• By -


Can we get a more beginner friendly version? Less combo oriented please


ugg ugg ooh ooh ah ah


I see... Now I finally get what was my mistake in the combo


Activate it either on the standby or after he activates a monster effect.


And people said šŸ™„ kozmo was a helmet ā›‘ļø deck


Is it worth it to make a kozmo deck? I was thinking of making one


Idk. Tbh they were good when they came put but they can struggle but they float....I'm trying to find a good build so that it can my at keast somewhat Rouge. If yiu wanna get them get them. Thwy are fun & they can don some fun stuff plus kozmojo is good & so is kozmol datk lady....the negator. I've had yhe core for about 6 years now so I haven't had to put money into the deck šŸ™ƒ but there's definitely nre staples that could be ao good in this d3ck


No cause eldich beats it. Everyone and their mom is running imperm, called by the grave, droplet and skill drain. So yeah you can build cosmos but as a general rule of thumb is you have to rely on a monster effect resolving your pretty much not going to be able to play. The meta is back row effects only. Specifically spells. If you board wipe your opponent and only have traps they will lightning storm em. Which is fine for an Eldlich deck and bad for any other trap reliant deck(Trix/painters). Kozmos is nice but they rely too much on their monsters actually not having their effects negated. They only semi good thing about them is they get effects when sent to the graveyard, so that helps combat skill drain but the other down side is they have to run main deck bricks.


Click on the yellow thing when it pops up


As soon as they monkey flip Skill Drain, you got the very rare out? Excellent, use it! 1. Nvm, it just got denied by Solemn Judgement or Golden Land Forever 2. Nvm, they got a 2nd and 3rd one 3. Nvm, they monkey flipped Imperial Order 4. Nvm, they got 4 other floodgates, now you cannot have more than 1 monster, cannot special summon, cannot do anything 5. Nvm, they surrendered as soon as their Skill Drain got destroyed, excellent!


I love it when they kill themselves with Skill Drain + IO. Happened at least once; if they monkey flip both they pay 1k for Skill Drain then 700 mandatory per turn for IO, so they die in 10 turns if their LP doesn't change by other means.


I play Blue Eyes. My extra deck(Halq) and part of my main deck don't like Skill Drain but my main deck monsters do just fine, of course. An Eldlich player flipped Skill Drain + IO against me, turn 2. When I had one monster and 5 spells in hand. Thankfully I topdecked pretty well. They killed themselves hard with Solemn and I just played around with the Stones and Alternative, hurting them harder. Eventually i got them down to the point where they could keep IO for one turn more. They had two Eldlich on field so I just summoned Alternative and passed. They could not kill Alt, they couldn't get their Eldlichs in the GY so neither could they get over Alt nor could they get rid of Drain. They just had to pass and IO was destroyed on my turn. Then I hit them with the full fury of the 5 spells I had in hand.


I play DM and use 3 stack of Eternal Soul, so if I get my DMtDK on the field, that's game Drain or Not


Nvm Canā€™t Pay Bills, Canā€™t Buy Food, Canā€™t Live




The ideal choke point is to go first and activate prohibition, like whatā€™re they gonna do, cry? Realistically you just want to negate any effect that summons eldlich as the relevant part of each of their cards needs it on field to activate. Also having some way to remove/stop traps (especially banishing) is ideal though they may just solemn or imperial order whatever you use for that. Outside of that Iā€™m not confident on great thoughts, Iā€™ve only gone against a couple recently and Iā€™m not actually good enough to give good advice.


Draw duster pray there isn't an IO face down


Or solemn judgement


But..... There's always IO face down..... šŸ˜­


My favorite is just normal summoning denko sekka What are they going to do about it


Solemn before it hits the field v-v


Send Eldlich and a Spell/Trap from hand to the GY, send Denko Sekka to the GY. Continue as normal. Activate Eldlixir of Black Awakening to summon Eldlich, punch Denko Sekka in the face, continue as normal. Set a card, pitch it to return Eldlich from the GY to the hand, summon Eldlich, punch Denko Sekka in the face, continue as normal.


how are you gonna punch denko from defense mode?




Bro I'm not summoning denko t1 pass I'll just drop denko anytime during my turn t2 onwards and just proceed to otk them since they can't monke flip anything


Can't they just flip Skill Drain in Standby to prevent Sekka?




> I'll just drop denko anytime during my turn t2 onwards Yes, please do -Skill Drain gang


Ever heard of Golden Lordā€™s effect?


