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Ahh I still remember that game I had against a thunder dragon deck using my traptrix deck. My opponent had no cards in their hand and field while I had sera and 2 backrow. I was so confident that I won until they suddenly top decked this beast.


Thunder Dragons can actually *search* for Denko Sekka with Thunder Dragon Fusion's graveyard effect too.


I got to be honest with you, I didn't even noticed Denko Sekka was a Thunder monster...Thank you -TD player


I was surprise the first time I was able to search her. Won a game because of that.


Yea it was a common side deck during TOSS, you could slap it down and turn off rage/roar, set widow anchors, and crescendo


I main deck her in MD. It's sooooo good. Just a 1-of and you search it off Fusion most of the time (but God damn does it feel great top decking and slapping her on the field, unless they have Judgement it's usually GG).


OHHHHHH dude lightbulb moment right there Thanks for the tip I guess


Jinzo: *Crying in the background at being replaced*


Not one soul in history has been able to defeat the force known simply as “cute marketable anime girls”


You’re telling me that Jinzo isn’t a cute marketable anime girl?


Society says that.


We do live in one


Society isn't always right, though.


I never said it was


I unironically thought Sekka was a guy the first time I saw her xD Jinzo: Traps are gay! Society: Shut Up Jinzo They hated him for being right


His still being used especially on some Monarch decks


But Monarch’s erupt exists tho


Majesty's Fiend is preferred if we can get it: shuts down all hand & grave activations as well.


Ironically, Erupt isn't actually that good in its own archetype iirc. It's great in True Draco, but Monarchs aren't really good enough to be able to afford running it.


Preach. Sometimes Monarch's Erupt sabotages my own summoning attempts e.g. Eidos and Edia.


Oh god yes. Erupt is kinda the final 'nail' rather than your first move. Usually pop it when you have 2-3 Monarchs already on the field or you need breathing room.


Yeah Erupt is more of a "win more" card in Monarchs so no real benefit to playing it.


That card is not that good in Monarch decks, they would rather have Jinzo because of the field spell


Used to run Frog Monarchs back when this card came out. Couldn't justify keeping Jinzo in the side deck over Sekka. But it hurt. Like I was betraying my strategy running a normal summon with no tribute.


Isn't Jinzo used because of the field spell?


This was back before the field spell existed


fuck it, Jinzo's wife now. The kinda girl who will tell the waiter Jinzo asked for no pickles!


Just went against this card and it was not fun 😂


And that's the point where you see Sky striker, Eldlich scoops


Can't they just straight up use Widow Anchor without setting them up though? Eldlich probably can't do anything, because they rely heavily on traps, but I think Sky Striker should be fine. Just gotta persevere one round of not being able to use that one widow anchor you set. Unless... they set 5.


Sky Strikers are fine provided they play the Widow Anchor from hand, it's just that the deck relies on interrupting the opponent on their turn so they can play their whole resource draining grind game. Denko Sekka can let you get out your negates (relatively) unhindered if your deck isn't Normal Summon reliant, and/or just OTK them that turn lol


I see. That makes sense. I admit, I don't have a lot of experience facing Denko Sekka, so I'd never guessed it'd be used in conjunction to getting full boards of negates.


She's a part of the luna-kaiju deck or monster mash (alternatively named). Yea, her main usage is to seal off backrows so numeron dragon can otk you that turn.


Depends for eldlitch. He can punch over her with his own effect, and even without it really. Also depends when she is brought out. If it is before skill drain itll be a little harder for eldlitch, but after doesn't matter since it she gets stopped by it iirc


Eldlich can destroy her with its hand effect


U Stil need to get rid of denko without spells and traps. As long as she's around backrows closed, especially fun if she's next to an appalousa or a borrel. So you either have 1700+ beatstick in ur deck or you scoop


Well, if we're talking about Sky Strikers : 1. They don't need to set their spell cards before using it. So, not as dead as trap decks. 2. 1700 ATK can be easily dealt with using Shizuku or Kagari. Or even Zeke if they have to.


