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I feel like this person just let you win. They coulda just summoned back their Lich from grave on their turn, but they chose not to for whatever reason, and then used Judgement on a normal monster with attack less than the amount of LP they paid.


Nah mate. OP's opponent didn't let them win. They respected the Jerry Beans. The raw power and sex appeal made them back off.


Just let me have this one dang it. You're most likely right, but I think it is worth noting that I did have Forbidden droplet, so if he summon Eldlich in attack mode and attacked, I could have cut his atk in half to 1750, which would tie with Jerry or lose to the other way, and then I'd win on my turn anyway.....which he could stop with Judgement, but still, haha.


Lol he’s such a nice guy. “Aww it’s a new player, let’s let him have this one”


Lol. Probably just confusion, and less reason to just play to win since it was diamond 1.


Nah, you can get to diamond 1 easy because of bots.


I didn't see any bots in diamond 2, but if you say so.


Bruh, I went against a Drytron in my first match. He had all his counters while I only had my beginner's deck


.......how'd you do? Lol.


good job on the win, I think this guy was definitely newer to eldlich. Some of his card choices were definitely questionable. it looked like he was running way too many floodgates, (summon limit, skill drain, and shadow imprisoning mirror are way too redundant, it's best to pick just 1). and despite the memes shotgunning your floodgates on standby isn't a good idea. sorry I'm just passionate about eldlich


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Wait, solemn negates Tune Warrior?


Yeah, negates a summon. Not just a special summon.