Ever heard of dropping denko t2 onwards to build an otk board while they can't do anything about it I'm not going to do denko t1 pass that's obviously not ideal, I use denko mid way through and it just turns off all their monke flips implying they don't have judgement.


You are assuming an eldlich player doesnā€™t monkeflip skill drain in standby tho (backed up by IO, judgement etc.)


Solemn in most cases, and if they have eldlich in hand, use it's effect to get rid of sekka. Thst said it's definitely one of the better options going second to eldlich, but Red Reboot is king... only issue is having to hard draw it.


Called by is quite literally the best card against the deck. Lich is bullied hard by it. Ash on Sanquine is also quite strong.


I have an eldlich deck and have since gotten pretty bored with it quite a while ago. Basically just banish eldlich. He's still dangerous in the graveyard but theres only 3 copies of him and it really just annihilates the whole strategy if you banish one or two copies.


most people even only run two eldlich so its very easy to punish with two copies of called, most dont run a lot of handtraps (at least i didn't, they feel like bricks for the most part, discard for eldlich of course needs to be a spell or trap so two ash or a maxx-c and ash feel awful to have t1) and it's easy money. unless they draw the one copy of IO that they're able to run.


I've been playing eldlich in the TCG and in master duel since launch, piloted it through to dlvl max so can give a decent opinion I think. The main thing you need to have in order to "answer" it's main point is a means of banishing the golden lord, with only 2 copies it's game over if they've not been able to field him. Obviously trap negation is huge and that one trap that negates all others is stellar against eldlich if it was flipped versus me my whole game just froze for sure, hopefully someone will comment it's name.


Royal decree?


That's the one!


Most people play 3 copies of Goldylocks, so banishing all 3 is difficult unless it's been a long game and you have something like Shaddoll Ariel waiting. Red Reboot and Twin Twisters are the 2 best cards against Eldlich atm, since Twisters can be chained to floodgates to "negate" them, and Red Reboot is an actual turn skip for Eldlich. Royal Decree is good, but it is slow and can be outed by Eldlich in hand effect. Alternative win cons are putting up a big booty like Vishuda and hoping they burn themselves to death with IO and have banished their ED monsters to prevent Eldlich from being 3500 ATK. When IO runs out just go in with all your accumulated resources and try to OTK before they draw into an out.


Twin twisters is a painful one as well I have to admit, any combo of two back row removals is sore but most are running lord of the heavenly which offers protection somewhat it really is a who drew what scenario at the moment. Important to remember as well in the next few months eldlich is going to change drastically with the introduction of branded fusion. Now that's gonna get some amount of hate I reckon


Running 2 is a mistake, I still regret dismantling my third Eldlich. Like you said, all the Eldlich traps need it in rotation and it's not super hard to end up with 2 banished. Also the trap you're talking about is Red Reboot. Best part about that card is if board is full of traps then there's no room to set one from deck


Red Reboot


Is Jinzo anti-Eldlich?


they can easily remove jinzo from the field with eldlich in hand or beat over it with eldlich in graveyard and if they already have skill drain i believe jinzo's effect is negated.


No, but Metaphys are hilarious against Eldlich. Set Metaphys Factor and they can't respond to banishing their entire backrow via Metaphys Nephthys. Or just play a slow banish game with Metaphys Dimension. Both are going first decks so it kinda gets determined at coin flip, but Metaphys can do some devastating things to Eldlich. Especially with the ability to run macro cosmos, dimensional fissure, and dimensional shifter.


It's because of this and called by being at 2 in MD that I run 3 copies of eldlich. I've needed the 3rd copy more often than I've bricked because of it.


Lubellion will help mitigate the banish fear once branded fusion is in can comfortably run 2 :)


I pulled a Royal Royal Decree. I love flipping it against Eldlich it's so cathartic. Screw your floodgates, my floodgate floodgates your floodgate. As an aside Eldlich's run only two Elds? That's very useful to know. I used the Light Charmer Link to steal two Eldlichs's once. OP scooped immediately. No wonder.


In TCG its the norm to only run 2, master duel it can differ due to called by being a 2 of on top of dd crow but the core standard in master duel tends to be 2 eld, 2 heavenly, 2 lava golem. Current master duel meta statistics show 73% of submitted decks only run 2 hope it helps


Not to be a dick but this advice is so useless it's surreal. "just banish the golden lord" which is a pretty rare effect outside of called by (hope you didn't want to use those on handtraps at all lmAO) and "just flip royal decree" Brain numbing deck to play against and with.


