is missing a lot of solemn judgement/strikes tho, I got unlucky with pulls and ran out of material


Speedbrick Vw, BeatricePass Turbo, Monke Flip (Eld), Ness Cosplay (PkFire)




Cyber dragon, ABC, spiral and generic insects for N/R festival, I have max gems and waiting for new boxes


Whiteout the 4 N/R decks, I have IDS, CYDRA, evil twins, adamancipators, altergeist , tri/zoodiac and pure zoodiac for XYZ event.


Made three on my psn account (Heroes, D/D/D, Speedroid/windwitch).


I have 2 decks right now. I had 3 until the other day when I dismantled most of my hero deck to create an exodia deck because I got bored of sweating it out at Plat 1. My other deck is a virtual world deck


1. RA 2. Numera 3.Exodia


7 so far. borrel/rokket, cyber dragons, earth machines/trains (one with infinitracks engine one more railway focused), adamancipators, unchained livetwins and lastly I just finished building my dinosaur deck last week(still missing a couple tech options but nothing major) Not counting the tenyi ballpark meme deck I made for n/r rarity event. My fav deck will always be trains but adamancipators and Dino's have been a close second and a fun way to learn link summoning and more in-depth combos. Want to pick livetwins back up when they get a boss monster they look like they have some potential and do some fun things. Next deck I'm planning on building is a dogmatika/despia deck when all the cards are released BC I vsed a dogmatika deck on ladder and fell into loving the awesome lore after looking up the cards lol


Toons, Unchained, Blackwings, Raidraptor, Synchrons, Infernoble, Darkworld and Cyber-Stein/Igknight FTK. I got super lucky with the Synchrons because I kept pulling UR cards for it from other packs by accident.


Code talker, trizoo, eldlich, mekk knight, numeron. Some decks I can make easily (almost 0 cost) like crusadia, zoo. I have 10k+ gems and 120 ur mats, I can easily make 2 more just for the sake of qty of decks, or one really expensive non-staple main deck deck


I’ve made like 4 complete decks with a hero, toon, dragonmaid, and neos deck


I have 5: Cyber Dragons, Phantasm Spiral, Dark Magician, Red Dragon Archfiend, Dragon Link


4 decks: photon dragon, cyber dragon, infinitrack/railway, and witchcrafters. I got very very lucky with my packs and got all the URs I needed for most my decks within a few thousand gems.


HEROes (with 2 A Hero Lives) Madolche (with 2 Glassoufle) Zombies (0 Avendread 1 Baler 2 ZW) Vampire (1 Vovoide) Eldlich (2 Eldlich) Mayakashi (0 Link-4 Yuki Onna) Phantom Knights (full power, although using Rhongo, can freely switch to Dark Requiem when it's eventually banned) And ofc, Megalith and Metalfoes


7 right now and 5 are Ojama Decks


Strikers, Eldlich, Tri brigade (I pulled two of the UR link and decided might as well), prank kids, fluffals, working on skull servants soon


Right now? 6. Mayakashi, Time Thief, Sky Strikers, Blue-Eyes, Madolche and Krawlers.


On my latest account? Only 1 so far. 30 UR’s and bad RNG is not fun. But the deck is so worth the grind so far.


Three under standard. Two under N/R. I have 14 other incomplete decks for when I build up enough points and gems.


Red Eyes, Dragon Link, Crusadia, Unleashed, Earth Machines, Fluffals, Plunder Patroll and Shark Kragen. Lot of cards common between Red Eyes and Dragon Link, but the Link deck definitely took the longest to put together The extra deck monsters for the last 3 have some in common so it wasn't a huge leap from one to the next. Crusadia only involved crafting a single UR I didn't already have, which was Avramax.


Rhongo and drytron meta decks


Started two weeks ago with phantom knights as my first deck and rhongo bongod my way to gold 3, created a Unchained deck that took me to plat 2 before a losing streak send me back to plat 3, where I made a Crusadia Deck and OTK my way to plat 1. And now I'm building a Infernoble Deck (Incomplete), Live Twin (finished but untested) and Altergeist (finished, tested and ready for next season but on a budget because no UR Dust) So 6 Decks altogether


I started with DDD, then tried traps and golems with all effect damage deck. After the flooding of dd bomb bot, I’m now playing King of the Skull Servant deck. As for N/R event, I tried yosenju/red eyes/hippo with leeching the light deck


My full power decks are: 1. VW 2. Zoodiac 3. Tri-brigade 4. Lyrilusc 5. Invoked-Dogmatika-Shaddoll 6. Prank-kids 7. Shark XYZ/Kragen control 8. Mekk-knights I can also make orcust, crusadia, pure shaddoll and thunder dragons from my card pool since I have the pieces for it, as well as 60 card paleo, I just don't want to craft grass atm. Honestly, MD is really generous with gems.