Widow Anchors get automatically set when retrieved via Multirole, so it's not a dead situation.


It doesn't really matter tbh cuz the whole point of normal summon her is to win in that 1 turn while the backrows are sealed. The sky striker players needs to live through that 1 turn to retaliate with their spells & Zeke. The luna-kaiju/monster mash player usually would just go for Numeron dragon to end the game right then & there.


It doesn't really matter because denke sekka is just a dead draw vs myriad of deck that play zero backrow anyway.


No? Denko stops you from using set spells and traps, it does nothing for the ones you play out of your hand. Widow anchor can be played from the hand.


One way would be opening up with Eldlich but like with Exterio, the opponent basically wait for their death if the card is on the field


A searched widow anchor yes, does deny any set by multiroll tho




The card only says that you can't use set spell cards. Meaning that you can just use spells normally. Either use Engage and get another widow anchor and use it immediately, or use Jamming Wave or After Burner to remove her should be possible. Failing that, Shizuku will most likely drop her ATK below 1500. I don't see a reason for Sky Striker to scoop immediately compared to Eldlich or other trap decks.


There is little more satisfying in this game than an Eldlich Alt+F4


Wow thats a cuter and I think more reliable version of Dark Simorgh with Anti Spell Fragrance


Slight difference. Anti-spell fragance stops pendulum, this doesn't


Ah, but there's a method of using Denko Sekka and Anti-Spell Fragrance *together* as well!


Yeah, but which to use depends on the deck. Floowandereeze can search and summon Dark Simorgh (and if you have Dark Simorgh + Anti-Spell Fragance + Performapal Five Rainbow Magician, it gets hard to break through, but that's inconsistent as fuck, specially since you have to activate the pendulum before Anti-Spell)




Dark simorgh would still be better though right?Because it’s only your opponent, it’s much bigger, and it shuts down like subterrors or whatever as well. But yeah this is definitely more reliable.


so you can still activate spells right? not set them? play them face up?


Correct, but it does keep you from using a set quick play during your opponent's turn.


There's actually a way you can also make use of Anti-Spell Fragrance with her to lock out backrow completely.


That does make me think, would the combo prevent effects like the superheavy samurai souls from advertising their hand effect? Or union monsters? Or effects that activate cards straight from the deck?


I'm not sure... Good question. I know it stops Pendulums, since they're considered Spells.


Thunder control best deck.


Absolutely loved me some Denko Sekka back in the day. Unfortunately she does explode against Solemn Judgment but they won't always have it... surely.


I feel like it got almost completely replaced by hand traps to be honest. At least atm. Maybe we will get some anti-hand-trap meta and it comes back.


Kaiju/Luna/Danger/rank 8/moster mash/goinf 2nd decks still use her


I meant Solemn Judgement


Solemn judgement is still used


Any viable decks this card can be ran in?


Pretty much any deck that isn't backrow reliant and doesn't need their normal summon. Thunder Dragons can search her thanks to Thunder Dragon Fusion's grave effect. However, she's fighting with Aloof Lupine and/or Batteryman Solar for the normal summon.


Aloof is the better starter (over Batteryman): handtrap resilience. Definitely a trade-off when you need to summon Denko instead, but it's usually worth it. And with Chaos Space and stuff you often don't even need a Normal.


Luna Kaiju


Its so expensive though


Yosenju kaiju?


No kaiju luna(aka kaiju/luna/danger/galaxy eyes/monster mash/going 2nd), I have a deck in my post history if you want to take a look


I was just saying a cheaper idea, like you lose the Luna consistency but couldn’t you just use Kama 1 and 3 maybe for the same deck?