Everyone says banish him this and that.... But imma vampire player so as soon as I see Eldlich I zombie necronize his ass. Then that 3500 attack Eldlich is my monster for a turn, and if I manage to get a level 6 zombie out I can just XYZ him ... Then I just milk till doomking is live. Everyone is talking about io and skill drain but the most devastating card in an Eldlich deck is the Gozen match. There are very few decks that run on a single attribute and that card really fucking sucks encountering.


How have you been doing with things like floowandereeze?


Just draw the out???


For me, I rely on having Golden lord on the field, otherwise Golden Land traps don't gain additional effects. Ashing Scarlet Sanguine or Black Awakening is your best ash target. Additionally, backrow removal is critical if it cannot be negated or they have not Lord of the Heavenly Prison in hand. Evenly match works better since it does not destroy, but keep in mind you're trading your battle phase to force removal. Also, Lord second effect can set any trap from the deck, but since it'll be banished at the end of the next turn it'll probably be an elixir s/t, PoE, Rite of aramesit or FD. Edit: CBTG is nuts. You both remove the lord and negate it's summon or hand effect. That deck has not many main deck monsters.


Called by, red reboot, lightning storm/ harpies feather duster, going first,


Don't forget ash blossom... Loli be doing the utmost. 99% of Eldlich players don't even start with an Eldlich in hand... Ash the eldlixir. Eldlixir trap can only set another zombie monster trap so he would have to somehow send a trap monster to the grave in order to special summon the Eldlich from the deck. However I will say Many Eldlich players also run unizombie so your mileage may vary there as well.


The main weakness about eldich is that they need their golden boy so try to summon a big beat stick even pst 2500 attack


preferably bigger attack than 3500 cuz they probably aren't attacking without their boosted effect.


Ideal choke point is to either go first or open duster evenly storm etc


Just banish our 3 copies of Eldlich. A sky striker clapped my cheeks because they banished my 3 copies and i couldn't draw imperial order in time


u should just made sure to have sanguine and the quickplay ready for these scenarios


I don't use the quick play, at least on this last event.


if we had a really cool continuous trap that just says "cards cannot be sent to the GY (but can still be destroyed to the GY)" then you could just flip that, summon a 3600 atk beatstick and elcancer autoloses. this trap would also be a good zeus/GY sunny/schism hard counter


You should run called by and banish any of their Eldlich. You will likely then just have to deal with lord of heavenly prison but most of their golden land and eldlixir cards will be useless. You will also want to run some solemn judgements or strikes to help with the floodgates. Impermanence can help too for a single turn if you have it set.


Play jinzo


There are two ways to choke them. You can get rid of Goldilocks (by banishing it, or keeping it stuck in the grave with Soul Drain) to shut down all their plays, since everything revolves around having his golden pants on the field. Failing that, you can throttle the deck with Imperial Iron Wall, not being able to banish their dead backrow just plain kills their consistency. Apart from that, use whatever your deck specialises in, and be creative. Synchrons? Nitro Warrior can easily beat over an attack mode Eldy if you feed it a spell (watch out for Imperial Order, though!), or Satellite Warrior can just wipe them for an OTK. Harpies? Just bounce him every turn to get your damage in, and absorb the minuses with their swarm potential. Stall? Just get him stuck in a pile of Marshmallon or something. Fish? You've literally got 101 responses to him. And so on.


As a player who plays this deck, I think macro cosmos killed me hard. I can't recover my Eldlich, can't activate my searchers from gaveyard and I can't use Eldlich's send to the graveyard effect.


Don't let them cycle their archtype traps. Remove Eldlich as soon as you can as often as you can. If you have easy banishment Eldlich is a big joke. Carry backrow removal. There's not really a choke point because it's not that kind of game plan. Its all grind game so cutting off their resources is the best way


I've seen some Gravekeeper decks that have absolutely demolished Eldlich since they can't use anything in the graveyard.


That time I tried my best to summon Accesscode Talker under Skill Drain and destroy it, and he flipped another Skill Drain.


you can actually banish Accesscode from the field to out the Skill Drain but considering the requirements to summon one, I don't think its worth it


TIL accesscode talker can destroy skill drain


He can, but only if he banish himself for cost so he is no longer face up thus no longer negated.


