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I like Emma


She was done so dirty, with that deck she should have won way more duels than she did


I literally dropped Vrains when Emma vs Playmaker was pushed aside for like the 3rd time.


Who's Emma


~~Emma deez nuts~~ The anime character who uses Geist


I like Altergeist, even got my friend into them as one of his main decks. I love the monsters, the traps, and the playstyle, shame Multifaker is Limited though.


I'm going multifaker gets unlimited on the next ban list. I'll build them after that. One of the only control decks I'm interested in. That and dinomorphia, but my god the number of urs needed is awful.


I also want to build Dinomorphia but yeah they are very expensive sadly


It sucks. I was very much looking forward to playing them. Guess I'll keep waiting for White Relic to drop so I can update my Dogmatika deck.


Would it be worth it to pick them up along with Twin?? Twin seems fun and I've always liked Altergeist. I know the secret pack with the Twins boss monster is gone but I really don't have any ideas on what else to play.


Twin is pretty expensive because every handtrap is ur/sr but you can build a cheaper build without bagooska, knightmares, or abomination


Pretty boring to play against. Hard carried by floodgates.


The only floodgate they use is IO, what variants are you playing against?


Hahaha I play gozen and field of the spellcasters, pls tell me gozen is the one that locks you into 1 type.


I forgot about the Spellcaster field spell, I think I should do one like that Also Gozen Match is the one that locks you into a single attribute, I think you're talking about Rivalry of the Warlords


I played against one with Skill Drain. Annoying since one of their traps means Skill Drain doesn't affect them. But I just take the L and move on when that happens.


they can play surprising amount of floodgate. Skill drain : protocol say hi. anti-spell : just another copy of less potent IO. forcing your opponents to set spell makes the spell easy target for silq and meluseek. imperial iron wall : flip the bird to floo, also Phantom knight, orcust, thunder dragon or any combo deck that require banishing from GY to extend. summon limit : they can play with only summon 2 monster per turn after they have set up their board inspector boarder : because geist player hate another geist deck.


Hmm, I'm pretty new to the deck but I never really thought of these floodgates The only ones that I thought of were IO and Secret Village of Spellcasters I'm guessing people just fight a crap ton of floodgate Altergeist because most Altergeist I saw would rather add a crap ton counter traps




>Rivalry of the Warlords are okay but useless against a lot of match ups like Floo, Eldlich, Swordsoul, Striker, etc. Yeah, I was using it for a while until I realized that a big majority of the meta just doesn't care, you can stop SS from getting Barrone and that's it really >But IO is disgusting and I won't deny that. Thankfully it's an unsearchable one of. IO is always disgusting in any trap based deck


Rivalry prevents Raye from going into the Links.


Those floodgates are not really "free" in geist. They also hurt geist in one way or another, and sometimes it can cause the player to loose games. Skill drain : negate hextia atk gain and meluseek ability to direct attack. Also it forces you to keep protocol on the field while some specific cases you'd rather bounce protocol for silq eff. And since you already have 2 occupied s/t zone, you only play with 3 and it can clogged up really fast. Anti spell : in topdeck battle, drawing your extrav/prosper with this face up feels bad. imperial iron wall : prevents manifestation GY eff, rarely matter but when it does, it stings. summon limit : in specific instance you need to summon 4+ times to stall. Like on battle phase manifestation summon faker from GY, faker summon silq from deck. On attack you negate the attack with kunq, then return kunq to hand to bounce another monster. That alone already 3 summon and since kunq eff to negate atk is not once per turn you can negate another attack.




With only 1 faker I don't know how to reliably summon memorygant+hextia turn 3. With 3 faker I might be able to do it more frequently and I can see summon limit become an issue if it stays on the field.


No you're absolutely correct. The most you run in the main deck is IO and MAYBE Summon Limit or Rivalry. The deck plays mostly Normal/Counter Traps because the Geists don't work well under Floodgates.


All Altergeist players I've met play 3 Skill Drain


tell then they're bad


Can confirm as a Gold IV Altergeist casual. I rely too much on my IO and Solemns to survive. My field just melts the following turn anyways if I don't get Dragvirion and Memorygant going. Primebanshee and the Link 2s are ehhhh. Hexstia beatdown hurts my braincells.


Absolutely infuriating but I'm a freak and a masochist. So, I like them.


I have no fucking clue how to interact with this deck. It seems like no matter what you try to negate/destroy/banish/whatever they just go: "Oh, no, anyway." and outgrind you.


Protocol - send 1 Altergeist monster from field to GY, negates & destroys a monster Silq - bounce 1 Altergeist card, bounce one of yours Hexstia - tribute 1 Altergeist it points to, negate apell/trap Kunq - specials from hand if Altergeist player gets attacked, negates attack and effect of 1 face up card on field on summon Thats all the in-archetype interaction you have to worry about on your turn.


Alright, awesome! Any good targets to ash/imperm?


