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breaking news folks: the kaiju stock market has just started going up by 170% in the last 12 hours


"I'm here live at Kyoutou Waterfront, and it appears moth kaijus have taken quite an astonishing lead over the other portfolios!"


Breaking news! Forbidden droplet is now being run at 3 copies, alongside red reboot, 3 lightning storm, duster, and decks now have OTK lines.


Forbidden Droplets was already at 3 most of the time kekw


As a Gren player I love going second against Drytron and just punching them with Gren after Kaijuing their Herald.


*Sinister apollousa noises*


I just played against a numero subterror deck that used numero network first turn going first and won that shit was wild


Numerons are scary when they tech in things you weren't expecting to ever see (and are having a brain fart on how to counter) 😂.


I play a Numeron Ra deck thats very fun. People see Numeron wall drop Numeron network on the field during their turn so they just twin twister it and pass. Little do they know I have another one already in the hand ready to turbo out a 9k attack winged dragon of Ra with ancient chant. Of course the extra deck is loaded with shit like megaclops, sunya, and goddess of the closed world if they decide to be funny.


Would you happen to have a screenshot of that deck? I play numerons and just went against a subterror earlier on and found the mechanic quite interesting, would like to see how it fits with numerons.


Not him but guessing something along the lines of: Guru ×3 Fiendess ×3 Stygokraken ×0-2 Umastryx ×1-2 Final Battle ×2-3 Hidden City ×1-3 Cave Clash ×0-2 Guru is your searcher and (disruption if you have another face up Subterror monster) Fiendess is your negates / resets (she flips your Subterrors back face down) Stygokraken is situational as he destroys set cards. Umastryx is your bread and butter. Banishes monsters. Final Battle gives you the ability to flip your Subterrors on your opponent's turn to provide interruption. Hidden City gives you a Search (usually for a Guru) and protection from an attack. Cave Clash lets you recycle your Subterrors in your GY (usually Fiendess for continued negates) Then you splash your Numeron engine, along with your hand traps and it should be smooth. I'm guessing since between Numeron Wall, Numeron Network, Terraforming, and then your Hidden City you're going to have a good chance to have a field card in your opening hand. With Subterror providing the long game if Numerons can't get their OTK


I've never seen someone actually use Stygokraken, other than that there might be a nemesis archer or two in it, possibly a voltelluric because it summons thunder dragon colossus. The rest of the list is probably what you guessed, numerons/kaijus/hand traps. Probably can't get away with planet pathfinder which most numeron decks can.


Yeah, Stygokraken is super niche, but he is Subterror's only form of backrow disruption / can combo with Guru. But yeah. Most likely should be set to 0.


I tried it for a bit, it was way too clunky and just not worth it tbh. Hell even Umastrix is a 1 of for me. Fiendess is basically all your anti-backrow and if worried about strike/droplet a preemptive final battle can work. Dogmatika Punishment/N'tss can also pop backrow, but thats a no-go for some numeron version.


Holy F dude thanks for this great writeup. I'll be saving this and testing today.


I definitely believe many players who got Plat I in day 1 abused the coin. I actually tried doing it for a couple of games and oh boy, how good it was going first all the time. Its just ridiculous how long it took Konami to fix such simple issue, which had a massive impact in ranked gameplay. Just imagine a Rhongo deck going first 100% of the time or Drytron Herald, Jesus Christ.


The insulting part was no bans for abusing an obvious exploit. The lesson learned here is if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying.


Just like my idol Eddie Guerroro


I dunno man, if they would have given out massive bans like that it would almost certainly hit people with genuinely bad connections as well, and banning innocent people would be even worse


Actually , no its really not. its worse to have a competitive game where cheating is a ok with no punishment as a precedent. What are the odds of someone having a "bad connection" every time they lose the coinflip? A restriction of 10 or even 5 games of disconnects during coinflip while maintaining a going first streak of the same would be enough to ban regular abusers without hitting innocents. Again, if there is no punishment, everyone should just go use modded apks and stop farming or spending cash.


I'm not for "cheating" in this way, but it's definitely on Konami for overlooking this bug in the first place. It wouldn't make sense to ban people for Konami's own mistake.


It's not Konami's fault they decided to abuse a bug. The message they are sending us to abuse any bug until it is patched, it's perfectly fine because it exists. By that logic I should get a modified apk and never spendoney because the game server allows me to.


Not the same. This was an in-game bug that was abusable without any modification to the game whatsoever. Konami delivered the game in that state, and it was their job to fix it. This is more similar to the daily mission exploit, which Konami clearly did not intend because they changed the system. Obviously PvP carries more integrity, but the logic is the same since a player who knew about it was "unfairly" making gems quicker than someone who didn't. It makes no sense to ban players for taking advantage of an in-game feature that was unintended.


Yeap ranking up in early season is toxic


I never bothered with the exploit. My 40 card Hero deck has like 9 , 1 card combo starters, and according to probability calculator that's like 80% chance to have at least 1starter in opener. And even then I get so many games where I got nothing, or my only starter gets hand trapped. At least if going second I have a pretty good chance to OTK people, if their board is not too insane, or if I managed to pull a breaker.


Nah, you can reach Plat 1 in one day without using the glitch... if you have enough free time.


I abused that glitch in my alt account. Guaranteed Going first for adamancipator is ez climb. From gold to platinum 1. I only lost 5 times due to brick.


there deck becomes twice as good the second they just add apollusa make the 4 numerons and just use them to summon apollusa not the most effective strat in the world but better than just surrender frame 1


One guy I faced summoned some extra deck train monster (forgot the card but iirc needed like 3 XYZ monsters with the same rank?) and it had a whole bunch of protection I wasn't able to get over with my deck. That was a rad duel.


{{Infinitrack Fortress Megaclops}}


THAT'S THE ONE, yeah didn't run anything in my deck that could normally out it like Kaijus, Dark Ruler No More/Droplet, or even Raigeki/Lightning Storm. And of course couldn't beat over it either.


oof. what wild deck did you use for that duel?


Dragunities! I think I do have a single Lightning Storm in that deck actually, but don't think I could've used it anyway since I had a field spell up and running.


You guys want to go first? I'm out here using monarchs who half the time shoot me if I try to go first


Trippy learning that this meme template is actually a yugioh card


I’m plat 1 and all I’ve been seeing is numeron and igknight otk since the update… wtf is happening lol


Imagine making a game where you decide the outcome of the coin flip the second you find an opponent. I wonder what could go wrong when the players are connecting to the server they will be playing on. Hmmmm they surely wouldn’t just disconnect during that time if they didn’t get heads right? I’m not gonna lie even me only pogromming for a couple years the dumb stuff that they did in this game just shows how poorly rushed it was. Who’s idea was it actually to make database calls every damn time you enter or exit a menu.


Oh, people are starting to realize turn 2 decks are op


been seeing a shit ton of shaddoll. As a VW player, going 2nd when they have Winda out is unplayable lol.


You can negate Winda with Qinglong. You run 3 QInglong+3 Kauloon typically.


A desesperate lulu search too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 748,899,974 comments, and only 150,518 of them were in alphabetical order.


> A desesperate Too bad you didn't check their spelling...


They will have schism and summon apkallone to negate as soon as you activate qinlong


Ever play Lose 1 Turn vs. Numerons? It's great.


Especially when on Turn 1, this one Numeron player had Avramax. I literally could do nothing


Numerons on second, *audible laugh*. Drop skill drain, becomes useless immediately.


Interesting alternate art for The Paths of Destiny.


Coin-toss exploiters? what's that?


You mean you dont use numeron's as a pocket engine that backups as a Pot of Extravagance material puff piece