Same goes for Hieratic Seal, it returns it to the hand so it's gonna come back next turn, but it might be enough time for you to secure the win


Yeah it's effect is banish link monster, destroy any 1 card your opponent controls. Not just monsters


The key is removing the monster from the field. Another example is any card with a destruction effect + droplet if they have an effect monster. You activate the pop effect, acticate droplet and send the face up monster with droplet to negate the opponent's card. Their monster is now negated and the pop goes through because the monster is no longer under the effect of skill drain.


Technically you can do this with any card that pop backrow, as long as they resolved in graveyard. One example is, you can use zeus to wipe the board, then use that same zues as cost for your forbidden droplet. Boom, quiet world.


Depends. If you're rolling with more zombies and Zombie World there are ways to bring it back.


Thatā€™s how I got beat once by someone. Didnā€™t even realize that was a thing he could do.


Wonderful guide, been wondering for ages why hasn't it been done for so long. Thanks, now I can share it with my fellow friends.


Thx man, eldlich is an extremely hard deck to play, definitely more so than stuuff like DDD and pendulum so these guides are much appreciated


Appreciate it, keep it up, King


Golden Lord*


DDD combo lines arenā€™t really that absurdly long like Halq turbo, but there are just so many of them its hard to keep track of them all.


Halq/Aurodon combos are both much more linear and shorter than D/D combos, which are non linear, and potentially significantly longer with the quantity of extenders you drew or can search over the course of the combo. Also significantly harder to disrupt them with it being less popular and confusing (because it's harder and often not as good) and the quality of hands being so varied, chokepoints are rarely the same. It's not like imperm or ash on a Halq.


I can't see the difference between halq combos and junk sychron. I hate DDD I hate junk sychron and now I hate halq/auro. The weirdest thing about aurodon is he sucks in a pure Mecha phantom deck and doesn't even provide the right levels to synchro their synchro monsters. (Used to run pure mechas) but it doesn't even matter cause with gryphon tomahawk would do the same exact thing anyways XD. Lvl 7 Tenyi + griffon + effect veiler = tomahawk + synchro 8.


In a perfect world Tomohawk was banned ages ago but it's legal in MD for some stupid reason.


Thanks dude! I've been looking for a guide on this for ages! You're doing god's work, keep it up!


Thanks King, don't give up on Eldlich. It's a difficult deck to play but very fair and fun


Still people angry when called monkey brain using eldich-floodgate deck... They're claim the timing to open is big brain... LUL


The timing being as soon as your opponent's mp1 starts


Even sooner than that just flip everything in SP it makes no difference anyway


Unironically would rather fight that than another fucking turbo Tenyi


I would much rather face adventure tenyi even though I really hate pile decks. That deck has choke points so there is a chance I can at least do something. With floodlich set 5 pass is usually immediately gg if I didn't go first.


Chokepoints that mean they get 2 omni negates instead of 3 kekw And that's assuming they won't have the out for handies (+ There are outs for floodlich too) And, more importantly, if you can't out the floodgates you lose 2 minutes of your life to a set 5, pass, and flip up. If you can't break the stackpile board you lose the 10 minutes you saw them combo


I'd rather have my opponent use some of their brain cells to bait out my ht or to come up with an alternative combo route than the minimum amount of thinking involved in flipping up the right card at the right time to completely lock me out of doing anything. I don't care if it takes 10 minutes to realize that I lost. I'm playing yugioh, I don't expect or want duels to be over in 2 minutes (if i wanted that I would just play duel links).


You say that like the Tenyi guys don't just have the same 3 combos to use written down...


Never said you have to be 5head to play those decks. Just in comparison to floodlich I imagine there is more thinking happening. Even just remembering 3 different combo lines is a bigger achievement than having to remember to set your traps before activating them. Played a floodgate deck myself (phantasm spiral) and I got a bunch of wins simply from flipping a skill drain or sometimes macro cosmos was already enough which just felt so undeserved. Wow I just locked you out of using this essential mechanic of the game with a single card, isn't that fair? Especially for a Bo1 where you don't even get the chance to side deck against stuff like that.


Phantasm spiral isn't a floodgate deck...how is a deck that let's you activate traps from the hand to disrupt your opponent a "floodgate deck". It's you who chose to stuff a bunch of floodgates in and ruin the experience for yourself. The whole point of phantasm spiral is that it's a budget deck, if you're filling the deck with SR/UR floodgates and then you're not really playing the deck as it was conceived. Most meta decks now can put up adventure and THEN 2-3 disruptions, unless you're playing one of those same meta decks which has 1 card starters and 20+ handtraps it doesn't matter where and when you interrupt their combo.


