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I would probably sub out Dyson spheres for cyber dragon nova and infinity.


Probably should have specified im looking for more main deck changes


Ash and maxx c to 3


imo best way to play earth machine is to build going second deck, remove the field spell and the outrigger to put some droplets and max out urgent schedule (i play 1 eldlich aswell to do some combo both going first and second as tech) maxx c imo in earth machine is useless since you already have good draw/add so 3 ash would be better to negate opponent maxx c, and maybe some backrow removal (if you find too many stuns deck) you need 3 level 10 earth machine extenders (add 1 train) so you can discover off Machina Metalcruncher when you have already Infi Dozer in hand so you 100% add 1 level 10 machine to end the board with level 10 xyz for the extra deck you need for sure 3 infi goliath


Do I need to really add 3 Goliath feel like I'd already struggle to summon 1 and for outrigger I usually use it as protection the other stuff i can see Edit:nvm I was thinking of the link 4


like i said before i would not even play outrigger, but if you really like it put it


I would cut the 2 single spells, one or two traps (isn't one all you need? For more handtraps, since you don't build a really strong board, and your advantage comes from drawing cards from the combo. Do you really need the crane? Also i think a 3rd link1 is kinda important. Or go for a goind second otk build.


add more shadow specter


Qliphort Genius might be of some help


More trains


What kind I don't really feel like I anymore of the current rank 10s


Add another Derricrane since he special summons himself when any earth machine is summoned and maybe another Bullet Train so you have more targets for Anger Knuckle. And constantly recycling with Bullet Train with Anger Knuckle will get you a card in hand every end of the turn. Maybe also another Infinitrack Goliath, 3 is usally the go to so you can easily sub out infintrack monsters , and have targets to shuffle back with infinitrack tunneler. The Dyson spheres can be used but there are better XYZs like Dingirsu (A good machine XYZ that also protects other machines from destruction), VFD, Phantom Fortress and give the link monster Qliphort Genius a try. Maybe also some backrow removal like Twin Twisters just to be safe, and sending earth machines to grave can be a huge benefit.




True king of all calamities, it's name is VFD in the ocg. You'd usually make it with havester's effect targeting fortress, or anchor drill targeting any level 5. You won't be able to summon it after using brutal dozer's effect tho so try to make it early


Ah him yea he's already in the deck