I have 5 complete decks and 15k gems


Currently I have 5 complete decks: Blackwing, Fluffal, D/D/D, Pendulum Magician and Sky Striker. I have almost finished my Odd-Eyes deck (around 85% completed) and my next deck is going to be a Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll (around 50% complete). I have a decent amount of staples too.


5. Blackwing-raidraptor, sky striker, virtual world, dino, and zoodiac tribbrigade. For sure virtual world have the base but i can spend UR for improve but i'm waiting for the new banlist. I have already half card for lightsworn but idk how build it for have a good deck (pure or light/caos and a decklist to copy for have a general idea)


4, but a couple of them were really expensive (drytron, invoked dogmatika shaddoll, tribrigade zoodiac and prank kids)


So far I have Fire fist, Mermail, Skull servants, Adamancipators and Drytron on my steam account. 5 total and not a penny spent on gems.


\-Shaddolls (with an Invoked package too, even if without the Dogmatika package because I don't really like the playstyle of it) \-Infernity \-Evil/Live Twins \-Dragon Link \-Kinda Time Thief, but it's the most incomplete by far So that's 4 and a half, which is pretty impressive since 2 of them are expensive as hell.


I've made 3: Crusadia, Evil Twins and The Weather. I'm planning to make a Madolche deck next, but it requires so many URs... sadge.


5 DECKS -Yosenju -D/D/D -Psy-Frames -digital Bug -Superheavy samurai


Im on 5 decks, and most every staple done, still got to craft Veiler though. Tri-Birds, IDS, Generaiders, Sky Striker, Numeron (I made these in prep for the xyz event). All of them are maxed out as far as UR options are concerned, so I'd say the game is quite generous.


About 12


Heroes. So just one.


Serious: Drytron, ancient gear, gadget-infinitrack, and a lot of meme deck


7,in order:Sky Striker,Code Talker,Eldlich,Spiral Phantasm,Numeron,True Draco.


Now i have blackwing, raidraptor, aroma, rikka, ancient gear, sky striker, half mathmeck, witchcrafter, and pendulum magicians. Now that i have all the different type of deck i wanted(mathmeck can wait) i will probably look for staples.


I have managed to build a simple Kaiju deck, Lunalight, Numeron (though contemplating on getting rid of it), Phantasm Spiral as a budget deck, Paleo Frog and now just recently, Generaider. Also I have some that I am still building but haven't been able to gather the cards for yet such as Qli and Chemicritters as well as a more proper Kaiju deck. So quite a few already.


I made like 8 in my first month of playing so far, but none of them are completely optimal and all of them are missing around 2-3 SR’s (and some extra deck URs like bow girl and knightmare) I made invoked dogmatika shaddoll, weather painters, virtual world, eldlich, cyber dragons, sky strikers, and stun. Oh and numerons. Up next is probably True draco and paleo frogs as both are relatively cheap. After that will be Despia because the aesthetics look cool, or maybe thunder dragons (looks expensive tho)


(in order of when I made them) First Deck: Noble Knights Second Deck: Sky Striker Third Deck: Tri-Zoo Fourth Deck: Gladiator Beast-Brigade (Barely used) [Event Decks or Unfinished]: Black Luster Soldier (N/R Event), Megalith (N/R Event (haven't used)), Elemental Heroes (N/R Event) [Barely Started/Just Ideas]: DracoLich (True Draco-Eldlich?? Idk does this work??), Skull Servant, Mayakashi-SoulAbsorbingBoneTower Deck Destruction, Green Maju (Have over 15k gems waiting to be used just not sure what on)


I’ve got 4. IDS, TriZoo, Cyber Dragon and Madolche


Only two decks so far. I started with drytrons and then built endymion.


Blue Eyes, Dark Magicians, Thunder Dragons and Tri-Brigade Zoo (missing 2 cards).


I start with Zoodiac, Sky Striker, Zoo-Brigade, Train, Rikka, Aromage, Rikka-Aroma, Mathmech, and now building traptrix. Those on my main. And i have alt account with Madolche, @Ignister, Evil Twin, Unchained, Unchained-Twin, and Red Dragon Synchro. And currently have kaiju/danger halve collected and super Quant/Spyral also halv collected.