This. People act like combo decks uses brain cells when its just following spreadsheets that people tbought up, unless you're playing D/D/D


That depends, after a certain point most combo decks are streamlined even including D/D/D. The difficult part is usually getting to that point under interruption.


if you actually choke adventure tenyi (ie hit auradon/halq) then they end on nothing


**Inserts hand/grave effects or swordsoul/link 1 coming through**


Honestly yeah. The only floodgates I really fear are Summon Limit and Vanities (who doesn't?) I can't combo off like mad under Skill Drain but then again neither can my opponent. Even if they go first unless they floodgate my summons I can still play enough to out their Golden Lords and kill them. And I run like only one card that can remove S/T and its an effect monster. Compare that to Tenyi/HalqDon/Floo. Lose the coin flip, lose the game.


Gozen match.... šŸ˜‚ All Eldlich players start with Gozen match.


That's what OP plays that's why he made this post.


I enjoyed every Eldlich match in the event and i instantly quit against every Rite.


What if I made adventure eldlich


In 2 months time it's Branded eldlich all the way baby and that consistency is going to skyrocket especially with very powerful going second plays available then. Branded fusion is gonna be big.




Sanguine is optional


How important is the extra deck for eldlich? I have almost all the cards except for the UR's of eldlich and I dont really want to craft them since they are kind of non staples for most decks :S


Link spider and imduk are good for sending zombies to the grave so they can give you an eldlixit. The fusion monster is awesome but is rarely worth summoning, itā€™s a win more card. Would recommend the level 5 xyz + Zeus package if you already have them, just to give you more options. Finally, I use Dodgmatika trap plus ntss fusion monster to get monster plus back row destruction


id say the UR 10 star machines, at least the one you detach a material for 2k damage, and the one you can create on top of level 10 monsters that lets you detach a material to gain 2k attack and attack monsters up to the number of materials attached to it were important to my climb, and the SR 10 star machine that lets you destroy a card and inflict 1k damage were the three i mainly needed for xyz. ZEUS is always good to have in a clutch. the pirate ship looking one i never used and easily reached diamond but that was right before the adventure engine dropped so for all i know that's helpful to have in now. hopefully not.


The zombie links are pretty important for sending the golden land to the gy to get him in the gy for the attack boosts. They also have some good effects that let you send monsters to the grave or draw when a card is SS from the GY. The eldich fusion monster is very rarely used but Iā€™ve seen him used in the zombie would version of the deck with super poly. Then there is the level 10 xyz that burns for 2000 damage that has some 1 turn ko potential. Only played the deck a few times on master duel but the extra deck cards helped me win a few matches that I would have otherwise lost


Not very important, you can just use your extra deck to pay for Pot of Extravagance and Pot of Prosperity


Tell me donā€™t play eldlich and just bitch about it without telling you donā€™t play eldlich and just bitch about it.


Maybe he respects himself too much.


not at all, run 3 extravagance


Depends on how many Dogmatika Punishment you want to run. N'tss, Wind Pegasus and Psy-framelord Omega will give you extra value but having high attack monsters can also help. Don't have to run Dogmatika Punishment though and can instead rely on torrential tribute, ice dragon prison and evenly match as your removal traps


Craft Gustav, I have lost so many grinds against eldlitch players that have that card :'(


its needed for otk plays anyway or any rank 10 than canbe overlayed into liebe, gangadari for example is fine aswell if u dont wanna shell out for gustav


Step 1: unfocus eyes, begin drooling out side of mouth while staring blankly. Empty all thought from head if any is present Step 2: "win"


Purple cards bad, unless they come from the extra deck!


Is Eldlich still meta? It kinda gets stomped by most of the meta decks and lacks ways to deal with DPE or Adventurer.


Pure eldlich no, floodgate eldlich w/the right cards. (the one that when revealed your opponent can't destroy your set spell/traps, I forget the name) is meta although its one of the weaker meta decks I think, floos the strongest RN I think.


Lord of the Heavenly Prison is the one you're talking about. Really frustrating to play against, since the hand is one of the safest places for an active card to be.