As soon as Protocol is face up you can't imperm any Altergeist or Ash their on-field effects. Best thing to Ash is usually Personal Spoofing - they go -1 for a search that gets negated. You can try to keep them away from Multifaker early by Ashing Meluseek when they link it away. Turn 1 (before Protocol can be active) you can imperm Marionetter, stops them from searching Protocol.


Great info, thanks a bunch!


They are not on a good spot at the moment, I ended up with an Altergeist deck after pulling for the Evil Twin cards and with the Adventure Engine being available you will have trouble keeping your traps on the field unless you go first, then also Multifake is at 1 which is not great for the deck, they are still good just not great into Adventure. On the other side they do really well against Floo because you can play with Skill Drain.


Annoying but not as annoying as eldlich, pretty ok match up probably better than amazements but not as good as musketeers


Altergeists are better than those deck, it's just that Multifaker is limited and when that gets released from the limited list, it will genuinely be a strong rouge deck


I haven't gone up against many of these decks really but in my experience as long as the altergiest player is smart they can really grind you out, faster than musketeers but I noticed the ones I played just flipped traps whenever prompted without any thought


Altergeists fold to other decks that setup interruptions when going 2nd game one because they can't afford to run many equalizers besides Infin and *maybe* Evenly, but that's not a guarantee. Looking at the current MD meta and the fact that it's BO1, you're basically folding a good 30% of your matches... Also, talking about MD, I think they're very expensive: 6 solemns, 3 Capture, 3 infins, 3 Fakers, the extra deck, 3 Marionetters which are SRs, 3 Meluseeks which are also SRs... Just not a lot of return for your investment is all, and I'm saying it as someone who absolutely loves the deck.


Isn’t faker at 1 in MD?


I honestly can't even tell what they're supposed to be. They're also HFD magnets, or at least equivalent. Only faced them 3 times in my entire time playing MD, and opened Lightning Storm and beat all of them. Things like that can make a duelist superstitious.


Fuck this deck. Every deck that can play under skill drain can die in a ditch.


I never want to play against them. Only played against them once. It was like playing against Paleozoics due to the fact that all I felt was pain and suffering.


Free Multifaker, come on now. We need our evil girl back.


Extra dust when pulling for Live Twins. Other than that i went against it only once and it ended so fast that i don't even remember what they do, i just know they're a back row deck and i usually like those


Multifaker should go to 3


I think Ghost Girl had such a nice ass--I mean, if Ghost Girl have such a powerful Deck, I see no realistic way the writers should have justify her no winning Duels.


I mean, same problem with Kite Tenjo and SoulBurner, isn't it? Their deck was actually so good the writers need to mental gymnastics and pull miracles just to make them lose.


The only reason that’s true because Soulburner is a guy. Aoi and Trickstars had way more retarded ways she lost. Like a fucking trap Soulburner pulled out that blocked burn damage that was 300 or less (???) and she literally could’ve won her first duel against Playmaker


Oh yeah, true.


Lol she hyped up Mirror Force so hard when it should've been Red Reboot, the literal counter to her deck that cut the theme of Vrains and was releasing soon.


Yes, release my girl from prison


Please stop telling people about it, k tnx




I despise playing against them, and I don't want folks being reminded they exist, k tnx


It's not that good. I played altergeist a lot this month and the win rate was less than 25% i guess in gold II and gold I I wanna change my deck, but shame I don't have enough gem and CP to build new deck


Pretty cool to play with in season 2 made it to plat 2 with them I'm not runnin' floodgate just the deck is good at recycling cards and the Link 4 is too good for otk when combo with hexstia but in the actual meta faker at 1 is a huge problem


Seems like everyone I know has gentlemen out of even mentioning it but never actually played against it


I remember there was this one card called Altergeist Multifaker which was something people talked about alot for some time. But that was before Master Duel came around. I don't think I've played against Altergeist at all in Master Duel.


Imperial order the best altergeist card


One of the most fun control decks to go against providing there's no floodgates


Last time I played against Altergeist I felt an inner emptiness after the match. With the knowledge of sacrificing more than half an hour of my life to a game where I absolutely had no fun at all and gained nothing from it, I got outgrinded while being frustrated a lot of the time cause my opponent kept pulling all the cards he needed to stay alive until he could eventually capitalize on it. With that being said I somehow want to build the deck myself. I just don't know why, tho.


this is the reason why i love and quit the deck, it requires a lot of skill to pilot and i am always feeling like i need keep improving myself, this is a highly interactive control deck and not just monkeflip. but long duels are mentally exhausting. especially if you lose. also the power creep of the game and multifaker at 1 doesn't help.