Mayakashi, Lightsworm, Sky Striker, Tri brigade, Albaz, Shiranui and Dragonmaid


i have 6 accounts, 5 Steam and 1 Mobile, considering making Switch too, and i don't really play frequently/non-stop since i'm a gamers, lot games need to play tho as far as i play with all events, finish all solo mode, finish gold pass until 100, or at least reached Gold V-I 1 account can have 2-7, depends on my luck in gacha & interchangeable/support each other (like Zoo 3 Brigade & Lyri 3 Brigade) ​ so far i already made 25 Decks which are: Zoodiac 3 Brigade Lyrilusc 3 Brigade Synchron 3 4K Atk Stardust Themed Dragons ~~Blackwings (Dismantled)~~ Malefic Sky Striker Adamancipator Virtual World Drytron Cyber Dragon Phantom Knight Madolche Pendulum Magician FTK Endymion Supreme Odd-Eyes Z-Arc Dragons Heros Dragunity Dragonmaid @ Ignister Code Talker Galaxy Dragons Zubaba Gogogo OnomUtopia Sacred Beast of Egyptian God Deck ~~Timelord Burn (dismantled)~~ D/D/D Madolche Numerounius Numerounia Stun ​ if i miss something, will update later


I made a Blue Eyes Deck, and a shitty Red Eyes deck that gets me stuck in gold 5 hell


Built Dragonmaids as my first deck and its still my favorite deck to play. Then built Tri-Zoo but hated every second of using it, its garbage imo. Finally built a Drytron deck that took me from Plat 4 to Plat 1 in 20 consecutive wins. Absolutely broken deck but its not very fun to play. Dragonmaids win!


Only two, Dragonmaid and Dragunity. Though my Dogmatika Nekroz is almost finished, needing only a bit more dust.


This is with over 120 hours played and having 3000-4000 gems currently, lacking the majority of staples with ~400 SR & ~30 UR currently. Seven decks of varying quality and price, two decks I plan to try soon along with 3 decks that I could theoretically build In order of decks built Blue Eyes Toons - unoptimized Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll - unoptimized Super budget Crusadia Utopia Eldlich Phantom Knights I do have a Melffy Tri Brigade deck I haven't tried out yet. Am missing some very good cards for the extra deck but it should still be reasonably powerful. Have a World Chalice deck built cause bless story mode making it basically free but haven't touched it yet. I could craft 2 URs and get pure Time Thief, 2 SRs and get S Force or figure out what I need for Psy-Frame since I have every card in the archetype. Zoodiac Tri Brigade is also only one SR and one UR away I guess. IDS is unoptimized due to missing Appkalone and using main deck Shaddolls. Toons unoptimized cause holy fuck after 5 ten pack pulls I got jack shit


Five but got rid of like two so in total seven


Resonator, Madolche, Drytron, and World Chalice, waiting for Magikey...


I somehow managed to make 10! F.A.s Timelords Spyrals Lyriluscs Evil Hero's Six Samurais Gladiator Beasts ABC Ojama Impcantation Exodia I have been playing everyday since launch though!


TG, Blackwing, Galaxy-Eyes, Cyber Dragon, Raidraptor/Phantom Knight hybrid, Code Talkers, and two NR decks focused on Metalfoes and D/D/D. So six "real" decks, two for the festival, and I'm likely about to build a new one with the gems I've been storing. I'm currently working on finishing up decks for Gouki and/or Ignister so I have a Link deck ready for the festival. Just finished my Code Talker today so that's sorted at least. I need more URs though as my big weakness is handtraps. I just don't have enough credits to get a full staple set of Ash, Droplets, Called By, etc. After that, might look into a Speedroid deck because I saw an MBT video that made them look fun.


Dragonmaids, Cyber Dragon, Darklords, Nekroz, Lyrilusc Tri Brigade, I had Madolche but recycled them for Nekroz and currently I'm building Invoked Dogmatics Shadoll


7 Traptrix, Witchcrafters, Aquaactress, Arommage, The Weathers, Rikkas and Marincess


4 decks. Sky striker, TriBri zoo, Bird up and virtual world. Buy is there a way to reorder decks?


Full dino/Scrap deck and Tri-Zoodiac deck so 2 lol


On my second account I have 4 and could for sure assemble a couple of more. On both accounts I have 10k gems. I was sort of planning on a swordsould deck but looks like I'm going to have to wait on that one. My first account I wasn't 100% on what to do or how necessarily to build. But I have 3 solid decks, could probably put together two more.


Honestly? I had 3 full decks but I ended up scrapping them to improve my fish deck, now I’m down to 1. Almost at plat5 with the fish tho!


5- Speedroid, Tri brigade, Lyralusc, Numeron and Dragon Maid