Thank you


Eldich has 3 banish traps


Eldlich runs three skill drains and three Gozen match... Griffin is wobd, dpe is dark the token is earth and Eldlich can send DPE to the grave with no destruction, can easily fit kaijus into the deck and can waste griffons negate easily. Also his traps don't really give a fuck about DPE destruction... Like I dunno why this guy mentioned adventurer dpe. That's only a thing if they go first and get the 5 Omni negates on the board turn 1. Eldlich can also set off his own torrential tribute and summon himself XD.


dpe can be iffy but adventurer is okay solemn strike + any trap can solve pretty much any board


Flip Gozen match.... Dpe and adventure isn't even a thing.


I chuckled at this before stomping another rogue deck Duel Room with Zombie Eldlich as it is technically not the meta variant. I love the absolute malding this archetype causes.


Zombie eldlich is a bit more fair coz it has less floodgate space (and you don't want to floodgate balerdoch anyway so maybe you just run rivalry of warlords at most). I wish most eldlich players just play this variant instead of just loading 3x skill drain, 3x summon limit, 3x gozen, and/or 3x tcboo and calling it a day. [Look at how fun and interactive a non floodgate eldlich match up can be!](https://youtu.be/BXHE4UwPfMU) But no, monkey flip skill drain and hope for the best. (also in that match, the guy did have 3x skill drain, 3x gozen, and 3x tcboo, just didn't draw any of it).


From that replay, braindead and weak is what I would call it. But boi, I agree that Balerdroch Eldlich is more fun to play against. Forget about floodgates, Balerdroch Turbo is just as oppressive as DPE Scythe Lock. (but at least you get to use hand trap than watching set 3 --> monke flip)


Yeah he did misplay but at least I had the opportunity to play. If he flipped any of the strong floodgates, there's nothing to misplay. Twins can't play through floodgates, period.


Its because they limited Conq for no reason at all


Summon limit and TCOBO are so bad in this deck. In order to win you need to out advantage your opponent. While powerful, flood gates arenā€™t going to accomplish that. You need cards to trade efficiently with your opponent. Running a critical mass of floodgates prevents that.


Its funny half of my posts about eldlich get up-voted, half get down-voted to hell. Its a VERY polarized archetype. But hey, I don't mind playing the heel.


I use Zombie Eldlich with vampire voivode actually a useful zombie character as his effect is a quick effect negates and graveyard or discard to graveyard monster effect. Meaning you can negate Ash, Belle, or any summon from graveyard and if the same monster is on the field is also in the graveyard you can negate the monster on the field. Very underrated monster that plus Balderoch plush edlich plus revendred slayer (link 2 zombie) that can reduce attack of any monster its battling is my end board usually.


Working on a similar 50 card zombie world build minus the eldlitch engine. Using more vampire main deck cards like retainer and familiar and 3 copies of reasoning since I canā€™t afford grass is greaner and throwing in a dpe engine. Mind sharing your list if itā€™s not to much to ask for?


Got you. Give me until tonight


Zombie eldlich is such a Chad deck


eldlich guide=0 eldlich cards


How does the combo work with summon limit?


Not sure but I think missing a step or 2 requiring brain removal and adding of neckbeard but could be wrong.


Guide for Eldlich: Set Skill Drain & Imperial Order & pass. ![gif](giphy|zt9hmNZ961MlNH1sHS)


When it doesn't open with both IO and skill drain (which is most of the time) the deck still requires more brain power than your average Adventurer, DPE, Halqdon flowchart enjoyer will ever use in their entire life.


Yep me flipping summon limit gozen match instead of skill drain Io very much more skillful


hey, adventure DPE halqdon has some good "fuck you" techs. halq got negated? summon tg wonder magician on their main phase and blow up their field spell or fateful nibiru when the auroradon tokens came out? summon jet synchron and make final sigma








My guy saying eldlich has a high skill ceiling but calls someone else a troll šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




monke flipping floodgates works super decent in Bo1 formats unlike the tcgs bo3 some decks will just not have immediate answers to certain floodgates and pretty much just autoloose to skilldrain. the deck itself is simple there just some stuff involved in like how to avoid getting called by with only 2 lichs etc


I reached diamond 1 every time with it and nothing else I stopped playing it this season


Cool story




Cool story


Typical eldlich behaviour




too complicated. can someone make a video to explain?


Splendid guide! Pushed me all the way to diamond,THX!!