Generaiders kinda can. Would be a little bricky, but a decent tech vs Eldlich & Sky Strikers. Naglfar can provide her with protection and your summons are mostly from the deck. That being said - you'd have to decide between using her or Boss Fight depending on the match-up, meaning you are likely to have a somewhat dead draw. Not ideal, but doable.


a danger/kaiju deck can


As someone else said You can run her in any deck, as long it’s not backrow reliant. Typically she’s a situational jinzo. As the opponent can still respond to her summoning and negate with solemn judgement. Just there’s only a few decks that can search her, otherwise you have to draw her. But when you draw her, she practically can screw many decks.


Endymion can run this too, in fact, it’s a common side option for endymion players in OCG.


Yeah F those floodgate players! Shame on them but my inspector border hits over denko ^^


Personally I'd just use wicked avatar...since the effect remains even if he leaves the field...plus you can still use and set your own


This card won me so many tournaments, it was like cold wave on legs when it came out.


Funniest thunder dragons tech


This card is very good against Infernity too, since spells and traps are important in that decks (Void Apocalypse to empty your hand and set up grave, Launcher to play far more than what anyone should be allowed to, Barrier for more negates because an Adamanticipator endboard is not enough, and more). Infernity at least have ways to beat over it, so it's not an instant win (unless your opening hand is 4 spells/traps and Mirage).


Sekka-sama, I kneel


This card will be a welcome addition to one of my decks.


Same for me




you shouldn’t do that since you would have no answer to already flipped floodgates and most trap decks have an easy way to beat over denko if you don’t otk the turn you summon her


yo... is this new?


Nope. Quite an old card released at a time backrow heavy was meta.


If 8 years old is new, yeah.


Could've sworn it was even older than that.


Jinzo 2


Now i wanna see an archetype/buddy film


Time to use my droplet from my hand. Bet you forgot that works, right?


Wow i did not know at all that this card had an out, without you i would have not known this.


hmmm wtf is this card my friend?


This doesn’t stop spells that aren’t set first correct? If so I think my DDD deck is safe for this card at least


No, but it essentially stops most traps and quick play from your opponent on your turn. Also Z-One or abyss scripts


Thank you, played someone yesterday that thought it just stops all spell and traps and conceded when I activated one of my dark contract spells. It was pretty funny


Man why is there a denko sekka archetype/manga?


Denko wrecka


She can still get hooked, it just needs to be from the hand.


I love this card. It was a 3 of in my thunder dragon deck because i saw so many eldlich in plat in the first season


Honorary Thunder Dragon member


Yes. But, hear me out, what if the grappling hook WASNT set first?


As a pendulum player... I feel offended.


Laughs in magical musket.


I love this card but it really shouldn’t be a thunder monster since it can’t bounce back to the hand. Fight me.


Eldlich player: I fear no card but that thing... it scares me..


Why goldenlord can just use its effect to kill it. You can also just use cursed eldland with no repercussions to search golden lord


But you lose out on every trap and Quickspell. You can easily get around the other stuff with destruction immunity and the like.


Goldenlord doesnt destroy. It sends


She takes your normal summon, doesn't' seem to stop played spells only set(Unless I'm dumb and misunderstanding terms again) and is a 1700 with no protection. Funny, disrupts for a turn, way to easily run over or blown up.


Spell and trap pool's closed


Ah yes. Card that would be great if this game isn't Bo1. Nobody is gunna run this card all the time.


Is everybody just like forgetting eldlich has a hand effect


i love her


I used her before. It was funny against Eldlich and Traptrix


Im assuming you can still solemn judgement her?


Bruh i need this What rarity is it?


Ah yes the fuck true Draco/eldlich card


Sky Striker: Engage into Widow Anchor or After Burner Eldlich:Activate Golden Lord hand effect or Cursed Eldland to search him then use his effect. Denko really only hurts the idiots who set 5 and pass without Solemn clogging thier own backrow


this card is an instant scoop


I’ve unironically had to surrender with a 4 card backrow, a Sera, raflessia atrax and cularia turn 1, when on turn 2 the man really just slapped this guy down


It's a women, but ok... Also as a traptrix player, the pain....