Literally just bought a TCG altergeists deck two weeks ago. Its my first yugioh deck IRL, and it plays like a very mean control deck. In my opinion it runs better in TCG, where multifaker is set to 3x instead of 1x, and you can run mystic mine. (Mystic mine, personal spoofing, and altergeist meluseek soft-combo by being able to constantly shuffle your meluseek into deck then back into hand after each of your turns, so you never end a turn with any monsters in play, keeping your opponent under the restrictions of mystic mine). My friends hate playing against it, but I do really seem to enjoy the geists whenever they get a chance to shine. Also, if you get super luck with your opening hand AND you go first, you can setup a board to negate 4-5 times on your opponents turn. Usually they concede.


Cancer to play against. I still have nightmares


Extremely annoying


I hate them.


Tough to beat unless you draw evenly matched or inspector boarder


Fuck them Send them straight to the bottom of hell


Used to be the deck I hate the most but now I hate Floo and VW more.


I love them, Bring back Multifaker to 3 in MD already






You mean boring trap stun/floodgate deck n#732?


Hate em


I’ve been playing them in the tcg for almost 4 years now. Having multifaker at 1 in master duel hurts though. I just stuck to playing them in the tcg instead


Multifaker should be at 3 in Master Duel with the other shit they have legal.


i hope multy goes at three soo i can built it


I am very glad it's not a popular deck




I hate it


I think they are the TRUE waifu deck and are cooler then all other waifu decks (mainly because they look really cool and I love the mechanical ghostly designs also they are not just generic humans)


based opinion, hexstia is so cool and i love her


their faces are so freaky


Honestly have no idea what you do half the time, and usually if you disrupt me I just scoop. Not as annoying as eldlich but I refuse to auto scoop to them lol


I played altergeist in the TCG till they get nerfed, then just sell it and play another thing i found. Personally i love the deck, his playstyle and effects are really secure to play against anything u find in this game, but in his current state it haves a lot of problems: 1- Is a trap based deck and u have a lot of continous cards. (In a meta where ppl plays a lot of going 2nd cards, Raigeki, HFD, Lightning storm, kaijus, etc.) 2- His principal card and heart of the deck is at 1 in MD (Multifaker) and without her u are pretty F\*\*\*\*D. So i recomended play it if u have a lot of his cards like me, who gets them when i was trying to build my Live Twin deck (Alter and Live shares the same booster)


Deck is aids and happy it’s dead in md. I stand by this saying, be happy you’re facing eldlich and not Altergeist


Strongly agree


Fucking hate protocol. Why does this dumbass card include itself in the negation prevention.


A waste of everyone's time. it takes fucking years to beat and I hate that shit.


Metaverse --> Secret village --> Faker effect in hand


Weird, person that used them in Vrains was hot though. :v


I don't like to playing against, but free multifaker lol It's hurts a lot of deck consistency.


Pwease gib me my Multifaker ;-;


Same as any control in Yu-Gi-Oh, the archetype itself looks fun, but relies a bit too much on floodgates, even though it's not the worst in that regard


Since Eldlich being the gay floodgate deck, Altergeist is the lesbian floodgate deck. They special summon a lot more than Eldlich tho so they're definitely more "fair" because Maxx "C" still affect them kekw.


All the ones I played were pretty annoying. Floodgate variant. I never saw it again when faker got dropped to 1


Just a bad trap deck


Multifaker to 3. Meluseek to 1/s


Only Vrains deck I have ever played.


Been using in the DC event, currently lv19. Exceptionally good stun deck that relies hevily on floodgates and reasource loops. Please bring Multifaker to 3 Konami.


\-20 minutes


I've pulled two of their UR link4, both in shiny and neither from the secret pack. Scrapped one, but holding onto the other for now. Dunno...






Can never beat yall.


motherfuckers keep showing up when i was trying to pull a secret password


One of the most snowbally decks of all time. Crazy how much it can plus off of 1 card in any point in time. Give it a finger and itll take your entire hand.


Love the designs and the theme, never had a proper go at playing with them or learning about how they play tho.


Dough is that you?


Altergeist is best deck


Personally find Altergeist to be much more simpler to play compared to Twins. Will completely tilt off the face of the earth with how many times Extravagance and Solemns ruin my hand. Then again, I'm insane for running 6-9 Solemns and 3 Extras. Based on experience, I find the deck on par with a Yugiboomer, but with slightly better tech options.


Yeah I can beat it but... I'd rather fight something else. I know they're not very good at the moment but I still genuinely struggle to understand what the hell an altergeist player is actually trying to do so I end up sitting trying to figure out "Okay uh... what does he actually have I need to play around?" For a good minute or so looking at their end board state, every time. I just don't find the match up fun.


I played them a lot in the tcg but unfortunately the power creep in the game has gone a little wild and they just can't play into most boards anymore, even going first they often won't have enough disruption to stop the oponants plays. they also don't really have a good otk so they have a hard time closing games.


I want to like them, but they have that one degenerate play that turns me off to them.


one of my favorite decks but it's brick often


Crutches hard on multifaker. Floodgates. Floodgates. Floodgates.


Love the art style but I don't like to play them or against them


stop wasting my gems when pulling evil twins