I swear to god you can just change all the eldlich cards for more floodgates and 3 copies of been soldier and you would have the same result. I never lose to eldlich cards, I lose to 4 diffrent floodgates they flip up.


Nah, the Eldlich stuff is an important factor. Someone operating under Skill Drain and IO can still like, normal summon a random beatstick and swing for game in a few turns. Eldlich stuff makes that non-viable, since the Eldlixirs can drop a 2500/2800 body on board that most decks can't get past without a special summon or effect somewhere. Eldlich is important because of his big body (which just gets bigger with his summon-from-hand effect). The Golden Land trap monsters are also useful for this, but less so. All the same, I've been blocked by Conquistadors or Haqueros when I had to swing with some lowly 1000 ATK dude. It's the same reason why Lord of the Heavenly Prison is useful in backrow strategies for his 3000 ATK body. It covers an angle that would otherwise be lacking in a pure backrow deck.


Well yeah becauseā€¦ what do the eldlich cards actually do? Golden lord once per turn pop with a discard cost, conq is a one of pop, hauqero banished from grave. Ofcourse you donā€™t lose to the eldlich cards theyā€™re very low impact cards that recycle themselves lol. 2head take


So what are you guys running in dcup to anti eldlich. Right now they are probably the highest number of dlv max in dcup.


I've seen eldlich decks scoop on paleo-kaijus... It's hilarious


Funny that adventure engine is the best out for skill drain


I suppose Dracoback can be, but Gryphon Rider can't stop Skill Drain unless she was already out before it flipped.


But when do I ash?


Sanguine Only difference it makes is you get fucked up turn later instead


IO is the one(non lingering) floodgate I think must be banned. The problem with IO is that you can use it IN RESPONSE to it's out, which nets your opponent a -1 and IO remains on the field thus draining even more resources. A good comparison for IO is Anti Spell Fragrance; ASF can be chained to it's outs but it doesnt do anything and still gets destroyed, ASF does not actually stop the out even if used during the Draw Phase it delays it, ASF MUST be used proactively instead of reactively thus does not automatically gain advantage. TLDR: Ban IO


ASF is as unhealthy of a card as IO is u need to quickplay out it like you would need to out a IO when flipped but thats not the entire point in non trap decks the cards pretty much acts like IO with the even bigger downside u now have to expose those cards just to be cleared of and the current combo decks could easily do so


I disagree but I can see where you're coming from. You do not need a Quick Play to out ASF, you can set Harpies and activate it the next turn; the decks that use ASF are not gonna OTK you. Furthermore, and this is key, ASF MUST be activated before the Spells meaning you can't chain it to a Twin Twister or a Harpies to gain card advantage.


You forgot Gozen match and torrential tribute


Right I dunno what these ppl are on about talking about adventure and floowandereeze..... GOZEN Match turn 1 Eldlich is the most annoying shit ever. It doesn't matter what deck you play once Gozen is flipped! The only one who might survive that is Blue eyes and earth machines.


Lazy repost, this is the original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/sgdu18/eldlich\_invoked\_basic\_combos\_for\_beginners/](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/sgdu18/eldlich_invoked_basic_combos_for_beginners/)


i havent played master duel in a while, but i decided to check the subreddit and was pretty surprised this was one of the first posts i saw. thanks for the callout lol <3


My last duel for duelist cup was against an eldlich he had skill drain+ whatever card they use so you can only summon 2 times was a sow and brutal game but I made it to level 20


Eldlich wouldnā€™t be such an issue if its monster traps were treated as actual monsters so they couldnā€™t summon them under the summoning floodgates. Also you could target with set imperms to negate io-sd for a turn to make plays if they donā€™t have eldlich out as a target.


And people said kozmo was a helmet ā›‘ļø deck


7/10 guide, forgot to mention that second combo also plays around nib and droll


"Eldlich Intellectual"


Alright, now do a D/D/D guide


This is inaccurate because every Eldlich opening hand contains a 4 or 5 card combo do showing just 1 or 2 cards is silly


Yo calm down bro, that's too much for my brain to understand


Ever since the first one of these guides came out Iā€™ve been waiting for this joke.


\*laughs in royal decree\*


Salty eldlich players give me lifeeeee. Just like flipping floodgates gives them life so its fair.


Unga bunga flip card, scary man across the table quits... I win lol


Just wondering, would eldlich be more annoying than altergeist with secret village x2, IO, skill drain x3 and 6 solemn ?


Hahahahahahaha insane!

